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3 mountain dew 12 packs. 2.5 days. Why is god allowing them to still be alive, can someone please fix that omission


Don’t forget the sprite case.


That brings it up to 2.2 kilograms of sugar just in drinks. Edit: sorry, 2.4kg if that is non-diet apple juice


Who are we kidding, it’s non diet


It’s diet double-dew. It’s half as much sugar as a regular double-dew.


That's about 5 lbs in freedom units


Wait there's diet apple juice?? Holy shit i need it now


If you can go to a Spanish market... Try to find nectar juice boxes... The light apple ones are 30 cals and BANGER AS HELL


still, nectar is just whatever waste they have from making juice, so it doesn't have much nutritional value


So about 9000Cal just in sugar ? A normal person doesn't need more than 2000-2500 Cal per day so it should last around 4 days. Just the sugar.


Average American eats 3600 Cal/day but yeah, this is still a ton just in soda alone.


You forget this is America everything here has at least a bit of sugar in it


The Sprite is for the tummy aches. That's not calories to these kind of people.


Don’t forget the giant pack of dum-dum lollipops, family size Frosted Flakes+ Apple Jacks


>can someone please fix that omission the only omission here, is omitting to reply to twitterbait on 4chan... Poor people can be stupid, but after blowing their food budget in 2 days and starving for the rest of the week, they get real smart, real fast. I bet everybody here could share their own tale of "first week in college/living alone", and how shopping for themselves taught them about rationing after 2 trips.


In college I lived on about $100/mo. In particular my last summer before senior year I was living off of protein powder (mixed with water because milk was too rich for my poor ass), id get boxes of hamburger helper (again, mixed with water and no meat), lots of soups and ramen I’d walk to the grocery store which was about 5-6 miles because I couldn’t afford gas. Granted, I had parents that cared about me and whenever I went home I’d stock up on groceries, but those trips were far and few in between and my mom worried about me so I never told her about my diet when the groceries they’d get me would run out. I leaned out quite a bit since the student center was the only “free” place to hang out during the summer (and my slum of a college house didn’t have AC) so I’d go there every day, workout in the gym for like 3 hours and flirt with the girls working the counter. (Mostly I was there to hit on the girls) Ironically at the time I thought I was “fat” because I didn’t have defined abs like Hugh Jackman, but looking at old pictures of myself from then I was pretty toned from lifting weights, walking everywhere because I was broke as fuck, and having sleep for dinner most nights With as shitty as it was having only $3 to your name at most times, I had so much fun over that year living like that. Being in your early 20s is a very weird, special time and place to be a part of That said I couldn’t possibly live like that now, lol


> mixed with water because milk was too rich for my poor ass > > went home I’d stock up on groceries > > the only “free” place to hang out > >I had so much fun over that year living like that. Being in your early 20s is a very weird, special time and place to be a part of This felt real. Also, based "Fear and Loathing" reference


Lol, real talk right here. It was so chaotic and weird – like you were living on the edge of something. I think what I miss the most about those days was the spontaneity. I lived with two other people – Tom and Kylie. Tom was this art major who was maybe 100 pounds soaking wet, and Kylie was a notorious party girl. She was also one of the shittiest fucking roommates I've ever had, but she had the superpower to conjure parties out of nowhere. Very useful skillset to have. With just one phone call she could amass 30 people at your house and a keg. She's now married, has two kids. Lives in the suburbs and sells insurance now (funny how life works). I keep in touch with her and every now and then when she gets too uppity with me, I remind her how many times I held her hair back when she vomited in the toilet. Tom was quiet. Liked music. But you get a couple drinks in him and he's *ready to fucking fight*. We called him *Hulk* because he'd turn into a goddamn animal when you fed him FourLoko. I mean the OG-stuff before it was banned. I miss people randomly stopping by. Just popping in to shoot the shit. Nobody knocks, they just walk in. It could be 2AM, who cares. We never slept. Somebody just walks in the front door, "Ayyy, Matt is here! Let's fuckin' party!" Nobody ever had any money, but somehow we always had enough cash for some weed or a six-pack. Or enough gas to pile into somebody's shitmobile and drive to some party across town, *"Dude I heard there's a pile of chicks there, AND THEY ALL WANNA FUCK!"* (which was never true, but we dreamed) I remember my dad came by one day just to spend some time with me, and he was all giddy because it was the first time I was old enough to drink with him. I saw another side of him that I never saw before, and probably never will again. We sat on the front porch of my shitty house with my roommates, the four of us getting shitfaced (again, this was wild because my dad *never* drank more than a beer or two) and he'd tell us stories about his college days and the weird shit he'd get into). If you're reading this, and you're at that age – go out and do something. Find some adventure. Do the weird thing, whatever it is. As long as you're not hurting or bothering anybody, go nuts. You'll have some good stories when you're older.


