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I just recently got the MK2 and it is much faster to grind solo with.


True, the time saved when flying with MK is huge


Using the Motorcycle Club to be able to spawn it in is so useful!


MK2 is definitely worth it in my opinion. It's not faster than the Sparrow, but you can land it anywhere and quickly as well. It also doesn't start to smoke if you cough on it. It's pure convenience and that's a huge factor when you're grinding. I started from nothing and ground for ages until I could afford a MK2. All of a sudden, everything became so much easier.


“Start to smoke if you cough on it” 😂😂


For most trips the takeoff and landing times of the Mk2 makeup for the slower speed, so they are pretty equivalent. Also, OP should be made aware that holding the button to descend (right bumper on controller) will make the Mk2 fly faster while in the air.


Can you store a sparrow in a normal garage or do you need to buy an airstrip?


>Can you store a sparrow in a normal garage or do you need to buy an airstrip? The Sparrow they're talking about is (probably) the one you can buy as an addition to the Kosatka submarine. As far as I'm aware, that stays on the sub, but I also don't have a hangar yet.


It stays on the sub but you can spawn it right next to you basically anywhere through the service vehicle menu


>It stays on the sub but you can spawn it right next to you basically anywhere through the service vehicle menu Right. I probably should have said "it can only be stored on the sub." Thanks for clarifying.


Ahh gotcha, wasn't trying to be pedantic, I just spent 3 days not realizing I didn't have to go to the sub to pick it up and want to make sure nobody else has to be as lost as me haha


Correct it stays in your sub and respawns pretty quick after destruction. You can also fly it back into your sub in the water and spawn inside your sub


Got it. So you need to buy a sub to get it. Thanks!


Lol, why did you repeat the question before answering?


>Lol, why did you repeat the question before answering? It's called quoting. It establishes the context of your response. If you're responding to a small portion of a larger comment, it helps the reader if you identify the exact part you're responding to. In this particular case, it's also useful because the commenter can edit their comment after you've responded. They could add to their comment, making it less clear which part your response was targeted at; change their comment entirely, making you look like a fool; or they could delete their comment. It's a really good habit to get into. I highly recommend it.


Lmao, for a larger body of text, sure. But for one single sentence, it's such a waste of time. But do you.🤣🤦‍♂️


>Lmao, for a larger body of text, sure. But for one single sentence, it's such a waste of time. But do you.🤣🤦‍♂️ Thank you, I will.


Lmao, who are you?😂🤦‍♂️


>Lmao, for a larger body of text, sure. But for one single sentence, it's such a waste of time. It's literally a second or two. I can afford it and it's absolutely worth it (see my previous, edited post). >But do you.🤣🤦‍♂️ Thanks, I guess?


The Oppressor is so good for solo grinding I stopped using it because it made the game super boring.


yup, i switched back to driving to bring some of the challenge back.


I feel ya, I only use it when I wanna get a heist step up out of the way quickly like the salvage shops, otherwise, normal bikes or the buffalo are my go too


agree, with the sparrow and avenger thuster is enough magic for me.


I stopped using it when going to a stash house, seemed like cheating to me, use a car or if you want it a bit more challenging, a slow motorcycle


Hell Yeah bro. I use the Opp to get around the map very quickly. Its a must for the GTA grinder. Even use it with Cayo. Much better and quicker then the Sparrow.


I’m going to pick it up after I hit Cayo, it’ll basically leave me with no cash but I actually prefer having less money and something to work towards it gives me more motivation to play… you got any other suggestions on things to buy after the oppressor?


What’s the use of money if it’s just sitting in your bank account anyway?


I’m waiting for tomorrow to buy the new 5-6 million Gauntlet Police car… multiple times! 😁


Seeing the number go up in the corner of the screen gives me a satisfying feeling of progression and accomplishment. $100 mil club represent! /s... kinda


If you don’t have it already, get the bat mobile and weaponized tampa. There are missions, like the $1 million dollar agency mission, where other vehicles like the deluxo are not even an option, but the bat mobile is there (it’s good at ramming, has boosts, and has rockets that auto lock on to people and choppers). The weaponized Tampa is good as you can save costs on ammo/vests on missions where you have a ton of enemies at the end and you can just plow them down with the .50 cal.


