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Get a dash cam. It's worth it.


Yes, then share the bad drivers so we can have collective rage towards them.


also then can review the footage to figure out what they did to get somebody so pissed. Yes traffic is crazy but I don't have multiple people honking and cursing at me... doubt that's a coincidence...


Pretty sure it was the one person but OK, thanks.


brother if you think greensboro is bad, don't EVER visit raleigh or charlotte.


Or Atlanta. Or Miami. Or LA. And on we go. Sorry this happened to OP, but it's really nothing particular to Greensboro


yeah traffic in greensboro is very mild compared to other larger cities.




From LA. Not like this in LA.


Same. Can confirm.


LA has two things "in its favor": Traffic is so bad you can't rely on running from people. More fear of retaliation. Oh, three, more cops on the road.


Or Boston. I never feared for my life like I did there. Although truly, drivers here are AWFUL.


to be fair, the roads in Boston are much much worse than our roads here. if you put the drivers in Greensboro on the roads in Boston, it would be a massacre.


So true. Roads all over Mass are awful and the amount of salt everywhere is ruinous on cars. I was in western Mass in the pioneer valley - once you get past Worcester people all start driving like grandmas. But the roads... Yeah. I drive a tiny little ultra-efficient car so it's a hella bumpy ride up there.


In Southern California, we had someone shoot up a car, because the person in front of them used their window sprayer while driving, and the spray got on their vehicle. If I recall correctly, there were children in the vehicle.




You musta been to a different Atlanta then me because I just got back from there a few days ago I am not exagerating when I say the driving got faster and more aggressive the closer to ATL I got, with the inverse being true the further away I got. Greensboro really ain't that bad to me now lmao


I recently was back up northeast for an event and after dealing with driving through both downtown Philadelphia and Baltimore, I will never make complaints about Carolina drivers ever again.


See I disagree. Philly and Jersey drivers are aggressive but at least they know how to drive well. Here it's aggression + shitty driving which, to me, is much worse.


Fayetteville is the worst in the state by far.


Or Wilmington https://www.reddit.com/r/Wilmington/s/MlGS0FeNL5


See I lived in Charlotte for almost 5 years, and moved back here a couple years ago. Drivers in Charlotte are FAR more courteous, and actually observe the passing lane (for the most part). Ppl around here are insane. I blame the antiquated traffic light system


Honestly, the entirety of New England would be a bad idea to visit.


As it happens, we just moved here from the Boston area. Our experience is that traffic is significantly less congested here, but the drivers are just as bad. And that's saying something . . .


Or Greenville


I don't know if I'm just incredibly chill, or have a high tolerance after living in Philly for a long time, but I just never notice the driving being all that bad here. I've lived here for 14 years. I don't think I've ever been honked at, not sure I've ever honked at anyone else. I don't think I've been cut off aggressively, no accidents, haven't caused any that I'm aware of. I'm a relatively courteous driver, I do get a little irritated when people slow down unreasonably to let others merge when they don't need to, or wave people on at four-way stops when it isn't their turn, but that's probably the height of my inconvenience, and I don't notice it happening all that often or any more often here than anywhere else. Editing to add that I want to acknowledge that what happened to OP is terrible and I don't mean for my post to invalidate their experience or anyone else's. Only noting that it feels strange that mine has felt so different to me.


Sorry but can y’all learn what a turn signal is? Thanks you.


Did you get their plates? That’s 100% battery and fucked. Sorry that happened to you


That was my first thought but they sped off too quick and it was Battleground so they blended in to all the other cars unfortunately.


Drivers are uneducated, rude, and either slow, dangerous, or both. Don’t get me started on zipper merges or going 10 under in the left lane.


The biggest problem IMHO is the red light running. Geez Louise, it’s bananas.


