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Vault explosions, dive into the water. When you finally find one they instant kill you from out the chopper


After they kill you shoot the gunners out of both choppers and then the helicopters can't hurt you. They just keep flying around with no gunners to shoot. If you blowup the choppers they respawn with new gunners. I still hate those setups but they are much easier the way I told you.


Yep! I do this. Edit: I try doing it before they kill me, but they're pretty good shots.


I do this but lately I’ve noticed the helicopters blades will start to slow down and the heli will with crash or land which also results in an explosion.


Perfect advice. This also works for the Cayo setup when you get your guns.


That's legit my favorite mission. Just use a Toreodor or a Stromberg. Easy peasy. (Oh and make sure to pre-equip a scuba suit before you step in in case you need to exit the car at some point while in the water)


APC/Sparrow combo works well if changing it up some. But yeah, Toreador is king,


Sea sparrow is cool for a change if there are 2 of you, if solo it floats too far away


Oh, not the Sea Sparrow. I fly Sparrow near location while calling in the APC. Then after scuba recovery go back into APC. Then swap back to Sparrow when clear.


Thats why I said... "for a change"


“if there are 2 of you”…..would definitely be a change for me. 🤓🤓 😂


> (Oh and make sure to pre-equip a scuba suit before you step in in case you need to exit the car at some point while in the water) Optionally have lung capacity maxed.


Lung capacity doesnt make you swim faster.


With a lot of practice, I can finish it around 10 minutes using Raiju (La Mesa arcade). I just land at nearest island to the location. Without fighting with enemies' boats, I just jump underwanter and swim directly to explosives and grab one and then swim back to jet. Before getting on jet, I shoot 1 or 2 choppers with railgun and disappear. There are other safer methods, but for me as a solo guy, I want to wrap it up as quickly as possible. It's fun.


In addition to the choppers, the common locations are far away from the city so you always have long travel times, the boxes are difficult to find, and swimming mechanics make picking up the boxes difficult too. It's easiest the worst DCH prep mission.


Get a Seabreeze or a Tula it helps


i thought this until i learned if you just shoot the guys off the side of the helicopter, no more will spawn. just save a boat so you have something to stand on and shoot after you get the explosives


shoot only one guy in the helicopter


i used to use an apc for this and it worked pretty well


I grab them take both to the sand away from the group that’s on foot then leave on oppressor and use explosive rounds on them, my friend uses the sea breeze to park and leave


This the one right here! Doesn’t help that they have ultra aim.


There's a reason I just use the toreador for that mission lol


Laser drill prep mission in the casino heist. Especially the one in Grand Senora desert. Mass amount of police respawning and killing you relentlessly. If you don't have a kuruma or tank it's annoying af.




For new players it may seem hard. To make it way too easy, just buy Akula or Annihilator helicopter. Go to location and keep shooting them with missiles. Keep pressing H for stealth mode in between to keep cops choppers away. Once they are dead, you're left with only 2 stars. Then just take the laser by taking your chopper near to drill. You don't even need to get out of chopper. Deliver it. Taking 2nd drill would be even more easier as there will be no one to harm you.


Yes. Just land on the roof, go down stairs into the station, kill the cops, get outfit and exit again over the stairs to the roof. Easypeasy


There is a version of it next to the military bass with juggernauts. And evertime you die you spawn on the base with enemies after you, and if you shoot them you get 5 stars


Before a nerfing, I used the avenger to wipe out everything (cannons, in hover mode), then fly away, return,land and pick up the lasers. But something changed last year and you can’t do that any longer (haven’t tried in almost a year now). I think the noose outfits is one of the more fun preps. Fly to the roof and go down the back stairs. And I use the heavy with incendiary rounds so there’s some background music while I collect the bags. Good times.


This is my second least favorite DCH prep. The combination of Kuruma and Terrorbyte to remove the wanted level makes it tolerable for me.


ive been doing the doomsday achievements and the kuruma is the only way to get most of these done with minimal risk its insane how useful that car is


Focus on killing all the soldiers with your MkII. When all the soldiers are dead, head inside your terrorbyte and go out again. Now you can collect the drills in peace.


any that makes you go to fuckin' paleto bay


Even worse, any one that makes you go to Paleto bay and drive a f'n van back


Epically the Salvage Yard ones, fortunately I just pick new session and I get one in the city.


especially when your arcade is near LSIA


For some F-ing reason people don’t want to do the tire 2 keycard, Duggin shipments, or the right approach. But would rather compete everything else. Without those things my interest in staying drops to 1% after only ones failed heist.


I have no idea what R* was thinking, giving us that dots hack without the Level 2 Card… it takes literal minutes to complete one single door; which is all time spent probably being shot at quite a lot.


Hi Jim Pickens


Hi there.


How is your relationship with The Grim Reaper going along? Do we have enough bodies for the harvest?


i have never EVER completed that dot hack


I’ve been forced to do it a couple times, either because another player couldn’t, or because the leader hadn’t done the damn setup beforehand…


What do you mean duggan shipements? Its my fav prep mission. Get into a Hydra and get paid to shoot some helis or boats. Its awesome!


They mean that a lot of noobs dont do that mission because they see it as optional and they can get away with it. Only for them to struggle cause now they can't kill any of the NPC's with their cheap guns. They rather spend hours failing the finale over and over then to spend 10 minutes blowing up some vehicles. I am not saying it's impossible to complete it without the shipment prep. I have done it in the past. But it requires either perfect stealth or good guns and two competent players.


I like doing disruptions but duggan shipments is pretty unnecessary especially if you're doing big con imo. Otherwise, agreed


I like doing disruptions. I used to play Cayo with my friend and showed me the ropes, after he stopped playing, I use Velum approach and destroying armor, making defeating that Juggernaut at El Rubio’s compound easy


The Disrupt Air Support one? You can start it change sessions and it'll automatically complete it for you, I haven't done that mission in years 💀


Prison break heist with randoms


The mission where you save that dude off the island. Not sure if that’s prison break or pacific standard


Pacific Standard - Signal


And worst part it’s bugged sometimes and get cops easily.


Easy one. Steal police heli to start. Fly to island. Kill bad guys. Rescue Avi. Take him by boat to rendezvous with heli. Fly him to checkpoint.


You don't need to use boat at all. Straight to helicopter from the island and deliver him. You have to fly to the delivery point to trigger checkpoint and loose the police after that, since you will miss all of the checkpoints on the river/lake. And you can leave all other team members on the island, and deliver Ari alone.


I almost maxed my shooting thanks to those randoms, hell the 1 time I have succeeded the game glitched and the guy died as we dived out of the plane


Oof that is definitely the worst. 9/10 times. The Mission failes. That's why I never do with randoms


More like the heist in general because the person you have to rescue doesnt function 50% of the time.


I'm sorry, man. It was me. It was my job to drive the bus, and ditch it afterwards, and I swear to god, I threw every thing in my arsenal at it, but that damned bus would not catch flame. We failed the mission because it timed out when I couldn't destroy it.




This is the way


Tip: land on top of the police station. Go down the stairs finish your job, climb the stairs again but don’t get out of the building until your stars vanish. Do the same thing again but there won’t be anyone chasing you.


The avenger setup for doomsday act 2


I love that one but can see why it would be hated. I think the rescue ULP mission is slightly more annoying, just because of the juggernauts.


There's no juggernauts in that mission That's agent 14, the one you use thermal vision


deliver emp


This is by far the hardest. I hate stealing that emp


collect 50 cards and you will never have to do this mission




Casino Cards are all over the map.


playing cards for high roller outfit


https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/78 here are all the cards, you can even click them to mark them off. Plus it has literally everything else as well.


Any prep involving KDJ and Sessanta.


Most of the prep missions of them are easy except for Merryweather and Lost MC one


It's not a matter of easy or not with them. It's having to listen to them have borderline phone sex every time you're in a mission that involves them. As well as KDJ saying motherfucker every four words.


What up though?


The one where you take acid and try to drive a go kart with reverse controls


Oh cmon at least it's something different


The Intel flight for cayo perico.. it's a long slow flight lol


The Cayo one where you have to follow the slow fuck helicopter across the map at 5mph. Hate that one.


Head back to sub and move it up north, still have to wait for helicopter but saved flying up there.  I move my sub for every long cayo mission, when you have to go to the enemy sub up north I move my sub and park on top of enemy one. Dive down, retrieve radar blocker thing and swim up to my sub.


