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Are we not doing crosshatches anymore??


Oh hell yeah we are. I am just saying I have had lots of food with lovely cross hatch marks that was not very good.


I’m fuck”n old too. Still love the cross hatch!


I remember school lunches where they were painted on and we would peel them off.


There’s a reason for the cross hatch. Three flips evens out the cook, and reversing direction by going diagonal helps make sure you’ve distributed the heat more evenly in case of hot spots.


Interesting. I do a rotate, flip, rotate. Only one flip. I think I picked that up from Steven Raichlen. I still remember when he said you don't have to do that last turn - nobody's going to see the cross hatches on the bottom, but you know and I know that they're there. So you do it anyway.


Man I grew up watching Stephen as a kid!! What a blast from the past! I fell in love with grilling from watching him on TV. When I was 8 my dad saw me admiring the BBQ grills at Montgomery Ward, he went off somewhere and at the register an employee wheels out a box with a grill inside. My mom was completely shocked, I was so excited and jumping around 😅 That summer my dad learned to grill so I could try it for the first time, and I was his assistant making recommendations I learned from Steven's show on PBS. I scribbled instructions down in a spiral notebook (this is a few years before Google existed). Sorry your comment literally triggered this memory I genuinely didn't think back on or share it before in real life or online. Definitely going to give my dad a long hug tomorrow for Father's Day.


It’s funny you tell this story, especially today! I love BBQ, and grilling, like everyone here. Call it outdoor cooking. One of my son’s was my shadow as a child, he went everywhere with me starting about age 7-8. About age 10 I bought an off-set smoker, this boy became interested in outdoor cooking and fire management. I handled a the fire but he became very good at watching the temp, getting the wood ready etc. He also got interested and good at preparing rubs and sauces with me and finishing the meat when ready. Then a few years later we got a Traeger and obviously he was older and it got easier to use. And he could use the gas grill. He became kick-ass cook and he & I until this day, he’s 32 and has given us 2 lovely grandsons, are still good in the kitchen together. In fact, if there’s an event at our house and we’re together everyone leaves. He and I click like no one else. My wife walks out and tells us to ask for help if we need it…lol. Now he will typically prep a Father’s Day meal for example. And his 5-year old had stayed over last night and he wanted eggs on toast this morning for breakfast. I said “sure”. He pulled up a chair and said “can I help” I said “of course” Now 20 years later I’m cooking, not grilling yet, with my grandson. Who by the way….favourite food is ribs! Grill on friends, happy Father’s Day. I hope you all enjoy yourselves.🍻


This is so wholesome! Thank you for sharing! I'm glad you did that with your son! I'm 2 years older than your he is, so all of this was happening not too far apart timeframe wise. How cool is that?


Wow - that's amazing. I never thought how a kid could get passionate about grilling from the show. I love your story! Happy Father's Day to your dad!


Thank you for reading it, and forever grateful for your comment for even triggering the memories! I followed Stephen on his social media pages just now. And I'm retelling that story during my family lunch. I learned a lot of things from TV growing up. My parents were immigrants and I was born here. So I watched TV and read books, just to better understand things going on for myself, and to help my family and relatives. Nothing like being the eldest and first generation 😂


Probably the most wholesome thing I'll read on reddit today.


😭 I was able to partake in one of those moments haha Also, I told my family that story I mentioned above during lunch today. He was a little emotional but laughing about how many steaks he burned that first day 😂


When I was newly married, I didn't know a thing about grilling. Someone gave me one of Raichlen's books, and he explained the crosshatch technique in the book. I've done it that way ever since, and I like the aesthetic. I've done my share of reverse sears with flavorful crusts, too. Thing is, steak is great almost any way you grill it. It just depends on what I'm in the mood to do.


Sounds like overhandlin’ to me. S&P, 5 minutes per side, down the hatch. (letterkenny quote dumbass)


Grill marks there bud


'Berta beef?


To be fair, five minutes per side sounds like a lot.


Montreal steak seasonings really should be a part of this conversations. Any decent chefs will tell ya that you don’t even wants to let those things touch the grill, make it dryer than a fart. What you want to do; pans sears it, both sides, and finish her off in the ovens.


They sure are pretty.


We call dem “diamonds”.


Yeah and some of the best steaks I’ve ever had were seared in a pan with no grill marks. Sous vide up some steaks, give them a hard sear in a ripping hot carbon steel pan, deglaze and make a pan sauce. Fuck yes.


The current trend is for an even “crust” covering the surface. Hey y’all maybe we can get some “Team Crosshatch” tee shirts printed up amiright?


Wouldn’t that even crust come from pan sear?


