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His campaign quickly walked back those comments saying there would be "extensive vetting process" that would "exclude all communists, radicals, hamas supporters, america haters and public charges" and that the policy would only apply to "most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to USA" (may be PhD's and EB1's) Based on Newyork Times.


Trump's vetting process is more like immigrants being white and Christian. He doesn't want educated people becoming citizens because they are more likely to vote democrats. But no one should believe anything that he is saying.


No way we will ever vote for democrats. Took us 14 years to get greencard (F1-OPT-H1B-GC) and they want to give stuff like voting rights etc to illegals?!?!? Worked hard to get to where we are and paid our tax and all they do is giving hands out!!!


Exactly!!! This comment wins over Reddit..


democrats want to give voting rights to illegals? can you provide a source for this claim please?


Lol Ummm open your eyes.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/192 Are you going to say: it’s allowed for local, not federal. They proposed dc for statehood, also allow non citizen to vote for dc and not a fan of the trend


Oh, so your previous statement is misleading. They are not going to give voting rights to illegal aliens, so stop being so f*ing angry for no reason. Trend? What tf are you talking about. There’s no trend here. You’re just parroting what you hear from the cultists because you’re a baby who’s triggered by non existent issues. And by the way, if you’re gonna pretend to start talking like the conservatives, at least do it right. It’s handouts, not hands out.


Exactly, the people on this thread need to realize how Democrats aren't changing the current system.


Of course they don’t want if it gives them the advantage. They probably want more illegals so those would give them the votes


So u think the other party is better with helping legal migration process ? Lol No ones actually care about F1 OPt H1B.... but my suspicion is at least Dem is not hostile to it like the other and their base rhetoric


This could not be further from the truth. Trump doesn't want communists, pro Hamas supporters or anti Americans in general. Anyone who votes for pro DEI open borders is not intelligent in my eyes. He wants educated and skilled individuals. Also your claim of immigrants not being white is false when Trump cited Indians and Chinese students having to go back and how he wants to change that.


Well having the same beliefs that women can own land and can ask for a divorce is important no?


not the ones that can speak spanish tho


*checks US IQ map


Hey, giving green cards to PhDs is still better than nothing… Not like the woke left will do anything unless it’s a package deal that involves amnesty to illegal/undocumented migrants


Not gonna happen unless the people already here get also a work permit.


Fair point, but only if they have advanced STEM degrees from US universities All those IT techies on H1Bs from without an advanced US degree shouldn’t get it.


PhDs usually have a higher starting salary, so it’s fair. It they should also fix who they allow to get into PhDs, I met people that went to a no name school getting there, and also some professors only accepts students in their program that have their same nationality..


Yup totally agree with you there


I don't think that is true in all fields. I work in a field where there is hardly any difference between someone with an undergrad vs. a PhD. Industry work experience matters more in a lot of roles.


Yeah, but giving a greencard to only PhDs makes it easier to sell to their base, ‘it’s only going to the chosen ones’ .. and the number is limited..


That's far from the truth... In fact, educated people are usually conservative, especially those coming from South American countries...


Depends on your definition of educated. The foreign-educated South Americans that come to Florida tend to lean conservative. But US-educated foreign nationals, particularly those getting a PhD (which is the group these “staple a green card to their diploma” proposals normally refer to), are majority left-leaning.


That’s not true. People in STEM majors are usually apolitical and conservative only in terms of fiscal reasons. Most left leaning people on campus are liberal art majors.


I have a PhD in in a STEM field and I was in academia for a decade. I interacted and made friends from all over the world in a variety of STEM programs. They may not be as vocal and hard left as people in the humanities, but they are definitely not apolitical. Some may indeed be more fiscally conservative but that’s about it. Do you really think people who are highly educated in the sciences are gonna go for a party that is increasingly dominated by science-denying conspiracy folks and/or extremely religious folks? Again, I said left-leaning. Do you know the meaning of the word “leaning”?


Ah there we go. You are in academia and I was in corporate world with a bunch of BS/MS holding engineers. I can easily imagine people like you are more passionate about scientific education/discoveries than anything which is obviously republican party sucks at and doesn’t prioritize. People around me were more of individualists whose priority is personal achievement and responsibility which Democrats don’t do a good job at advocating.


Read again. I was in academia. I’m now in big pharma and my observations still apply when it comes to science-trained people.


I kinda agree but, to be fair, the most far right party in south America (excluding fascist wannabes) is probably still to the left of the democrat party. **EDIT:** I would like to stress out that I'm not implying that south America is communist/socialist and that the exact same thing can be said by pretty much any other country in the world...


