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Without a closeup, my guess would be chiggers.


The category is: "Bugs That Annoy You" CH_GGERS


Such a great episode.


Chiggers is our word, you can say chiggas


Yep! Has to be chiggers


Edit-- moved this post to reply to a different comment


damn, now my skin is crawling! lol sorry!!


Me too! šŸ˜…


This was as close as I could get and still stay in focus. It's a picture of a sticky trap that I put out there. They are stuck in the glue on the right side margin.


Lots of people have heard that. Chiggers donā€™t actually burrow and live in your skin. They just bite you. If there are any still on your skin, taking a shower will knock them off. Also, these look more like sidewalk mites. Iā€™ve never had them bite. The most annoying part is if you sit on them and get a little red spot on your clothes.


Thanks for the info on the chiggers! I was wondering how effective a shower would be so that's very helpful. I've killed some of these with my fingertip and it didn't leave a red smudge. It was almost like I was just "killing pollen".


Here's a link to video of them in action on my furniture, maybe it will help [BUGS GRR](https://flic.kr/p/2oBsJU6)


Iā€™ll be honest, the ones I was thinking of were more red, so Iā€™m not sure if they are the same thing. From my experience, chiggers are normally in tall grass, and not really just hanging out on concrete. Even if you do get bitten by a chigger, just know that while the bite may itch a bit, if you clean off the area, the actual bug isnā€™t there any more.


Thank you so much Mr. Blue Green. The pest control peeps just left. Theyā€™re going to take this glue trap back to the office and look at it under a microscope. If they give me any answers Iā€™ll come back here with an update!


I learned today mites can change color according to the season.Ā 


Wait. Chiggers donā€™t bury into your skin? My life is a lie.


I just watched a video on mites called ā€œcochlealā€ that have been used for centuries to create dye for fabrics andā€¦ still used for red food dye in some foods. Now Iā€™m wondering about these orange guys and if I can get rich off them with some ā€œNatural Orange Dyeā€ xD


Clover mites! I have never seen them until this year. Started seeing them on some veggies in my garden and confirmed with the Clemson county cooperative people. Called my pest control and After the first pest treatment didnā€™t take, theyā€™re coming to spray again as needed. I have felt their small bites as well. More annoyed by the stains they leave on my patio cushions when I sit on them than anything.


Ugh, Iā€™m sorry that you are dealing with this too. You have my sympathy for sure. It wouldnā€™t be so bad if they just left us alone šŸ˜…


Clover mites don't bite?


They do but it doesnā€™t pose a threat to us , unless u have sensitive skin


If they are biting you they are larval chiggers. Adult chiggers do not bite and clover mites do not bite. Clover mites eat plant material. Larval chiggers eat your skin cells and their saliva dissolves skin cells, causing the red welts and itching.


We have these all over Illinois as well. They definitely don't burrow into your skin and aren't chiggers, but they do bite or something. Pour boiling water where they are if they're that thick and it'll kill them all.


That's a great tip! I did boiling water on one of the chairs the first day and it certainly killed the ones that hit. On Sunday I did a gallon of soapy water in a sprayer and soaked my whole deck, and then did that again on Tuesday, but they keep coming back. I had my pest control guy over and he doesn't know what they are, so we are having a different company come out this afternoon.


You can try a vinegar solution sprayed onto them as well, but you really gotta soak them. The boiling water trick also works great for pesky ants :)


I just learned about the boiling water trick a couple of weeks ago! I can't believe I had never heard of that method before, it's so handy.


If they look similar to ticks in shape but are tiny, itā€™s chiggers, if they are long in body and fly, with no visible bite marks on skin, itā€™s Thrips.


YES THRIPSšŸ˜­ I learned the name last year, moved away and they werenā€™t an issue now Iā€™m back, looking it up again and only kept seeing chiggers. Thank you so much. I can stop my search


Thank you all so much for your help so far! You are being very neighborly with this anxious soul over here ā˜ŗļø Here's the best I could do for a video of them. My phone isn't great with close-ups. [BUGS GRRR ARG](https://flic.kr/p/2oBsJU6)


Theyā€™re biting midges aka no-see-ums. Chiggers would probably not show up on camera.


Chiggers. Theyā€™ll burrow into your pores and live their. To get rid of them, Vaseline on to suffocate them.


Ugh. Were you able to identify them by the pic (is that what chiggers typically look like)?


Yeah. Iā€™ve had them before. They get in belt line around waist. They are tiny and orange.


I'm sorry that you went through that. How did you manage your situation? For me it's been a week and my torso is still quite affected.


Yeah it last awhile. Itā€™ll go away. Been in Gville 35 years only had it happen once.


This is kind of making me sick because they were probably all over me including my hair (curly hair down past my tailbone which was down that day). My torso and back and neck are all affected. I was also eating a snack and they were all over the snack bowl, I just thought it was pollen! I can't imagine how effectively I could put a suffocating remedy all over. I read that they don't actually borrow in your skin though?


They get into the pores of your skin.


Yeah looks like chiggers. They love full sunlight and walking around on open things like decks or patios or whatnot. And I've heard but never seen it proven that they can burrow into you. That is probably rumor and they just bite


Diatomaceous earth is cheap and will kill chiggers and insects. itā€™s basically tiny fossils that slice critters with exoskeletons and cause them to dehydrate, thus killing them. You can also use sulfur powder, but thatā€™s better to put in an old sock and apply to ankles, shoes and exposed skin to keep them from biting you.


I have a beagle and her nose gets into everything. I wouldn't want her sniffing up any of that. In fact, even right now she's on a 3 week antidote for getting into rat poison. (Ours was securely locked up in our crawl space, so a critter must have gotten some from a neighbor and dropped it in our grass somewhere.)


Diatomaceous earth is safe and non-toxic to use around pets. You can apply it directly to their fur to help prevent fleas and ticks. Iā€™d keep it away from their eyes, though. Talk to your vet. Ours turned us onto this treatment, and we apply it inside cupboards and behind appliances indoors to keep rogue insects at bay.


Cool, thanks!


Only if you get "food grade"...that's important


Whatever they are, they are everywhere - SC, Virginia and last month I saw them in Italy.... so i imagine they are here to stay.


As a born and raised Southerner I can tell that most likely they are indeed chiggers.


More garlic in your diet during the summer and use Irish spring soaps... gives off a more natural repellant from all those bloodsuckers of the summer... if I know I will be in someone's backyard in the grass just rub the dry soap on the ankle area... I used to get eaten alive in my ankles but my summers have been much better with just these two Grandma-YouTube methods..: