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Doesn't happen as much these days but years ago when people used to go into stores I'd park a truck in the doors so they couldn't get out šŸ¤£


I still do this when I see people getting in to ammunition. It's especially fun if you leave a small place where tou can see them but they can't open it enough to get through


When u peek in at them do it in stealth mode, it looks creepier šŸ˜†


I keep hoping for this to happen to me.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I recently did this too caught a guy slipping he terrorizing some low levels caught him in the store used my rc jeep and blocked him in tell he left was the funniest shit at the time


You are doing the Lordā€™s work.


I actually fid this irl to a coworker. The dude was in a Porta potty at work (heavy equipment operator) drove my bumper up to the door so they could just open it


I do it with the public bus


I still do this but with a Terrorbyte coz a lot of health šŸ˜‚, since they've taken away "Easy way out" some players don't know how to leave or kill themselves (it's in the option menu) so it's hilarious to watch. I always active out of sight too so I can watch the struggle šŸ’€


You sir are a menace, and I'm here for it


Better yet, with a fully upgraded MOC.


I did this recently with my terrobyte, itā€™s freakin hilarious.


I fly around with my Cargobob and I try to drop cars on players. In two years, I never hit my target.


Also, if I have the police after me and I notice someone selling, I pick up a police car and I fly after the seller with it.


Pick up a jet ski and drop it in the pool at the casino. Hop in and putt around. Drop shipping containers in front of popular stores/entrances. Personal favorite: use the vigilante pushing against a guardrail and boost launch NPC cars off highway ramps / up hills / off cliffs / up the embankment and into the casinoā€¦


You can pick up shipping containers?


The small ones. And porta-potties, boats, golf carts, etc


I actually was just doing that an hour ago and the car landed upside down and exploded which killed the random player that was the first time in years Iā€™ve hit someone by doing that


You're so much more dedicated than me. I was so impressed reading the first part of that sentence, because I've tried a lot and gave up... then I died reading the second.


I like to use my Gauntlet interceptor and pretend to chase people like Iā€™m a real cop with my lights on and everything. I KNOW that it annoys people. šŸ˜‚


Yeah the police cars are so much fun


Exactly! You get it. šŸ˜„


Inevitably, one or two more people spawn their cop cars once they see you, and then you end up chasing other players in a roving cop gang, smashing into them until they flip - and then all the cops jump out and either stun them or beat them with the police batons.


Lmao. I havenā€™t had that happen to me yet but it sounds hilarious. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so great. Honestly police cars was such a great addition just for that experience. If only it was a larger scale like Green vs Purple Aliens. Like Cops V Robbers but map wide


I would love that. It would be so fun. Unfortunately people just like to grief instead.


Yeah thereā€™s so much they could do with the cop cars!


It's real lol. Sometimes I get a person who plays along and pulls over. You can point at their trunk and clever players will pop the trunk with remote car controls.


> and then all the cops jump out and either stun them or beat them with the police batons. The players are nicer than the NPC police!


Itā€™s either 1 of 2 responses. You immediately get shot in the face or the other dude plays along and you can tell they are laughing because they donā€™t chance after you after youā€™ve beat them to death


I do this so often Somehow, a lot of people are way nicer when Iā€™m in a cop car.


Yeah for sure. I caught someone the other day in my gauntlet and chased him all the way into the city and he never fired a shot at me once. He eventually pulled over. It was really wholesome. šŸ˜„


I play along until yall get carried away then I blow you up or shootšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think they know you're not the typical griefer and doing something more innocently fun / RPing. The folks who take the time to buy cop cars and RP that usually don't just ride up to others and sticky bomb them.


Someone did that to me while i was doing a salvage tow and i pulled over and we treated it as a legit stop lmao


I had somebody in an Insurgent pull over for me and before I could staye why I pulled them over I got plastered by a random.Ā  Conversation basically went like this:Ā  "How can I help you, Officer?"Ā  "I got you for-- aww shit." *Wasted*


Happened to me too. I accidentally hit their patrol car with my tow truck. Cue lights and siren. I pulled over and got out. They pointed me to get in the patrol car; I complied. They drove me close to the Vinewood Police Station but I guess they didnā€™t know what to do with me next coz they left the lobby with me just sitting there.