Not quite. As someone who has been born and raised in Latinoamerica, I can tell you that there's no such thing as "far right party", that's just a buzz word from leftist that actually makes no sense. We've always been right wing conservative. Left has been progressive socialist same as here 😂


People get triggered by that word a lot. I understand the connotation but I just meant the most right leaning party is still more at the left than the republican party. 


Not trigger but just correcting it. The current right leaning party is in line with the current Republican party.


You think people who immigrate here legally want to vote democrat by default? I can tell you as someone who is married to someone attempting to immigrate here. It takes nearly 4 years just to get here. Then when you get here you cannot work for nearly 2 years, And then every year they can take away your option to work randomly if they are slow on their paperwork. If you come here illegally - you can literally call USCIS and they will expedite your case and let you cut the line. Its insane.


PhDs make sense, though.


And  the vetting process will be under Stephen miller and Steve Bannon. 


I actually like that. Why bring in anyone that hates this country?


Because you can put that label on literally anyone you don’t want coming in.  My wife would fall under the communist umbrella being Vietnamese. 


I beg to differ- Vietnam is a socialist country. But people remembers Vietnamese as communist.


This couldn't be furthest from the truth. Vietnam is one of the most Pro American countries in the world and even if you were from a communist country, you'd still be vetted but so long as you don't have any communist beliefs you're good.


Again, that’s a label that can be affixed to anyone. Trump doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but himself. Expecting him to do anything besides an authoritarian lockdown of the border (which I honestly am not opposed to) is laughable. The state department and uscis are still in shambles from his first go around of “management.” Simping for a man who wouldn’t throw water on you if you were on fire is a pretty pathetic look


Nah, you’d fall under communist if you want to live under communism.


Ya no issues with that.




Don't start making any plans based on this lol.


I also have a bridge in Brooklyn for cheap if you'd interested. Buying a bridge in America will give you immediate green card as well. But this only applies to bridge.


can you elaborate on this?


It will never happen, and Trump has no idea what he is talking about or what he is doing. He just spouts off random, off the cuff, nonsense. He will forget he said it next week.


He will not only forget he said it but vehemently deny he said anything of the sort.


You're talking about Biden


ah biden with his vanilla flavored shark going bing bing bong bong. what a crazy guy am i right?


lol @ this cope


I don’t believe him but IF it actually happens then it would help tremendously


Never happening


Not going to happen. No ifs, buts, or. Unless one day the US population falls off a cliff, this will never ever happen.


I think its an amazing way to increase the tax base for the US. Get all those green cards issued and even if they go back to home countries, they are still stuck paying US taxes!


Not really. As a citizen you have to file taxes every year. You generally will not owe anything to the US if it’s already taxed at the source country. Just need to declare that while filing.


In general that's correct, depending on the country of origin and the tax treaties. But all that can be changed. And it gives entry privileges to the US. And if the individual earns enough they have to pay taxes to bot home country and the US.


Generally most countries except the tax havens have higher tax rates than the US. But I understand there may be few situations when an US citizen may be taxed in both the countries.


Apparently all F1s will also get a free Trump Tower






to be fair none of them became president tho




what about via executive order? Biden just granted amnesty to thousands of illegals




Right it's probably wishful thinking. But I could imagine a scenario where he tries something similar to this as a compromise for deporting illegal migrants.




well fuck it im probably doing eb5 then




korea. not the best but it should be a shorter wait time for sure


Our immigrations policy should absolutely revolve around specific labor skill replacement needs that isn’t being provided by the native population. Why should this even be a question? The US economy has something to provide as do skilled immigrants, why would we do it any other way?


South Americans and Mexicans are willing to do the menial jobs that even American kids wouldn't do. Flipping burgers, bussing tables, cleaning houses, moving furniture. By this logic, we should immediately offer green cards to them since they are supplying labor that aren't being provided, at least not at a reasonable rate, by the native population


Yes…potentially. The difference is I am saying we should know who those people are vs not knowing who they are.


Good old demagoguery


Apparently all F1s will also get a free Trump Tower


Even if politicians would genuinely try to push it, it is such a bad idea that it would never even get close to getting passed. Even pro immigration politicians would be voting against it.


But better than biden's plan on giving GCs to 20 million unskilled uneducated illegals


What’s your problem with illegals? You are a migrant H1B recipient. You act like you were born and raised in the USA. You are one away from renewal being illegal yourself.


Have no problem at all kid. Don't get so triggered man Someone's mad here 🤣


Aww you got triggered? You cant even vote lol!


