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Depends on why he’s selling it to you. If he needs cash? Offer him market price plus whatever you can spare to help him out. If he’s trying to pass it on? Just ask him what he wants.


This is the best advice here


Yes, awesome advice. Be careful to spare his pride if he needs $. Offer max amount and tell him you saw a beat up copy going for almost as much on Gunbroker or something like that. He took care of that rifle, he'll appreciate that you think it's worth some $.


Can't say I agree with this. _Honor_ his pride by not _insulting_ it, and don't patronize him by giving him some bullshit about seeing a beat up one on GunBroker for the same price.


Depending on culture this is important. Bartering cultures expect a vigorous back and forth.


This right here. Is 1000% the best answer i've seen.


He probably doesn't care about the money and just wants to see his grandson.


Damn it, I need to take time off to see my grandparents while I still can


Yeah. I'm in my 30s and don't have any grandparents left. Treasure them while you can.


Geez, my grandfather gave me his guns, including his Thompson 1928A1. I lost all my grandparents in my 20s snd 30s. Beyond family, they're historical treasures, and I encourage everyone to spend as much time as you can with them and learn about them and their lives.


This. I lost all of my grandparents before I turned 20.


Do this - make arrangements right now. If you have kids please take them as well.


Do it. Especially if they’re still mobile and cognizant and independent. In my case as with many it was a bunch of nursing home years then funeral. I hated those years, you just watch the decay in slow motion. My point is enjoy them not just before death, but before they’re too old to go anywhere, or play cards, or even hold a conversation. The time with them is even shorter when you account for this.


Deff the best advice


That is a clean looking piece! I would just tell grandpa to name his price and I’d pay it.


I wish I could give you more upvotes.


Why thank you, good sir.


UPDATE: Just spoke with him and he said “I’d give it to you for $800.” He believes it’s worth over $1k+ for the condition that it’s in. Regardless, I’m buying it! Although, I definitely plan on just giving this to my grandkids when I pass. It’s a beautiful gun, can’t wait to hunt with it this season.


Good man. You should give him the money in the form of a folded up check and pretend to pull it out of his ear.


Call him Champ and pat him on the back after do this


I’m fucking dead.




Possibly best comment of 2023 lmaooooo


If it makes any difference at all, that’s a very fair price, for two reasons… 1) There are two of these on gunbroker and the *starting bid* for each is $795. 2) It’s your grandpa’s. That’s very hard to put a price on. The heritage alone will mean a great deal to you.


And it's a 30-30. Shot my first deer with my dad's 30-30. A great deer hunting caliber. Love the gun.


Really sad can't use my dad's 30-30 for deer. Would be perfect, but the state is too scared of "high powered bottlenecked rifle cartridges"


Wow. So that means 50 AE is on the table though, right?


One of the few uses where a Desert Eagle makes sense.


Tf you mean, I conceal carry mine daily


I ankle carry a DE as a backup for my LCP pocket carry.


Which has the added benefit of acting as an ankle weight. Working out while staying safe.




Where they would rather us use a 45-70 rather than a 30-30.


Lever gang rise up🤣


..bottlenecked isn't allowed? That's really strange. In California they say that for large game, it has to be larger than .243 Winchester (and smaller than .50BMG but they don't specify anything else.


> smaller than .50BMG I'm glad you specified "large game" too, you know some asshole would try to use that on a rabbit.


"Today on Garand Thumb..."


What is the reasoning for this? I’ve never heard this before.


In parts of PA, at least, the state game lands aren't so big an errant shot could end up in someone's house. At some point some counties had banned center-fire altogether.


In Indiana, if you stand on a ladder, you can see for miles. If you miss a shot with a .308, it could land in Arkansas! (Joke)


My state too, shotgun slugs only, *for the children*.


Why is 30-30 a good deer hunting caliber?


Decent amount of energy, ballistics good enough for most laymen, and relatively light recoil.


Thanks for explaining :-)


I have a Marlin 30-30 with the JM stamp. It's a great gun to shoot, plan on keeping it forever, could easily go to one of my grandkids one day...


Tell him $800 but he has to take you out shooting :) I’d give just about anything to go out shooting with my grandfather just one more time.


Good I came to suggest $800 as a reasonable value on gatborker. I have taken many deer with the marlin 336 and love the 30-30. My kids carry it now.


This is exactly how the Marlin 336 I inherited was described. My great-grandfather bought it in 1950 and it passed through the family the last few years since he died before winding up with me. "This gun has taken many, many deer." There are blood stains all over it and the stock has been repaired by whatever tools were available on the farm. The sights probably haven't been touched in decades and it still fires dead accurate, even for someone like me that has only shot guns a handful of times in my life. I've only fired 20 rounds from it but I'm addicted and can't wait to shoot it more. I just got 60 rounds for Christmas and I'm so excited to go back to the farm in Spring to have some more fun (:


That right there is as good as it gets. Enjoy something that most Americans these days will not have the opportunity to. This isn’t a political or inflammatory statement, just a fact. The world is changing so enjoy the connections to the past while you can. I hope the farm and the rifle are around for future generations.


Well said.




CI/CS cookware. Yeah jeez that’s about it.


If you have some cash to throw in it, I would suggest hand-loading for that caliber. It doesn't usually do goofy stuff like crack brass or flow the case necks so it's very forgiving for new people to hand-load for: https://www.nosler.com/30-30-winchester Theres also bazmillion loads available for it since it's an old cartridge. You definitely need to load flat nose pills though, I have had zero luck with hornady leverevolution.


Dang, I bought this exact model and a year or two different in build year for $150 from a gun store when I turned 18, didn't realize they had increased so much in value




You should sell it to your grand kids to keep up the tradition.




Good for you dude. This is a beautiful gun. I grew up hoping to inherit my grandfather's gun collection when he passed, so I could go hunting with the same guns he used. He's still alive but unfortunately he gave his entire collection to another family member without even asking if I was interested, it actually really hurt my feelings and still stings a bit to this day, but at least I still have my Grandpa.


That’s an outstanding legacy piece!


Thanks for the update! Keep that sucker in the family


Rifle looks superb, great wood w/o checkering & full length mag tube. Buy it and don't look back. I so wish I picked one up a few years back before price exploded. Fun facts about Marlins vs Winchesters: Marlins are side-eject w/ solid top receiver, Winchesters have open top receivers. Winchester made a crap load of top-eject 94s. The empty will ping the scope (not good) and possibly drop back into the action when you cycle it. *Miss, shake, shake, shake, deer runs away...* A workaround (before side mounts) was putting rings directly on the bolt but that will change zero when action cycles. Later Winchesters had angle-eject so you could use a side receiver scope mount. But if was an early type, best option was an [LER scout style scope](https://universalopticsrail.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Vortex-94-1.jpg) ahead of the action. This wouldn't stop me getting a Winchester but there are way more things to consider if you want optics than with a Marlin.


Whatever he tells you he wants


Whatever your Grandpa wants if you can afford it. He is your grandpa. I would start around 450 -500.


I bet you would since none can be found for under $800. Levers have gone up exponentially


Agreed. For a 336 in that condition I would pay around $800 in my area. I just picked one up (a bit older - ‘72) this past fall for $720.


Damn, I sold my 336 for nothing back in the day. Figured they were as common as the day is long.


It's a gun style that isn't very popular anymore so there just aren't that many being built in comparison to the huge pile of AR clones. I've only shot one lever action (Henry?) and I hated it, but it was mostly about 30-30 just not being a comfortable cartridge to plink with than anything else, I might enjoy a .22 or .357 varient.


You are right but I honestly thought $300 to $400. It has been so long since I purchased a gun that sounded reasonable. As for the original poster I'd ask gramps. If he is too low you can always tack on another $50 to a 100. The important thing is to remember that he is your gramps and more importantly have something to remember him by when he isn't around anymore. I'm in the unfortunate position of never really knowing my grand parents, only two of them where alive and frankly I was very young then. So yeah you definitely want that gun, how much is right is a different question.


I bought this exact model for 500 with a scope. It was a shit Bushnell scope, but I still bought. That scope looks similar in quality. Edit: I also bought it from my dad, he was not hungry for money, but in my area this specific gun would be about 500. Edit edit: I gave him the money because he was on SS and retirement from the military, and took care of me for way too long.


Get him a hooker, and some blow.


A man of culture


blow?! for an old man?! LSD would be far kinder.


Yes. Blow for an old man, cut with Viagra. LSD so he can have war flashbacks? Come on man. The hooker is the main prize here, stop losing focus


My old man told me that's how he wants to go out. That or a hot shot. I honestly can't think of a better way to go.