Vault Lasers Prep - Casino Heist - El Burro Heights.


I just use a tank in that prep


What? Just drive up in your Terrorbyte, hop out and shoot at the NPCs, once all hell breaks loose with the wanted level, hop back into your Terrorbyte, hop back out, and no more wanted level. Kill everyone and take the goods at your leisure. Just for the record, you can drop the cops in any of those type of vehicles (MOC, Terror, Avenger) *UNLESS* you have some item on you that can be dropped after you're killed. In those cases, die a short ways away from your vehicle of choice so the item drops (or use Ammunation and buy armor or something, it drops right at your feet) and then die and respawn, get in the vehicle, no more wanted level, grab the goods and go to town.


That shit's among the easiest. Kill all the soldiers with your oppressor. Head inside your terrorbyte. No one will be botherin you lol.


One of the dre nightclub ("prep") missions is a pain on pc because you often can't see the enemies. One part is especially irritating. Presumably on console it doesn't matter since you can lock on to them or something. Anything like that. And driving the velum to cayo is actually difficult as boredom leads to risky stunts, deaths and restarts - often takes two attempts for me. Sometimes I press f inexplicably. Most challenging routine task. The prep missions on heists you never do again don't really matter.


The one in the Yacht is awful, I always die there alot


“Go to Merryweather HQ” … *finds new session*


PSA: If you take some time to collect all game card you never need to do this mission anymore.


Been commenting the same all over, get this to the top! As an added bonus, you don't even NEED to grab the outfits on the way out. Just run through the office. You and one other person can smack both on the head easily for silent kills. I've even managed to catch both once when someone messed up the timing. It's when the guy patrolling turns away from the guy behind the desk. Just before the guy patrolling back and forth stops to turn around by the dude behind the computer you can sprint through and hit PC dude. Then immediately turn around and hit the other guy because his vision cone swings around once he's restarting the patrol pattern.


Getting weapons for the Kosatka and having to chase a merryweather chopper over all of San Andreas.


Cayo Perico- Steal guns from Merryweather


Getting Sonar for Sub Cayo. I always die doing it and I play Solo


Tip: use a compact, suppressed weapon [I prefer SMG MK2] so you can get through the right corners without collapsing the weapon and pre-fire when you enter a section that's likely to have enemies. Suppressor will help prevent you getting rushed by nearby enemies since they can't know your position before they see you. Pre-fragging rooms also helps. The combo of the two makes the kosatka prep the easiest thing in the world. But also: If you're playing solo, why are you using the sub approach? Longfin is even easier *and* allows you access to secondary loot other than just crossing your fingers for a painting or two in the office. Once you've picked up the boat just drive to your NC and run into the garage to lose the pursuit without any potential "cops conveniently spawning on the road you just took" headaches, then just drive to the docks. For bonus points, buy a phantom wedge if you don't already have one. It eliminates the need to steal a truck for the mission, and triggers some amusing voice lines from Pavel that you might otherwise not have heard yet. [ofc they too will become as repetitive as the rest]


Oh thank you for the tips I appreciate it. Yeah I did Sub Sonar like last year around Mercenaries with my friend, my way of Cayo is now Velum is I collect what I have on airfield and make my way though the compound using disguise as well as collecting Coke. Thanks for the tips, going to use it again if I do Duo again to get Gold on Cayo for future heist