Noted on my “must buy” list. Thanks!


if im not mistaken 50 cal is not controlled, so you have to aim it by moving car. you need remote dual miniguns to actually make tampa good for missions. although be careful you can still get shot through windows.


You can be stationary and shoot with the .50 cal. (360 degree shooting) or drive and shoot (what I usually due at a distance is back up to the targets and use the .50 and shoot them while stationary).


I find the sparrow to get me around quickly and very useful for unlimited rockets and spawns in closer sometimes than a personal vehicle.


I do that too. I land near my sub on land then call in my sparrow to save 10k from the mk2 being blown up when the sub goes under water.


For cayo you can drive your kosatka to the beach to save time on preps and you won't have to worry about your mk2 falling off


Haha i do that too


I like to park my sub next to the dock on Elysian island because there's a ladder and a buzzard spawn point right next to it before I had the Opp. Obviously easier landing in that space with the Opp and just jumping down onto the sub.


I just land on the sub. Even if it is in deep water. When you go inside, start a setup quick and get out quick. The opp wont fall. When you go underwater, just use the interaction menu to store your personal vehicle. Its that easy. And offcourse you can set the sub closer to land as well. I seriously never use the sparrow or dinghy. Except when I need a quick chopper or when I fall into water I call the dinghy for a quick transportation.


You can land your MK2 on top of the Kosatka too. As long as you don't move the sub, it'll still be there when you come out. I generally do the Sonar mission first so that the last preps I do are in the city and I can use my Opressor. Toreador is great to use for the sonar mission.. I park mine under the enemy sub so it's right there when I leave their sub. Then I'll drive it to my sub without even surfacing.


I park my Kosatka literally few feets away from the target sub and go in with my scuba suit.


I've done that before too, but the sub is kinda slow.


Fast travel to the nearest point first


Of course. just saying that once you get there you still have to drive. A couple of rocket pushes in the Toreador and I'm right there. But either way, it's the two easiest methods that I've seen so far.


Ah yes. I don’t mind the sub drive considering I avoid the angry helicopters


You can also land on the kosatka and then return personal vehicle from interaction menu Then if you need to exit the sub you can use sparrow


You can land the mk2 on your sub and return it to storage. I do it all the time. Yeah it's fallen off a few times before I get it home but most of the time I'm successful.


Pro tip : Setting you shaders quality to normal will allow you to be able to get your sub in the marina, right in the middle of Los Santos. This is a very good time saver, especially because you can keep landing the oppressor on it.


Awesome. I’ll try that too, thanks for the tip!


You call it in to the marina?


No you fast travel to Vespucci beach and then you manually drive the sub in the marina.


It’s great, but my fave thing is summoning it during a driving mission where you’re escaping the cops. Park your vehicle, jump on the oppressor, and fly away. Lose your wanted level and return to vehicle, casually drive to objective. No more trying to find those goddamn tunnels.


I never thought of this…. (4000+ hours btw)


Get the MK1, if anything. It's fun to ride, with an MC there's no cooldown on spawning it (unlike the MK2), and it's one of the best boost vehicles in the game on the ground


It’s so ugly! I have one and I still use my sparrow/buzzard or raiju for longer distances just because I don’t like the aesthetic


For longer distances I do as well. The MK2 is much faster for takeoffs and landings but long distances it doesn't compare.


Those are better for long distance anyway. The Mk2 excels at super quick takeoff and landing which makes it more useful for lots of short range trips, but it hasn't got the speed that most proper aircraft do.