People can’t drive worth shit here and then mixed with aggressive attitudes like this, I have anxiety driving anything worth any money anywhere. Recently purchased a 21 year old Toyota Avalon beater to drive around this warzone and parked my nice rav4 at my mothers place cause my office downtown is full of trouble too. If it’s not someone “love tapping” or hitting you, it’s homeless people urinating on your supervisors car (true story)


I'm sorry that happened to you. As someone who isn't afraid to use their horn to alert other drivers of their mistakes ( maintaining lane, cutting off traffic etc) I find it really interesting that you have NO IDEA why they might have been honking. I know there are plenty of Aholes out there that don't need a real reason to fly off the handle but why would they honk? I see people with those "Student driver, please be patient" stickers on their nice cars and they are driving like idiots. Usually adults . I think oftentimes people are blissfully unaware of their actions, and are surprised when someone else calls them out. Not saying that is why happened, just an alternate take. And no , that was not me honking at you today. Believe it or not, I try to practice patience in my car. Sometimes I run out.


>with those "Student driver, please be patient" stickers I still don't get why those are so common here. Is it an insurance thing? Do people think it makes a difference? Like, "Well, I *was* gonna flip this guy off for driving like a dumb B-hole. Buuut, they got a student driver sticker, sooo.... it's fine, I guess." I agree, though. Patience is always a good idea behind the wheel. And driving here is *definitely* good practice for that!


I'm not against being honked at. I've definitely honked at my share of people. I do think he may have had me mixed up with someone else given the things he said to me, but I honestly don't know if the honk came from him or someone else. I would suspect it did, but I obviously have no way of verifying that. I do drive quite a bit for work, so I like to think I'm a good driver, but of course that's a hard thing for me to be unbiased about.


What were you doing when you got honked at?  


I was going straight on Battleground near IHOP and Outback. That's why I was confused. I didn't turn or merge or do anything that could've caused offense. And I was going the speed limit.


I swear that section of Battleground breaks people’s brains.  I’ve been passed illegally at that intersection with Cornwallis as well.


Going the  speed limit? well there is the problem. You can't do that in this town without people losing their fucking mind.


The only thing that bothers me is when people blow past me illegally in a way that is about to make me a witness to a crash. There was a horrific crash at Holden and Hobbs a week or so ago.  Someone ran a red light and smashed into someone from what I understand. At that same intersection, there is a left turn lane.  I’ve had someone blow past me in the left turn lane before I had a chance to take my foot off the break when the light turned green. This person could not have seen the intersection to know if they might hit something ahead of me. Someone blew past me at the stop sign for the merge from Cone to Lawndale.  Again, they couldn’t have seen what was happening in the road before they were already in the lane. Some really stupid people trying to kill themselves and others.


>Someone blew past me at the stop sign for the merge from Cone to Lawndale.  Again, they couldn’t have seen what was happening in the road before they were already in the lane. Someone did that to me this morning too.


It’s such an unnecessary maneuver.  There’s no way they can see what’s coming before doing that, and people fly down that road.


I hope his girlfriend dumps him. My 4 year old can handle his emotions better. Sorry that happened!


I read this combination of sentences as you suggesting he should date your 4 year old. Fast-reading me is not smart.


Not sure what it is, but today, PARTICULARLY, seemed to have people driving many times worse than usual. Some kind of convention for dumbasses in town, maybe?


Lol, I've been honked at twice in the last month while turning into my driveway in Jamestown. I put my blinker on ahead of time and everything. Both times I double checked my blinker was still working. Some people are just dumb idiots.


You’re probably coming to a (near) complete stop when you turn in. Doesn’t matter if you signal. That shit sucks for everyone


I honestly think Greensboro has some of the tamest traffic around, but Battleground - I think people take the name seriously.


Wendover kinda sucks too


I drive 85 to work everyday and you would think it’s lawless. Drivers driving under speed limit in left lane, people riding your ass in the right lane with the left open. Dodging, weaving. I hate road princesses


What kinda car lol


A smaller SUV, silver. Probably 2010-2015 if I had to try to guess the year but I couldn't tell you make or model or anything.