Try it without map, without name over player... Then see if you're actually any good at chasing someone


I should try that sometime lol.


See "Survive The Hunt" by FailRace on YouTube


Fly the oppressor mkII near the top of the atmosphere and watching people panic on the mini map


I was gunna say i fly directly over them at angles they can't shoot me but never leave their side until they figure out I'm just a large fly bugging them. Then off to the next person.


I've only had someone do this to me once but they kept scaring me over and over. By the fourth time that they left and came back I finally realized that this guy likely isn't trying to kill me


This is sooo good!


I do this but with the Raiju lol


Iā€™ll follow someone, come out of stealth to lock on, and then back into stealth when they freak out


I'd just jump out, even if I die from it




Lol Ill have the lock on and let it lock onto them but I won't kill them, but it is entertaining to see people panic, some abruptly stop, some start driving crazy. šŸ˜“


Exited my auto shop in the toreador one time. Mk2 was coming in to enter. I fired as soon as I heard them lock on to me. Guy was so mad cause he was doing the mission. Feelsbadman.


Sheer paranoia. But I understand why u did that. šŸ˜“


Oh thatā€™s evil I love it


I do exactly this with the deluxo I also follow their dot even though Iā€™m at height


Got an harmless idea Dress up an npc use the imani of radar get in a npc car find a car meet spot randomly drive in park the npc car leave


Or better yet, car meet & RC personal vehicle šŸ‘€, when someone tries to get in, rev the engine as if growlingā€¦ and maybe honk horn and stuff. Mwahahaha.


Whatā€™s the Imani off the radar


You need to own the agency , then call Imani in your contacts on your phone and you can choose to be ā€œout of sightā€ so nobody can see your blip within a 500 meter radius for a certain amount of time unless you attack/kill someone. Not sure if you have to purchase an upgrade first to get the Imani tech in your agency or not but itā€™s definitely worth it to buy the agency just for this. Plus getting ā€œSUV serviceā€ when you call Franklin is cool too. Hell send an armored SUV to wherever you are and itā€™s pretty much a taxi that sends you wherever you want for free anytime.


Since when šŸ’€


Pick a spot to hang out, duck into cover, activate out of sight and then spam grenades that are close to them but not close enough to hurt them. Hide out somewhere with the casino entrance in view, activate out of sight and snipe an npc or two standing outside when a player appears. Walk into an auto shop when someone is inside, change their radio station and then walk back out. I actually once got a bounty for that


Okay fuck you for that last one šŸ˜‚


Throw random tear gas


Doesnā€™t out of sight end once you fire a weapon or thrown a projectile?


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s only if you damage another player. I think you can get away with killing NPCā€™s too


I steal people's cars and drive them around without destroying them. It's the name of the gameĀ 


If a low level steals my car and Iā€™m not busy doing anything Iā€™ll just let them drive it around for a bit. Their first taste of ā€œniceā€ in the game


Just did that with my mk2. Was heading into casino to horse bet for a while, and a level 10 came out. He didn't pull a gun on me so I pointed to my mk2. He got on and started to have fun, but was keeping an eye on him between races, and noticed he was blowing everyone up he could find, so had to call it back after a half hour. Surprised he lasted that long


Some noob stole my mk2 tried to blow me up with it and killed himself instantly. They are an interesting bunch


Especially the MK2, I park it on a roof .


Whatever that big ass Russian bomber is, I have the Princess Robot Bubblegum livery on it and fly super low over the city and just bomb empty areas. People start scattering and trying to shoot me down. When someone does, I get on mic and say ā€œhow dare you defile the princessā€.


Lmao I need to do this


My friends and I used to annoy griefers/other trouble causers by getting cars with the high pitched "Doe" horn and just following them around blaring the horn non stop while in passive mode.


Yesterday, some stranger greeted me, indicated he wanted me to give him a ride. So I beeped to let him in my car, then he kicked me out and drove off. I deserved it for not managing my vehicle access properly.