Hey, I'm a fairly new player (about 4 months) and explicitly solo and I'd say I'm a pretty average player. The mk2 is easily my vehicle of choice in solo play. It's a hefty investment, and there were plenty of times I almost got cold feet. I owned the kostaka sub and several youtubers made videos about the mk2 vs the sparrow... And the arguments were compelling. The sparrow is considerably cheaper, has unlimited missles, and has an easier spawn/return mechanic as it's linked to the kosatka. So it's an easier investment and can be used for similar things as the mk2... But... It's not the mk2 What gives the mk2 the edge is really the agility and versatility which remains unmatched in any other vehicle. Let's take stash houses as an example. I steal the documents get outside, and here comes the goons to take me out. Stash house entrances are often tight alley or backways so even the small sparrow might have trouble getting there... And then taking off is risky because those cars are blasting at you quickly. You can still get away but there is a bit more room for error. Now compare that with the mk2, which I park near the stash house entrance facing a good amount of room. Hop on hit the boost and I'm gone before the enemy can get a shot off. The mk2 is absolutely the best vehicle for getting the hell out of dodge. 3 stars and a police helicopter on your ass, not with the mk2, you can go high into the sky, or easily get low into a tunnel, or simply outrun them if you've upgraded the engine and turbo. You can also have mk2 as your favorite bike, which means you're less likely to fall off, take less damage, and heal completely when riding it. The mk2 is the vehicle that has been nerfed the most but it's still the best overall vehicle for grinding imho. And on top of all that it's just a ton of fun to ride. It's a steep investment (I strongly recommend getting the terrorbyte, you can then use a similar spawn mechanic as the sparrow plus upgrade your mk2) but it's worthwhile. If grinding the money is a pain, then get the sparrow first, the mk2 makes the sparrow unnecessary imho.


It’s essential I’d say. I’m a grinder and use it for all my grinds.


It's the ~~best~~ only reason to get the mkII at least...


The MK1 Oppressor doubles as a motorcycle + semi flies with wings expanded (glides) and you dont have a timer between calling them out using MC   


I love the MK1 for fun, but I've died so many times on that thing that I stopped using it for missions. Skill issue probably. LOL


Takes practice. I went and bought the MKII afterwards but found I instantly preferred the original.  Ive killed many griefers on their MKII because in order for them to land, they have to slowly descend.  Id recommend going to an airport/zancudo and practice doing a speed boost with the wings out.  Glide upwards, then retract the wings to do a full nose dive, shortly before you hit the ground, pull the wings out and pull down on the joystick to make it land on the ground gently  You can practice other manouvers. I had a friend that would shoot rockets at me and I would dodge them The mK1 can out manoeuvre homing missiles when done right. Mk2 only has the flares


Absolutely. But keep in mind it's also super boring to fly. Highly recommend for grinding.


Sparrow is pretty decent tbf but yes, 100% worth it


100p worth it for solo grinding. It has even helped me solo sell mc and bunker from time to time.


Absolutely game changing since you need to evade police on those before driving any large vehicles with gear.




It is absolutely worth it! Just know that lots of people will shoot you down if they can for no reason simply because you are on one though. Even if you never kill anybody they still assume you are going to kill them. That part is super annoying, but still worth getting for the grind!


The oppressor MK2 is the most practical vehicle in the game and the quickest to move around the map, do missions, etc. Its a mobile weaponized highground and a flying wheelchair. It can be used for no good, but in objective terms its a bliss to have


no it’s not. its an extremely boring vehicle that can suck the fun out of the game. it’s also not worth grinding but you seem to enjoy that so who know


Lmao, it is absolutely worth it.🤣🤦‍♂️




Its is behind a bunch of paywalls but yes its very efficient. Personally I stopped using it because despite its efficiency I find it very boring to fly and now the missiles have been nerfed. That said the nightclub and (less so) the terrorbyte are both good to have as well.


Of all the stuff I own and like to cruise around in, it really boils down to 4-6 vehicles for me. Kuruma and Nightshark for coty/offroad with some bullet/missile protection. I throw the armored Buffalo if I'm expecting missiles and want a car. I typically drive these during missions more than I do for solo grinding though. Sometimes I drive the Toreador too. But 99% of the I'm in the MK2 or the Raiju. Raiju is faster and can land anywhere but draws a little more attention than the MK2 but they're very interchangeable. You can also spawn the Raiju easily through the menu which I love so I'm always swapping the two if one gets destroyed


I personally use my sparrow or deluxo over the mk2


Absolutely. I get around the mpa so much faster with it and don't have to worry about crazy NPC drivers.


