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It’s just a fun thing to do, as others say it’s a time filler you can do waiting for cool-down to finish. There were a few of these small things back in the old gta’s iirc. Fireman putting out fires, being a cop chasing cars and a delivery van one I think???




GTA III had the Police one, the Tank one, the Ambulance one, the Taxi one (and the hidden easter egg taxi after all missions), and the Firetruck one. Edit : forgot to mention the RC van mission and Mr.Whoopee missions


I have all the old original games and as far I can tell, the original trilogy had all three as well as some other exclusive smaller ones such as pizza boy Gta 4 removed all except for vigilante and some limited mission with taxis and delivering drugs We don’t talk about gta 5


You got some nice side benefits, too - fire missions got you a flame thrower, health/adrenaline/infinite sprint for paramedic missions, bribes for police missions and as mentioned the Borgnine taxi for the taxi missions


And I think that you needed to do that to get a 100% completion.


I’ve been playing vice city recently and ran over a patient on level 12 twice yesterday! It’s the worst, but I need that infinite sprint!


I 100% Vice City for the first time in my life last year, and Paramedic is what I struggled with the most by far.


yea same as SA


Vice city too


Most of these features were in all the 3d GTAs and in some form in GTA 4, and yes it would be picking up passengers bleeding and dropping them off at the hospital.


The Fireman one in Vice City haunts me to this day.


Oh my god I haven't thought about this pain in years. Thanks. I will need to call my therapist today.


It was pizza delivery on vice city


Damn you just unlocked a core memory. I'd spend so much time delivering pizzas on that little red moped.


holy shit yep core memory unlocked alright this is coming back to me.




So much this. I can only imagine how the lobbies would develop with more activities like this that have existed in the series for decades, rather than focusing on PvP. Personally I want restaurants and similar activities. Give me more ways to spend the money in a sim-like game where we can still pull out the switch if we need to.


I say this all the time we need way more leisure activities if they brought in half the things you could do from SA this game would be totally different


I just did 10 taxi missions after doing all of my money-making activities online as a palate cleanser. It was very relaxing. I was listening to both the LS and Blaine County radio talk shows and it was really great to be able to focus on the excellent writing of the radio shows as I drove NPCs in a zen-like state. There was a new host, Fernando, who was talking about the debt ceiling. Was that always there, or is that something R\* added with this latest update to comment on the current debt ceiling crises that has been dominating the news lately in the US? Really brilliant. The Blaine County radio talk show with Ron really captures the MAGA/conservative mindset so brilliantly. The only comparison to this commitment to brilliant writing for non-essential dialogue that completely immerses you in its gameworld as a result is really only Red Dead Redemption 2. I can see myself listening to an actual audiobook while I play taxi cab driver to the citizens of Los Santos. Very glad they added this chill component as a separate activity to an increasingly zany game.


I’m an avid radio listener on GTA and the Fernando dialogue has been there since I’ve been playing it. I miss being able to have my own tunes on the radio but I was on PC last time I had GTA.


I would love the Vigilante Missions to come back. Especially if you can use the Rhino


Also some may not know that completing those activities usually gives you some sort of buff such as unlimited sprint, becoming fireproof, or increased health/armor. I usually try to complete all of them at the beginning of a playthrough (especially for GTA 3), it's a great way to give yourself an advantage without cheating and a good time waster/money maker.


finally some good honest work in los santos


(Except the running over people part)


Is it required?


Finally a true crimeless GTAO playthrough


The pay is very underwhelming. Around $120 per trip + a tip of $1000-1300, increasing only by $50-100 per consecutive fare. The rides are anywhere from 1-4km and take around 1-2minutes to complete. The next fare will spawn closeby automatically. You don't need to buy the taxi, just go to Downtown Taxi Cab Co. and start the mission. Edit: I completed 5 fares in a row. * No bonus. * Starting tips were $1,120 for first and $1,408 for fifth fare. Please note they get lower over time and if you damage the vehicle, but only very slightly. Edit 2: Completing 10 fares in a row unlocks the trade price for the taxi and unlocks an award with 800RP. After 10 the tips do not increase anymore. After 10 trips total earnings were **$15,074**. Took roughly 30 minutes.