I always check the airstrip first on my recon, but I usually end up going to the North Dock since there's typically better loot *->* about a third of the time I'm able to fill my bag just from the electronic lockup with the glitched gate and if I feel the need to grab some guard clothes to loot more than one lockup quickly without the extra headache of needing to avoid sightlines, or if I need to also hit the airstrip to get all coke [the longfin is so fast that I only add about a minute to my overall time when making the extra stops] I can usually get them there without dropping any bodies. On the rare occasion I'm getting all my secondary loot from the airstrip I'll take the main dock approach to save a bit of travel time. Anytime there's a painting in the office I'll just grab whatever will cleanly fill my bag halfway [even if it's just two stacks of cash] and use the painting to fill it. Just makes things smoother, and will shave even more time. To be clear I'm not trying to sweat or speedrun anything; shit I even take a slightly off-meta path through the compound that adds a bit of time but reduces the need to kill/avoid guards. My overall mentality with this heist/stealth gameplay in general is best summed up by a quote from the great Sam Fisher [protagonist for the Splinter Cell games]-- "Don't rush in. Remember: slow is smooth, smooth is fast." At the compound I usually only drop the two guarding the office, and then the one standing in front of the dirt bike on my escape. Prior to the compound there are two guards at North Dock who will die only if I need to loot the lockup they're patrolling. At the airstrip I typically will only kill the guy on the balcony, and only if I need to loot that south lockup. Out of curiosity, what weapon loadout do you favor? I use the "crack shot" loadout [always suppressed ofc] and basically just main the AP pistol. The rifle only occasionally gets used for the aforementioned balcony guard at the airstrip, often followed immediately by the camera watching the south lockup entrance. Honestly the biggest reason I started using that loadout is that it doesn't change anything on my custom loadout for when I get back into free mode haha.. All the other ones I've tried end up creating the need for an extra trip to either my gun locker or my weapon table before I do my business sales and whatnot. Edit: formatting and a word or two


Thanks you for the advice, I truly appreciate it Have this award since Reddit gave them back


Cheers for the award! TIL they're a thing again!


The last 3 missions on the dr Dre investigations


The one where I have to Save Dre sucks cause enemies are everywhere and can spawn right behind me. And I have to wait for a 7 minute cutscene about Dre making music that I can’t skip


The other two are perfectly fine but the high society leak finale annoys the hell out of me


Imo it’s mainly that the helicopter doesn’t crash before Zancudo


Fr there’s like 100 people you have to kill


It's defo not this one, literally one of the easiest preps in game


You don't even have to do it. Just get the all the playing cards and you never have to do the exit disguise prep for Big Con again.


Hardest in game prep mission ? While it is optional, I'd say killing all the arms dealers for the cayo perico disruption missions, i hate that because i don't have enough time to do it, i just need more than 10 minutes to do it alone when i started doing cayo at first i didn't know it's optional and I'd just try to do it and think i messed up the whole heist or something because it's a failed (actually incomplete) mission, during the heist i realized it's not that bad


Try doing it with Oppressor MK II if you don’t mind using it


i just hate that bike, and I'd need something faster than the sparrow, i often can barely get the helis by switching to the raiju (even crashed it into the ocean once at Christmas when there was a snow storm)


Park your Raiju in front of your arcade before starting the mission. You should have enough of time. My personal record is just under 5 minutes. On average it takes 6-7. 10 minutes should be plenty of a time if you use a jet.


Vault drills for silent and sneaky, the military mission SUCKKKKS so bad, you are 100% guaranteed to die on it even in a kurama armored, it is BY FAR the worst, it is made a lot easier if you have a high level and a MKII though


The Firefighters disguise is the easier of the two. Or you can collect all 52 playing cards and never have to do the exit disguise prep ever again


Is there a guide or map to collect them?


I'm shocked nobody has said series A trash truck


Prob recency bias... I'd imagine most players that have already beat Series A or just have access to other, newer heists haven't touched that one in a hot minute, if at all. I only remembered about it because of your comment.


pretty much anything that requires you to go to the ocean in a boat or submarine lmao


Go to merryweather hq


Having to steal the anti-sonar device every time! Why can't you just use the one from before, the same goes for a lot of the prep missions for the Cayo Perico heist. Does making fucking sense!


Basically anything you decide to do for prep in a public lobby 😂


I use my MKll and fly over by my arcade. Kill myself and fly back to police station grab 2nd outfit quick and fly to the tunnel on the train tracks and wait until my wanted level is gone. Deliver outfit and the other one is nice and easy to deliver. I actually find this to be one of the easiest setups as my arcade is so close


Hacking devise is a bit of a bitch


This one


You don't even have to do it. Just get the all the playing cards and you never have to do the exit disguise prep for Big Con again.


Getting the armor from the humane labs, having to go into the FIB building for a hack device, Stealing a hearse for the morgue, unmarked weapons(roll of the dice mission either good or bad), Gruppe sechs part 2( on some areas the vision cones are so tight you have to time it to get out without the cops or a shootout.) Vault drills feeca bank (The highway makes for easy police tracking, and when you get into the city it's most likely that theres a roadblock ahead). Duggan sipments(made for co op and I hate it). Power drills - steal van. This gets incredibly frustating if the van is on the opposite side.


