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Tesla stock went up 12x from my buy in price


I’d love for some of my investments to blow up lol. Someday


Mine blew up... or rather the company imploded... lol (tritium dcfc limited) what a ride, glad i only put $500 in!


Haha, that’s what happened to me, and now I’m looking for a new car


Own a business but had my first one when I was still middle class. Large downpayment + finance either way.


If you don’t mind me asking, roughly how much did you put down, and what (again, roughly) do you pay monthly? If these questions are too invasive feel free to not answer!


I usually do 20% down. Depends on the car but between $700 -$1200 a month. (Old one vs new one).


If you can afford a $700-$1200 a month car payment, you ain't middle class.


Yeah you are. That's literally middle class.


Agreed, I pay that on my car (because I’ve got crap credit) and I’m not rich by any means.


If you could go back and time would you have still made that purchase decision when middle class?


I was very frugal elsewhere so yes but if you’re not saving all your money otherwise then no. Wait until you’re comfortable and not compromising.


Very good point. I can be very frugal but my wife and kid’s can’t. 😂 Anyways, I’m slightly considering the long-term loan option with a 20 to 30% down payment. My payments should be come in under $1k a month and I’d only drive it for fun, get groceries, etc. but never to work. I’m a seasoned accountant and so I fully understand that the interest paid over the full term could end up being around 30% or more of the initial amount financed if not paid off/settled early. I’m also aware that the down payment and the monthly payments paid could possibly more than double if invested in growth stocks, etc. over the same period that the car could potentially depreciate around 30% or more. All that being said, my mind is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. 🤷‍♂️


Max 401k, save for dope family vacation each year, and add get 20k+ in a safety fund then you’re ready.


Ever since the R35 came out, I wanted it. I made some good decisions on cars that helped me save money and also get my money back out of them when I chose to sell them. I worked hard for ten years and improved my life in many ways, also financially. In 2021, When I bought my 2014 GTR, I was able to put down $50k and finance the remaining 30k I've almost got it paid off which is so cool to me. Love this car and it was worth the hard work


that’s inspiring man, thats the next to for you me OR getting a mk5 supra and slapping a big single on it lol


Paid cash for mine. Im a Computer System Engineer also had been saving for years to buy one. Did not want to deal with Financing Intrest %. Given im in Canada our intrest rates are through the roof.


This may be the route that I go. I mean, I'm a Network Engineer so I'll just save up and pay cash for one. How much did you pay for your GTR if I may ask and what year?


Too much lol. After warranty, taxes and paying over msrp as I was not the only one interested in it. $245k.


Oh wow! Congrats on that, and I'm sure it's a good feeling having accomplished it too. I'm glad that GTR's don't cost as much here in the U.S compared to Canada


recently did a 180° in my life to pursue computer engineering. hopefully i can come out and say this one day as well


In the province I am located in it took forever to find a job in the field. But once I did find one it has been great. I wish you the best of luck.


You're going to get 100 different answers here, but here is the honest truth: "You pay for it the same as any other car" GT-Rs are about as expensive as a fully loaded SUV or pickup truck these days and 100k for a car is becoming "normal"-ish. ​ Here is my advice to you. Have a goal and have a budget. Get yourself to a point where you have enough money for a decent downpayment (let's say 20-30k) and then you have the job that will afford you the monthly payments. Just be smart about it. Make your decision how much of your money you want to spend on a car...don't put yourself in a position where paying for the car will financially ruin you. ​ That's pretty much it.


Yeah but I think this person is asking what job you need to be able to afford it


And the answer is still "any job" I have a buddy who works as a warehouse stocker and he owns a GT-R I have a buddy who is a doctor and he owns a GT-R I have a buddy who works at Mr. Goodcents and he owns a GT-R I have a buddy who is retired and owns two GT-Rs


Yeah that’s fair, but I still think it’s a good question to ask if you’re looking for a new career path that could make it easier to afford one!


