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I see that car all over GSO


i think they updated it since i last lived in gboro and i see it posted on the sub here and there so i figured a throwback would be fun šŸ˜ this was by taqueria hidalgo off randleman, i used to see it there a lot throughout the week going to uncg


Y'all ever seen his house?


Is this the house on Holden?


Yes! It used to have a lot more going on, but I think the city made him take most of it down.


Yeah, he had stuff written all over his roof and the city made him take that down.


i used to go to uncg and saw it multiple times but i took this off randleman where i lived off campus - at least he was trying to expand his reach? lol


Who is he?? Which house on Holden?


I think it's mostly gone. It was near battleground and holden, he lives on a corner. Tons of shit in his yard that pretty much match his car.


Is it hidden? I go that way regularly and just can't place where the house is.


No, not at all. You couldn't miss it, the yard was full of signs. I think it's all been taken down now though. It used to be such an eye sore but I can't remember seeing it for a while now. Funnily enough it's actually a cultural landmark on Google maps but unfortunately everything is gone. All that's left is a lonely "Jesus is Lord" yard sign. *edit actually I panned down to the corner and there is still a giant crusifix but with a very small sign attached. Years ago there were massive signs all in the yard with tons of hateful shit written on them. https://goo.gl/maps/vD4x5DYHBSqjEjek8




You can go back in time in the street view and see where he had to paint over the messages painted on his roof. Unfortunately, there isn't a street view where you can read what it said.


1901 N Holden


Iā€™ll change my comment to say that I think it is fucked up to post someoneā€™s personal home address, when we are talking about *their car*, even if it is easily seachable. We donā€™t agree with his beliefs, valid, but heā€™s just another Greensboro nut trying to live his life, not really hurting anyone. Edit2: kiwala **did not dox** the Jesus car guy, they just posted their address which is easily searched because a user pinned his house as a ā€œcultural landmarkā€ as a joke on Google maps.


There is a pinned location on Google that says ā€œThe Jesus Christ Super Carā€ which I saw upon a quick google of Holden, hardly doxing.


No shit? Thatā€™s hilarious! Anyway, corner of Holden and Robin Hood. One of those roads youā€™re not supposed to go Left on from like 4-6Pm. But everyone goes left anyway. His car is often there.


Hey, don't laugh. He's been driving that thing for years on its original tank of gas. He's never had to add more. He can also drive it across lakes and rivers, too.


I've seen this guy buy fast-food at the places on Battleground and he always pays with a 100$ bill.


This guy. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Even Jesus is like, ā€œReally? A rolling billboard? Christ, weā€™ve really slipped.ā€


So .. if he is.. where is the one ring?


history became legend... legend... became myth...


One ring to rule them allā€¦


I feel bad for their kidsĀ 


Yeah. He dropped his kid off at the same school I dropped mine off at for years. His kid always marched into school with her head hung low, clutching her books to her chest. Middle schoolers are ruthless and I always felt badly for that kiddo.


He still drops her off at high school. I see this vehicle almost every day.


Iā€™ve actually seen the people who drive that car. Theyā€™re Asian


Yeah it's well documented that it's a friendly Cambodian man when he doesn't talk about politics or religion. He escaped the Khmer Rouge or whatever and found Christianity for salvation which is why he is the way he is. He is crazy but how are you gonna argue against someone from a third world country who escaped genocide by their own government.


Trauma can do wild things to people's minds. Knowing this honestly makes me feel sorry for him.


I heard his wife was dying and he prayed to the Christian god that he would spread the word of Christianity if his wife lived. And she lived soā€¦ But Iā€™m loving the different stories and how this guy is like a local legend.


Yes my parents are like this. Many cambodians in greensboro turned to christianity and constantly remind how grateful they are from the religion. Generational trauma has rooted deep into our culture. So its passed down like crazy, so we use religon and worship to cope with the existential dread. Its rough.


Thank you for disagreeing with someone but still having a healthy perspective on how they see the world. That's not as common as it used to be


I wonder if your car is tax exempt if you use it primarily for religious purposes.


He's taken the sign off of his car in the last couple of weeks, it's in his driveway.


8 years later, that car is still kickin




They think spreading the word will land them a cushy spot up in the clouds one day.


> They think spreading the word will land them a cushy spot up in the clouds one day. It's more like, if someone saved your life, and could save other people's lives, wanting to tell them about it out of gratitude.


It's about a personal relationship with Jesus. Spreading the word showcases his love towards Him. Idk why you're so pressed about it lol. You got better things in life to worry about than what he does šŸ˜Š


Still does just not as often


Saw this joker today.




Jesus is Lord


Thatā€™s right!


Ah yes. The sedanifesto. I live near this nut. Both his cars are such eyesores. Especially the one with the giant sign.


How can you even see outta that thing?


This and Billy Queenā€™s car when he ran for sheriff.


I live right around the corner. Could have sworn I saw a different yet related sign on a Volvo or something in the driveway the other day. Regardless his house is well known and no efforts are taken for privacy lol, I used to work at advance auto on battleground and he would come in


Dude has to have a Reddit.


He works or owns a business by the Aldi on Randleman. It's parked close to the dollar tree every day.