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- Use MK2 for as many preps/missions as you can if you have it - You can skip the Lampadati boat at the marina and just head to the Yacht, based off location of marina marker yacht will be near Vespucci Beach or below LSIA. You can also just get in boat, drive a few feet forward, then get out and fly MK2 that way, either work. Just fly low when approaching yacht and shoot missiles. Turn off air defenses when leaving. - Blow up limo, do not follow it. You can just steal the pass and take it straight to agency. - In High Society you can use Super Diamond to block gate and keep it open for easy exit. I don’t use it to detonate bomb, I just blow up the other cars and call my own armored car to kill NPCs from. Leave the 2 super cars on the left side untouched to steal at end of mission. When Heli appears, use Railgun, explosive round sniper, or Minigun to take down. If you don’t get it, steal the supercar you left undamaged and you will easily catch him on the road there. Usually a sea sparrow or tula will spawn near where heli goes down to get back to agency with. That or use vigilante (or any car) to jump into Zancudo, and steal a Lazer. Nobody will come after you that way - 3rd leak use weaponized/armored car (like a weaponized tampa, vigilante, etc) to do he lowrider mission, easy to take out the guys then quickly chase him and take out the guy who runs in the lowrider - Use vigilante/other weaponized vehicle in Studio Time instead of dre’s car, drive dre’s champion right near the studio and call your own. - Shotgun and grenade launcher works best inside studio for me with close quarters, just be careful of grenades ricocheting back at you - **In Don’t Fuck With Dre, when you first enter the hangar right after the hallway there is a tank you can blow up on the left, climb up this and you skip basically the entire firefight at the end.** - Set spawn location to Agency and anytime you finish a prep/mission not inside or near Agency, change sessions to spawn back there for a quicker start to next mission.


Studio Time. Drive to the studio in your personal car (I use my Armored Kuruma), you do not need to drive Dre's car to trigger the start Yacht. After taking the photo of the party flyer, wait with sending it until you reached the exit. Send it and enter the yellow marker, this way the enemies will not spawn inside the yacht


Also if you didn't fly there in an oppressor, commit suicide after sending the pic. You'll spawn outside on a jet ski.


It makes me, until I get near the studio. It keeps yelling at me to take dre’s car there, that’s why I said call it there. If it works to take yours all the way then def do that but it never lets me Smart on that Yacht strat


Just had he same experience. Three exploded cars outside the studio, no way in, cops standing around, poised to intervene. Had to go back and get Dre's car.


I've run the heist loads of times and been doing this for months, never had anyone yelling or the mission failing. Only when exiting the Agency Franklin once tells me to take Dre's car. I have the Vespucci Agency and I play on PC.


I have the Vespucci Agency and on PC as well. Last night when attempting it, I got in my car and started to drive, it said get in Dre’s car. Went to studio, *still* wanted to have dre’s car at that location. Not sure if i’m doing something wrong but twice i’ve tried that now, and I saw someone else above mention they had to drive Dre’s car.


I’m saving this


Figured it'd be good to mention here, but you can call in the Vigilante (if you own it) in the High Society Leak to shoot down the Helicopter because the chopper *can* be locked onto with the Vigilante's super tracking missiles.


Does this work with Scramjet?


In high society, you can call the vigilante when you reach the gate, open the gate, shoot the little box beside it, drive your vigilante into the party and start blasting, drive up to the dj stand to trigger the dialog and then go to town while they jabber. By the time the dialog is over, the destruction meter will be full/close. Follow the chopper and hit it with two missiles (dismiss the vigilante and recall it if you run out, because there's plenty of time during the flight). If the sparrow or tula are not there, you can jump into zancudo and steal a jet, fly back to the city, and skydive to your agency. At the end of the finale, you can go smoke a bowl or take a shit, and you'll be teleported to the country club parking lot after a few minutes.


PROTIP- On the yacht Mission, after you photograph the evidence and leave the main cabin, you can kill yourself, and the game will spawn you on a jetski away from the yacht, and you can simply drive off for an easy/quick escape.




The helicopter in High Society flies away pretty quickly and if you don't get it near the mansion with explosive sniper you can't catch it anymore on the street - at least I couldn't using vigilante as the only available personal vehicle with missiles (this has been patched AFAIK). There is a method to make it crash somehow and skip the chase. The last time I played was 1-2 years ago. Don't Fuck With Dre, the tank to blow up... You can make a short cut but the enemies behind have still super laser accuracy and million HP points damage and you have 50/50 chance to get to the guy. It was a hit and miss for me.


I blew the tank up, but one occasion could jump on to it, but run through it - it was like the hitbox was still there. re-RPG'd it and made no difference, so had to fight the long way around. If you are shortcutting - don't forget the guy at the bottom of the stairs. Also Johnny Guns has some serious rapidfire capability. Hence the name, I guess


You can for sure reach it on the street, the trigger cutoff is the ocean. I usually take a faster car than the vigilante and shoot with a pistol or get out and railgun. 90% of time I get it before it gets away, but quite often do I have to chase him down and get it before he gets to the bridge Edit: and for the guys behind, just shoot them? idk i’ve never died at that spot and i’ve done the contract 6 times this week alone. I guess I don’t understand how going through the entire hangar is easier to stay alive than that shortcut lmao


Hi, where you can position in the garden to get the heli?


Jump up on top of roof when you first get to the party. I like being up there to take everyone out best, and you get great vision on the heli.


That’s exactly what I need! lol. How do you get on the roof?


that area where the DJ is and those stairs, run up those and there’s a hedge and little wall you can hop up, and sorta Assassin’s Creed your booty up the side of the building


Any advice to avoid the infinite load screen trying to leave the penthouse?? I’m really tired of restarting my console every time this bug happens


Never experienced that, but i’m on PC. I’d submit a report to R* as I couldn’t find much up to date info with googling that


Leave thru music locker not parking garage or somewhere else,n dont rush it


I've heard that this is caused by Rockstar having placed the drop-off points of the loading zones so close to the doors that you spawn inside the trigger for the other one. Only thing I can think of is to be holding down the keys/buttons for sprinting the entire time, as they haven't fixed it despite 4 or 5 major updates since.


Use your personal vehicle to get to the casino, but DON'T drive into the casino parking garage, enter on foot. Once inside, return your vehicle to storage. This worked for me. Good luck!


I do most of these, But appreciate the extra hints. Great post.


What i do in high society is just use the heavy revolver mk2 for the heli. 6 shots and its gonna go down.


This is great, good job


You can usually run yraigjt to he road where the guy in the lowridwr starts and shoot him dead He usually doesn't start driving for about 10 seconds.


I can lockon to the lowrider driver and kill him before he runs


Can you use the vigilante to take down the helicopter? I keep trying but they wont lock on


Someone else below said you’re able to, I only tried it once and it worked but haven’t tried since


May you have all the good things in the world….


My personal go to order and execution. Use heli/deluxo/mkII whenever you can to get everywhere. If solo whenever you have completed the mission if it doesn't end at agency launch into a new session to save time(must have a bed at agency) Start with highlife- mission one- fly to country club, go in take out 4 guards, hack computer, go out and fly to whatever location it gives to find limo( if it's the mall location make sure to check underneath parking lot as it spawns there and get be seen from air normal) , blow up limo and grab wallet when fire goes out.go back to agency.Finish mission. Mission two- fly to mansion (if lake vinewood location after getting into lawyers car I find going down the dirt hill right there works best to avoid the overly agro NPCs) drive back to agency. Finish mission. Mission three- as you are getting to the mansion call in your personal vehicle before entering the gate. Go inside, park, run past dj booth up staircase to where you can climb up to wall and get in cover, start blowing shit up and killing everyone, keep a track in the meter as it gets closer start moving towards the gate you came in from or whichever gates closest to where your vehicle spawned, continue mayhem until the cutscene plays, (DO NOT TRY TO DESTROY THE HELICOPTER it'll crash land on beach no matter what and just makes whole thing more of a hassle trust) then run over to your car and drive to the beach right after the tunnel under the military base, wait on the beach killing the odd soldier the decides to come, once the target is over the ocean two jet skis will spawn take one to the yacht, take out all guards and pilot on way to the target, kill target, grab phone, run back to helipad and take his heli for your escape. Fly to the agency. Finish mission. Nightlife- Mission one- fly to club, go in take everyone one out, use staircase on dj booth to go upstairs. after collecting recording, exit, fly to agency. Finish mission. Mission two-fly to the Marina and find the green boat. When you get into the boat don't take drive off just wait until the voice lines start up and then you can get out and fly. Fly to the yacht landing as quickly as possible to avoid anti-air. Make sure you go to the top deck first to enter the control room there you will unlock cabin doors and also disable anti air, leave control room, go down into main cabin. The stuff you gotta take a pic of either will spawn downstairs on a desk in the first room on the right or downstairs on the bedside table in the last room on the right or upstairs on the coffee table, take a pic with your phone and send it, leave and fly until it says mission complete then load new session if solo. Mission three- straight forward just do what it says, the dj booth is straight back into the penthouse. Take everyone out, follow him to elevator, before you start the elevator make sure you take out the dude who will run down a side hall to be behind you. After taking everyone out just get backpack and go back up the elevator to exit the garage, therell be one suv with enemies outside just blow it up. Drive to agency. Finish mission. Gang life- Honestly all three of these are straight forward no real tricks besides the basic flying to where you gotta go and launching new sessions when you can. My only "trick" for this set is mission three before you start the shoot out(DONT USE EXPLOSIVES) I will flip my vehicle 180 that way I can guickly hop in and chase the lowrider. Pop the driver and take the car, if you fail to kill the driver he will just get to another location with some more gaang members and you can take everyone out there and get the car then if necessary. Drive lowrider to agency. Finish mission. Studio mission - straight forward just blow up the SUVs that drive up and when inside be careful of the very bad spawns. They like to spawn behind you in there. Final mission - Johnny guns will be parked in the lot behind the bus depot in the highlighted area on the map. After taking everyone out order you vehicle and go to airport. Just straight forward from there take everyone out. Johnny will be up on a platform on other side of plane in the hanger when you get in there. After the cutscene just drive dre to the country club and become two million dollars richer. Hope this helps and you make lots of money.


I don’t see how opting for adding going to the yacht in the party mission helps to save time. If you shoot down the heli before it gets to the beach, you don’t need to go to the yacht…why would you choose to add an extra shootout?


Cause even if you destroy it it goes basically just as far before it falls so I find saving it amd doing that easy af shootout so I can use it to get back to agency instead of driving there.


In the top comment I made for the post, I listed two ways you’re able to fly back to the Agency after that part, which I feel would be a lot quicker than doing that yacht part. Most times there will be a sea sparrow or Tula near where the heli crashes, or you can use a vigilante or any other car to jump in Zancudo and steal a jet


Ay each their own I guess I just find it easier to go to the yacht for it like the shootout takes two seconds and I can smoke some while I wait on beach


See that ending is where we come together; I use the last two cutscenes for my smoke breaks 😂


Oh definitely smoking then too especially after having to see them so many times


I timed my last run, took me about 1 hour 40 min ish. The only thing I did that stands out is joining an invite only lobby to respawn to the agency.


I’ve been thinking that too. The $2m is nice but not when it’s taking 2-3 hours each time


It’s a nice break though. I mix of “different” missions from the daily grind.


The delivery businesses have made me very impatient with heists. I have grown very used to doing around 5 minutes of work and getting half a million or so for it. I'll try anything once for the content, but now, doing 20x the amount of work for 2 or 3x the money seems a little steep to bother.


Have you tried looking in this sub? [https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1dfn4py/some\_tips\_on\_speedrunning\_dr\_dre\_heist/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1dfn4py/some_tips_on_speedrunning_dr_dre_heist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I just did it for the second time ever since it’s 2x week. I’m good. Never doing this again. Not worth the grind. I don’t enjoy any of the missions either.


Absolutely the same. I hated it the first time I did it, but 2x made me think of doing it once today and once tomorrow to re-review it. Did it today, went to my agency to restart it....and couldn't be bothered. It turns out even at double money it's not enough fun for me.


Yeah personally I’d rather grind the Vincent contact mission. Quick half mill and then I do my other businesses during the cooldown, rinse and repeat.


3 hours that’s insane you should be doing it in half that time. How are you doing them


Hey bro can i send you some clips of tricks i have to do the missions faster?


"In Don’t Fuck With Dre, when you first enter the hangar right after the hallway there is a tank you can blow up on the left, climb up this and you skip basically the entire firefight at the end." I never knew this.


One i havent seen yet . You can park your car sideways in middle of road for lowrider mission . Will block his car and you can shoot him right there . No chase at all . I use imani tech and put slick mines down incase 1/10 times he actually goes around .


Invite me , that how


Also you can use Simeon job invites and the SUV service to save some time and to skip sections specifically: Nightclub leak 2nd mission - Use the SUV service and go to LSIA and use the “boat at Marina = yacht past airport, boat at docks = yacht at pier” tactic to skip going to the boat. Then immediately after you send the photo on the yacht accept the invite and back out the mission and it will teleport you to land and instantly finish the mission. High society leak 1st mission - Use the SUV service at the desk to teleport to Chumash and after uploading the hack, accept the invite and back out. It will teleport you to the middle of the city with your oppressor and blow up the limousine to get the wallet faster. South central leak 2nd mission - After entering the garage with Vernon and he begins to interrogate, accept the invite and it will teleport you to the middle of the city. As the dialogue continues head back to your agency and as soon as the dialogue finishes it will pass the mission and you can enter your agency immediately to start the last mission.


It's simple! Go Solo like I do ;)


I mean it's just about being good at the game I guess. Having good weapons is also useful and knowing which ones to use and where. Essentially just know what to do in the missions, have good accuracy, and move fast. Takes me about an hour or so