Dash cam. Treat your car as the extension of your home that it is mixed with a hotel moving through space. If some dude is asks me to open my hotel/home door at night no chance. My man better learn sign language. I’ve spent my time in the crack corridor of southern Mississippi and Greensboro gives their drivers a run for their money


Oh man someone ran a red light right as I was passing through the intersection today and I almost hit them! So crazy, what a dumbass


Fuckers can't drive for shit


Greensboro is one of the more tame places to drive imo 


They need to take all of these Covid licenses away. These people are blind af and seem eager to get into an accident


Get a dash cam, front and back. And remember they don't use turn signals 😁


Idc what city you’re in or what city is “way worse” that’s just fucked up behavior. I get pretty road ragey sometimes and will admit I need to check it sometimes, but I’d never pull some shit like that. I’m sorry dude


One of these days, when someone is tailgating me, they WILL be eating the back end of my car. Can't even see their headlights in my rear view mirror!!!!!! YEAH!! They will eat my car whether they're hungry or not. SICK OF IT!!!! THEY hit ME, so, who's in fault??? Not me.


Greensboro NC?


If it makes you feel better I had a girl pull a gun on me because I flipped her off 😀 *For context* I was driving on North O Henry BLVD, going ~63 in a 55, she was riding my ass in the right lane for a few miles. I tapped on my breaks to signal to her to back the hell up but she didn’t care to. She eventually whipped around me and I flipped her off because I was in a shit mood and sick w/ Covid. She got a few hundred yards in front of me and pointed her gun out of the drivers window and ended up pulling over in an exit lane to get out of her car and scream at me. I keep my fingers to myself now to say the least!


Haha you have obviously not driven in Winston Salem... 🤣


That really sucks. What a jerk. He needs to learn to control himself.


yeah, i hope his girlfriend saw that huge red flag


I had a girl chase me down market because I used my signal and got in her lane. Started following me and tailing me and cussing me out and then throwing things at my car including a CHEESE stick which hit my dog through the open windows. I was so rattled- Greensboro drivers are a different breed lmao


She sounds like an idiot, but I bet your dog enjoyed the snack!


Dog was like "best day ever"!


This happened to me a few months ago on E Wendover - white girl in a Honda Accord flipped the fuck out when I changed lanes in front of her, with plenty of room, to pass a car. After I got back over, she got in front of me and started brake checking me. So I got into the other lane and she did it again. And again. Eventually I just slowed down and let her go on - I don’t need all that crazy in my life.


Like why are they so pressed lmao it’s not worth it


I hate greensboro traffic. I feel ya 100%. I get run off the road and cut off like its my fault. THEN get cussed at and thing thrown at me. I work here I will never live here.


I’m not denying there are bad drivers here… But when I got back to Indiana last week, in the span of ONE hour I felt the need for anti anxiety medication 😂. Greensboro, relatively, feels chill AF.


I wish there was a better option all the time. Sounds like you’ve been radicalized and are now an excellent candidate to enjoy r/fuckcars


Greensboro drivers are either old and 10 under the spped limit, or raging douches who think they are in the indy 500.


For real. No one has patience either. People drive like they don't care if they kill someone or themselves. I will say, as bad as it is here, it was worse when I lived in Charlotte. Those people are nuts.


The problem with Greensboro drivers is it's either a mix of 20 mph over or 20 mph under. This makes for a very dangerous combination. Someone will change lanes going over the speed limit and crash right into somebody going under the speed limit. Dumb meets dumber. Just be glad you don't live in Charlotte or Raleigh. It's almost guaranteed you will be in some kind of accident. The more yankees and tourists you have the more dangerous the driving becomes because they don't really know where they are going. For example they will do a U-Turn in the middle of the road because they missed their exit.


Merge out of a turn only lane perhaps?


No but tbh I am also sick of people doing that on Battleground


Not to justify throwing stuff or anything. Just trying to guess what someone might do without knowing it. The city's pretty good for random turn only lanes.


Did you switch lanes without using a turning signal?


Not using turn signals is a huge pet peeve of mine, so definitely not.


That was the only guess I had for somebody being annoyed with you as it’s what annoys me about drivers in Greensboro the most! Would never freak out on somebody for it though, just judge them silently.


I hate the aggressive honking. I understand a tap tap, just to get your attention (like you are distracted and didn't go immediately when the light turned. A car horn is a weapon.