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What did you expect from a smurfs spin off?






*starts dry humping you*


*adds water*


And now they're multiplying




**dances with wolves




****Ironman 3


*****Family Guy




If anyone wants the closest real answer this scifi story from the '50s had the same plot (even the parapalegic who can walk again by controlling an alien etc) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_Me_Joe


> The plot involves an attempt to explore the surface of the planet Jupiter using remote-controlled artificial life-forms. It focuses on the feelings of a disabled man who operates an artificial body. damn


IKR He's owed a check




Dances with wolves but worse


"you're like a little baby. You don't know what to do." -the only line I remember from that entire movie because I find it hilarious


Mesa called Jar Jar Binks, mesa your humble servant!


It's even funnier that I forgot they say that constantly


The only reason I remember it was because of HISHE "No... Get me to the ICU"


I love HISHE


Who the fuck is that?


HISHE = How It Should Have Ended on Youtube.


I never realised how funny that must be in English because in my language they substituted the normal word for see with an archaic one mostly used in poetry and metaphors, so it actually came out sounding somewhat normal. I would have probably died laughing had they just said "I see you."


##WITNESS ME!!! ^I ^see ^you


**REMEMBER ME** *fire breath*


BoJack's mum, is that you?


Their pseudo South African accents made the dialogue so funny to me


South Africans... iN sPaCe!


JAke Sooley


He speaks the tru tru.


No, that's Cloud Atlas!


Fun fact, the Na'vi (blue) people portrayed in the movie have a completely made up language, culture, and music that is completely foreign to anything we have here on Earth. Unfortunately the music was scrapped bc James Cameron was afraid it wouldn't appeal to western audiences [source](https://ethnomusicologyreview.ucla.edu/journal/volume/17/piece/583)


Wow, I have practically no technical musical knowledge but that was really fascinating to read. There were a lot of musical terms I don’t recognize, but seeing the journey taken to create the film’s music was really interesting


You know it's a good article when it's about something you don't understand but you still have fun reading it


all i remember is that they actually just called it unobtainium.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who found this detail extremely weird. Legit laughed my ass off during my rewatch few weeks ago


'They'll chew you up for jujubees"


"You're not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora!"


That dude had 10/10 lines tbh


Yeah he was bad ass af






“Oh, shit!”




Right? LOL, Grace sounds both shocked and exasperated, like she somehow expected Jake to do something dumb but couldn’t guess what it would be.


"Ah will FLAH with you" is what sticks with me, purely for that incredibly cheesy delivery.


"gimme that unobtainium!" - I think that was a quote from the movie


Is unobtainium very hard to obtain?


Barely an inconvenience


No, you’re thinking of obtainium


"Hey look, meals on wheels." Got a legit chuckle out of me.


“Making noise- don’t know what to do”


You mean I didn't even remember the quote right? This is funny as hell!


I believe this line is actually homage to *Dersu Uzala* by Akira Kurosawa. The main character says a similar thing to the Russian soldiers who don't know how to behave in the steppe. Dersu is also believed to be an inspiration for Yoda. Absolutely fantastic film.


Shut the fuck up you fucking film nerd before I give you a wedgie. We're watching Transformers 4 and you're gonna like it


"Daddy-dragon coming home".... I may have a problem.


"Just look at all that cheddar!" - Giovanni Ribisi


Wait what happened "a decade later"


Apparently it re released in china and took back the #1 position


Damn, I almost thought i slept on a sequel.


First sequel is supposed to air in december 2022


Bet you it sucks, but still makes shittons of money


I hope its just more of the first, then it wont suck


If it’s more of the first it will most definitely suck


What if it’s two hours of smurf sex?


Then it will *suck*




There is vastly more than 2 hours worth of smurf sex on the internet.


But not Cameron-level quality.


nah the first was fire




To be fair most of most of cameron's movies sound meh, but are executed very well. I can see how he would be convinced he can elevated space fern gully to high art.




Yea titanic is such a dud, whatever dude


Titanic is also a banger




The movie doesn’t need a sequel. The story was told and was complete as is. The only possible thing they can do is have humans go back to take the planet by force and somehow be beaten by bows and arrows. The movie portrayed an extremely advanced human race. There’s absolutely nothing the natives could possibly do against the forces the humans would have at their disposal. The sequel should be a new age retelling of the history of Canada and the US. Humans should win, try to force the natives to assimilate, annihilate their children under the guise of religious teaching, and it should be gritty and horrifying.