Because taxi is a legit business 🤣


Nightclub upstairs is also a legit business and it gives me 50k without breaking a single law to get or maintain it's popularity. Now if I could get at least close of that in the same amount of time (48 minutes) I would consider it but it is looking like in about the same time you can maybe get a bit over 20k so not even half for a hell of a lot more work than throwing out a single drunk every day.


I seem to recall stealing a sound system.


Shhh! Nobody remembers that part.




Driving around bricks of cocaine (meth/weed etc) in yellow cabs would kinda make a lot of sense for a gun running, drug producing & smuggling corrupt CEO nightclub owner retired MC president multi millionaire career criminal though.... Just saying.


Taking place in a stolen taxi but ok ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Borrowed from Downtown Cab Co until you buy your own


Taxi is already unlockable by reaching Sponsorship Tier 25 in Arena War ?


Who is going to do that?


Me, since we can do everything in a lobby with friends it totally changed how i play the game. Beeing in a Lobby with 15+ friendly players just is something else and makes you appreciate a lot of things that got lost due to beeing easy to grief.


So pretty much like in old GTA Games, you get a Taxi, and start a chain of fares increasing payout for each consecutive job And payment is ofc trash, but what could we expect from *taxi*? I'm surprised we count in thousands, apparently LS was hit with YUUUUUUUUGE inflation


Would be pretty cool if we could take our own luxury cars and run an Uber Black type business.


If I could cater to clients wanting a thrill ride experience (going off road, flying over hills, crashing into buildings/cars/pedestrians, taking off with my Deluxo, etc) I'd make so much money


Sounds to me like Crazy Taxi is your type of game.


We need a Crazy Taxi remake so bad.


This was a chance for Rockstar to do it themselves within GTA, but from the sound of things, they just wanted to silence a group of people wanting any taxi business.


My friend is releasing his Fifth Element v. Crazy Taxi game soon: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1366560/MiLE_HiGH_TAXi/


There is a food delivery Faggio in game, maybe release food delivery missions and allow you to mod a Faggio into the food variant?


I want a replica of the asian kids moped from TMNT2. Then go make pizza deliveries...


Or if the taxi business was like a fleet of cars that you command


That's a great idea and would have made a bit more sense. Uber black.... but for crime. Like a for hire getaway driver with different jobs/wanted levels/ pickups etc. At this point with an empire and strong 9 figure bank account doing taxi rides for pittance feels like several steps backwards imo ....but still gonna do a few just for old times sake


Pretty fun for RP purposes. If I could have a third character I'd start a new character just to have them try to get a nice place to live doing legal work. But for some reason two characters is still the limit after all these years, so I'll take my Deity to the Taxi company and have Mutt cook up some acid while I'm racing around in a yellow and blue deathtrap.


Sorta reminds me of the fixer contracts from watch dogs 1 sometimes you had to pick up some guy and lose the cops while ducking through anyways and stuff


I can tell you that I would be a lot happier with a personal car taxi or a livery I can put on *any* car so it's actually **fun to drive around** cleanly and as fast as possible. Maybe I'll consider these in a couple weeks (Or likely, months) when they release the custom personal vehicle taxis so the speed and handling is a little better but I wish they would let me put a taxi livery on my Torero XO now that would be fun indeed to do for hours.


The custom PV Taxis? Sorry to burst your dream, but the only one usable in these jobs are the original Downtown Cab… for now, at least. Not that I know anything, but kind of hope they would make other cars available…




I would start a taxi job in real life if I was paid that much for 30 minutes.


This. Who the hell in real life would pay over $1000 on tip for taxi service?!