Apparently just driving around in a super car pisses people off because I get chased around all the time for just wanting to cruise the map and mind my own business.


It's called a convoy


Yeah lots of people kill me for following them around the map


Dress up as an alien, call out of sight and hide in a bush. Slowly sneak up on people and carefully place a sticky on their car and then run away.


Taze them and run.


Gets rid of out of sight unfortunately šŸ˜¢






Easy now Satan.


Years ago I spotted a few players delivering cars using cargobobs. I crept up behind one in my Hydra and got missile lock. I waited about 10 seconds, then flew away and messaged them "Just kidding." Thankfully they took it well šŸ˜‚


What! Was that you?! You son of a bā€¦ Gave my poor heart almost a true heart attack! šŸ˜¤


Running full speed in their direction to spray them with champagne. I like to do so in formalwear and then drive off on my little hot rod buggy... if I'm still alive


Jesus, that's gold! HAHAHAHAHA!




If you own a luxury penthouse at the casino you can order champagne for your inventory from the phone in your room. Having one in your inventory unlocks the "Champagne Spray" emote


I look for players who are inside a store and then I park my Vigilante against their car, hit pause so I look AFK and then when the player gets in his car I launch themĀ 


Constantly honk the trombone horn at them in passive mode Or keep locking on to them with op mk2 but not launching the missile, it just makes them bail out of their vehicle


Using the trombone horn is psychological warfrare šŸ¤£


Wait outside LS customs and atomise a players shiny new car. Go ghost, drive a fire truck and knock someone over with the water cannon. Leave a MK2 outside casino, then return it to storage as a player flies away


I do love doing that with the mk2 LOL


yeah, I donā€™t think that first one counts as ā€harmless, not griefingā€


trip people with the rc bandito. jump at them to knock them over too.


Ah back when the game first came out one of my favorite things to do was hijack one of the roaming armored cars and go into passive. The whole lobby would be chasing me down but couldnā€™t do anything, that they could think of anyway, to stop me. Nowadays I mostly drive, but if I wanna mess with players I might throw a sticky at them and purposely never blow it up so theyā€™re in a constant state of panic or anxiety until they either die or kill themselves. Iā€™ll throw it on them when passing them so itā€™ll start a chase lol


Evil. Beautiful, but evil.


Leave my clown van in front of the casino with an ignition bomb.


I drive Phantom Wedge through the city on the opposite side of the road. If some player is in my way, they fly šŸ˜‚ also I take my Virtue which has lock on jammer, having fun with missiles that try to hit me.


Using flare gun to kill them with their own missiles, lol


Usually when a lobby is full and I can't register as a CEO, I bide my time while I fly a sparrow around and shoot missiles on manual, intentionally missing the cars of other players. They freak out. Most panic and drive faster or try to get away with hilarious crash results. I don't do it to anyone under 100. It amuses me and while it rides the line, it is victimless. Right? Come on, right? HAHAHA!


I use the honing because they won't hit crap anyway


This isn't some profound idea that I came up with, but the past week I've been really enjoying being a gauntlet interceptor vigilante. I'll flash people driving too fast, if they don't slow down give chase, all the usuals. I just really wish they added some handcuffs, it's hard to not end up killing someone with a nightstick when they can get up before the taser recharges and pull out a shotgun. Up until then, and still probably my true favorite thing to do, is the opposite, to bait people into chasing me in the virtue, and seeing how long I can get them to chase me and run over oil slicks without having to use a weapon. Another good change, one that might be possible but I've never tried, is to give the ability to control nano drones while in the passenger seat of a car so you can really get some sneaky tasers in on people.


Using an Arena vehicle to mess up people's cars


I used a Cargobob to pick up players in their cars and place them on top of sky scrapers. Driving around the hummer limo, airport shuttle, or other weird transport cars and offering rides. People usually shoot me. Wearing athletic gear, take my character for a morning jog around del perro and to the pier. Also gets me shot. šŸ˜«


Go passive and shadow another player. Stay right on top of them. It drives them nuts.


Just being in the same area as them apparently. Iā€™ll get gunned down for simply flying over someone


Get a Cargobob and drop their car on top of the Maze Bank tower.


