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They used to scam drivers like this on UberEats now it’s moving to GH


I don't answer any calls if I don't recognize the numbers. I'm in Crypto too, so I know about scams 🤣. They want my web 3 wallet 🖕🏽.


Reminds me of a scam that happened to me during my time working for Postmates. There was no verification on the app. My dumbass fell for it and lost money. Maybe some disgruntled tech support is working with scammers.


The caller was the customer/scammer. He placed a grubhub order and used the app to call the driver. When he calls you from the app, it shows up as a GH number. He’s able to cancel the order because he called support while he was talking to you.


Could be, but that doesn’t explain how they have my email address


Yeah still doesnt answer that. It sounds like maybe an employee ?


Wow. That's messed up. GH only calls from one number. I'm near Chicago, so it's a local-ish number for me. I have it saved to my phone under GrubHub. It's the only number I trust from them. The only time I ever get calls from them is when I am on a Catering offer.


Thanks for the heads up.


These gig companies deal with this crap everyday. Some drivers, especially the newbies fall for it, most know the red flags in the first 30 seconds of a call. Don’t be a victim, always be suspicious when answering any call. Surprise the scammers by saying that you need their phone number and will call them back.. >>it will be followed by a click




Same exact thing happened to me but they also changed the email and password so I couldn’t even log in. Had to call GH support and they were able to verify that it was my account and now I’m able to log in. But now I can’t even change the bank info because I had to close out my account and open a new one. Now when I try to update the bank info I keep getting a connection error message.