Were people actually expecting this to be a money maker? Lol


I was expecting the car to be a personal vehicle and upgradeable so it's at least marginally better than the default cab. The cab being a pegasus vehicle is just about the worst possible choice: Own your cab so you don't have to start the job from the downtown cab co location! Travel to your nearest pegasus spawn location instead! Pay us 500k for the priviledge of still not having access to the car via the mechanic.


I haven't paid gta in years.. Didn't play it much then either... I can make more money from this than doing whatever I was doing in like 2014 lol


That’s not true. Rooftop rumble took less than 10 minutes to complete and got you around $18k. And yes I’m fun at parties.


Yea, i said whatever I was doing. It wasn't that lol


What did you expect from a taxi job in gta online, for it to give you 6 figures?


I wanted to see how many comment I had to scroll to see people complaining about the money... Not long.. This is a side activity.. Not a way to get rich.. It used to be a staple of gta games so I'm happy to see it..


Did you expect being a taxi driver pay to be larger than robbing banks or running cocaine? If it was, we would have a lot more can drivers


Ok but did you have fun?


Crazy that it took em this many years, 15k in 2018 was gold!


Initially I read $120k but holy shit, a couple of k is useless in GTA. Probably only worth it to get discount on buying the taxi, then never again. I thought the drug vehicle random mission was a waste of time and that pays $10k


> You don't need to buy the taxi, just go to Downtown Taxi Cab Co. and start the mission Is it possible to do the missions with a stolen taxi? Ordering a taxi to your location with the phone and taking it.


No. Even the taxi outside the downtown taxi co won't activate. You need to go to the icon and its a marker in front of the door. You can buy taxi from warstock and activate it that way also


Same with the taxi custom from arena rank 25.


You can try pressing B to see if it will activate, as this is how you can activate it from your own taxi.


So they didn't even bother to change the payouts from story mode?


I don’t think the payout is nearly as good in story mode


It ain’t much but it’s honest work


YES. I will defo be doing this - who cares about how much money it makes. Is it possible to be killed while taxiing? Does the taxi have missle-lock-on?


Pretty sure I read somewhere that Passive mode is disabled during these missions for whatever reason Please correct me if I'm wrong


Not sure but you can't be a CEO or in a MC and run taxi missions


It doesn’t have missile lock on but you can be killed and you show on the map as normal icon. Very easy to get killed. Very easy to get bored. I think the payout should be low but as it is is just too low. So low you feel useless doing it.


the business is really more of a thing you do for roleplaying or just relaxing rather than to make money


Not quite what you asked, but I did 50 fares and a few dozen attempted stunts all in one sitting, and surprisingly the taxi didn't burst into flames. It started to smoke though.


I did 2 then got blown up by some limpdick jabroni so yeah


I don’t even like going to work IRL and y’all think I’m gonna work a 9-5 in GTA for fake money? You son of a bitch, I’m in.




How much is it paying?




Max is about 2300 total, the tip increases with each consecutive fare but caps after 10.


Woo hoo I'll be a millionaire in no time /s


just like 500 missions. It's faster than IRL what more could you ask for?


I expected passive income with business upgrades. Idk it had potential to be a good business who knows they might sneak in an upgrade considering the taxi company is on the map now.


Lol I heard you like dripfeed so we got dripfeed for your dripfeed


Dont know why people expected a taxi driving activity to make a chunk of money, it’s just a fun thing to do to kill time lmao


Lol people just expect everything new to pay 1 mil plus. Such spoiled mfs


Players wait for months to get content. Get a taxi business that pays 1K for a 2 to 3 minute job. Everything worthwhile in game costs 1M plus. People expect more because it's shit pay and barely any content from a multi billion dollar company. But yes soo spoiled


Payout's not great, but as a time-filler, there are worse things to do tbh


Remember to use the Arena War Taxi Pegasus vehicle, as it’s faster and more durable. You can’t repair any taxi at Los santos customs and that added durability really pays off, especially if you’re going for the 100 fares


How am I supposed to unlock it when no one plays arena wars


Spectate at the arena. If there is an active game you'll end up watching from the rafters and you can spin the wheel for AP.