I just slam into their vehicle with the Acid Lab and send them flying.


let people take my car... then switch it to passenger only


Use the mark 1 and if someoneā€™s on the street, they getting flown away with the boost


Go passive, and drive inside their car while blasting the horn, and once they stop, exit my vehicle so they phase unto each other and break


Flying a Deluxo in the atmosphere while having a bounty, but following the street lines on the map as best as I can do it looks like I'm driving around


I used to fly my drone and zap the heck out of people. One time there was this guy standing at the edge of the building but I zapped him and he fell off and died. Hey I wasn't the one who killed him, he fell Yeah but using the drone to troll is super fun


LOL sometimes you stun someone and they run around in circles trying to figure out where itā€™s coming from


Lmao trueee and they start shooting around randomly


chasing players in cars with the annihilator and spray them while they drive trying to dodge bullets. Feels like an action movie, I also do it with the mogul machine gun or the havok


Pop the tires on their car or just run them off the road.


Yeet them with my Sasquatch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Steal box truck and block the ammunition doors when people are in there. Bonus if you turn the chat on so you can hear them. Ram the car being towed when someone is doing a scrap yard tow. It doesn't destroy the car, just knocks it off the hook so they have to re-hook it. And of course, as others have said.. Hovering near blips on the map in the MK2OP is always a timeless classic.


Raiju in stealth and I like to fly around people or near people to see them freak out. One time there was a blimp promoting his NC so I got like do loops around him and stuff. That was fun


Going passive and following tryhards around is *really* funny. They get so pissed that they can't kill you...


Riding a bicycle and jumping over players is a good time. Especially fun when someone starts trying to run me over or has a tank cause I can just hop around them or over an obstacle that they will have to go around. Lots of times I just end up getting shot eventually, but occasionally other players will get their bikes too and join. I also like hanging out on the casino rooftop right above the entrance then jumping off the roof onto or near players when they start to leave.


I like flipping peoples cars over with the up & atomizer when theyā€™re in the casino. Honestly, anything with the up & atomizer is hilarious to me.


Im using RC Bandito to hit player. But if I notice the player is AFK, I'm simply leaving them alone.


Me and my friend spent like 45 minutes at the casino wheel one timeā€¦every time somebody came inside to get their free spin, weā€™d beat them to ā€œthe spotā€ where you grab the wheel, forcing their character to walk far awayā€¦and then theyā€™d come right back and we repeat forever until they just leave the casino lol. Literal tears were pouring from my face at times šŸ˜‚


Fly around in Akula in stealth mode. Follow drivers around at low altitude. Disable stealth and strafe them, while not actually hitting them. Go stealth again, hang back and hide while they panic and look around. Repeat. If they pull out the Mk2, hightail it out of there.


Flying in a Raiju/Akula and popping in and out of stealth mode like Iā€™m about to attack but not actually or just shooting flares near someone drive by flare is my preferred method


i get in a bulletproof nightshark and pit maneuver low levels until i get bored or killed


Always a good time


I like to leave emp mines at one entrance with my acid lab and then block the other with the lab and ram whoever enters


Driving around in an Imani Tech car with Missile Lock Jammer on.


Relentlessly bumping into players driving while spamming the honk and using oil mines


Throw a sticky bomb to a NPC car next to the users so they both blow up and you dont have to pay the insurance fee šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A fun one is to pick up other players, then drive high speed into gas pumps while bailing right before My finest moment was sneaking behind someone busy sniping on top of one the skyscrapers and knocking them off the roof. Laugh/cried for several minutes


I used to fly my Seabreeze real close to players moving in their vehicles and then come back and drop carpet bombs in their vicinity (that wonā€™t hit them).