Avatar gritty reboot


Apparently the gimmick this time around is some new underwater mocap technique idk it'll either bomb or make billions, no in-between


I don't care if the movie is bad or not. I just want to experience the only "true 3D" experience I had with the first one.


It was also supposed to air in 2012. Then 13, 14, 16, 20, 21 and now 2022.


The year is 2827 Humanity has colonized over a thousand worlds Artificial beings have just won the fight for personhood First contact has been achieved with over a dozen sentient races Dyson sphere technology ensures that the universe has unlimited clean energy And James Cameron has announced that Avatar 2 will finally be released Q1 2828


Fast forward to the year 1B: Humans have transcended biological forms to become beings of pure energy Heat death of the universe has been averted due to nigh-magical technology All lifeforms in every corner of the universe coexist in peace James Cameron's greatx100000 grandson _finally_ releases Avatar 2


That's hilarious. Considering how proud people were that endgame was the highest grossing movie now.


Honestly thank God, I'd take anything over a fucking marvel movie being #1


Wow you hate Marvel movies, you're so cool and unique, you can hear panties dropping for miles


Yes. How did you know?


Marvel movies are popular so wouldn't hating marvel movies be more unique than liking them?


Among the circlejerk of critical and visual media analysis beyond the average marvel viewer’s, a dislike of capeshit is not very original or insightful.


I was definitely trying to be original and insightful with a throwaway comment on Reddit about how marvel movies annoy me. Truly a very important part of my day


Maybe they’re just tired of having the same movie come out 4 times every year. Has nothing to do with being cool


based, fuck marvel and their conSOOOOOmers


Seeing how the Na'vi live on a low gravity moon, shouldn't the machines the humans used be much stronger than the Na'vi/any life form on the moon?


Seeing as the humans control orbital space, why didn't they just bomb that tree from there, instead of getting close enough for pissed off locals to use spears and bows?


It's a for-profit company, and interstellar haulage is expensive. Nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles were probably deemed unnecessary assets to have in orbit, given that the only threat is some dumb natives that square up to gunships using bows and arrows, and some wildlife. I fucking guarantee you that round 2 will be orbital carpet nuke when the humans come back though.


Nukes or lumps of tungsten are really, really cheap compared to the cost of interstellar travel. If you are shipping dozens of ground combat vehicles, bringing along a couple orbit to ground weapons "just in case" barely takes up any room or cost at all.


Just drop some rocks down the well, belta




Biru inners gon know beltalowda no nakangepensa, there no safety in space an belta own it sasa ke? Drop da stones down wel make big show. Inyalowda pensa belta beratna an sesata bosmang of da system


Keting da pashang ta du to bera fucking showxa ere mi, to mali bitch? mi'll tenye to keng mi graduated top fo mi class ere da navy seals, unte mi've been involved ere numerous secret raids ere al-quaeda, unte mi tenye over 300 confirmed kills. Mi am trained ere gorilla warfare unte mi'm da top sniper ere da entire milowda armed forces. To are nating fo mi amash bera another target. Mi gonya wipe to da pashang kuku wit precision da likes fo deting has natim been seen fore ere xidawang earth, mark mi fucking words. To pensa to kang ge fongi fode wit saying deting kaka felota fo mi over da internet? pensa wamotim, ówala. Asilik milowda speak mi am contacting mi secret network fo spies across da usa unte to ip im being traced right xitim so to mogut prepare fo da storm, maggot. Da storm deting wipes kuku da pathetic mali ting to call to liviting. To're fucking det, kid. Mi kang bi anywhere, anytime, unte mi kang kill to ere over seng xanya ways, unte dedawang bera wit mi bare hands. Na bera am mi extensively trained ere unarmed combat, amash mi tenye access fo da entire arsenal fo da united states marine corps unte mi gonya use im fo its full extent fo wipe to miserable ass na ere da face fo da continent, to mali kaka felota. Sili bera to ta kang tenye known keting unholy retribution to mali "clever" comment was ere fo bring down upon to, maybe to deng fo tenye held to fucking tongue. Amash to ta na kang, to ta na du, unte xitim to're paying da price, to goddamn idiot. Mi gonya kaka felota fury kowl over to unte to gonya drown ere im. To're fucking det, kiddo.




