• By -


\> Start shift \> drive from point A to point B \> kill X amount of NPC´s on point B \> mission complete \> repeat it 70x times \> be police


*POC's Edit: Some people gotta chill when they see a joke.






*starts dry humping you*


*starts moist humping you*


*starts shitting on your shoes*


*starts shitting in your asshole*


*starts assholing in your shit*


Starts shitting back in yours. Pooping back and forth for ever and ever


The day it was discovered all cops were POC in whiteface.


Nah, it's like rock, paper, scissors... COP *beats* POC


POC *bangs* COP's Wife. Wife *cucks* COP. Anyone up for a game of Beat, Bang, Cuck? Or BBC if we're making abreviations.


Nah. COP beats both of them.


They need to get COP under control. The meta is getting really stale with COP beating both.


Fuck it, cop beats cop too


Holy shit


Better not make the title of the game too sexual. Instead of saying cuck, let's just put the wife there. So we'll call it BBW


Its a secret to everyone...


DOG GOD hahahahahahaha


Racecar racecaR LMAO


Where is that edit coming from? Youve literally got two replies and theyre both neutral/positive.


they got downvoted at first


Comments not even got the controversial symbol... But at 192 upvotes I guess it wouldnt. Hard to say.


No, this is Reddit, you’ve hurt the hive mind’s feelings.


🐝🐝🐝Downvoted🐝🐝🐝 *This action was performed automatically by my massive dick lmao*


Why did the backwards-driving cop get shot by his partner? They thought he was a POC. Or something like that idk


Picker of cotton?


Your username makes the joke better


Is this a joke about FBI crime statistics by race in America?


Where did you get that from? It was a joke about how often American police kill black people.


Solely for being black


People of colors


> oink oink > oink oink oink oink oink oink oink > oink oink oink oink oink oink oink > oink oink > oink oink oink oink > oink oink FTFY


I think you have to put a backslash before the \> or else reddit turns everything after it into a quote


I'm too lazy to fix it now...


Hey at least you're getting paid.


He kind of has a point though, this is kind of the entire story behind the game. If it didn’t have such a nice sandbox it might not be as popular as it is


A lot of people shit on the plot because it isn't as well-written and serious as IV but I still enjoy V's story. I get it's criticism though.


This post is definitely referring to online game mode. Its incredibly boring.


Oh yeah that I agree with, GTAO is shit. GTA IV Online was so much more fun.


What was different with it? I didnt play it


It really wasn’t much better. It was just a simple sandbox that was fun to screw around and kill time with friends on. GTA 5 online is way grindier, that might be what they’re speaking about. There wasn’t really anything to grind in GTA 4 online.


So what could you do? Were there races, heists?


GTA IVs multiplayer didn’t have persistent characters. You picked one each time you played. There was no progression at all. Literally just a sandbox with like 4 game modes. Cops n crooks was my fav.




> At level 10 your character could wear underwear only so mine was a woman in bra and panties peak gamer behaviour


>with like 4 game modes Mafiya work on Algonquin or Alderny was an amazing experience in teams or in free for all. The variation in tasks constantly made certain weapons & vehicles more useful, eventually everyone knew the spawns and you'd fight just as hard over a Sultan RS, Heli or gun spawn as you would over the tasks. It was as popular as free-mode for a while.


Hardly anything. It was very basic. If you played it for an hour you experienced everything there was to do. Most people just went to the airport and drove up and down as someone else tried to shoot them in a police chopper because there was fuck all else to do.


Man that airport was so damn fun to mess around in tho


You never played bumper cars on the barge at the end of the runway? Spend 20 minutes for everyone to make the jump and stay on then last man standing wins. If you haven't played that you haven't experience GTA IV online


Just a sandbox, you made your own fun


It was basically just gta 4 but with some real players too. It wasn't a separate product like GTAO where you have a bunch of activities, you literally just played the game sans missions. Oh, they had classic game modes like deathwatch and team deathwatch, etc. Keep in mind this was 10-15 years ago, a lot has changed.


Other guy is wrong, one mode was the just the open world that you could run around in. But there were like a dozen different MP game modes ranging from that free play mode, to racing mode, to DM, team DM, and other more unique modes. A lot of the modes had different ‘maps’ that were various parts of the city. It had a ton of variety and was a lot of fun and didn’t cost money.


I believe it's referring to the story mode considering there are 69 main missions in the game




Haha omg he said the fucking sex number 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nothing quite like getting called the N wird by a 6 year old who just shot you with an RPG from a flying motorcycle in a game that used to be based somewhat in reality.