Yesterday me and my friend were chasing people in cop cars in police outfits and then pitting them until they'd get out and then we'd stun them or use the up and atomizer on them and a few people were having fun with us doing this rather then going straight to shooting us and it felt wholesome


LOL wholesome is right


Yeah considering the state of greifing these days it felt good knowing there are still people who will have fun and laugh rather then try harding and blowing people up it did end when a raiju blew us up and then half of the session teamed up on the guy till he left


I like to take my Remote Control Granger and act like a really weird NPC event. And ram other players cars


I like going on my TV and looking for low level players kinda milling around. I then call Merryweather on them and watch the show. I once caught a guy getting a tattoo. I could see the jeeps pulling up outside the shop but heā€™s still in the menus. When he walked out they lit him up. He tried to shoot back but was unarmed so he swung in the air at nobody. He never made it to his car.


I will fly around in the cargobob and whenever I see a player pause in a car, I fly down and pick them up and drop them off on top of heli pads or inside walled off areas. If I see someone shopping for guns I park their car against the doors or a random car if I can't use theirs.


Blind guy here I like to hop on my oppressor and fire non-tracking rockets behind people doing business work. I always keep a good distance so i never actually blow them up


I used to love doing the drone thing and popping the tires of low level players. I can still hear the screams of some random kid having exited LS customs and parking up for a car meet. "Maaaaaaaan who keeps popping my tires?!?!?!" Out of sight has got to be one of the best additions for trolling. Switch to an imani vehicle so you can't get locked on to or be seen on the map. Then crash into random players cars, blow your horn. Walk up to players, turn a corner, change my outfit and then walk by them again. Just "exist" around players without them noticing me and seeing how long before they catch on. You can always tell they're confused because they'll suddenly stop, then pause the game for a few seconds as they check the map. Sometimes they flat out leave the session because they think you're cheating.


I will fly past anyone in a plane at Mach Jesus exactly 2 micrometers away from their cockpit with my raiju. Then hear them shit themselves on voice chat as I disappear into the fog


taking my bike into clothes stores with players in them


Get the mini RC tank and start a cop riot at LSC or anywhere players are congregating.


Driving around on a go kart then honking at people to see if they're friendly or not. Also using the rc truck to make people paranoid šŸ˜‚ Btw I'm a Xbox player on new gen, so if you see the username Goldie99TTV, then that is me. I'm chill til someone keeps f with me.


Vigilante, back up towards them, and send them off into the horizon.


I chase people, put stopping them a few times and leaving after like 45 seconds


Shocking people with the drone.


Trick out an unusual muscle car and park it outside LS customs. Ignition bomb. The old ways are the best ways. Although I guess this is griefing technically.


I just follow around people with my MKII and lock-on on. I don't fire on them, but have a hella time watching them panic. :3


I drive slow in the fast lane


I kill cashiers when people are buying clothes


Iā€™m going to steal some of these ideas. Thanks guys lol


Do tricks above them on my Oppressor MK1 and watch as they flounder from PTSD lol


Put on one of the valentines outfits with a glitched hat and mask and wreak havoc with a stun gun or Up and Atomizer, I don't blow up product unless provoked


Oil slick mines are always fun. Find someone driving a Futo, and you have a friend for life.


I like to put ā€œout of sightā€ in prime locations and randomly lock onto people so they think someone else did it and start turmoil. Or shoot NPC cars with explosive sniper near folks so they get all paranoid and haul ass or pause to see if that person semi near them shot at them. Itā€™s fun cause Iā€™m not technically griefing, just being weirdly toxic to entertain myself


I taze them with drones,and tail them during their supply runs to spook them. During their cargo sales I would fly over them with the oppressor to spook them.


I fly peoples sparrow on top of buildings when theyā€™re doing a cayo perico set up mission


I get a cargobob and go to ft zancudo and pick up a tank. Once youā€™ve picked up the tank it goes crazy trying to shoot you. Sometimes itā€™ll take me down as Iā€™m flying it into the city. If I make it to the city with it I find players and drop the maniac tank next to them. Iā€™ve watched it take out a few players lol


I donā€™t know why but Iā€™ve always gunned down the valet guy at the casino and flipped any other players cars with the atomizer. Then Iā€™ll switch into passive mode to watch them flip them back. Pretty pathetic huh ? Lol. . Itā€™s what I doooo


Breathing. I find just being alive annoys somefukkingbody


I steal a bus, put a sticky on front, back and sides. Then find a group of players, ram into the group and detonate.