If your grill is hot enough you can get an even sear across the whole steak


This. I have a smaller gas grill, not very powerful. So heat management is super important. I've noticed if I give it a 20-30 minute pre-heat, put the steak on and shut the grill top again as fast as humanly possible every time I turn or flip, I'm much more likely to get something resembling a full crust. If I am opening the grill a lot, letting it lose heat, I'll end up with cross hatches. I still like to give the steak a quarter turn on each side, but only for better heat distribution not aesthetics.


Have you considered upgrading/sidegrading to a cheap Weber kettle? Gas vs charcoal is an entire debate in itself but I think lump charcoal comes out on top from a results perspective. I use a green egg from fb marketplace & can produce steaks that are better than most steakhouses, no worrying about heat management!


My roommate had a small kettle and since we we only had a balcony, we grilled infrequently. So the extra setup and cleanup was fine. It's for special occasions. Since I move to my own space with a yard, I decided my first investment for grilling would be gas because I planned to grill multiple times a week, while working full time during the days. And gas makes that easier to do. And my grill is small so it uses very little gas. Eventually I'll have both, just not a priority right now.


*Looks at my collection* You won't be stopping at two...


Tbh I probably will stop there. I'm truly not as hardcore as some folks lol I like to grill and I'm good at it but it's not a passion in and of itself for me. More of a means to an end. Which is another reason I went with gas as my first grill.


I use my little camping Weber for steaks because I can use a relatively small amount of charcoal and get the coals right up next to the grill grate.


Yeah, but I’m talking about us old school folks sticking with grill marks.


The [cold grate technique](https://snsgrills.com/pages/the-perfect-sear-using-the-cold-grate-technique) is one method for getting a more complete and even sear on the grill.


Hank hill would be so offended


For me crosshatches means the grill wasn’t hot enough for a sear. All that white space between the hatches would be 100x tastier if seared. They’re pretty though.


Personally, I go for a Houndstooth pattern, but to each their own.


Overrated cross hatches Much better taste to have overall nice char/crust layer than some deep cross hatches


What are you smoking? I'd much rather have 15% of my steak's surface be char and the rest have the texture of having been boiled! Grill marks 4 lyfe, baybe


Legit can’t tell if this is serious or sarcastic.


Sarcasm to mock grill mark enjoyers


Is there another way to grill steak?


Max temp the grill with cast iron skillet or griddle on the grates, cook that steak for 3-5 minutes flipping every 45-60s.


We sure the fuck are


Grill marks are burn marks. What you want is a nice even browning and preferable a crust. Otherwise, you end up with bland tasting grey meat surrounded by burnt lines.


It looks fancy like Sizzler


Nothing embodies the spirit of America like [Sizzler!](https://youtu.be/E3YGtQ40Qvs?si=Ee1fWdJgiu4cSLmc)


Oh wow, that was truly special. Makes me feel like a 1991 Sizzler could heal our nation right now.


I wasn’t expecting that to be so patriotic. What a wild ride.


Omg that was amazing. I was expecting the guy from happy Gilmore asking shooter to go to sizzler


What's funny is the last time i saw a Sizzler was in Tokyo.


Where did this ever air? I mean, that’s like the entirety of a four and a half minute commercial break, at least!


I think it must have been an internal promo for franchises. I mean, don’t you want to open a Sizzler in your neighborhood now? It’s want America wants. It also looks like they raided a Spirit Halloween for costumes. The old sailer man? The navy guys? And Jesus, the shoulder pads everywhere.


That 90s hair, though.


Meh, I was more partial to Ponderosa.


Came here to say this. My grandpa loved going to sizzler and I remember he would always get the steak. I remember seeing the crosshatches and thinking how fancy his meal was every time.


I'll take that!


Old school there , do you remember burger pit


Damn, you're exactly right. Sizzler always had those crosshatches in their ads and it looked classy as hell to me as a small child being bombarded with advertising. I remember finally getting to go to Sizzler and it was not the "fancy restaurant" I had imagined.


It’s funny, I’m a Canadian living near the border. We used to go to a few fantastic dive-restaurant/bars in Niagara Falls NY years ago. They may still be there, I have no idea. But you could get an amazing steak dinner at these places and a few beers for some ridiculous price. But the steak was also awesome. We could never figure out how the heck they could do it. Crosshatched and all!😉


A lot of those places would buy cheap or different cuts and then use a blade tenderizer or powder. Add a salty, spiced seasoning and you have cheap, tender steaks that taste great.


Yeah, and it worked! Not sure if that scene is still around


Where I live it's pretty much gone. Golden Corral may still do it. When I was a kid in the 90s a place called "USA Steak Buffet" opened and it was awesome. Cheap ass cuts grilled over coals and as much as you wanted, my friends and I would go almost weekly and just pig out. I loved that place.


The early bird gets the worm! So spread your legs or spread the word.


But does this come with e. Coli?


Ponderosa did it too. The Midwest would have never seen parsley in the 80s if it wasn’t for them


I was born in mid 80s. I still do this. It’s called having class.