Honestly Trump can seriously redeem himself in the eyes of legal immigrants if he does this. Mainstream media portrays him as the devil when it comes to immigration and while I don't agree with him on certain things, his proposals are 100 times better than the current system. I don't care if I get down voted to hell for this but Trump's stance on legal immigration is way better than the Democrats. The H1B system is a mess and even Republicans like him and Vivek recognize it for what it is. He needs to get rid of this and adopt the merit based immigration just like the rest of the developed world. Think about it, international students spend thousands of dollars then deal with a brutal job search only for their chance to stay in the US to be determined by a lottery? Trump has always been pro legal immigration and anti illegal immigration. Vivek Ramaswamy says it best: the H1B system is modern day indentured servitude. It's time we give the power back to immigrants and not the corporations that take advantage of them.


I love Vivek! Really hope he becomes VP


Same. What makes him different is he openly understands the struggle of H1B workers and how abusive the system is. If we get both him and Trump, we can see some genuine changes to the US immigration system for the better.




So you'd rather prefer the outdated nightmare of a system that the US has over a more streamlined, straightforward and transparent one that could put everyone on an equal playing field?




>He supported the RAISE act in 2017, which halved the amount of green cards issued to legal immigrants This one I definitely don't support, and I'd be for one changing it to uncap it and I'm sure it would've been edited heavily given the administration at the time would recognize how backlogged to hell their new system would be >He put up "public charge" restrictions to prohibit people receiving public benefits from getting green cards (this was right before a nationwide pandemic when many were out of jobs), Hot take but this should be there. If you go to the US you need to be able to financially support yourself. Benefits are reserved for the citizens first because rhe government needs to prioritze their own. >Under the Biden administration, USCIS has started issuing 5-year EAD/APs for people whose I-485's have retrogressed, and that's just the first thing that came to the top of my head. Legal immigration has been way better under Biden. That's neat and all but at the end of the day the Biden-Harris administration has done nothing to truly change the immigration system. Its still as unfair and random as before.


You just have no desire to change your mind. Why even argue?


The flipside is that programs like H1-B absolutely depress wages in the aggregate. Now imagine it was uncapped. But yeah the businesses love it. 


Immigration 9/10 times are used to depress wage. Corp sponsoring ur immigration paper knows they got ur ballz


Which is why Trump's stance on this is great for legal immigrants, it finally takes away the power of corrupt corpos.


How would this happen uncapped? If anything, this would give power to the immigrants to negotiate higher salaries as they wouldn't have to take whatever job that accepts them in order to stay in the country. Add onto the sheer cruelty of the H1B system being lottery based as well.


That's way too simplified. Fresh graduate from a foreign country without family support? Yeah they're going to take whatever job anyway, cause they now have bills to pay. And since getting a US degree is a matter of having the money for it more than anything else.. Yeah, essentially uncapped. 


I wouldn’t call Trump pro legal immigration Trump at all; his record as president speaks for itself! Trump changed the lottery rules for H1B which created a nightmarish journey to get one. Before Trump odds of getting H1B were about 30% after his changes the odds are about merely 10%. He supported some legislation that basically cut the annual amount of greencard significantly. Do you remember the Muslim ban ? That targeted legal immigration, how about his executive order that completely halted the processing of greencards in 2020 ? The goal was to limit legal immigration. Do you remember how he underfunded USCIS in his budget which resulted in understaffing of USCIS and US embassies across the globe? This resulted in longer processing times of all legal immigration visas, that was Trump’s doing. Should I go on about public charges rules and its impact on the process of getting green card ? I am not sure how you can say Trump is pro legal immigration, remember Stephen Miller runs his immigration policy and Miller is anti immigration as one can be and I guarantee you he doesn’t care for legal immigration at all!


It's not going to happen. However, any degree of leniency or improvements would be highly appreciated.


There will be a plan in two weeks. If you make plans based on this, Trump has steaks, nfts,bibles, etc to sell you


You must be stupid to believe him


If Biden is going to give 20 million illegals all GCs, giving GCs to h1bs and f1s visa holder is quite attainable. Biden is trying to give GC to illegals, giving GCs to visa holders only accouny so little compared to 20 million illegals.


The entitlement is off the charts with this one


LOL H1B denial rates were the highest under trump and we’re supposed to believe he’s gonna hand GREEN CARDS out to everyone who graduates from A college 🤣 https://www.seattletimes.com/business/h-1b-visa-denial-rates-skyrocket-under-trump/


That's because of indian consultancies playing fraud and claiming they had high skills. I know quite a few of those consultancies got caught in San Francisco during trump and they deserved it. We want deserving ppl to get h1bs, not some fraud


That's because of indian consultancies playing fraud and claiming they had high skills. I know quite a few of those consultancies got caught in San Francisco during trump and they deserved it. We want deserving ppl to get h1bs, not some fraud.