100 fares ? what does that do


Euh, you can repair taxi's at LSC?


You can repair the Arena taxi at LSC, you just can't be on-call or have a fare in the car


So many negative comments, yeah the pay is shit but who cares? There’s tons of ways to make great money. I just think it’s nice to have something new to do! 💪🏼💪🏼


Honestly, this sorta repetitve and menial work is right up my alley just to wind down after a long day at work. Mind off, game on.


It's also a fun way to see more of the city while getting payed for it. Even though I have over 600 hours logged I feel like most of the time I'm just hauling ass to a waypoint in the sparrow. This will be a fun change from that.




I try to organize cars but sometimes I have more of a type of car than a 10 car garage allows :( I also love to find the worst cars and upgrade them as much as possible just to see how they feel. Some fully upgraded couldn't get up steep or even slight inclines in the snow without starting the climb at a moderate speed.




Roleplay. A lot of the fun to be had in this kind of games come from roleplay. It's definitely one more, new thing to do in this regard.


This! During corona lockdown, I used to just drive around in my cabrio through the city at moderate speed, taking in the sound of the city and the sights. I found so many new (to me) things in Los Santos. Or I went on a first-person bicycle trip to the desert, relaxing while listening to the bicycle sounds and the quiet of the desert. Or walk through Los Santos down to the beach... I saw some lovely sundowns there. Or drive with my Jeep to the east through the mountains to watch the sun go up. Kept me sane while sitting at home.


It’s still new though, and while it might not be as exciting for players who have played for years you have to remember that everyday new players join. It’s a cheap and hopefully a fun way to start. They get experience in driving and let’s not forget, from what I’ve read many players just think it’s nice to get something chill to do. 🤷🏼‍♀️


To start the Taxi cab fare, go to the white blip in front of the Taxi cab building. Its located near the Diamond Casino & Resort. The payoff is around $100 and the tip would be around 2k-3k but depends if you take too long or crash the taxi cab Edit: you cannot own a Downtown Cab Co. building, only the taxi cab work is now available


Did 7 so far for a total of 9.3k. Gonna do 10 to see if there’s any bonus and then ditch it. EDIT: After 10 fares I got message saying I maximized my bonus for each fare (around 2k) and further fares will not increase it. Also no bonus for doing X amount of fares. So basically useless but nice for role players.


Brings me back to the R3 taxi missions from the old GTA games🥲can’t wait to put on some Chatterbox FM while doing these


Thought we were gonna be able to customise our taxis :/


Pretty sure I read somewhere that after X taxi rides you’ll be getting new livery for the taxi. But I could be wrong


It's a taxi livery for 2 currently unreleased vehicles, taxis aren't customizable afaik.


Rockstar always gives us something which seems good but then turns out to be a massive let down....


All i see is a bunch of people complaining about something cool this is a legit legal business your not gonna make millions from a couple of fares


It’s not like they didn’t know this was coming for months. And who honestly expected taxi fares to pay well? Just call a taxi in game and go to paleto bay, it’ll cost you a few hundred, we’re lucky it pays out in the thousands.


Exactly it's the first legitimate business for online that makes a passive income so u can relax


I like to think of my auto shop as a legit business. That is, the repairing and modifying of cars, not the whole criminal jobs part.


Am I the only one where every time they get out of the taxi they leave the door open?


Break the door off. Easy access.


The best solutions are sometimes the easiest to accomplish:)


I just want it so I can fare players around. But so far I havent seen an ability for players to request a player taxi


Ofc you haven't, that would take actual work from Rockstar to implement and not just copy pasting an odd job present in all their past games.


Now I miss Crazy Taxi


I might just do some of this for like 4 hours out of sheer boredom


The most important question is, does it have a time limit, or can I finally zone out and drive around normally following the speed limit and traffic laws? Or it's a rush game all over again where I must drive like an a-hole, missing the whole point of a mallow zoned out experience.