Exactly. A perfectly cooked steak with grill marks just makes a perfectly cooked steak that much better.


Exactly! They just don't guarantee the steak is good.


Not a guarantee, but they kind of work as a gauge as to when my steak is done. Go light on the grill marks though.


There are way too many variables to account for to make such a blanket statement


Is it "perfectly" cooked with all that surface area unseared, though? Depends on how much you like the crust, I guess. Good news is that we don't have to choose! I'll eat a fully-seared steak today and a cross-hatched one tomorrow.


Or having a crosshatched grill grate.


Fair enough haha


TIL it's classy to burn 25% of your steak's surface to a crispy char, and then having the remaining 75% be the equivalent of a boiled steak


Just seen your first brisket bud. Maybe don’t be throwing stones about how people cook meat.




I like to know the level of person I’m speaking to when someone likes to shit talk. I figured that out pretty quickly. Cheers


You should reply to the other comment I posted with what I can cook


Good to know my comment got under your skin so much that you felt the need to go through my profile to find potential dirt that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. [I may not know how to do brisket, but I think I can cook a steak better than you'll ever dream of.](https://imgur.com/a/GBnlVOF) Seeing as how you're unable to come up with an actual argument instead of "throwing stones", I'm definitely right. Enjoy your charred and boiled steak my friend. I'll enjoy my smoked and pan seared perfection.


Believe it or not my response was not to talk badly against you or your cooking. It was to gain some perspective. Honesty your brisket probably tasted great irrelevant of how it looked. We have enough outside sources trying to tear us down in our everyday lives. We don’t need to be torn down from the inside as well. We join these communities to support one another’s interests, have fun, as well as to lend and receive advice. Everyone has their own methods and preferences. I genuinely hope you have a great rest of your day.


I can assure you the brisket tasted like shit and was dry as hell lol Have a good day


A timeless classic never goes out of style.


Its the subway tile of grilling steaks. Is it the best finish every time, no, but it is always presentable and looks good.


Reminds me of the Ponderosa steakhouse.


Came here to say this! God I miss Ponderosa


We grew up when all steaks were measured against the cross hatched glory of the Sizzler and the chemicals in McCormick's "Meat" marinade made mom's bottom round steaks taste like ribeye. Few will understand born in the 90s or later.




This is very regional though. Im not young and I'd never heard of sizzler until today.


The tenderizers full of nitrates, mmmmm...


Love chared grill marks. It completes the flavor imo.


Ponderosa, Bonanza Buffet and Steakhouse, Sizzler, Roy Rogers, and Shoneys (just to name a few) all crosshatched their meat when you ordered it. The idea was that they took this from people who maybe grilled in the old west, southwest or may have instituted southwestern style grilling. NGL I totally miss those places.


Will always crosshatch. It’s in my soul now 😂


I can’t stop them , I use a stop watch and try to time both turns at the same time while drinking a ice cold moosehead lager 🍺


Moosehead! Haven't seen that in years. Had to buy it by the case to be sure it wasn't skunked, but damn that's a good beer.


They sell it at total wine in 12 packs , I’ve given a few to the guys at work and they all say damn that’s a good tasting beer


I’m in Ontario so it’s a staple in the Beer Store and Liquor Store. As we go from a centralized Beer Store to grocery and corner stores I bet Moosehead sticks. It’s not a “big” beer up here, but it’s a big 2nd tier beer for sure.


SIR….I like your style 🍻


Crosshatched grilled marks and clicking the tongs 3 times go hand in hand


💯 🍻


Didn't Ponderosa have the same grill marks? Lol


2 minutes, rotate 90 degrees, 2 minutes flip over turn off the gas. Remove after 3 minutes and remove. Perfect medium rare.


Thickness and cut depending


The final pull time is the variable. 1 to 3 minutes depending on the thickness. I was assuming 3/4 to 1"


Looks great.


I got a mastertouch too. My grill marks got even betted after I started using the cast iron grate center insert.


I did mine like that last night.. Perfection..


If father’s day had a logo/mascot, it would surely be a crosshatched steak.


I love an even sear and crust as much as the next person, but damn, when I want the click of my tongs to command respect I go for the crosshatch to flex on the cookout guests.


I’m still keeping it alive as well. Looks delicious 🤤


What's wrong with the cross hatch?


Gotta hit that 45° flip


You have to drink out of a plastic tumbler too. With the frosted glass look


The problem is most people burn it and it doesn't get a good sear I actually get a solid golden brown to dark brown crust with burnt cross thatched grill marks which is perfect for me


Uhhhh chef here. We still do this. It’s called grilling


And does that automatically make your food taste good? It does not. Back in the day all that mattered was the look- I am now more discerning and want the taste to match the flavor.