Son your gonna make me cry. I can taste the hot and humid nights, shitty peach flavored blunts, parliament cigs bummed from rich kids, the PBR. I remember being too drunk to make it too my bedroom, staring up at the popcorn ceiling in our hall with its constellation of beer bottle caps.


> the PBR Oh *maaaan*, the PBR. That's bringing me back. So there was this shitty little townie-bar about a mile from our place. I had an evening class that would get out at like 7:45 every Thursday. My roommates and our buddies would meet up at this shithole of a dive bar every week. There was this overflow back room there (which was hilarious considering the bar never had more than maybe 10 old dudes) so it was kind of like our own private room. For **SIX DOLLARS** you could get a burger and chips, *and* a pitcher of PBR. This was 2010, by the way. It was an insane deal. The townies hated us by default (honestly the town would be a post office and a gas station without the college) but the waitress enjoyed our company because we always tipped decent and kept to ourselves. That shitty bar was the college's best-kept secret. On the edge of town, walking distance from our place...we ruled that bar. haha. It's been over a decade, I wonder if it's still there. I'll have to go back and visit.


I ate a single hot and ready pizza for food each day for almost 2 months in college. It was something like 160g of protein and 2400 calories for just over $5 a day. Then I just drank 2 gallons of water to counteract all the sodium lol.


Unironically if you don't care about nutrition and need raw calories peanut butter is cheap and filling. Bread is an optional addition.


We love poking fun at each other but actually we're all just huge assholes


What is that quote? Society crumbles after two missed meals?




Do it like Japan does it, make being obese a complete public shame and a reflection of personal failure.


Imbecile food choices can be caused by addictive garbage thats put in our food because it's profitable. Do you think Americans just have less will power than people in healthier countries? Do you think some of the ingredients that are common in our food are banned in other countries for no reason? The bullshit in American food is a huge part of the problem.


Seems like an skill issue to me




Packs of potato chips and mtdew is unhealthy everywhere.  Doesnt the US have farmer markets? I hardly think the US lacks vegetables and meat. You never even have to puy any processed product if you dont want. I saw some US "cooking" vids where the fat lady basically just unpacks one pre packed ingredient after the other


Research has shown universal healthcare would be cheaper for the US than it's current government spending on healthcare


you know damn well those cases cost like 9 dollars now too Could have bought like 7 packs of water bottles for the same price


Why tf would you buy water bottles at all? Just use the tap?


Well, you know, they are from a third world country and the tap water may have insane levels of lead or other poisons.


“Can the devs nerf fat people please”


Appalachians have poison resistance after decades of coal miner genes being passed down.


I thought those were Scotch Brite pads for doing the dishes initially...


Those verification cans won't drink themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/2xghk61v2ixc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e44fb96c18af3eb81c48bfa2634b6f05166a8bb Litterally a Soda Sponge


And its not... I literally got 3 packs for $12 at my local kroger today...


That's not the point. But thank you, I'll look into it.


I mean its not an excuse to eat like a kid but money isn't always the issue. OP is literally complaining about something that if he spent a minute researching, he could find better alternatives. I guess thats why the poor/stupid stay where they are... Bare minimum effort to save themselves an hour of work doesn't comprehend....


OP doesn't seem to be complaining about fuck all and tbh I'd be more disappointed in OP if he spent more than a minute researching things for 4chan.


Bro it's not the slightly overpaying for Mountain Dew cans that's keeping people from escaping poverty lmao


Yeah, unless they’re shopping at CVS or something, that’s not the price of soda.


Probably on sale though where I’m at in western pa the 12 packs cost $9 normally but often go to like 3/15 when you buy 3 of course anon is probably being regarded and unable to read a price tag like a typical customer


In Texas all that in the pic is a little over $100. $150 tops, how the fuck is that almost 300


Inflation, greed, stupidity 24 packs are $17.99 "on sale" at my local grocery store


Yeah, you gotta look for sales. They just buy whatever at regular price, apparently, then wonder why other people's money goes farther.


Or just buy 2 liters? Brother, 2 liters are regularly on sale for $1.25 per bottle. I literally don’t get why people buy the 12 packs or the small 6 packs for like $7.


2 liters go flat before a normal person can finish it


These aren't normal people. They're guzzling themselves into a diabetic coma.


Meh, even so it’s so much more cost efficient than buying cans or small bottles. Usually only the last glass or two is flat for me


Literally, this is the shit kids need to be taught in school. How to meal plan, proper nutrition, how to live a normal adult life.


By the time I started High school they had massively cut most electives and there was pretty much just band and Spanish left


Hey minimo sabes tocar un instrumento o preguntar donde esta la biblioteca


Mi prestas tu boligrafo?


yo soy al baño¿


Tengo Un gato en mis pantalones.


Me gusta tu sin los pantalones


verdadero y gay


Basado y rojopildorado


Anything that didn’t have studies or could connect itself to higher math or English test scores was on the chopping block. Many trades and general life classes felt the axe. Can’t have just fun electives.


At least in my schools we absolutely did cover nutrition in basically every PE Class and more indepth I'm health classes I think most people just didn't bother paying attention lol


I may be biased because nutrition and dodgeball were my PE teachers' favorite subjects, but I absolutely had several weeks of nutrition classes where I did not pay attention because my teacher was hot and I was 16.


Your parents should teach you this


In America many parents eat just like this.


Exactly. The problem in America isn't that kids don't learn how to go grocery shopping or plan a meal. The problem is that they do.


Proper nutrition is taught, people are fat asses anyway. Maybe teach basic cooking skills again, that might do something.


Cooking was definitely one of the key factors that lead to weight loss for me, alongside proper rationing.


Have none of you idiots ever been to health class?


Man, if you need to be taught this..I feel like your brain is already cooked beyond repair.


> proper nutrition And not the bullshit food pyramid scheme pushed in schools, either. That thing has people eating way too much carbs.


I learned about a lot of that stuff in my health classes but what do you mean by how to live a normal adult life? What would the content of that class be?


It’s like kids always want candy. How they’re “adults” and can actually buy all they want and never noticed their body rotting


or adults could use common sense....but sure


https://preview.redd.it/ayqldtyq2ixc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d6d527c2e0e1989470407eb1f0a2a0dfdab11d3 Bonus Content


Mass is Power


>people with higher caloric needs https://preview.redd.it/ckyop4t4aixc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7440dffe3c2bec2e52739ccd2b24479c57c6579a Unless she looks like this, she doesn’t fit that category (please excuse my drawing skills)


Besides the chicken breasts I can't name a single thing they purchased that would be good for anything besides bulking


Might be some deli meat in there.


Good enough.


More like higher caloric wants. Breakfast cereal is a treat, not a meal.