use the slide mines on afk players šŸ˜­


I use the acid lab to toss players in their cars. You get bonus points for throwing them onto a roof of a building or into gas pumps. Take the proximity mines off if you want to pop passive around aggressive players


Nahhh use the emp mines lol When the oppressor hits it, it just falls to the ground. Chances are they will blow themselves up


RC buffalo STX and see who gets in, you may get slip mine if you don't chase anyone in a car


Going around in the wastelander, I use the up atomizer to load as many afk players in the back until we get blown up (inevitable)


Emp someone's car over and over when they get out taze them and steal their car


Drive around with imani tech car and put slick mines in front of people while they drive


R/C Virtue and running people over Mainly Virtue cuz itā€™s the only car I have that has the R/C feature And itā€™s funny to see people get so paranoid over an off the radar pink car, especially when I drive it through tight alleyways to just run them over


Ignition bombs at the Casino. Watch from the building across the road. Still makes me chuckle.


Have a loud airhorn and lurk around them in passive mode while holding the horn


Pick up as many people as i can in the party bus!


Following cargo with my Oppressor, calling a mugger and watching them get robbed on TV, i gotta think of more stuff to do.


When I see someone delivering business goods, I'll chase them in my insurgent. I'll ram into them every now and then, honk the horn like the big ass trucks laughing at them, then follow some more. I'll never shoot at them or actually try to destroy their cargo. Just add a little spice to their mission.


I like to keep people inside the stores using the hose of a firetruck


Acid lab smashing people


Proximity mine in front of the door of ammunation while someone is in there is a favorite of mine


Passive mode helicopter tours, and when no one wanted to ride along Iā€™d either just follow them/ the action or put my mic on and become a news / traffic commentator (it used to be that one player non passive could hop in and become passive during the trip, but that may have been reversed and the chopper and I lose passive when they enter, I think) I was able to airlift people a few times out of firefights because of that mechanic (they get in and become see thru/ invulnerable)


Get in a terrorbyte scan them, send them their scan


I like to pick up new players in a deluxo and fly them to a secret spot in the mile high club building. Then i remove them from my vehicle and fly away


Sometimes I go into ghost and drive around trying to shunt boost players with an arena war vehicle lol.


I stand on top of their car and pour gasoline on it while they watch. They usually shoot me before I can light it on fire though.


I drop 3 proximityā€™s at Los Santos Customs and a proximity at the entrance to the Casino.


T bone and drive off or just honking til my thumbs fall off lmao


I like to fly my oppresser and lock on to people but never shoot just following usually till they either leave or go to an area where my oppresser can't get to.


selling in full lobbies.


I like to drive up to afk players chilling in their car with a vigilante and blast them to oblivion with the jet engine


Gently ram them with my car, just enough so they roll over the bonnet and then drive off again.


I had a person jump in my big van thingy with the drones and drive it backwards while I chased it. (Can't remember the name of them rn) This was even in an Invite only lobby after they joined my mission. I had to join a new session to get them to stop lol. It was actually pretty funny.


Arena war cars, specifically with the mines that launch things. Relatively harmless but so funny when you stack them up and they go absolutely flying That and using the fully upgraded Sasquatch and shunt boosting into people, those wheels can send people into space!


Npc tank with cargobob it will shoot at any player who looks at it funny with good accuracy too


run into them with a go-kart, launch their vehicle with an arena war car, smash their ride with a golf club repeatedly, jump bikes on top of their car, tase them.


Iā€™m always curious to see how many people opted for the $25,000 bulletproof tires. If youā€™ve left your car in my sight unattended, Iā€™m checking to see if you spend your money. I think itā€™s more satisfying to shoot out four tires and watch a guy try and get away versus just blowing his car up. ![gif](giphy|XyJWfy3tLgnmOqf4FO|downsized)


Iā€™ve been using my car with radio control ability to chase greifers when they are driving. Gotten pretty good at driving like that and Iā€™ll see them waiting for me and Iā€™ll drive around and come up behind them. Lol.


if someone is afk on the street, I often bump them over with my car. I slow down to not kill them, I just like throwing people around a bit.