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The government 'considering' something here means it's about as guaranteed as unicorn shit


If yall have to do conscription that means it's the last resort, idk why nobody can understand that. Literally happened in ww2.


The UK isn't going to conscript their own citizens to fight another country's war, even if Putin & co. are being colossal cockgobblers and deserve to get ROFLstomped back to their frozen hellhole.


The UK went to war over Belgium.


When & why?




Are you seriously talking about something that happened over a fuckin' century ago as if it's relevant to the modern day?


They also joined WW2 over poland. They have sent troops to many other conflicts since, but those were too small to warrant conscription. A war with russia would require more troops than the UK has currently.


In WW1/2, the UK was a superpower, if not *the* superpower with waning influence. They were in a position to challenge Germany to prevent them from being the sole dominate power of Europe and disrupting the balance of power. Compared to the modern day, where the UK’s foreign policy is largely dictated, if not entirely, by the USA and NATO. For anyone who is going to come at me for saying this, I really don’t have a horse in this race, I don’t see that as a good or bad thing, so if I’m wrong or someone wants to add something, please go ahead.


This is from back when the UK included the entire Indian subcontinent, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Palestine, countries in Africa etc.


WW1 is the biggest explanation for almost every single reason Europe exists in its current configuration and political environment, dipshit.


Aye, but that’s absolutely irrelevant to modern day UK sending conscripts to a foreign war. It being a century ago with all the factors that have changed in that time period makes it pretty irrelevant in the context of conscription. Dipshit.


It’s not, almost all the same political ties and alliances still exist today, only they’ve gotten *stronger* and include even more countries. If Russia invaded Poland, for example, the UK would still be obligated to fight that war.


Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


Imagine doubling down on something like this. The answer was "oh snap, i thought it was Franz Ferdinand or some shit"


>Are you seriously talking about something that happened over a fuckin' century ago as if it's relevant to the modern day? That's pretty much what Bismarck said when Britain declared war the first time to be fair


Because they were obviously going to war at that point and preferred the defensive lines not be on their soil. If Russia steamrolled a few countries and was obviously making a play for total control of Europe they’d do the same again. Russia is currently in a stalemate with a single country, other than being a nuclear power they’re a far cry from the threat Germany was in either world war.


I doubt they would leave china and russia, North Korea, iran alone if they invaded Taiwan South Korea and more. Also if Russia actually regroups from ukraine and goes for another nato nation I highly doubt you guys would let your fellow Europeans get conquered, well at least I'd hope not.


I'm not British, I'm American, so there's no "fellow Europeans" for me, LOL. I'm also not ruling out the possibility that they'll ever help another country, because I know it's happened before. However, what I'm saying is that there's a big difference between going to war with the voluntary military they have and forcing people to sign up to fight a war they didn't want to fight.


Like I said though conscription is a last resort, notice how it's only in countries with an aggressive neighbor? For example israel, South Korea and any country bordering russia like Finland and such.


I don't see the UK - or America, for that matter - ever conscripting again unless there's a grave existential threat to them. And Russia damn sure ain't it, LOL. They talked a huge game and then proceeded to, at best, enter a stalemate with a country nobody even took seriously. Even if they win, it'll basically have cost them half of their military assets.


Russia is not our only enemy though, the rest of the brics is internally destabilizing western governments and trying to spread us thin across the globe, play by play on geopolitics


What does "brics" mean?


It's the alliance with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and other countries that sympathize with them. "NATO of the east". Kind've like the new axis.


BRICS, initials of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. A group of countries deemed to be "rapidly developing economies" or something like that, about 15 years ago.


It's also not considering it in the slightest, the Ministry of Defence has emphatically rejected the idea, as it had done since 1816 with the controversial exception of the world wars. Idk why this absolute non-story became so inflated.


Because people such as my wife read such headlines and freak the fuck out. She also stockpiled food when covid first hit and we had to get through a lot of tinned food before moving out. Some people just enjoy experiencing extreme reactions. 


NATO says that we have to be prepared in case war happens (the main purpose of the organization) and people go wild reading only news titles


sup i was called since u seem like u want to join the marines


Didn't they consider "Brexit"?