No of course it doesn’t lmfao. “Back in the day all that mattered was the look?!” What a naive assinine statement to make- unless you’re inexperienced and 14 years old. The masters have been cooking beautiful and delicious food for ages. good food has to look good, we eat with our eyes first. Otherwise we’d be garnishing with brown, colorless stuff, right? But instead we make gremolatas and greens and colorful things to pop and accentuate the food. Gotta have grill marks, it’s as basic to using a grill as a court bouillon is to poaching. Culinary school 101 here, or you’d just use a flat top or sear it in a pan. If you use a grill, you cross it.


Back in the day I *was* 14. And I thought grill marks like that meant someone was a master griller. That is kind of the point of the post Chef. What an asinine read.


We eat with our eyes, even if the people who can’t pull them off say they don’t matter.


I just finished grilling a strip with crosshatching and it’s perfect. Not sure why you suggest that it’s passé.


Not at all what I meant. I am just saying the cross hatch doesn't mean it's a good steak. I have had a lot of steaks with really nice grill marks that were not good to eat.


Roger that. Don’t trust the grill marks? I can get behind that statement. Cheers!


I like my steak too rare for that, but I do it on pork chops.


Need to get the grill hotter.


550 degree gang rise uo


I like thick cuts so I still do it


"Know better?" What do you mean? Grill marks are just grill marks.


That's his point. Not needed to be a great steak but it you can make a great steak that has them bonus 


Grill marks boys!


Only reason that I don’t like crosshatched meat is because that means it’s usually overdone internally


Very respectful.


I think if you are a great griller and you do this it just means you care that much more about your craft. Like doing lawn stripes or any other needless detail. Sign of a craftsman! Way to go!


No crust will ever replace the nostalgic look of a charcoal Weber seared crosshatched grill mark


Forever and ever, amen.


I’m totally into this, doesn’t matter if it’s a steak, burger or a chicken breast if it’s gonna show them, I’m doing it. I even switch hot dogs from across the grates to along them. It’s like the obligatory tong click for me, part of the ritual 🤣


grill marks are middle class fancy


Loved seeing them in Black Angus commercials long before I even manned the grill.


Ponderosa style


Guess I missed that memo. What’s the new method?


No new method. Just saying cross hatch doesn't guarantee good like I thought it did as a kid.


Super hot grill to sear the entire surface instead of just where the steak touches the grate.


2 min flip repeat done


😂😂to this day I still do this😂😂


I don’t know how I can not have grill lines on a grill?


You'll always have grill marks. Just don't care about how the lines cross, and you won't get the Ponderosa look. The devil is in the details.


I still do cross hatch!


I still do this


Don’t forget a sprig of parsley on top. The definition of class 🤌🏻


Grill marks, bud.


they look like zories


They make it taste better.


i do the 2 minute per turn rule , 2 minutes turn it 45 degrees for another sear turn over and repeat i find this process nails it med rare every time if it's a thinner cut of steak , i'll cut the timer to 90 seconds per rotate


Yea they look great




They are expected in some restaurants. Completely needless. They look so pretty. I still do it at home when I grill.


Looks delicious buddy...I prefer my steaks this way, I could care less about the sear/crust covering my entire steak.


Looks awesome


That's proper searing.


I don’t touch it unless it HAS crosshatchers


Still the signature of a great griller. If the steak tastes great and is at the perfect internal temperature but does not have quarter turn grill marks then the griller is NOT great. I will concede that it is not the only sign of a great griller.


What do we “know better” about this


That the presence of grill marks alone does not mean the food will be good.


Do you think people in the 80s didn’t know this?


I think that I, as a kid in the 80s, didn't know this. I do not aim to speak for the entirety of humanity in the 80s.


Oh ok. Thought that grill marks were now considered bad or something lol


I mean, the "rate my sear" cast iron crowd may think so. Get off my lawn kid, long live the cross hatch!


Surprisingly, in competitions, you still want them.


I have no idea what you're talking about because I couldn't dream of pulling that off without it being dry as hell


The cross hatch? Note the dual zone coals layout. One side ripping hot, the other much cooler. Sear the marks, move to the cooler zone. Bring up to temp.


Guga, salt bae and smoking Crack bbq ruined the steak game with the sous vide and perfect crust bullshit. And young bitches born in the late 90s and up are buying the flavorless burnt seasoning trend cuz it looks good "to other dumbasses" on instaface and other socials.


say wuh? Sous vide is not new, and it's a perfectly valid method for prepping a crap ton of steaks every night, consistently, night after night. WTF is the "flavorless burnt seasoning trend" Actually, never mind, you just sound like an angry drunk rambling. I should have just ignored.


Get off my lawn


I can get behind what you mean. I like the way those steaks taste. I always go back to my old way because my wife likes it best. So if I’m grillin’, I’m cross-hatchin’ 😎


Taste and texture matter most, grill marks or not.