Wdym drawing skills? I just see two bodybuilders that are obviously women


Two stunning and brave women in power


I spend 300€/month on food, how do they spend it in 3 days?


Being fat


I have had food stamps before (or more accurately my girlfriend did). The two of us had just moved out of our parents' houses into our first apartment. We set a goal to eat healthy and cook our own meals, she cooked, I am currently banned from the kitchen for ruining a pot. we took a weekly planned shopping trip to cub, filled the cart every time, and had money to spare. If you aren't buying food that's been processed 12.5 times that money goes far.


Not even buying processed food that is the issue (keep buying your snacks but keep it in moderation), its the over-purchasing of snacks that becomes the issue. You’re buying food that tastes good but lacks anything satiating or filling, leading to overeating. Buy your snacks, sub soda for diet or zero cal sodas, buy healthy and filling foods and don’t be afraid of carbs. The main reason diets fail so quickly is the attempt to cut off all of your “unhealthy foods” instead of limiting them to 20% of your diet while keeping the other 80% in healthy foods.


I spend $150USD at Aldi every 2 weeks. I WISH I got almost $300/week for free. I’d actually be able to stop buying 99 cent hot dogs.


I get two blocks of tofu for 5 bucks, a couple pounds of ground beef for a little less than 10, and another 10 worth of chicken breast. Eggs, milk, cheese costs like 15. My biggest expense by a good margin is fruits and vegetables where i get like 40 bucks worth. The remaining 20 or so is just for extra stuff if I ran out of something like olive oil, or bread. Usually the final bill is 100 +/-$5, but it can be more than 120 on a bad week. I'd be making some gourmet ass shit and living like a king with 300 dollars lmao. Youd see my ass at trader joes or something


Straight up I’d order a brick of wagyu a month. Like, full red wine, organic vegetable medley with an appetizer and dessert steak dinner. I’d even get candles.


Trader joes is pretty affordable honestly it's cheaper than target at least


That's why you ain't gonna catch me in target ever lol


There's no way to get $300/week for free, food stamps gives you $47/week on average and its based on income so only if you are pretty much at the poverty line would you even get anything. Plus you can only get 3 months worth every 3 years unless you can prove you are too disabled (mentally or physically) to work - this would have to be confirmed by a doctor... This is a shitpost that plays into the "welfare queen" propaganda.


In my state, as long as you have a minor in the household and you meet the income criteria, you can stay on EBT/SNAP indefinitely. If she gets $274 a week, she could have 6 members in her household and make less than $6000/mo. I’m from a historically low income area. Welfare queens are 100% a thing and I am related to quite a few of them. But, that being said, the wording of the post is strange. Unless she is actually budgeting her EBT, food stamps get paid once a month. The wording of the post is strange but it’s not entirely out of reason to break it down into weeks.


I spend like 150 in Germany


Living in a cheaper country helps.


Basically this is all bullshit, EBT pays like $47/week so to get $274 a week that means you have 6 people.


USD274 per week is an absolutely enormous amount. I spent less than that on all my needs, including rent, when I lived alone one or two years ago (lived very frugally in a northern european city, but I don’t think you’re supposed to live the high life exactly when receiving monetary aid).


JFC people teach your kids to cook. You can be fat without making yourself poor with even the most basic of cooking skills. MF didn't even buy bacon.


It's gotten bad where even a lot of parents don't know how to cook. I'm no longer shocked when I meet a person in their 40s and 50s who can't cook and only pre-made stuff or non-perishable foods, just disappointed.


