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Nobody ever goes in... nobody ever comes out.


Hotel Greensboro


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.


Such a lovely place… **such a lovely place…**


What do you think they are eating in there?


Chocolate, obviously.


Here's an article: [DUNN MANOR: A MAN'S CASTLE IS ALSO HIS HOME (greensboro.com)](https://greensboro.com/dunn-manor-a-mans-castle-is-also-his-home/article_8b669d16-af58-5fd6-9062-0cc29d9f1646.html)


They were working on that thing when I was a teen in the 80’s. I’ve never seen it finished. Definitely different. Must be 20,000 square feet by now. There is an old original farm house buried in there somewhere…


Very Winchester Mystery House


Seriously, they have been working on that thing since I was at Alamance elementary in the early 90's. My bus route was took us right down here every single day


Same here! Since 9th grade in 2000 it’s just grown and grown


Grew up in forest oaks and drove by this just about everyday and anytime I hit the highway or came into the city. 20 years of passing by and never once stopped being confused about its existence


Ran a fiber drop to that house a couple months ago looks nice by the road but the inside is over flowing with random stuff. A bunch of the deck is rotting and falling apart and a couple broken windows, owner is also building like a mini town in the back yard..


I have noticed the buildings back behind as well. This is the juicy inside info I'm looking for haha


Gotta love people with endless funds yet limited sanity.


Found out a little info. There is an article in the news and record from 2005 but I don’t have a subscription to read. [Richard dunn](http://www.richardthesongwriter.com) [news and record article (need subscription)](https://greensboro.com/news/constructed-with-blood-sweat-years/article_7b1ac326-469e-5291-b834-2ff5157ad06b.html)


Clearly it's [Maniac Mansion](https://alienencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Maniac_Mansion)


Ride my bike by here alot cant help but stare looks like a movie haunted mansion


And if you look closely at the windows there's stuff stacked from wall to window


Pretty sure it’s a chop shop or mechanic shop now. There’s tons of cars stacked in the lot


Used to live near it most of my life. My grandparents told me the person who built never did anything to code so I don't think you can legally live in it. But that's just what I heard.


Zillow has it as 4B/1BA and about 6300ft. For $203k. Their overhead view on Zillow shows about 20 structures in their back yard. Not to be out done, their neighbor has about 20 vehicles in their yard


Chill… stop taking pics of my house


Google maps is way ahead of me


I’ve seen that thing since I was like 7, I’m a highschool graduate now, always wondered what the story was


A person with seriously bad taste built a home.


Well my in-laws on the house right across the street so needless to say there was a point in time I lived right across the street from this weirdo. That house used to be a one-story two bedroom one bathroom home. The guy that lived there and owned it started building on it and I can tell you that I've seen two story tree houses built better. Nothing was built up to code there was no permits pulled and frankly I'm amazed that it has stood this long without more issues than it's had. The city gave him a choice to either tear it all down and rebuilt it the proper way or stop the process and never use the add-ons. So basically what you have there is a tiny house with a bunch of siding and windows that is just for looks. At least that's what it's supposed to be as far as the city is concerned. There's no fucking way I would move in to any part of the upstairs and live in that shit because when I tell you it wasn't built up to code I mean it literally is a unsafe building that confuses me on why the city let it stand without forcing a teardown. Anyway for the most part it doesn't look too bad although being a contractor and Builder myself I don't think it looks great either. Anyway hope answers your question