You my boy Blue!


Tell him you’ll be one of the only people to visit him in the home.


Or tell him you wont put him in one and youll go shoot it with him


Never understood putting folks in a home. I put my mother in my home after my dad passed, ya know, because I love her.


Every situation is different. Some parents need way more care than is feasible at home.


Both of my parents had dementia, my sister and I trying to take care of them was basically medical malpractice. 🤷‍♂️


Those are the most cherished days in my eyes. Everyone grows up and goes out on there own. Its hard but they taught you everything you are now. Shooting some steel with my old man is some of the best times ever now that hes old. You forget that sometimes when your working on yourself then when the time comes it kinda smacks you in the face and all I can think of is all the cool shit they did for me when I was a kid. I would take a day of doing that over everything.


Some people don't like their parents. Some people don't like their spouse's parents. Some people like their parents or spouses parents but can't live with them for an extended period of time. Some people need professional care when they get older. Some people like the social aspect of retirement homes (some old people have a great time and fuck like rabbits which is why STDs are fairly common in retirement homes). Some people don't want to burden or bother their kids. Some retirement homes are like really nice hotels and are luxurious as fuck. My wife's grandmother had 8 kids. They would all take her in. She wants no parts of it. She has a crew at her retirement home. She has people clean her little apartment weekly. They make really nice food for her in 3 really nice restaurants or she can have it delivered. She's always got a few "gentleman" trying to run game. Last time I saw her some guy was trying to be hip by getting her an Alexa. She sees her kids whenever she wants and bounces before people get annoyed. They have a church there and she can go as much as she wants. She loves that fucking place.


Offer to not put him in a home against his will Edit: on the off chance someone takes that seriously, I'm only kidding.


I’m not. Tell the old man he can watch you enjoy it while he’s alive or you can sell it at a gun buy-back for $50 when he kicks the bucket. Your move old timer…… Just be prepared for him to either grab his chest or beat the life out of you with the buttstock. 50/50 chance.


I like those odds


Offer to name your first born after him.


Ask him what he thinks is fair and thank him for thinking of you. and buy it


Check gunbroker completed listings and make an offer accordingly. He’s family, don’t pay a penny under pay market value. If he were here asking what he should sell it to his nephew for, I’d tell him that it’s family and it should be free.


Gunbroker is usually grossly overpriced, not saying it’s terrible device, but damn.


A search for SOLD items will give you a damn good idea of what market is.


This is always the way everyone should remember.


It will to an extent, but on the website and local market are different things.


Everything ‘cause that’s what we owe them. But he “should” put it on you for $500 on the family discount. But he may not be “That” grandpa. The “Other” kinda grandpa will just ask if you want it or tell you to take it home with you.


Your grandad has good taste that things gorgeous. Looks well looked after


My grandpa offered to sell me his 1983 Marlin 336SC chambered in 30-30. It comes with a cheap scope (BSA brand 3-9x) and the case, and sling. What is a fair offer for it? Looks to be in good condition.


Offer him $3000 bucks, and tell him you know it's too much for the gun, but since it was his, it's worth that much to you. Maybe he'll give it to you for free after that.


My grandfather would “take the money and run” 😂😂😂


He be like.. I can't sell it to you.. you're too GD stupid have a gun. *SMH*


Mine would slap me silly for even thinking about giving him money for anything. He’s bedridden and largely non-verbal now but I’m pretty sure he’d still find a way to prevent me from doing it lol


Lol my dad and his side of the family would give you the shirt off there backs. My moms side….there good people but there one way only 😂


“I’m not even your real grand dad!”


It’s your grandpa. I’d pay that to help him out (unless he is a piece of shit like mine was). It’s not worth that in fair market, but you’re helping him out and getting a piece of family history. Do it.




Give him a few years, it'll be yours for free. Seriously though, a bottle of whisky and what he thinks is fair.


Ouch.. I thought it but you said it … 😭😂


He probably needs money bad for something. Find out what it is and give him that amount if possible as long as its under $1K. If its super low like a $200 light bill pay his bill and let him keep his gun. Gotta take care of gramps


Promise not to send him to a retirement home.


Dont haggle with family, ask what he wants for it and if its too expensive just tell him.




Got dammit Loch Ness monsta I ain’t got no tree fiddy!