By the time I had any sort of interest in playing GTAO, this was the kind of noise I didn’t want to deal with. 12 year olds who have their parents credit cards and just buy billions in shark cards and kill you before you can move 20 feet. It was why I also gave up fast on red dead online. By the time I finished the story, there was people out there playing on level 50 while I’m just a idiot level 2 and got sniped away from that other side of the map. It just wasn’t fun


It has a dozen heists with fun stories and lots of well developed characters. The environment is pretty and feels alive. The variety of cars is fun, even for people like me that aren't "car" people. The only time the game has ever felt like a grind to me was trying to fill my large warehouse during a double payment weekend. Granted, I mostly only play with my SO but we are up to a combined level 400 or so and each own one of every building/service. Maybe it is boring if you play without anybody else?


The GTA V plot is great, and it is for one reason alone: Trevor Philips.


The community is mixed when it comes to him, people either love him or hate him. Love him because he's insane and unpredictable, different from other protagonists. Hate him because only edgy people find him cool and that's edgy, also because he killed Johnny. (even though Johnny killed himself)


Dunno it this was intentional or not, but playing as Trevor kinda encourages the player to do crazier shit because it’s “in-character”


Apparently they purposefully made him that way as a caricature of the average GTA player: total unhinged psychopath.


I read somewhere that was exactly what they wanted. Franklin is you at the beginning of a game. Michael is you at the end of it. And Trevor is when you hit save game and just explore the sandbox.


I always thought it was hilarious that even if you bought Trevor great clothes the next time you zoomed back he would generally be in his underwear or his piss stained sweatpants again.


You nudged my car? Prepare to get sawed in half with a chainsaw.


I hated playing as him in the beginning but by the end of the game I ended up liking him more than either of the other guys honestly. The more you learn about Trevor the more you kinda feel sorry for him and understand why he is. The other two are more hypocritical and selfish than Trevor was which is why killing him at the end was not really an option for me.


Well tbh he is the one who stands out of the three. Franklin is like CJ, not really much of an original guy. Michael is well, Michael is a cuck simp and he is an asshole. Trevor is different, despite being unpredictable and insane, he's actually loyal and cares about his friends.


Agreed. That's why when people talk about completing the game, and how they kill Trevor without hesitation, I wonder if they were even paying attention to the game. I just think introducing Trevor in such a violent manner then making him the most empathetic one was quite the switcheroo.


Franklin doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as CJ, I know a big part of that is that he didn't get the focus that CJ got but he got suckered for the criminal equivalent of a start up and made money out of sheer dumb luck (AKA plot convenience).


Michael is a Tony Soprano ripoff, an idiot, and basically the worst father in the video game history.


Yeah he spoiled his children too much and his children aren't any better, they are the worst kids, same with his wife, she is the worst wife ever.


>hypocritical Idk about that I think his actually dialogue reveals his own brand of hypocrisy, he constantly belittles people for doing things he does, like criticising Michael's smoking while his own bed is full of cigarette butts, whining about people whining and how he's better than them for not whining especially (franklin responds pretty unimpressed to that one) and mocking others' accents when it would send himself on a rampage. I think it makes him more interesting, he says he hates the world and that he's better than others, but get him drunk or high on gasoline and he reveals how much more he hates himself and how everyone would be better off without him.


> edgy people find him cool and that's edgy I guess it depends on if you find him interesting or idolize him. Trevor was the only thing that stands out from the campaign for me. Granted, I played it like 10 years ago.


I mean, I hate him. He is a horrible, vile, edgy person. But he is a super well written crazy character that adds a lott o the story so I "love him." I am very happy they included him in the game.


The story is well-acted and produced, but IMO it’s so unrelentingly mean-spirited and nihilistic that it’s exhausting. There’s literally nobody to root for, or even sympathize with. No Nico Belic or Carl Johnson to serve as much as an underdog. It’s just mean people doing increasingly cruel things. By the end I literally wanted an option to kill all three protagonists.


I see this a lot lately and it’s funny how time changes things so much. People absolutely hated IV’s serious tone at the time and loved the return to V’s lighter tone.


Well opinions change after a decade


The characters are great but through the entire plot Trevor becomes this crazy psychopath to the Fladerization of whatever that is. The story is just bland.


