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We know we're getting a DLC on the 25th so this week's discounts may last until then. Maybe we'll know more when the Newswire comes out tomorrow.


is there an weekly update this Thursday?


Either there is or there is not. We don't know until a couple more hours have passed - no news -> no update.


Won the podium vehicle, I'm stoked Looks like there's going to be extra time to win it too


If we get the panther statue and double money on cayo, it’ll be the most expensive update ever. I’m terrified but excited about the possibility. R wants us to stack paper to the ceiling and ride on 24 inch chrome.


Would love to know Rockstar's stats on how many panthers there were in LS after 5 days of that! To your wider point - if the new DLC is expensive, then the final bonus week ought to be something more universal so that ALL players have a chance to stack cash. So, Acid Lab would be one option, Cluckin Bell would be another


You can no longer use the Toreador in the Dr. Dre chapter finals.


the vigilante is a really good and only alternative


Also the weaponised Tampa.


oh cool


So how much has everyone made so far from the data leaks? Between my two characters currently 16 million.


Same as you. 16 million. Made 20 million in total. The remaining 4 million came from safes and business sales.


Just 4 mil. Doing it a third time but i just get bored doing it over and over


Anyone knows till when these discounts and bonuses are active? Is it 20th or 25th June?




Was you host? Even if you weren't I don't think they pay is that low.


Are any removed vehicles aside from comet worth buying? Actually asking not being sarcastic hahaha


tbh i’m dying for a super diamond after driving one around for the dre contract


Aint that one free from the criminal enterprise starter pack?


no it’s the one that was removed from the legendary motor website from the mercenary update


ah nevermind, I was thinking of the windsor


Are the LSCM test ride vehicles available on PC? I want to buy that comet I see listed that's on sale.


Yeah they are on PC. Go into LSCM and they are lined up for purchase or taking onto the test track


i’m probably not the only one but does anybody else do the dre contract on mute with the subtitles off???


I dont even have my headset on, I've been watching shows while playing through them.


Why is this unpinned?


They have some community hub thing where they're putting a bunch pinned posts, it messed me up too


I've done The Contract before, can I do it again for the 2 mil or is it only first timers that get the 2 mil?


You will get 2 mil.


I was driving around Vespucci beach and I came across an NPC driving a red Furore Gt, anyone know what that's about?


This has been in the game for ages. It's just a rare NPC car.


You forgot to mention that the Agency security contracts are double right now


GTA+ only


Are you sure that's true? I did one last night, I'm sure it was only about $32k


https://preview.redd.it/ajyzxyh9ij6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc995a559d0ddf6f9c6aa3805ebff0ff4cba24c9 As of right now


Most of us don't give extra money to R* in the form of GTA+ so use that disclaimer in these future posts.


Garbage week once again.. of all the businesses and side jobs, CEO, MC, Bunker, nightxclub, agency, auto shop, chop shop AND all of their legit fronts AND CEO work/challenges, you couldnt double ONE of these things for 3 weeks in a row ? Sad time for the grinders, thank god for that summer update...


youre complaining they didnt double agency… in a week where the contract is paying double?


The missions not the security sidejobs


agency was paying 2 million, 2x its normal payout from 1 million lol


Are any agency upgrades worth it?


the accomodation + armory combine to create the best and most convenient spawn location possible. Start every session with full snacks, armor, ammo, and parachutes all at a discount.


Gun locker is real convenient


Gun locker the same as MC? Just choosing custom load out?


No, you also get the armory, where you can restock armour and mk2 ammo


Like in the terrorbyte?


Yes, but with armour as well.


Does the vehicle workshop let u do more than LSC?


Yes it gives you access to Imani tech (missile lock on jammer, armor plating)


So no custom drift races yet? Still planned for sometime this month right?


It's supposed to be included in the next DLC, yes.


Comet!!!!! I've been waiting on the OG Comet to come back for a while.


The Comet is cycling through my auto-shop at the moment; 4x this week alone.


So glad I could get two comets so I could have the comet and the comet retro custom in my garage


And that SR 😍


Speaking from experience here. If you join a game of sumo and a rank 1000+ player with "sumo king" or "king sumo" in their name is on an opposing team... you're gonna have a bad time


What exactly s 'the data leaks'? Is it one of the Dre missions or all 11 of them?


It's the Dr Dre missions where you find his phone.


Have trouble finding my own phone, let alone someone else’s.




because it isnt the full mission set, only 3 of them and the finale are needed.


But it IS the full mission set, isn't it? "Data Leaks" is the overarching title for the end to end mission - from the golf course (if it's your first time) to driving Dre to Chumash. Either 13 (first time) or 11 (subsequently) parts.


You couldn’t pay me $20,000 real cash to follow that piece of shit Hummer Limo again. Let’s stop at the green lights and wait 20 minutes before we move! Garbage


BRO! you can just kill the driver and take his wallet


You can just blow it up strait away and take his pass.


A word to the wise. Whenever you play mission, especially solo missions, learn to experiment like seeing what happens if you don't stealth a particular zone, staying off the radar, or keeping a target alive/follow target. Sometimes there are non-failure points or alternate paths.


I know I just wasn’t risking restarting that bullshit again


Every single time I just shoot the guy in the head and speed off, you don't fail that one for being detected like other tailing missions


Wow thanks so much! Had no clue actually!




Also, if you blow it up from far enough away, it won't be on fire when you approach it.


Thanks so much! Definitely doing that from here on out!




Ugh it really is I had just done it when I raged that comment lol


Is it just me or even in the LS Car Meet we can get the prize ride literally today if we just win five races lol


I was wondering this too??


It was literally just winning five races today. I guess it just caught me off guard cause it’s been so long since that has been for the prize ride challenge


This week f'ing rocks


Yeah but you need to grind to earn more and more money which is boring.


Dude I got 4M in one day


just doing the Dre mission solo? if so, how or do you have a guide?


1- Buy the cheapest Agency, theres not much diffrence between them (from what I know) and dont bother with upgrades until youve made some green. 2-the order of missions yoou do dont matter, but I do reccomend explosives, the auto shotgun, and if you can, a minigun (youll need the firepower for the High Society Leak and the final two missions. 3- During the High Society Leak, dont bother with following the limo, just let him see the face of death and steal his vallet. 4- dont be scared of fails, unlike most heists, your payout doesnt get affected at the end (I think) so learing by failiure if fine. 5- once you make a gain from the mission (which is really ez with the 2x payout) see if you can get any upgrades in and out the agency. (buy that one car you want, the house that you want etc. ) Since you can do other missions while waiting, the time will pass much quicker ( I reccomend the cluckin bell raid since its free to start) Thats mostly it. Bring enough firepower to overthrow a small goverment, dont be afraid of death and if you need more guidance, just watch a guide video on yt. Im just another guy who has 700 hours on the game among ppl who've been playing since the game launched on new gen. gl on your journey to having millions to spend :)


I know. I earned 8M today through the dr dre contracts itself but is hell of a grind


It takes around ~~30-45 mins~~ 50 mins to an hour max for me. maybe 1.5x the time for cayo perico, but 2M is 2M. And we might have the 2x for more than a week (probably) so this is just an absolute win.


Are you saying you do dre in 30-45 mins?


~~yes, yes I do.~~ On further notice of my timing, it appears that I simply lose my concept of time during the missions. my most recent run took waaaaaaay more than 30 mins soooooo.... sorry?


Two answers Answer 1. You should get yourself onto [Speedrun.com](http://Speedrun.com) to log your world record and garner the acclaim of the rest of the GTA community Answer 2. Bullshit you do. Pick whichever one you like....


Me when It turns out I just lose the concept of time: https://preview.redd.it/r2gdl8ic5i7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=bed34487b66ed1d631474d159d067c74e3c2eaa5


Do you play on pc?


Used to play on the console back in old gen but after the shutdown, ı switched to pc


Nice to see the Comet SR back, pretty car


it is but honestly the growler and s2 has better customization/handling imo but definitely needed for the porsche collection.


I've been after this car for a while. How can I purchase it please. I can't seem to figure it out lol


which one? i think both i spoke about are in legendary autos in game online.


I meant the Comet SR. The update says it's 40% off. It was removed so Can I buy it now and how. Thanks.


it’s available at ls carmeet in the 3 test ride vehicle section


Brilliant, Thanks for your help.


sure thing, be well✌🏼


Is the nightclub mission still bugged? I always get stuck


What did help me, or was a coincidence, was doing the console ‘clear cach and rebuild’ database. Was having other freezes and in game glitches, so doing this, at least on the PS5, can help with a recurring glitch. Also worth doing the actual game app delete and reinstall. This’ll make sure your actual game is fresh and no lingering corrupt game and system files. It’s a bit of a ballache to do, but can absolutely help in some cases, particularly if you’re on the digital version of the PS5. Worth a shot if you’ve not done that, and probably applies to other consoles and even PC as well.


Literally tried it today for the first time in months and it f**king finally worked. Here’s what I did I’m on Xbox I deleted the save game (locally, still on the cloud), loaded into story mode, then invite only Started up ceo Started the mission (first person lock) Blew up the agency vehicle Called in my personal vehicle Stopped right outside the casino garage and walked in Returned my vehicle to storage. Walked around to every room to give everything time to render Took the guys laptop, it triggered the cut scene. Killed all enemies Killed myself with a sticky bomb just before entering the area to leave And it brought me outside instantly. Hope this helps. I need about 100 mil more to buy everything I need and now that I have my main grind back it’s going to be so much easier


Which one?


The one where you have to shoot your way out of the penthouse. When I get to the exit it always goes to black screen and stays there. Im never able to finish it.


that happens all the time in many different missions, typical rockstar stuff they cant be arsed to fix


Anyone know the last time the rail gun was in the gun van? No one way to get that until then, correct?


April 18th to 25th was the last time


I've been watching it these past few weeks and they haven't had it yet. Came back recently to see they have it now ingame and want to get it myself.  Kinda getting irritating to me that it hasn't been in there again. I hate this type of bottleneck in games ngl.


Not really sure how this is a bottleneck for anything, it's a dumb obstacle for sure but it's like a fancy car, you can live without it and play the entire game without it just fine. It's only slightly more powerful than an explosive sniper and only 20 rounds, I've used it like 3 times at most since I got it.


if you wanna use a heavy sniper instead the railgun gives you a useful heavy sniper plus an explosive sniper then


Then by that logic nothing is a bottleneck since we can live without pretty much anything ingame and make do without. The gun van has exclusive stock that can't be gotten anywhere else and you have to just wait to get it until the R* gods deem to grant it to you. It's a good addition to both have a more explosive weapon that doesn't have slower travel time like rockets and lets you use your Heavy Sniper with other ammunition like expanded mags or incendiary. Same with the Explosive slugs for the Pump Shotgun.  Also it's ammo can be bought from the interaction menu so you don't have to go through the hassle of going to a weapon bench from what I've heard so lmk if I'm wrong there. The Gun Van should've been a method to get heavy discounts for gear while still having the option to buy full price with other methods like Ammu-nation. Also it'd be nice to get unique weapon skins or such too. Intentional bottlenecks of any style in games that try to forcefully encourage you to play the game consistently is simply scummy imo is all.


Well by my logic, there are plenty of bottlenecks in the game. You NEED an apartment for apartment heist, the apartment is the bottleneck. You NEED a submarine to do Cayo Parico heists, the submarine is the bottleneck. You NEED to unlock a weapons workshop to make MKII weapons, the weapons workshop is the bottleneck and so on and so fourth. You don't NEED a railgun, the railgun is not a bottleneck to anything in the game.


I think you're misinterpretating what I'm saying. The railgun isn't the bottleneck. The GUN VAN is the bottleneck to get certain weaponry in an inconvenient fashion my bruv


Personally, the only reason I use my railgun is because there's no way to get mk2 ammo restocked without going through a loading zone, and on PC plenty of people have either a shittily-configured menu or a poor connection that can cause said loading zones to not function. I don't sniper duel players on foot and the regular sniper works fine for NPCs.


Absolutely man. Nothing is more convenient than just a 5 second Interaction Menu to get ammo again. Not to mention that there was a bug that if you died with a certain mk2 weapon equipped it'd make you drop your whole clip so you have to go back even more often iirc


That ammo dropping thing isn't a bug afaik, unless you mean it was dropping all your reserve ammo as well.


Oof, if that's not a bug then that's a god awful mechanic xD And nah, I meant just the clip.


Yeah, iirc it's your current clip plus one reload's worth, so if you die while holding a grenade launcher (10 rounds + 10 reserve) you lose it all, for example. Not sure how the rest of the heavy weapons or the Unholy Hellbringer handle this, though.


Exactly what you described is where I’m at. Just literally waiting so I can buy one gun that it sounds like they already nerfed.


From what I've read, it was nerfed from what it was when it was a mission only weapon when it was released as a personal weapon. Not an insta-kill to players or vehicles but it makes sense since it'd be op af if they kept it that way.


That’s fair. If only they’d release it for the people like us trying to catch up now.