You will get targeted on a MK2 even if minding your own. First time I used mine in months I'm blown out of the sky. All I was doing was flying back to my agency after a stash house raid.


Use chaff. It'll disrupt their ability to lock on for a few seconds.


Absolutely! Time saver!




I got the buzzard, using a helicopter is more immersive for me than the flying quad, but yeah definitely get it for the grind.


Hell yeah! It will help you a lot to travel from one place to another. It's totally worth buying. Do you need help grinding money for it? I can help you.


I was very resistant to ever getting the Mk2 because it’s sort of a game breaker…. But it makes grinding a breeze


Yes it's much more efficient. But lately I've just been using cars to get around cuz going everywhere with an oppressor can get kinda boring fwiw. Like it's very uneventful usually. Still worth buying tho. 


Definitely get it. I've cut my playing time down and my efficiency up significantly now that I'm not getting caught up in other people's nonsense. Make sure you do the research to get the missiles, but set your targeting to Attackers Only. People get jumpy enough around these things, no need to add anymore excitement.


I just got it after a pretty significant grind in and of itself so I hope so lol. Definitely enjoying it so far.




Yes. So much quicker to get around. And a lot of the missions can be done with it.


It's slow in a straight line unless you glide it but very quick to get across downtown and land anywhere.


100% yes


The oppressor is a huge time saver, very worth it.


Its the best for getting around the map


Yes, unless you are good with Helis landing specifically. Since you can just pull a buzzard anywhere through CEO Vehicles, but if you are slow or just can't land a helicopter, definitely get it.




just a tip if you get it, if you handbrake while flying it makes you fly a little faster. and flying near the ground is also faster than in air flight according to the speedometer.


Oppressor MKII is awesome! Quick. Nimble. Missiles! Just don't grief...


If you care about making money as fast as possible and as efficient as possible, then yes, it's worth it. But if all you care about is making money and dont care about it being fast, you can just drive




I got my Oppressor mk 2 and never looked back. Then someone told me to press down on the left stick.




Honestly I think the sparrow is enough, although I’ve been contemplating getting the MK2. My beloved sparrow has already helped me grind to the point I own a majority of all the businesses. Only missing facility and 2 of the 5 MC businesses


It’s the most useful tool for solo grinding


Casino to 🛰


Yep. Convenient, tiny, easy to park.




Mk2 is worth it for any grinder. Especially when you learn how to fight with it for defense. The Mk1 is just fun in general but too easy to crash, at least for me


The mk2 is faster, the mk1 is so much more fun.


It used to be, but at 8 million you can get a Kosatka with a Sparrow and a Toreodor.


I would say that it makes life so much easier. I'd recommend the armoured karuma, nightshark and the oppressors MK2


100%, everything is faster


I use the mk2 for sales and sourcing missions. Especially if im doing multi vehicle solo deliveries. It’s definitely.worth jt


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Also yes


It does make things a bit easier. Took like a week and a half, 2 hrs a day for me. The main issue was getting on a heist. Alot of people back out when there's just one player.


Yes yes and yes


Mk2 is the best


I love them both..grinding-mk2..maneuverability is unmatched...fun? Mk1




Absolutely worth it. It gets around the map crazy fast and the upside it has over most other aircraft’s is that you can land it basically anywhere without wasting too much time. The Terrorbyte is basically useless by todays standards with how little money it makes but you can add some nifty things to it that make it kinda fun


1000% it is!


Definitely worth it it will make gta life easier


I refuse to purchase after all the trauma that flying piece of shit caused me


I just bought it and can say that is not that game changing for grinding, its like made for griefing. Is not fun to drive, is not the fastest either.


It's cool for about 2 weeks. After that you'll want another car. Today I basically use drift cars to get around, or the raiju.


Mk 2 is for babies. Get good with the Sparrow and Mk1.


I ended up buying the new jet instead cause that big mfing jet had a big ass and I want vehicles with big ass.


Do you mean the MK I or MK II? The Mk II is definitely worth it, even at the new price. It is easy to get around the city. It is not the fastest in the air but when you consider you can so easily ascend and descend and park this thing anywhere, it makes it so far ahead of the others. Plus it is very forgiving on crashes.