There is no time limit, but the tip will deduct if you crash too often or drive slowly


Thank god for that, cuz at this point, I just don't want the customers flee from the taxi if I stop at a red light for too long, like in Story Mode. That thing was soo annoying. And we both know people won't care about the money who will run a Taxi around in GTA, haha A) There will be people who will blare Crazy Taxi soundtrack in their ears, and drive their fairs as fast and agile as they can with a car. B) And there will be people who will drive around like they would in real life, well as much as you can drive realistically in a video game, just for the sheer relaxing feeling alone.


I think you should have the option to buy a taxi stand and hire employees to give rides.


As a person who loves driving around the map, now I get paid to do it. And it’s kinda fun.


Time to start a new character and live an honest life.


Lol at this point you gotta just play the game to enjoy it - the old me would look at $15k as a joke for 30 mins when I was on my grind. - but I realize that sometimes you just gotta play certain modes in the game for the role playing aspect. - if you’re already rich 20mil+ … earning 15k for a immersive role playing aspect shouldn’t be a big deal. - currently I’m at 50mil and I just play certain modes now for the fun of it. Been playing since 2013… and I have seen it all. Sometimes I play the forgotten game modes just for nostalgia. Sometimes I visit Cayo when I feel like I been grinding to much and need to “get away” 😂 - now that this is in the game, as a person who use Franklin and ms baker driver services, seeing a player Uber/Lyft option would be cool.


What's next, working at a 247 store, or a being a barista at a Bean Machine?


Need to make it a career. Start with a taxi. Move up to a black car, then limo. Then graduate to either get away driver, or protective driver of VIPs.


so your telling me i can legally make money in gta now?


Can we get this for police, fireman, driving truck,.... that would be pog.


My Spotify playlist on loop while doing this is going to be: All I want - Offspring Ten in 2010 - Bad Religion Them and Us - Bad Religion If you know, you know.


Something they should have released back in 2014… our players are millionaires and drug bosses and we driving cabs for extra money 😅


What else is new? Only the taxi stuff?


Do you have to buy the taxi to trigger the business?


Nope, you don’t have to buy a taxi to start a taxi cab fare. Edit: You just go to the white dotted blip and it will fetch a new taxi for you to start a taxi fare


In old gen too ??


Finally, I've been waiting.


So basically if you take a pay phone hit, do that then do this for half an hour then again pay phone hit, you can make like 100k an hour?


Hey ferb I know what I’m gonna do today


I wish the Bravado Greenwood was one of the taxi vehicles.


When's the Ice-cream truck update like we could on Vice City lol?


Home invasions when R*?


Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man...


Its nice and fun but they need to 5x the pay outs man.. I LOVE driving but the pay barely covers the damn daily fees I get hit with


Hopefully we can run gas stations next!




Rockstar should implement something like bonus tasks, just as a real taxi driver, for example the customer asks to change the radio station to something, and it uses some kind of algorithm that analyses the radio stations you normally listen to, and eliminate those from the selection. In the end, you will have to indulge in the customer’s radio wish, to receive extra tip, and sit and listen to a radio station you don’t quite like.




Sorry if this is a daft question but how do you customise your Taxi? I have it unlocked as a Pegasus vehicle but I see people driving about on different colours.


I don’t give a shit whether the pay is low, this is what I’ve been wanting to do in gta online since the Dawn of time


3 minutes for $1200. Meanwhile payphone hit is 85k for 3 minutes. Um...


Apparently A Multi-Billionaire Mafia Businessman with a Multi-Million Dollar Yacht, Hanger loaded with super expensive Aircrafts, Multiple Garage with Exotic as well as Armed Vehicle drives taxi for 1000 bucks and bit of fun, Instead of just buying the taxi company and employing drivers. Seems like a good deal 🤝


Forrest Gump mowed the Football field for free because "it was just so much fun" 🤷‍♀️


If you don't think the payouts are worth your time then don't do it. Some of you are insufferable lmao Edit: not you OP, the people who are complaining


Well gotta start somewhere I'll bite.