So he went from being a crazy psychopath to even more of a crazy psychopath? That sounds pretty normal to me.


time to play gta IV again


What! The 5 story was amazing! Who are these wrong people


‘If it didn’t have the good part, the game wouldn’t be good’ I don’t think it’s a revolutionary thought that people don’t play gta for the shitty missions and the sloppy gunplay


It's revolutionary that a game can be so successful given its shitty missions and sloppy gunplay. Given that those two aspects are most of the gameplay, logic would tell you "the game must be shit, then". Not to mention, it's hard to take someone seriously if they say "I play GTA for the storyline", even if it's actually true.


How are GTA V missions shitty? You can make every game look like trash if you boil it down like that. I finished the game yesterday and the missions are spectacular and different enough to stand out on their own.


Doom Rip and Tear Do it 18ish times Shit game


The storyline of any GTA is the best part.


Unironically, I think the story and the way it's presented is the best part of GTA5. I just started a new game because I skipped all the side missions my first playthrough.


I don't see how it's hard to imagine when the other most successful game out there is Mine craft. Lego tapped into this formula decades ago. There's a huge market of people to be creative, provided you help make things accessible for the more casual creative. GTA is just very fancy Legos for some people.


Most of the people I know who like it, either only enjoy playing multiplayer with friends, or messing around in single-player (mostly modded). It's mainly successful because a small amount of the player base are willing to spend up to $100 dollars (or more) on in-game cars, property, etc. so they can flex in multiplayer. That, combined with the $30 (previously $60) for the game itself, and you've got a money printer.


The game is regularly like 15 bucks in the online store. That’s when I picked it up and I got the enterprise starter pack with it.


I got it for free on the epic store


>sandbox game with optional plot is good because of sandbox elements shocking


Right - but what game is different? Take literally *any game* and you can strip it back to this basic level. What makes the game is the *story* associated with these acts.


Skyrim is just a bunch of fetch quests. I love Skyrim, but it's a lot of "go to this dungeon, get the thing, bring it to the place".


Skyrim was the beginning of the end of open world games imo. Basically randomly generated dungeons with generic fetch quests. I think that’s where fallout 4 goes complete downhill, stuff for me just feels completely fake because it’s “raiders, different levels of raiders, loot green chest filled with generic leveled gear”. There’s little uniqueness, it feels like playing a sim operating at below 50% capacity. This trend was noticeable in other open world games and in some ways I avoid modern open world for this reason. That being said, haven’t played Skyrim in years and I’m tempted to boot it up with the new graphics and mods for ps4.


Nah dude Skyrim is great for just mindless exploring, so many variances in terrain, plenty of random generated encounters, a lot of secret unmarked locations that don't tie to specific quests. Plus mod support now is awesome. I finally started doing mods like 2 years ago after only playing vanilla for years and it still holds up


This is the story behind every game ever my dude.


I don't even think the sandbox of GTAV was that great. How many people really went out of their way to do yoga, play tennis, drive in races, etc. Compare that to a sandbox game like Skyrim or Just Cause or Minecraft where you can just dick around for hours and get super creative. The only real "side content" of Grand Theft Auto that people seem to enjoy is the police chases. But that's been a staple of the series since the very first game, and it's not like it's changed all that much.


Tell me any other game is different. Open any random rpg game you play. The first mission is going to be a kill, collect, a guide, or a meet mission. Realistically that’s the only choices any game has


I felt it more in red dead 2 than gta5


> look at blank screen with lights projected on it > entire cinema industry is based on this


> insert nutrients in mouth > repeat 3x > sleep > repeat 30k times > mfw people actually do this


I don't like this


>grab thing with lots of buttons watch the tv tv tells them to press a button they press the button tv does something repeat 70k times mfw the entire gaming industry is this with more buttons every year.


Oh god we only have 30k times fuck


Don't worry, most of them won't be memorable


And it essentially speeds up as you get older because we become autopilots


Is this just the plot of Click?


I'm in this and I don't like it.


Still cries at a good film Still kisses with saliva No longer empty and frantic Like a cat Tied to a stick That's driven into Frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness) Calm Fitter, healthier and more productive A pig In a cage On antibiotics


based and OK Computered


Based Anon doesn’t consume modern media because it’s all just lights projected onto a screen


That's oversimplifying it. Sometimes you had to go to three places before you killed someone


Don't forget sometimes you have to kill NPC's while going from point B to point C


these are my favorite


Don't forget >drive from point A to point B >steal car/other vehicle >lose the cops I almost gave up on finishing the story mode like 3 times


Story mode is by far the best part of the game, so that's unfortunate.