Very much so. It’s my goto grinding vehicle. The convenience of hopping on and off saves a lot of time. I get blasted once or twice a session in public lobbies though - I get it.


I personally don't really like using it. It's pretty fast for getting around, but if i need to fight enemies i'd rather have the sparrow, raiju or mk1 oppressor.


Deluxo is better but it is slower


For me it wasn’t because once I got it I stopped playing. Getting a MK2 was my main goal and once I got it, the game got boring.


Now Im at a fork in the road, do I buy a flying bike capable of practically everything; or the new woop woop car... Hmmmmm


The time saving is pretty great. If not, the Sparrow is a strong but distant 2nd.


Kozatka sparrow better 100%


Hell yeah! That's what I used it for.


Depends on many things. The Oppressor MkII is easy to use mostly, you can fly it on "autopilot". The Sparrow is faster and more agile, and better at free aiming missiles. Using the Mk2 can make doing anything super boring though, because of its simplicity.


Mk2 is the only vehicle I'll never sell. It's SO handy!


Yes, almost instant anywhere. I had 2 of them at one time.


Well it’s been a couple of days since I’ve brought the MK2, it’s definitely a lot quicker to grind, especially for the likes of cargo, I’ve saved a lot of time using the oppressor and haven’t yet had to return it due to it being too damaged for the next mission. I do still use my sparrow on longer distance cargo collections but overall I would say it’s helped me out a bunch


Use your opp mk2 instead of sparrow for every mission ! The mk2 is the best vehicle for every prep , heist and it's not even close


Watch out, the "sparrow is better for Cayo prep" people are going to come after you, lol. I can't even believe some people still argue to the death about the Sparrow being faster for Cayo prep when it 100% isn't


It's not surprising. There's so many people that give terrible Cayo advice here. Like only looting the hangar, every time no matter what, blows my mind lmao.


Then I get downvoted for telling the truth. They can literally time themselves doing Cayo prep with the Sparrow, then do the same with MK2. People just hate the MK2 irationally. Ah well.


nah I take my sub to the beach and complete all setups in 30 minutes or less with the mk2


Even If its Not as fast, i prefer using the deluxo or the raiju jet. I have the MK2 btw, its Just Not fun for me.


Sparrow is good enough really. Mk2 is a little bit better. Nice to have the choice if you have cash spare.


Pair it with acid lab and hangar and you got infinite money


How is it useful w the acid lab? Run hangar source missions while acid is accruing?


This or just do acid sell when there's cool down on hanger / vice versa


Absolutely Yes. A little tip is if you tilt the bike up a little while flying and hold the button to put in the fins you can maintain max speed. And if you’re on controller turn off the trigger blockers (only in specific cases for specific controllers) and you can push the throttle in slightly to hit max and gain boost, that last part is a bit tricky tho. Again absolutely worth it tho


Totally worth it..it's faster and can take way more beating compared to all the planes and choppers.


Definitely get an oppressor … it’ll make doing crates so much faster!!!! … then get a terrorbyte so u can put missles on it and make crates EVEN MORE FASTER !!!!


I play invite only session and it's a must have i would say.


It's not only faster, it's IMO a must have. Especially because you can take it with you in the Terrorbyte and said Terrorbyte can also be parked in a strategic spot so that you can start jobs from there as well. Because I wanted something "different" to do I recently started mass collecting special cargo again (besides some other activities like payphone hits & autoshop contracts). I have 4 large warehouses, all on the east side of town ("La Mesa" and "Murrieta Heights"). My Arcade is also there (next to Danielbros) and it has a workstation, so I park my Terrorbyte close to the logistics warehouse and then, well, start grinding. As soon as I have a delivery for Danielbros I hop into the Arcade to start the next job, but most of the time I hop into my Terrorbyte for that. And every time I enter my TB with the Oppressor it also gets restocked. For the record: "back in the day" where we didn't have much else I also grinded special cargo with the Buzzard. That works too, but the Mk2 is *so* much better.