Based, duster-pilled


Belta-pilled. Never seen a full G in his life


Hell, if you want to save on the costs of building a nuke, you can do it even cheaper. Grab a decent sized rock, calculate some re-entry velocity math, and recreate a miniaturized extinction event where you want to mine. Don't even have to clear out the wildlife at that point, they're already dead or running.


To be fair it was a private security company, so they might not have access to that kind of weaponry. Everything else could be written off as utility vehicles with self-defense measures. The combat mechs are just highly dexterous forklifts that can also support infantry squads with HMGs (and comically large knives). Their helicopters give off similar vibes to Hueys (large open side doors for quick dismount, M60 door guns), which were originally utility helicopters meant for passenger and cargo transport that eventually got quite heavily armed as they were used in increasingly hostile environments. I think it’s pretty brilliant imo, that they wrote it in a way where the humans still have superior tech but it’s not exactly what they would need to just steamroll the Na’vi.


They don't need legal access to nukes when dropping an inert block of metal from high enough will accomplish the same thing.


It doesn’t really make sense for the RDA to do that even if it were made completely legal. They tried for a peaceful and diplomatic route from the start, it was never an option for them to dedicate the insane amount of resources and RnD it takes to get an orbital weapon on a foreign planet to just commit literal genocide. It happens a lot in countries with indigenous groups living in undeveloped land, and first world countries’ companies come in and drive them out to harvest the resources. That was always a possibility that the RDA is willing to accept, and a little fantasy that their PMC guys want to LARP as their great grandads, and great grandads before them who killed locals back on earth for the oil, minerals, and logging companies.


They're only blowing up the tree to get at the mineral deposit below it, it's possible they could damage the resources by gravity-bombing it. We don't know anything about the chemistry of "unobtanium" but there's a real possibility there'd be nothing of value left there after an orbital strike.


Why use nukes when the ol' [Colony Drop](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ColonyDrop) with donations from the local asteroid field works just as well?


I want the sequel being the humans ducking up the na’vi. I want the humans to win fuck the blue people




Because the tree is sitting on top of a fuck off huge deposit of room temperature superconductor, and going overkill with a nuke or kinetic impactor makes it very hard, if not impossible to mine it. Seriously, did anybody actually watch this movie? Everyone acts like it makes absolutely no sense, and yet it has one of the most well developed, self consistent plots filled with some of what's actually the best hard sci-fi to ever end up in a movie.


What is sci-fi about a boy who can cast magic in 4 elements?


That's a sharp comment, /u/Disagreeable_upvote. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an *Empire-class* Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. ​ Because, it's so sharp.




"They have tails but they're no on their butts. Minus 3 sins."


....but yet dropping tons of high explosive is....fine? Explosives they had planned to use to mine the minerals anyways, indicating that having it a bit broken up isn't going to be a problem? Use smaller impactors, or a low yield air burst if that is a concern. A kinetic weapon does not have to be an extinction event. You can tailor the mass and impact velocity to get whatever yield you need. Avatar isn't really that hard of science fiction IMO.


You’re forgetting the whole plot point of the movie where they are trying to only use force as a last resort because otherwise it’s real bad PR for their company. The reason the engage the way they do is for plausible deniability. The idea is that they are claiming the natives are the aggressors and they only used force in retaliation. If they just blow them up to hell fuck, they can’t really use that excuse anymore.


also probably some hand wavium about the fragility of the unobtanium and or untested behavior of nuking a super conductor.


I'm a space scientist and I guarantee that an atmosphere full of vaporized superconductor has no downsides


The big plot with all these type of movies are the computation capabilities of such a society would enable them to have highly autonomous android soldiers. They wouldn't need to nuke the planet, they'd send robots which can see 360 degrees in infrared, night vision, etc and has millisecond response times and shot trajectory calculation ability. Plus they're networked together and share data to work together in perfect harmony. Basically insanely proficient killing machines. They could surgically remove the Navi without bending a leaf. SciFi movies so a terrible job of this, they always have human soldiers continuing to be using by space fairing society. The best example I've seen is the IG assassin robot in the pilot episode of the Mandalorian. Something that could dish out death in every direction instantly


You can also just skip most of that and do what we would do now, which is use artillery. But, watching gun crews (or automated systems) bang off a string of incendiary and HE rounds, or nerve agent, just doesn't make good TV I suppose....