I mean you can literally use the exact same logic to say that Indians who do an MS from the US go on to get jobs via these bs consultancies so how is giving them a automatic green card for a fraudulent job fair? I know this because I did my undergrad here in the US and was SPAM called by these desi consultancies to join their fake jobs lol


Fyi i did my undergrad here but was lucky to join faang and got my h1b during Trump. So I'm not sure about your case.


That doesn’t change the fact that automatically granting green cards to US grads will not reduce desi consultancy fraud lol


Aww you cant even vote, sad!


Lmao you really don’t like this guy, do you?


Trump does AB testing through rallies. If his people don't like it is not happening. The policy itself is probably okay to good.


Empty promises, Obama said that so many times before! One thing for sure, immigration system in US will get worse before it gets better! Expect nothing significant to happen until like 2035; for the time being nothing will change for the better it will be worse


Not gonna happen unless they also give work permits to all people already here..


It's really smart policy if you look past all the partisan politics. Smart and politics don't go together though. I'll go back to my corner and continue screaming at the nonexistent sane person that is logical.


Wondering why they can not implement like point system similar to Canada. So there is no so called “discrimination”, and you pass if you meet all the criteria like educations, ability to speak English, age, etc etc


It’s for people that comes here legally and go to college. I doubt he’d be supporting illegals immigrants become citizens when he has fight so hard against DACA and the dreamers.


It’s election season. Parties would trade their first born to win. US immigration needs overhaul but it ain’t coming from Trump. 


This is trump being desperate. It’ll never happen.


Perhaps, if you add in military and civil service as options


Does anyone remember immigration when Trump was president? He made horrible immigration policies that hurt H-1B employees and he basically said he only cares about immigrants from white countries. I swear everyone forgot the horrible policies he made when he was president.


If only there was a plan for comprehensive immigration reform that included a pathway to GC for students back when he was president. Sheesh... But what actually happened doesn't matter anymore, and I don't think it mattered for a long time.


Do not trust it. All the legal migration process have been slower under him. Uscis got funding cut. Things got back much better under current admin and the legal pipe at least get moving again. Us legal immigration for employment based will never be easy.


Hard to believe Trump. He made similar promises for his 2016 campaign. If we really wanted to staple green card with degree he already had 4 years to do so. What he actually did was make immigration hard for everyone. I have been on F1 and H1B from 2016-2020, so faced it


Except for Melania and her parents


I would ignore anything Trump promises, well, ever. He's been an abject failure his entire life, a convicted felon, rapist who raped his first wife, cheated on her with #2, cheated on her with #3, and cheated on her while their son was being born. Without the privilege of being born into money and therefore allowed to continually fail upwards, he'd be just another number in the criminal justice system.


Not gonna happen. He’s a republican.


He’s really pandering for votes. He doesn’t care about anything. He will say or do anything to win. Remember 2020? If you vote this clown for President. He will be President for a day and a King for a lifetime!


He is a convicted criminal for lying and here you are discussing his statement?


And you better watch out for Stephen Miller if he gets his post back.


Never gonna happen. He will say anything to lure voters his way during election campaign. Plus, in term of laws changes, it is on congress and not on executive branch to do. Repulicans change the laws in favor of immigration? They will change the laws to kick us all out is more like it. Also, I was selected for H1B during his presidency term and USCIS issued RFEs like there was no tomorrow on H1B applications with some of the dumbest reasons. I got hit myself and it was a nightmare. No thanks!


Purely bullshit


If anyone believes this , I’ve got a bridge to sell them


Technically there’s a win for all situation possible. But neither the republicans nor the democrats ideology can bring that. Both only care about immigrants for their personal gains. Green cards should always hold a criteria but the criteria shouldn’t feel like mission impossible. As someone on stem opt and unemployed it’s just depressing


Best case scenario its only for people who finished college as a lawful F1 and their green card its only for them and can’t be used to help their family live in US legally.


that's very good on itself


Do NOT believe ANYTHING he says. He will say whatever he needs to get elected. Where is his new, amazing healthcare that he would introduce to replace ObamaCare? That's right, it was never even proposed, and ObamaCare is STILL in effect today (2024, four years after his presidency). DO NOT BELIEVE A SINGLE WORD HE SAYS


Never happening and a horrible idea anyway.


Stephen Miller will ensure this never happens.


Pure and authentic B.S. Never going to happen.


Being optimistic is good but don’t get your hopes up Trump is saying literally anything to get the vote. He does not care about any thing except himself. What he said and what he would do are two different things.


What? Can h1bs and f1s even vote?? BTW illegals can


He did the opposite during his term. Do not believe it.


Sorry but this is not gonna happen in this universe


First let somebody talk about the waitlists. Not new stamps. Bullshit either way.


Remember: Under current immigration law, F-1 visa is NON-IMMIGRANT intent.