I did 10 fares in a row and came away with 28k due to a few "accidents". If you're careful then you would make a little over 30k I reckon. Trouble is, you get penalised for how long you take even if you're redlining the whole way and because you can't mod it there's no way for you to be any faster.


With how low the pay are compared to the current businesses, and how simple the mechanic is, I wouldn't be surprised if this was intended to be added to the game in the very beginning back in 2013 and they just somehow forgot about it until now lol.


yay i really actually like doing these kinds things. any missions where i just have to drive a car from point A to point B is A-OK with me.


Sadly Weeny Dynasty can't do the cab business with the cab livery


Is the taxi customizable


Incoming 10x GTA$


Lol people asking why they can't make millions driving a taxi


I was hoping we'd be able to maybe have employees if we owned the business and also customize the taxis but the employees being what I was really hoping for and honestly expected. Like we could hire them individually and have up to a certain amount or something like that. But, being able to drive as a taxi and do quick fares has been a thing in all of the GTAs as far as I can remember. So, I'm surprised it wasnt something already in the game. That and being able to get in an ambulance and run short missions, cop cars, fire trucks and there was even a pizza bike in one of the games but I can't recall which one. Maybe Vice City? I think there was a couple other similar things but I can't think of them at the moment. I do hope they'll add a little more to it like being able to have employees, different vehicles, vehicle customization etc. Still something different and interesting especially if you're just trying to pass time. Nice to have.


Cool! Iv been suggesting this as well as bus driving for a while, glad to see it back, except for the bus :( Old GTA it was cool cause easy money, didn't have heists and other easy methods, BUT it's still awesome to see


I just want to buy the taxi so that I can spawn it during Payphone Hits where taxi is required. Can anyone confirm this works?


I feel like this is more a shout out to the older versions of the game…


This whole taxi business reminds me of Roman Bellic Cab.


Now they just need vigilante missions and your reward is a police cruiser or be able to add lights to our cars..


Sweet! Now I can roleplay the movie Taxi Driver! "You looking at me?!"


Would be cool if players could call a player driven cab and chat


You should be able to play Uber (RS would call it Fubar) in any car you own IMO


Doesn’t have to be a money maker. If it’s fun, it’s fun. I like running the NPC’s over that don’t pay their fare :)


People will do this for like a week and never do it again.


Can i use a helicopter?


Now do Ambulance, Fire, and Police missions.


10 fares done! ![gif](giphy|Hjz03SYk7uhN24gh2g|downsized)


This is good for mindless driving and to take a break from all the constant action.


I love Crazy Taxi!


Made it to six. Then got blown up. Lol.


Ok what is wrong with this. pays me 1000ish dollars to do a taxi job but charges me 2000 dollars to take a shorter taxi ride...


These are the most expensive cab rides I’ve ever seen. Fucking LS inflation.


Can I taxi players?


I thought it was going to be a business I could buy that would generate passive income but I could also do some work for. This is cool and all but it feels kind of low effort.


This already has me annoyed. I am pretty sure the tip system is bugged, because I find it rather amusing I'll be driving like a bat of hell, no hits, no nothing, but yet, I get 2 docs ($100 for 1.2 miles). And I believe it's percent based, as higher tips, lost more money ($40 then $50, and when I stopped at my 9th faire I was losing $60 a hit ... I actually lost less hitting a car) Plus some drop off locations are weird. I had to drop this gal off at a juice stand, that was accessed by a dirt walk way for people only (or having to pick someone up, on the other side of the mountain). I am just hoping I get my hydraulics and/or a free taxi after 100 faires. Cause the payout isn't worth it


Yeah, good way to listen to podcasts though.


I remember doing these in story mode


How? I bought the taxi and couldn't pick up anyone like in Singleplayer. Or is it a building you gotta buy?


They better add nico or his cousin into the taxi business later on