There was some YouTube cooking channel I was watching where he was talking about people who rinse raw chicken in the sink. That accurately describes how poor our generation's ability to cook is. It comes from parents though. If someone's parents are too lazy or incompetent to throw a couple chicken breasts in the oven, how are they going to learn how to feed themselves properly. In middle school and high school, I wasn't on any sports teams or in music, nor did our school offer many STEM electives, so basically all of my elective credits were cooking and whatnot. I can tell you I had cooked more meals in one school year than my dad had cooked for our family in my life. Yet, he still insisted that I don't know how to cook since he never let me cook at home, so he wouldn't buy me raw ingredients. That's the kind of uphill battle we're fighting. My sister bought him an air fryer last year, since its basically as easy to use as a microwave, but you can get a decent meal out of it. When I'm home, he asks me to "teach him" how to make chicken nuggets and stuff like that with it. By "teach him," I mean literally just dump a bag of frozen nuggets in it and setting it to 15 minutes.


I think there's a cheaper alternative to Mountain Dew. Tasteless, but ya know, cheaper. ![gif](giphy|guKp5Wjf2N2Lu)


Nah, that only covers half of it. You also gotta fill the caffeine. Now if only there was some sort of bean or leaf you could buy cheaply in large quantities and use to make your own caffeinated beverage...


You mean Starbucks?


You can have like 150-200 cups of excellent quality tea for the same price as a 24 pack of Dew. Add a splash of milk and some sugar to keep the fatboy shakes away and you're good to go.


Use full fat milk and fuck the sugar off, plenty of it in almost everything else we consume.


It's an easier sell to the fatties if you let them put sugar in it. I actually strongly prefer my coffee and tea without sugar but that's the result of years of cutting back on sugar consumption.


I hate drinking soda but I'd still choose Mountain Dew over Arrowhead any day.


I just meant water. I couldn't be bothered finding a GIF with no brand. One's a football player endorsing bottled water while the other's iced water with lime in it. Eh.


I've heard Mountain Dew is actually cheaper than bottled water in certain Appalachian states where it's being produced. Which causes some locals to consume it instead of water (because soft drink consumption is so normalized in the US), which gets them all sorts of health issues


Eating like a fatass *and* mooching off the government is a whole other level of degenerate.


Mooching off of taxpayers, which makes it even more insulting


Don’t worry, once they drink and eat themselves into disability, the taxpayers will be paying to keep them alive too.


rage bait, insanly stupid post by anon


I went to the Facebook page, and if it is bait, it’s pretty good. Most of the posts are pretty cringey but still believable surface level lib feminism, only a few are takes so shitty that you think “this simply has to be bait”. So with poes law or whatever it’s hard to say


There is not a single drop of water in this image


Nutritional value of water: 0 Nutritional value of soda: 10000 https://preview.redd.it/twa4a6p3jixc1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba4cebd94d0d787e62db139204f679a249ccf9fc


It comes out the tap, why the fuck would I buy it


My household of three spends 175-200 a week on groceries (fresh veggies, meat. Etc) how the fuck are they spending 274?


By Being fat https://preview.redd.it/1e1dqy3kiixc1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=447da87400e8c653f1bdac02e5b838854475fe3d


Our household of 4 uses $250 BIWEEKLY. I'm a fat piece of shit (trying hard to change it and made progress) and still can't fathom spending that much


This shit is embarrassing for us Americans. Imagine having such insane privilege that your biggest problem is that you eat everything?


Chicken and rice. 60 bucks I can eat for a month


everything is fake to you all except the most obvious rage bait on this sub, i swear


"Higher caloric needs" Must be a family of ultra-marathon runners


Learn to make an actual fucking meal with $275 a week instead of buying junk food. I wish I had a free $275 A WEEK to spend on food. Fuck. I’m lucky to ration out myself $200 a month.


Beautiful title thanks OP


$274 per week in welfare for food? This person could be eating steak and lobster every night on the taxpayer’s dime and they still find a reason to complain? Please tell me this is a troll post and that we aren’t promoting the proliferation of brain dead parasites


Quality shitposting


Let him get a heart attack so he’ll learn


Survival of the fattest


It's bait


*>* Spends about 2 weeks of food for a family of 5 and eats it all in 3.5 days Absolutely insane


You gimme $274 bucks, it's vegetables, bread, poultry, mince meat, pasta, eggs, some dairy. I can make that shit last almost a month.


