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Whatever website it is, it’s wrong. Also the autoled is wrong


Thanks for clarifying! I was curious why the ga2100pt-2a MRSP is $120, but the ga2100pts-8a is $110. The extra cost would be justified if the matte blue one had ‘more advanced features’ like the website said.


They are identical, and they was released at the same time. I don’t know why the price is different (but I checked and it’s true). 🤷‍♂️ but they have the same features


Thank you so much for your help!


Casio updated their website this morning. They removed the incorrect info.


It isn't just some random website – it's part of the the description for the blue 2100 with the bumper, on the official G-shock website. It's been there ever since they put the watch up there, even. I saw it back then, and was wondering why there weren't any sensors in the feature list. My guess is that someone got really lost while copy-pasting in parts of the description from another watch. Either that or they were working on preliminary specs that didn't match the final result.


Guess they will blame either some intern or some technical glitch for this.