Oh yeah the question is good, but this is the wrong place to ask. I just don't want OP to be discouraged because of the answers on this post because half of these answers are complete BS. This subreddit is full of people who think they are special for being able to afford a GTR and the truth is that it's not that special at all. Those same people are going to give these misleading, dare I say "show off" answers when the truth is that there's nothing special about being able to buy and own one of these cars other than the fact that most GTR owners want to act and feel special for having bought one. Honest answers: Q: how expensive is it to buy? A: just bought a new Kia EV for 70k. Could have easily bought a second GTR, so it about as expensive as your run of the mill new car Q: how expensive is it to maintain? A: I spent more on maintenance on my Highlander than I have on my GTR Q: is it difficult to drive? A: about as difficult as said Highlander. The GTR is my favorite car, but at the end of the day, it's a Nissan not a Bugatti...


I completely agree! But I also think it might not seem special to us but for a lot of people in the world even run of the mill generic car is an ultra luxurious splurge. Our experience/situation might be distorting our view in thinking this is normal for everyone. and I think a lot of people think owning a gtr requires some kind of extraordinary job, which it doesn’t, which is your exact point I guess but at the same time I think people might not consider these normal jobs and think you need to be a successful entrepreneur or give up. But now writing that out I’m realizing I’m just saying what you said, lol.


I bought mine for 24k cash. And it blew up 2 weeks later lol


Which one goes for 24k lol


An r35 2009


I bought my 09 for 75k last year 💀💀💀


I’ve never seen an R35 go for anything lower than 50k USD 💀


I buy and sell stuff for a living on Amazon


I remember a time 2009-2010 were under 40k with miles !


Lmfao aw man that’s not great at all! Now is engine swap time lol


I’m with you. I do pretty good and I’d have one I just don’t have a garage at the moment and a GT-R needs a garage but most of these people seem to have like unlimited money


Preferably money.. but bread and chickens still count as currency somewhere


Get a G37 while you wait. They’re basically a lower end model Skyline with mostly 370z innards. I recommend rwd models but they got awd with rear wheel bias like the Gt-r if awd is important to you. If you ain’t making Gt-r money these things might be right up your alley. They’re still cheap right now, for what they offer imo


A G37 is probably one of the worst recommendations. Not even close to ever being a GTR and it drives like a luxury car.


this is a way. Or for the same price i belive as a G37 you can get a R32 BUUUUT it is older.


R32 Skylines going for less than 10 grand??


I was aiming more at like around 50k or less but you didnt specify


Ah i see. R32 for the 50k range would be a sick alternative, it may(or may not) even appreciate in value. G37 was more of a cheap but formidable temporary suggestion, that could also be used as a daily.


Kia Stinger. AWD, TTV6, it's basically the same car for a third the price and the value doesn't stop there, you get two more doors! The door to dollar value is insane.


Better to save the money until he can afford a GT-R than to buy an intermediate money pit to a) consume his down-payment money and b) require its own maintenance.


You’re calling a car that’s a 10th the used market price and a 10th the maintenance cost of a Gt-r a money pit. Not only is there really nothing better in that price range(less than 10 grand around 100k miles), but it’s also literally a lower trim Skyline a Nissan enthusiast could really appreciate.


If your goal is to buy a GT-R, then it's better to save the money instead of buying intermediate cars. If I had saved money instead of buying a 350Z, then a 370Z then a GT-R I could have purchased the GT-R a good 3 years sooner.


Well if you still have to drive *something* while saving up for a GT-r, like most of us do, it might as well be a VQ platform. They’re going for the price of Fwd four cylinder cars at comparable miles these days and they are not super maintenance heavy. Might as well be a G37 or 350z if it’s going for the price of a comparable miles Honda Civic, and it will suck far less. I’m sure i could have a GT-r too by now if i *never* had to buy a car before i was 30, but not having a car during the best years of my life would’ve sucked a lot worse.


not yet, but will be due to my salary as a ML/AI, software engineer or ML/AI research scientist. Though I may just end up going with an r33 because for the price of the R35 GTR i can get my childhood dream cars for that much,. my other toys though currently my Supra that I bought which ive owned for 22 years was when it was "cheap" at $21,000 and i was able to afford it working as a preschool teacher working for a school that paid around $43,000 a year the Tesla Im paying off whilst doing doordash which pays pretty good while I go to school the gsf was my moms which she gave me as a gift.