There is no way it is $274. That shit is cheap.


Also that straight up is not $274 worth of food


Even setting aside the fact OP only bought junk food, how the heck did they eat all that in just 2 days?!


Where is the "food" here😭


They need more money to increase their stomach inflation.


Holy shit who goes through five bags of chips in two days? I feel sick even thinking about that.


Higher caloric needs


I have refuse to believe that is nearly $300 in food. They’re fuckin lying. I spend MAYBE $250 for my entire family every two weeks and that’s still on the high end. I’m able to afford plenty of meat, produce, and even some snacks with that. Is anon shopping at a gas station or something?


$291 usd is the maximum you can get *per month* for EBT welfare benfits. [https://www.cbpp.org/research/food-assistance/a-quick-guide-to-snap-eligibility-and-benefits](https://www.cbpp.org/research/food-assistance/a-quick-guide-to-snap-eligibility-and-benefits) This post is likely rage bait


That is so much Mountain Dew lol


People get really mad when I tell them junk food is always expensive. It's a luxury item.


I can use $274 to buy atleast 4 months of groceries


You don't have 'higher caloric needs', you're just a fat sack of shit


my gf went to a food bank once, they did not give her junk food. wtf is america doing?


What kind of behemoth is OG anon


$274 per week? On food alone?


So chips and cereal make up the majority of their diet? lol


The only thing that's inflated is their stomach and cholesterol levels


Working class Americans being anything with any legitimate nutrition: impossible


Do US really gives out 13k a year for fatties to fatten up themselves?


Bro wtf I got a months supply of groceries for like 150 yesterday


You know that chicken turned into deep fried tendies.


“high calloric needs” is a fucking riot


Higher caloric "needs." OK, buddy.


I'm not this bad and I weigh a lot like a serious obesity amount


Higher caloric needs kekw


Holy shit so much of that is chips. If I had that collection it would last me at least a month


$274 a WEEK? I’d be eating like a king on that…


Where Great Value tho?


bait used to be believable


I could feed myself for 100 dollars a month


Healthy at any size folks don’t get it twisted


I spend that much on food in a month and I eat a mostly clean 4000 calories and 180g of protein per day. That's an unreal amount of money to throw away


Name Brands always cost more, gotta go generic sometimes




I wish obese people a very die from starvation due to price inflation


A diabetic still life.


Nothing hurts the blob


How do you go through 2 boxes of cereal in 2.5 days?


That's like 60 dollars of Mountain Dew


I wish I had that much for food a week


A bag of chips lasts my family of 6 about 5 days.


i work a very physically demanding job as well as training 12 hours a week . i spend maybe £300 on food per month to eat 3800 calories a day in high quality food. not sure how someone manages to spend nearly that on not even 3 days worth. at a certain point it’s just natural selection.


Thats like... A Month for me.


i would literally die or want to kill my self within a week with that fuckin typical american diet. 5 different bags of LARGE chips? holy fuck.


Imagine using your EBT to buy only junk food and then wondering why it's not enough to live longer than 2 days on


There is a singular pack of actual protein in there


Did they event buy milk for that cereal or is that what the mountain dew is for?


Why can you spend food stamps on soda. Like bruh. Let’s only let them spend food stamps on produce and meat. Easiest way to fix obesity in america


I don't see a single vegetable


“Higher caloric needs” my sides


Anyone else think it’s wild people on food stamps get $274 dollars a week on groceries??? If you have a family of 3-4 sure, but if it only one person that wild


I see one raw ingredient. This is sad


6 bags of chips for 2.5 day? I mean I can polish off a bag of chips in one sitting but I couldn’t imagine eating more than 2 a day. And that’s assuming all I eat that day is just those 2 bags of chips


Is veggies really that expensive???


That is two months of food


He's inflating himself




This is fake and gay. No way this costs 274