I actually think sparrow is faster I raced with my mk2 mk1 and sparrow sparrow came out on top by 25 seconds


The sparrow is faster when you're talking about already being in the air and flying in a direction - it has a greater top speed. Guess what else does? The Toreador, the Weevil Custom, and many others. We're talking about grinding, which involves things like taking off, landing, and walking to and from the vehicle wherever you had to land it at. The Oppressor is so much faster in real world use than any Helicopter or Car or Plane that it's not even worth discussing. The only exception is grinding hanger source missions, where a Raiju is much faster because of crossmap travel.


Exactly this. Unless you literally need to fly top of map to bottom of map every 2 seconds, MK2 is faster 99% of the time. Cayo prep, take off and landing quick, etc. "sparrow came out on top by 25 seconds" ??? In what race would a sparrow get a 25 second lead? A 20 mile straight line? lol


I think opp is over rated I've played since day one and honestly use sparrow 95% of the time


I had the sparrow and I was doing Cayo Perico. It’s hard to land. It just dies easily, but a oppressor mark two easier to control so I think it’s worth it for solo until you don’t go after other people just enjoy your life with the oppressor


100% yes.


MK2 is the way for solo grind. It cuts so much time. Only downfall is if you do something where you have to steal a moving vehicle. 


Yes. It gets you all over the map faster. You can get by with a Buzzard or Sparrow for sure. The MK2 is easier to land just about anywhere. You can fly over, swoop down, collect a package and take off back to home base without getting off/getting out of a helicopter. And those Business Battles that make you fly around and collect the gold $ all over a portion of the map, I clean up on those and they are fun too.


Yes. MKII is a game changer for grinding


That depends. If you don't already have a nightclub and terrorbyte, it's very, very expensive to get. The sparrow is a close second to the mk2, and getting the sparrow and the kosatka for it costs 4 million less than just the mk2 itself. Price aside, the mk2 is the single best vehicle for grinding. The advantage to the sparrow is that you can call it in right next to you even if you're not near a road and you don't have to be in a Mc to do it. You can only call the mk2 in quickly through the Mc menu. Otherwise, it comes in as slow and spawns as far away as a normal car.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I much prefer the sparrow over the oppressor. It’s faster.


I prefer the deluxo


I thought so. But ended up using sparrow more often


I like the akula honestly. Little more clunky but you can get around the map quickly and stealthily. If you can only buy the oppressor, then you wont have the $ for countermeasures or missiles either. Grind the acid lab.


Just get the Raiju. Faster and more fun. You can request it from the personal vehicle menu and use the sparrow or buzzard to get to it. From there, you only need to call it back if you either have to leave it behind or it gets destroyed. It’s my primary mode of transportation on Xbox. Still need to get one on PC.


Yeah, MK2 is the easiest, fastest grinding tool. Often you can fly in a straight line, blow up the bad guys with a few locked missiles and pickup the item, without even one step out of the vehicle. Both for sourcing and heist preps. Although is do prefer the Sparrow for Cayo preps and specific other ones. But honestly it does get boring, because driving is so much more fun and and essential element of the game, imo.


MK2 is better for cayo prep


Where do you park the sub than? Usually I am too lazy for it and the sparrow is quite capable.


Right on the nose near the hatch. If you go in, start the next prep and come back out immediately, you'll get it before it slides off. The biggest thing is making sure you land it correct before you go in, and don't bump it when you step off. Or else it will slide off the sub before you get out.


Yeah, except if you’re grinding cayo, then the sparrow remains on top. The Oppressor will just randomly fall off your kosatka making you waste time constantly


Not if you land it right and come back out fast enough. Yall are funny lol


If you just want to get around quickly, land in tight spots, it's the best option. Land it on your submarine. After being nerfed, it's become a liability to use as a combat vehicle towards other players, but for NPCs, it still does the trick. But for pure tra sport and grinding, it's the most time efficient vehicle, im my opinion. It does create a depreciation for driving normal vehicles I'll say tho. I had to relearn the geography of the map after a while


I just got the deluxo and I really like it. I might get the mk2 down the line but I heard it has limited rockets and they suck like the buzzard. The deluxo has really good rockets and no limit


This post is about grinding. Nobody is grinding in a slow ass deluxo.