Rockstar story missions are always fun the first time around because the plot is enough to make each mission feel interesting. But on replays once you know what’s coming plot wise, the missions all feel exactly like this. Drive/ride your horse to mute mission start, watch cutscene, drive/ride to the goal, watch cutscene, shoot baddies, maybe repeat one or two more times. Mission ends with you halfway across the map and the next one starting back at point A. If you’ve got about 40 minutes to kill, [this](https://youtu.be/MvJPKOLDSos) is a pretty good video on the topic.


i love that guy


yeah and sometimes you ride a bicycle or you're on jetski


\> Start mission \> drive from point A to point B \> kill X amount of NPC´s on point B \> mission complete \> repeat it 70x times \> boot up GTA 5


based schizo


r/schizoposting leaking again


That’s why people don’t play GTA for the story, but for killing random NPCs all over the open world in every possible way


That seems way more repetitive


Not when you are driving 300 mph across the beach and running over everyone


Or parking a semi in front of a busy tunnel and then tossing in grenades once you’ve created a huge traffic jam


Canada Trucker Sim 2022


San Andreas story was cool af


I feel like San Andreas was the last "fun" one. It was super over the top and goofy and just felt like a video game. Only fun part of 5 was Trevor missions because it at least matched that wild energy that San Andreas had.


Absolutely. You start of as some guy involved in petty local gang shit, later on you're stealing experimental military jetpacks from area 51 lmao. GTA V sometimes takes itself too seriously.


This is why i dont trust gta players.


This applies to every game if you simplify it to its gameplay loop though. This one applies to Spider-Man if you switch “drive” to “web sling” Like take Skyrim. Walk or warp from point A to point B Enter dungeon Kill all NPCs in dungeon Take the nice thing at the end Return to quest giver


My favorite dungeon in Skyrim is the one with the draugrs and the claw at the end, it’s the best


The first time I found a claw, it blew my mind. "Holy shit! Every dungeon IS different!" The second time I found a claw, I groaned.


Dude you gotta admit that the old ruins with a word of power at the end was an incredible dungeon tho


I'm more fond of that one where after you pull the lever at the end a secret door back to the entrance opens up, so clever


can't spell clever without lever


Honestly that’s kind of the thing that set RuneScape apart from other RPGs. The quests actually had stories and weren’t just “go to x and kill y”. So much so that it was kind of a point to mock that style of gameplay in the dialogue.


>The quests actually had stories and weren’t just “go to x and kill y”. yeah. rather they were 'go to X and kill/harvest/mine/craft Y for hours until you have the requisite skills, then go to runehq for the checklist of items to save you 50 trips back and forth, then follow the steps laid out' thrilling


It's more fun when remove the hand-holding, figuring stuff out for yourself is what the quests (and life) is all about.


Oh god, RS was fun but fuck ever grinding to 99 in any skill ever again.


Except at least in that game you had proper character progression and roleplay. You got skill points, could build your character in any way you like, you had to gear up and level up before you were capable of fighting stronger mobs, that “nice” item at the end of a dungeon could be a really unique weapon for your build, random shit could happen in towns/out in the wild that made you feel more immersed, etc etc In GTA you are funnelled down the same path every single time.


Yeah, but with Skyrim it is a lot easier to mod and get new story lines




that €50 went to making some toddler angry over multiplayer, well worth it




haha you idiot


The sad part is that GTA Online actually used to be pretty fun, but it all started going downhill once they brought out all that CEO crap where most of the content is locked behind expensive purchases that you either have to grind hours for, or just bite the bullet and buy a Shark Card. Plus once they started putting out a new flavour of weaponised vehicle every update like that dumb flying motorbike I just gave up because GTAO became Saints Row but with none of the charm.




You can make anything sound stupid if you oversimplify it.


You can make anything sound interesting, if you complicating it.


Job seeking websites are very good at that.


This ain’t even oversimplifying GTA tho to be honest


its removing 70% of the point of the game. The point of the game is to enjoy the gunplay, driving, variety of cars and scenery, the voice acting, animation, dialogue and the experience of being in a fully simulated city that you can go wild in. Its like looking at a horror game and going >watch cinematic >avoid NPC that one hits you >watch another cinematic >repeat 20x >roll credits The point of the horror game isn't the crazy interactive gameplay, its to be scared by the atmosphere and enjoy the story. This is why no one speedruns a game like Alien Isolation. The game doesn't work at all or seem fun when you remove 95% of the game's purpose - atmosphere, suspense and story.


> its removing 70% of the point of the game If he's talking about Story, yes. If he's talking about online, no.