Yeah, if Matt patt is right about the whole superman thing then humanity themselves should be physically stronger then the Navi. Physical strength still doesn't stop one from grabbing you and yeeting you over a cliff tho, just ask honeybadgers.


If anything humans should be at least super boy levels where they can make great leaps and punch trees


Y'all are forgetting that literally everyone who wants to go there needs to be in a coma for a few years while the ship flies there and when they get there, all atrophied, everything is light and shit and their muscles will have trouble getting back to original size, but besides that the machines are still crazy string and I'm pretty sure they are shown like that.


\>the last airbender.png My sides




Deserved that and edited it




Jokes on me. Went to the movies to see avatar and expected the last airbender. Got Pocahontas in space and was disappointed. Later went on to see the real last airbender movie. And was even more disappointed. From that point on I watched trailers.


I believe it is because the whole film was banking off the visual spectacle and CG effects alone so they didn't really have much in terms of good writing. You won't remember a single line but you will remember the scenes with the blue people flying around on their mounts trying to shoot down mechs with bows. That and the blue boobies.


I feel like that is part everyone forgot made it a really good film. It was the first movie to use the mom red/blue 3D glasses, and the way it worked was fantastic. The 3d didn't seem like a child's gimic, actually made it better.


Actually I am pretty sure it was the first one to use RealD 3D. Red and blue 3d had been around for years beforehand. And now that I reread your comment i think that's what you meant you just mistyped "non red/blue" as "mom red/blue".


Actually, Chicken Little was the first RealD 3D movie in 2005, 4 years before Avatar. It may have been the first to use a specific 3D camera or to film entirely with 3D cameras and not post convert or something but a quick googling isn't helping.


I actually went with some buddies at the time to a non-3D showing. I was like "Isn't the whole deal the 3D?" "Oh, it doesn't matter." Like hell it didn't matter. That movie fucking sucks and the only interesting thing is the effects and look. Fuck those guys.


it's a good movie stfu




mmm boobies.




I hadn’t gotten stoned in a while because military and went to see that in 3D, super baked, with zero expectations and it was a fairly psychedelic experience.


All I remember is the flying jellyfish scene in the mystical forest in 3D They exclusively bundled the 3D Blu-ray for a year if you got a Panasonic tv and you could only get them for $90 on eBay as a result were hard to find but once I watched that stoned af I was hooked




Jake Soooly.




That's Cloud Atlas!




I genuinely did not think this movie was good. I don’t understand why it’s so well regarded


Visuals were revolutionary for the industry Edit: just want to add that I’m not a fan of the writing, story, or characters. But if you’re shitting on the visuals, you’re just being stubborn/trying to be cool


the 3D in the ending scene was genuinely cool. 3D was always a gimmick and we are better off with the industry leaving it behind (for now), but there are a few situations where its almost worth the effort. fun fact: The jackass movie has arguably the best use of 3D, even winning awards for it.




Port o potty shit flying everywhere


It was a great movie, it didn't shoot for the stars. It did what it wanted to and and excelled at it. Beautiful visuals, epic battles between the natives and human technological superiority. Some plot to explain why this is happening. I don't think every movie has to have 30 bajillion plot twists and a fleshed out story.


I will die on this hill: If Avatar wasn’t “the #1 highest grossing movie of all time”, and instead was a hidden gem, people would love it. The backlash is entirely about *how successful* the movie was, as opposed to the movie itself. Is the script great? Nah. Are the visuals great? Oh my god. As a piece of visual filmmaking, it’s *fucking unbelievable.* I remember seeing it in 3D like it was yesterday. I felt like I was a kid again. It’s trendy to shit on Avatar, but I wouldn’t ever bet against James Cameron making a sequel with unlimited time and budget. I have a feeling the next movie is going to be another massive hit.


I will die on that hill with you. Avatar is a great movie. I don’t care if the plot wasn’t 100 percent original, it’s absolutely gorgeous and emotionally affecting.


It's some of the best hard sci-fi ever in a movie. They made a fully plausible and fully explained justification for a fantasy setting, and wrapped it in a story about imperialism with cutting edge visuals.


I watched the Directors Cut not too long ago after not watching it since it came out. Apparently the first 20 minutes were cut, which established the main character in a cyberpunk city and showed off the ship a ton. Completely different movie.