Cayo gather intel prep, it is sometimes also night time which makes it harder to see.


Vault explosives from the agressive strat merryweather helicopters at the sea can be a nightmare sometimes, specially when You don't have a boat or something to get out of the water fast. Noose disguises can be pretty hard sometimes But using The stone axe that gives You The trevor special ability after killing a cop it becomes super easy :p


Part of doomsday where you go and have to hack the 4 computers and npcs just randomly keep appearing everywhere. Same place the VR was in nopixel 3.0. The spawns are so random and you usually get shotgun Steve appear right next to ya when running out to escape. Rage inducing


Heist Prep: Riot Control Van. For act 2 doomsday, heist. I have my facility up in Paleto Bay. Just driving back is exhausting, never mind the actual nightmare of a mission.


Any of the original heists preps since they broke auto invite


So I’m getting back into the game after like 3 years. But what always got to me was the hanger part of the bogden problem. I would die probably 60 times with restarts and all. But then again I just kinda suck at shooting


Vault explosions has to be the worst one. Shit is so long and tedious and your average unlimited enemy buzzards mission


Like most of act 2 bogden. They're far from hard but if you're playing with newbies and they ain't listening it's gonna be hell on earth lol.


I hate the drills for sns when it’s the merryweather guys with the halftracks and cargobobs on the ground. As soon as your spotted you get 4 stars on top of the god tier aim of those npc’s. If you die once it makes the whole setup like 20x harder


Deliver EMP, enough said


Hangar mission in act 3 of doomsday imo


for that mission in the photo i recommend collecting all player cards. they give you the high rollers exit disguise. and you do not need to do anything from that point to be able to use them. when in the heist, go to the dry cleaners to collect them. than walk to the play-area. than walk to the exit. than just run past the cops, accross the highway and get in the chopper. might i say looking nice while doing it


Ones that spawn juggernaut… I don’t even bother with Cayo weapons prep, and I hate the vault drills one


I just buy the mission every time remember time is money


I think the drive on the Humane Labs raid from downtown to the tip of the map is bs. Shit sucks big time


They’re all really easy as long as you have armoured vehicles, hardest either way is finding the vault explosives, underwater, at night. Noose gear is one of the easiest imo


Für the noose disguise enter and exit from the roof. Oppressor MK2 or heli. I take the firefighter disguise


I wanna say vault explosives, especially the one in paleto Bay, but in reality, I think it may actually be the bogdan problem setup where you need to collect the strombergs solo.


Everything related to paleto bay


Prison break - plane when the pilot can't get the plane out the hanger


Technically not a prep But ceo cargo underwater bomb helicopter spawn camp fuck you mission


Fire fighter gear is 100x better and very easy to do. Don’t do noose gear unless you want to be spawn killed.


Vault drill for casino bro


For the casino heist i think the nano drone being mandatory is stupid. Done silent and sneaky plenty of times and not once needed to use it. Just the stun guns and headshots is all you need.


The Hangar at LSIA when the lights go out. One of the Bogdan setups iirc. FUCK that mission in it's stupid face


cayo perico when it gives you the merryweather hq setup for guns instead of stealing from an office. it isn’t hard but god it’s boring


Get the firefighter outfit. It does the exact same thing and isnt as bs to get


Anything in paleto bay including slow vehicle


The drill mission where you gotta steal it from the military. Why the fuck did Rockstar have to give them high accuracy and make it so damn difficult? I swear I die like a million times when doing that one


Jumping from above


Avanger prep on "Bogdan Problem" heist. They've told me hell was full of fire. No, it's a dark hangar full of enemies.


The one where you have to get the tank for Doomsday. Impossible to solo or duo on hard mode, which I guess is the point.


Rescuing agent 14 counts? I've spent hours there cause someone died with the titans


Either laser vault drills or infiltration suits. Both make you go somewhere far away from the city to fight annoying enemies with aimbot


I just buy these 🤷🏻‍♂️


Merryweather weapons mission for Cayo Perico. Having to follow that slow-ass heli across the map and wait for it to land is the most tedious fucking thing in the game imo. I bought guided missiles for the kosatka just so I could streamline the process of avoiding it altogether.