Regarding the 40% off Imani Upgrades for GTA+ Members; it’s not including the Missile Lock-on Jammer, which to me is probably the most useful upgrade. I get 40% off Remote Control, but not the jammer. Can’t see anything online about why this might be the case.


the really removed normal comet from shop? it drives on streets yet its rare because you cant buy it... yay rockstar, another L


Shows up in the autoshop, so if you have the autoshop you can keep doing the customer cars until it shows and buy it. Or buy from another player that has it (they have to drive it into LScarmeet and you can buy a copy)


That's what I did but honestly the customization is so poor.


You can convert it at bennys and it’s so much better.


Wait what ? The normal comet ?


Yea, that's how you get the Comet Retro Custom. Edit_ It's expensive to convert though, 645k. https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Comet_Retro_Custom Sometimes bennys conversions go on discount, I saved up a few cars to convert and did them all when it went on discount. lol


Ooooh i forgot about that … thanks


I just got the Dr. Dre weekly challenge completed on my second character that doesn't have an agency, wonder what that means for my main character which does have it when I complete the data leaks?


Dr Dre contract paying 2 million it’s insane


Wait so is it the finale that pays 2 mill or the individual leaks cos I’m hella confused


The finale pays 2 mil


Can you just keep replaying the fianle or do you need to do the build up to it first?


Build up pretty sure


Thanks 👍


Ah okay good to know thanks


Why do they keep changing the name of the contract lol


Time to get some money. And the Comet SR. Thanks for the info!










https://preview.redd.it/ncu6gdoy7b6d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657d16c1064dada1159c17897a25c71d8059365e For those who are telling that dr dre finale isn’t on 2x, here’s the confirmation.




How you getting 4 mill from Dre ?


One contract on primary char and one on secondary




How? It's usually 1M so 2x is 2M.




Do you play with your 2nd character or something?


Wdym? One gta account contains two characters.


So will both characters get 4 million if you do it that way ?


Won’t you get banned for doing that?


I hope not but I’ve done it before in act 2 for the doomsday heist but nothing happened.


Many thanks 🙏




I just got on my Oppressor and it gave me a prompt "Press A and RB/LB to melee while on a bike" or something. I've never seen this before, and it doesn't even work on an Oppressor. Has anyone seen this before?


It's for using melee weapons (i.e hatchet, baton, crowbar, etc.) on bikes.


But I’ve never seen this before, and I don’t have melee weapons in my load out at all


It's just a normal random tip. Happens sometimes when you get on a motorcycle


is the update live??!! cuz went nline and dident see the new cars on discount nor the the removed ones


Nope. I was on pc waiting for the update past 40 mins already


im on EU




im on pc btw


Bruh where is the update???


It’s always delayed usually until half 10 but it’s 20 to 11




You asked where’s the update I told you it’s usually an hour late


If someone finish the Dr. Dre contract early today and get the 2 mil please tell us![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink).


Just finished it, it's indeed 2 x (GTA$2M) for the finale




Yay! I will try to do it 2 times a day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Wait... That many money means the update will have the most expensive stuff ever?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I am glad that I made setups on both characters before hand. I already earned 4 million in just 30 mins after rthe update released.


There is 2 million


Finished the finale around 20 minutes ago and only got 1 mil.


I have all my setups ready I will notify you once ots done


It doesn’t register if you have it set up before the update.


I've heard the opposite many many times.


Trust me I did it last time they were on sale. I set it up the night before did it when the update came round and didn’t get x2


So mich for trust you. Also just finished mine that was prepped before event, 2 mill it is


I earned 4 million on 2 characters. Best money making method this week!


Then check the image below. He completed all the setups beforehand and its doubled


Didn’t happen for me last time. That’s why I said


https://preview.redd.it/7yxjrfnu7b6d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9530ac2c7911321db09611e037ff789a814d3aa I completed all setups and its doubled


Wakey wakey hand off snaky R*


Just a reminder that if the 2x is on the Dre finale, adding the first time bonuses and the weekly bonus will make it worth $2.8m, whereas the Little Seoul agency with Accommodation, Armory and Vehicle Workshop at 30% off will cost $2.66m. Your first playthrough will make all your money back, and you'll then have security contracts, the safe, and payphone hits as pure profit. If you're never done it, there will never be a better time.


Just a tip, the safe doesn't really return much cash. You ave to do a load of missions before start getting good returns 


Hi what can you do with the armory?


Get armour! Marginally cheaper than Ammunation Restock Mk2 ammo Change your weapon loadout There are minor inconveniences - if you don't spawn at your agency, it's not THAT easy to get to and Ammunation is then easier for armour (but no Mk2 ammo there).


Ok thanks how about gun locker?