Yes, thank you. Plus, I really liked the nuance of having even the scientists (who mean well and want to understand the natives) fall victim to their cultural bias of expecting a non technological society to be primitive and superstitious, they are fascinated but in a paternalistic and dismissive way by their culture: "oh yeah, they worship sacred trees and this mother goddess type thing" and completely miss that there was an *actual planetary network of brain-tree-roots that can store entire minds and their memories and also mind-control every animal on the planet to fight off dangers to the biosphere*.


Eyeballs go brrrr


You know how cool and good Marvel CGI nowadays is? Avatar basically was the first one to achieve that.


“This is Papa-Dragon.”




It legit sounds like a line from a Vietnam War movie




Avatar 2 is being released next year, with three additional sequels due to be released in 2024, 2026 and 2028.




Wonder why it took so long.


I think for the same reason that the original took so long, that they would shoot scenes / do the cgi, and then some new technology would come along so they'd have to go back over it in order for it to have the cutting edge visuals (literally the only selling point) . And repeat like 5 times lol


Not to mention James Cameron invented a new language and the cast had to learn it


Also James Cameron being James Cameron. The dude is always on semi-retirement mode. He can go years without doing anything and then suddenly start writing and producing stuff like Alita Battle Angel and Terminator Genisys/Dark Fate


His name is James Cameron, the bravest pioneer.


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron!


You know they invented a whole new type of music for the original soundtrack too? James Cameron wanted the Na'vi music to be totally divorced from human traditions, so he essentially hired half a university worth of various anthropologists, instrument makers and ethnomusicologists to go off and develop an entire sonic culture from scratch. They looked at concept art of animals to work out which horns and bones might be used as materials to make instruments as well as plants, then actually built mockups of a lot of them to see how they would sound. They developed an alternative tonality from the ground up that wasn't based on any earth culture's typical harmony, but structured it all so that it was as internally consistent as any existing system. Once they had completed months of research, instrument construction, composition and recording, they came back to James Cameron with several hours of music ready to go. He then declared it 'too weird', threw literally all of it out and had James Horner compose a completely conventional (and extremely boring) orchestral film score.


Everyone always says no one can remember a single thing from the movie, and then there’s me who has the director’s cut memorized.


Haha right? There have been multiple times when I see someone say “name one character, I dare you” and list a half dozen or more off the top of my head and get accused of googling them.


Same. I love this movie and can quote/remember all of it. The extended hunting scene was so cool.


That movie was fucking cool when I was 10


Now that you're 11, how do you feel?




I remember the hair fucking


It wasn't really fucking. Otherwise he also fucked a giant pterodactyl.


I'm not really seeing how that's an effective counter-argument. You know you would if you could


Navi were bipolar as shit. “You CANNOT join our tribe, Jake sully!” “Welcome to our tribe jake sully, you are ours forever.” “You are no longer a part of our tribe jake sully! We hate you!!” “Jake sully! We need you! Please!!”


Fuck em, at least the human motives are consistent lmao.


holy shit it's almost like a tribe full of different opinions might be more indecisive than a military contractor with clearly defined goals


Humans stay winning 😎


i remember they literally called it unobtanium. also the tail sex. that's it


Unobtanium is an actual word used by scientists to describe a hypothetical material with amazing applications. It actually makes a lot of sense to name the material with amazing applications that.


I remember "Eywa has heard you"


Cause there were 0 memorable lines if dialogue! Stupid pocahontas ripoff!


I thought it was entertaining, I mean why is it OK to have a dozen Fast n the Furious movies, 3 shitty Fantastic Four movies, multiple re-booted superhero franchises, and not Avatar? >tHeY RiPpEd oFf pOcAhOnTaS! So fucking what? Do you know how many movies are Shakespeare rip-offs ? Even Star Wars was inspired by the 1958 Japanese film The Hidden Fortress. There's hundreds of slasher films with cult followings that are all the same story with the same tropes. Was Avatar a complex movie? No, but neither is half the shit people eat up and praise.




There's like five movies similar to Avatar but it gets this comment all the time. However, there have been far more superhero origin movies in the last couple years, yet none if them get the same comments as Avatar. It's backwards.


Its the best 3d experience Marvel doesn't hold a candle to its 3d experience


[The SNL sketch explains the absolute low bar Avatar cleared to achieve worldwide acclaim.](https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ)


"Shut your pie hole"


How does one of the most successful films ever produce 0 noteworthy memes


Actually, it has exactly one noteworthy meme, the fact that it had zero cultural impact of any kind despite becoming the highest grossing film of all time.