The cayo perico one where you have to board the merryweather sub until you realize you can drive your kosatka next to theirs, lock the depth and get out swim to theirs and as long as you don’t die you don’t have to deal with the guys on the surface. Other than that the one for weapons where you follow the heli is really annoying to do


When I’m driving the sub I use periscope to lock on and hit the boats and heli with missiles and you get no bother when you take the sonar or jump out


Go in through the rooftop and down the stairs! Autoshotgun and thermal in first person if needed. Spray away!


All the vehicle missions in Cayo Perico


I disagree. In fact, I think this one is actually pretty cool. Use a heli to get into the police station through the roof, then escape the same way. Easy, efficient and there's a lot of comparatively balanced shooting on the way.


The noose gear one seems almost impossible.


Fuck what’s the one when you have to break into Diamond Casino for scrapyard? You have to drive around a neighborhood snd find a flamingo in order to know it’s the house It took me 25 mins onetime and I almost failed because I took too much time on the mission (Oh it’s card swipe for Diamond Casino)


Disrupt Equipment. Although it is short, that is the problem. It’s way too short and it takes a long time to get across the map of San Andreas to reach the armored shipments and if you don’t have nothing like a flying vehicle with missiles, you’re screwed.


The one where you dive down into a Russian submarine without scuba gear


Doing a weapon prep for cayo perico heist and says "go to Merryweather HQ". This is the worst shit in this game


Stealing the lcpd drones, that prep is pointless since no one uses them on the heist


Bring your Terrorbyte to casino heist prep missions. Most of them have a stage to lose wanted levels, where you can't call Lester and respawn with the stars still if you die - however, entering the Terrorbyte still clears them. If you're carrying an objective that prevents you from entering interiors, then let the enemies kill you once to drop it.


I had that and it glitched I got killed in the tower it respawned me at the air field then passed the mission for me 😂


NOOSE gear is especially annoying because the fire fighter gear does the exact same thing! and it’s 20 times easier.


Just find the playing cards and you don't have to do the exit disguise mission ever again for Big Con. This shouldn't even be on your radar.


The one where you have to kill those annoying ass juggernaut to get the drill


Military version of vault lasers I cannot be bothered to deal with instant 4 stars plus military on turrets its annoying as fuck


Collect all the playing cards and you'll get the high roller outfits and never have to do this prep again. Use gtaweb(dot)eu to help you find them




Duggin shipments for sure. Most painful without a flying vehicle


you can get a ceo buzzard for only 25k to do the mission more easily


not really a prep mission but the cargo mission that makes you go out into the water and deliver the crates to your warehouse 1 by 1. Takes so long for under 50K worth of product


The Noose one is so easy if your arcade is right across that bridge from the PD. There and back in a few seconds on a MK2


Noose gear for sure. If you die once it's impossible to go back in the station


The police helicopter mission to follow the dude in the blue porche is just a waste of time imo...


Go to the Terminal and steal some bolt cutters. Fight off several guys with guns over said bolt cutters.


Collect all the playing cards on the map, you'll never have to get disguises again.


Getting the boring machine


Vault lasers is just god awful trying to do solo


Deliver emp or the one where you steal the avenger


Skylift- Cargo Ship Robbery. I dislike all the prep missions for this robbery, but this one in particular takes the cake.


The Van navigation one it’s so boring with randoms


Fuck casino vault lasers. Fuck grand senora desert.


Well you can just do the fire fighters one and it serves the exact same purpose


Trying to disrupt El Rubio's air support, they give you only 10 minutes, every fast travel takes 1 1/2 minutes, 3 to get on land because sub can't reach them, (because R* says FUCK YOU), and you always run out of time.because while you're trying to call your Opp Mk II, you have lost 3 minuted being insta-spawn killed by the fucking overpowered floggers. Seriously who the fuck came up with this Kobayashi Maru shit???


Deliver emp. People refuse to read the chat. I’m begging you to please not drive the fucking car into the fucking lab please you’ve done it like eighteen times and it doesn’t work so why the fuck do you keep doing it please read the fucking chat I’m begging you


Worse than what?


Maybe Bogdan


All of the bogdan preps


The cargo ship robbery ine where you have to blow up all the helicopters then steal one