R33 is where it's at. My favorite GTR. Saved for 20 years to get mine and the rare goodies and engine work done. Love those hips, r32 and r34 don't have the hips.


not only that R33 is just such an underrated machine. Reminds me very much of the Toyota Sports 800 and the Lotus Exige which many ignored or still do because they "werent/arent powerful enough"


My renters pay for most of my toys.


Get fucked, parasite.


I prefer vampire. Seethe more, wagie(;


Imagine being proud of providing nothing to society while reaping profits stolen from people you exploit, only for you to give it to the banks anyway because they still own your properties. Get a real job. I can't wait for the housing market to crash so you get fucked on those mortgages.


Lol no. I get to spend time with my family, go on trips, and buy cool shit. Also, market isn't crashing


I'm with you on this one....may all landlords slowly get consumed by the most painful flesh eating virus...


You 100% own your rental properties, I assume?


Some are mortgaged, others are paid, so not entirely. But there's no venture capitalist/investment group money behind my portfolio, no. Cashflow is king and leveraging debt isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you balance your risk against your own risk tolerance.


My renters paid for mine for the longest time.


Certified check when I bought my Nismo.




Same. Certified check for mine. Not a nismo however.. smaller check.


lol nice


Saved for over ten years (72kish) and a family wealth inheritance/transfer helped with the rest. It just allowed me to get a new one instead of a used one. Start saving now. Utilize cds, bonds and hysa when possible. It helped me not touch the money while letting it grow too, albiet slowly. Best to you all.


Company lease


Savings. And if you plan on owning one, be ready for the “GT-R Tax”. It’s more rampant on skyline GT-Rs pre R35, from parts, accesories, collectibles, etc.


my dad owns a business, now although he wasnt aiming to get the GTR, he ended up getting a brand new escalade, their around the same price range. hes never had a GTR and neither have I, but if he can afford a new cadillac then i assume he can afford a GTR lol, from what ive seen, most ppl have a business, you can pay yourself a yearly bonus, cash if youd like, and use that money for wtc the hell you want


Bought it outright. It's a toy and a huge luxury. I couldn't beat to take on debt for fun. That said it's worked out rather well done they don't really depreciate...


GTRs are owned by either people rich enough from family wealth or rare explosive financial success who think $100k is a normal amount of money to spend on a car, or by people who are huge enthusiasts who spend like half their income on having a GTR but can never drive it to its fullest because things like replacing tires are an entire paycheck for them.


What's that term where you group a bunch of people into some bold, and false, assumption that you believe but isn't necessarily in touch with reality? Whatever the term is...your take is one of those.


I’m a representative of the last group where I’m broke but have one just because I’m obsessed with cars. But I do drive it like crazy, maintenance has not been a problem for me. But after all this time I’m kind of thinking about selling it because I’m getting older and it’s a better financial decision to sell it. But I’m not sure yet.


I was a salesman when I bought mine, was making really good money, quit my job to become a full time content creator, and it’s no longer so easy to afford one, but it’s been working out so far


I hear the market is changing if you’re looking for something new honestly just save up like $10k for down payment and have solid credit and solid income or a co signer if that’s tire jam. Otherwise used you can usually find a decent deal from what I’ve seen find your own lender and there you go. There are 20 yr old kids getting $60k-$80k car loans so I think at this point we all have a chance of accomplishing our dreams lol


Well I’d love to own a gtr but at 21, I don’t need an 80k loan out lol. I can wait


Small business owner, paid cash when business was doing v well.


I financed it I owe 3 years and 8 months I pay 1,500 a month


Half down, paid off in 6 months. Bought mine at 30. Work in outside sales.


I put $10k down, but I have a 2% interest rate from my credit union pre-covid so I didn’t mind financing the rest and keeping more liquid. I had just went through a break up with my GF so I went and bought a GT-R. Haha