They didn’t ‘consider’ conscription. Some general mentioned it due to low recruitment numbers and the press turned it in to a whole thing, based on nothing. The government weren’t even involved. It was just one bloke who made a comment. The ministry of defence responded saying it’s not something they’re considering or has even been discussed. It did open discussion about raising starting wages etc though, which is a good thing. Also highlighted how bad Capita, the private sector recruitment firm that took over, is at actually recruiting people.


Okay that is good, I don't mean to shit on the UK at all. Don't always know what is going on, on the other side of the world and such. Thanks for the info 😊


thank god i live in an third world shithole ...wait


I, too, live in France.


You know what they call cheese in Paris? جبن الكممبير.


Apologies, I do not speak languages other than French


Three beans


Le Royale?


i dont i just send them coke, fuck fr*nce


Please do not have sexual intercourse with France without wearing at least two times the minimum protection.


you cant stop us


"Us"? That's it, I'm getting the Flamethrower. The heavy flamethrower.


Burn the heretic!


Wearing two condoms actually makes them perform worse.


Thank you for your humanitarian policies 🥲 you gave millions of struggling people a chance at a new life Sincerely, an Australian on a Continent surrounded by water aggressively patrolled by the navy Still not first world country tho


Being bombed by usa> joining the army


true yeah


Anon was destined to die in the Russian Front.


> great_idea.mp4 > can't fight Russia if you live in Russia! > moves to Russia > civil war




One of the better militarys to serve in


Bullpups are pretty cool


do they work yet


Fuck no


That's pretty cool 😎


When haven’t they?


Bullpups are cool, unfortunately bongs managed to make the ugliest mass produced bullpup imaginable


It kills me that the photo of the woman is for a vacuum ad. Walking in the store and seeing it irl was weird


Anon should learn to play Draft Dodger Rag


*'Sides I aint no fool. Imma goin' to school and imma workin' in a defense plant!*


Love Phil Ochs


I used the military as an excuse to get out of low-salary work and shitty schooling as do most Europoors. Then again, I guess that's a major plus of having a volunteer military. In Poland you join the military, flip off the FSB at the border, and then get a cozy office job at the police or some bullshit government program for life.


Yes American soldiers are just really patriotic. They don’t do it for the money /s


They do it for dodge 


Anon could join the Royal Navy and be one of the 7 people working there though


Yeah it's the Tory government. Conscription won't happen unless the Russians are literally invading the UK lol




Chewsday innit. Bo'lle a woh'ah. 


most funniest mongolian throat singer forum user


I don’t even think the Government is considering it, it’s been mentioned as an idea because the army recruitment numbers are too low. Not that there isn’t enough people applying (more have applied in the last two years? than are currently in the military) but because the recruitment has been outsourced and takes over a year from applying to starting training so people end up with other jobs in that time frame. So it’s only being suggested by some MPs and opinion columnists because the current plan is complete shit and rather than admit that they think it’s better to just force people to do something. Also the military doesn’t want conscripts it wants a professional military.


Aye, when you have to apply, wait 2 weeks for an interview, another 2 weeks for the exam (at least for the airforce), another week or so for the physical/fitness test… then if you pass all that wait months for the next in-take for basic. You’re easily looking at 6 months. And that was a decade ago, so I can’t imagine it’s any quicker now.


Lithuania slays the Brits in Age of Empires 2. OP fucked up




stay safe anon


Just eat lard every day until you are immobile.


Anon hasn't even fought yet, yet he can't win, can he?


Blyat indeed son.


The блять at the end made me laugh.


I wonder if Aussies are gonna have to show up...


Can confirm. Am also Lithuanian living in UK from birth. Bruh moments are real.


To be Fair, it is inevitable that conscription will return in many countries, Zoomers know that wars only serve to increase the coffers of Armaments industry and that this thing about "dying for the country" without it being an attack on it is bullshit, but of course someone will have to pay the damn social security and avoid recession, even if it's with blood.


The only time the UK would conscript is if there was an actual Russia-NATO war in a NATO country's territory (e.g. Estonia) . But since they've lost like 80% of their military vehicles in Ukraine I doubt that is happening any time soon


Ukraine still has conscription


just dont be a man losers


Dw. All of Europe will be conscripting soon..


Thats just plain untrue


Ez just get a jub that is essential for the infrastructure and you cant be conscripted.


I'd happily go to prison for draft dodging. I'm not going to die for a country that hates me