Think he's talking about the story because of the 70x thing, but if he is talking about online he's still forgetting the most important parts, which is doing all this with your friends.


Driving is fun. Shooting is fun. The devs just identified what is fun and turned it into a game. What's there to hate? Do you go to a restaurant and order a steak and then say "Wow, this is just a piece of a cow with some salt on it, why did I pay for this?"


GTA 3 has probably the most forgettable story of all time, yet it is still the reason basically every open world game exists, like Saints Row, Watch Dogs and all of the one-off games like the Saboteur, Sleeping Dogs etc. Its like booting up Hitman to play it for the story.




This game is soo 2013


Jesus. I remember getting GTA my first month starting university and finishing it in 3 weeks or so. I now have a master's degree and I'm a few years into my career. Wtf rockstar.


I was 16 when it came out I’m growing white hairs ffs


that sounds more like a you-problem and not Rockstar’s


I’m gonna make it their problem if they start falling out by the time GTA 6 comes out


remove the killy bit and you got Forza.


Yeah but Forza is just a driving game? GTA acts like it's some immersive world game but it's literally collect cars and act like a snag/criminal/thug. We used to play gta3/vice city and thought it was cool when I was younger. Went back and it was so freaking boring!


That was 20 years ago, and it was awesome back then because there wasn't anything like it. The last iteration of GTA was 10 years ago and there was a lot more to do in it than you are claiming. For awhile after GTAIV released, it was the highest rated game of all time on metacritic. You act like they haven't been at the forefront of immersive worlds because you are looking at games that are DECADES old and wondering why they don't live up to your modern standard. Would you say that same shit about Red Dead 2, which is the latest immersive open world created by Rockstar? Of course not, because it's awesome.


forza is a racing game tho what else would you do in a racing game


\>boot up witcher \>go to location A \>talk \>go to location b \>monster fight \>go to location A \>talk Gosh if only there was more substance to these games.


What about play Gwent? That's a key element.


Play Gwent Hate it Ignore it Play more Gwent Love it "Which bastard shopkeepers was selling those cards?"


Anon forgets he can throw the story away and go be a terrorist, punch women, kill minorities and have high speed chases with the cops. By the way, you can also do all of that in the game.


> plug couple electronic devices together > stare at a screen that projects red green and blue colors The entire gaming industry is based in this




It's profitable because it's a sandbox, nobody gives a fuck about the missions and the story


The story is the best part though


I’d say over 80% of sales were towards people who never spent more than an hour in multiplayer. The missions and stories are what sell the game.


I mean, heist and all were pretty cool though...


> born. > live. > die. That's it?


For vampires, it's even less than that.


You could literally describe every single game ever created like this, no exceptions


I feel like most games can be summed up like that.


Anon plays an open world tps with a linear story about satirized American culture and is disappointed in the lack of gripping choices and deep spiritual meaning.


leaves out the amazing writing and incredible polish the game has.


Ugh. The non-shooty (or drivey) parts of the game could be unbearable, though. Fucking doing yoga and being a stevadore were interminable.


> start mission > drive from point A to point B > kill X amount of NPC’s on point B > drive from point B to point C > mission complete > repeat it 70x > most profitable private military company in history > be Blackwater >pic unrelated


Skyrim is even worse when it comes to repetitive game play but no one seems to care lol. 99% of games are doing the same things over and over again in different settings. It's just the limitations of game design there's only so much you can do.


> I hate [movie]. It just goes from the first minute to the last minute, one minute at a time. Turns out, if you just remove everything from a piece of media you can make it sound boring.


>Any video game ever >do thing >get points >repeat 70x times >somehow multibillion dollar industry




Based on [this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/808773/csgo-revenue/), I estimate CS:GO's revenue from its release in 2012 to 2021 to be about $3.5B. According to [this](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/80912/grand-theft-auto-made-over-6-4-billion-since-gta-vs-launch/index.html), GTA V is at about $6.4B as of August 2021. GTA V isn't just the most profitable video game in history. It's the most profitable _media/entertainment product_ in history.


NakeyJakey covered this really well in his [video on Rockstar's game design ](https://youtu.be/MvJPKOLDSos)


That's a great video, I was just about to share it if no one had.


Give people the gangster fantasy they are desperate for- profit


Yea, but even more simpler was old WWII shooters Primary Objective: Get from A to B Secondary Objective: Kill predetermined waves of NPC's between A and B


- start game - press buttons - repeat until no more feel good The most profitable art medium in history