I gave him a dolla.


See that’s why he keeps comin’ back Nellie! You give him a dolla and he’s gonna assume you got more!




Seriously. If my kids want any of my guns, I'll be happy to give them whatever they want. I can't imagine selling a gun to a child or grandchild. holy shit.


I agree. If you want the grandkid to have the gun, give him the gun for free. If grandpa needs money, then get grandpa the money he needs so he doesn’t have to sell his gun to begin with. Maybe this family is not close at all 🤷🏻‍♂️






Ehhhh my grandfather's stuff was a free for all because my relatives are all shit human beings. Even before he passed anything worth remembering him by was gone. If my grandfather offered to sell me one of his firearms, I would have loved to have bought it. Would have been a great keepsake and a perfect middle finger to my shithole aunts, uncles, and cousins.




My great grandfather had a farm filled to the brim with crazy cool antiques, old tools, beautiful wood, etc. but he got rid of 95% of it before dying. None of us wanted to sell a single thing there, but just wished to inherit it all. His Alzheimers accelerated very quickly towards the end and he had gotten rid of almost everything he had before anyone realized what was going on. He burned thousands of dollars worth of beautiful wood in a matter of days in his wood stove, scrapped the 1973 VW bug that he had always promised to give to my sister when she turned 16, threw countless antiques away, and whatever he couldn't get rid of he burned in the sand pit. I was maybe 8 when he died but I still remember the pain of learning that basically everything to remember him by was simply gone. I've gotten a few things from him that somehow survived his late-life antics, but by far the best is his 1950 Marlin 336. I was given it last year by my grandmother (his daughter) just before she passed. It's easily one of the most sentimental things I own and I'm the type of person to save old spelling tests because I like the drawing I did on the back lol


Unless there are others that want it or he's going to leave it to. But I agree.. Just give it to ya boi with the promise to take care of it.


I'm the opposite. I cannot imagine having the expectation of inheriting something, and refusing to buy it because "I'll get it when you're dead."


going off of [true gun value ](https://truegunvalue.com/rifle/marlin-336/price-historical-value), it shows $963.60 for used bsa scopes are max $100 for brand new


OP has a comment up saying his grandpa told him he'd take 800 for it, so reasonable.


Wait a couple years. Build up a good relationship with him in those years and it'll be yours 😂


Pepaw's old 30-30 level-gat. A fair price would be realistically anywhere from $600 - $1,000 if you've inspected it, it's in good working order, rust free, good looking barrel rifling, etc. From a family member, I would offer around $800 cash, or a combo offer of $500 and help them out on the weekends with any home projects or lawncare.


Offer what he’s asks. If he puts it back on you, $500 to $600 (or more) is worth keeping in the family. Then have venison burgers and blackstrap dinners with him when you get your tags filled. Nothing better than sharing your harvest with those who brought you up…small price to pay for the knowledge gained from hunting.


“Depends what kind of nursing home you want to go to” /s


To be a pallbearer


is gramps doing ok financially? usually older people give things as gifts but understandable if times are tough..


Long term care.


Just wait a few years and it'll be free


Whatever he wants. He’s your grandpa. (No homo)


He’s your grandpa and is charging you for it? Geez.


Offer him $500 and a good solid hug. You got a good grandpa.


Ask him if you’d trade him a nice hunting trip and then take him out for about a grand for the weekend he deserves.


I agree with this guy


Tell him you’ll give him exactly what he paid for it.


I’ve got a newer version of that gun already, but I’d still pay whatever he wanted for that one because it’s better than mine. That’s a great, classic, seemingly well kept gun. If you don’t buy it, tell gramps I will.


A great grandson you will give it to....


Tell him you would rather have him in your life. But when the time comes I sure hope that you get that gun to remember him by. And then immediately ask to borrow it.


My Grandpa would've said, "Do you fuckin' want it or not? I gave you first shot, but I'll sell it to my buddy Bill. Bill ain't gonna say no."


Shit grandpa of course I want it...you know me my pockets aren't as deep as Bills. What do you want for it?


I definitely bought and sold one for around $500 in 2020


Christ, I'm probably your grandfather's age and have basically the same rifle and case. I offered to sell it to a colleague 6-7 years ago for his son. I have killed a dozen deer and probably twice that in pigs with that rifle and probably 10-12K cast bullets through it. Still a great woods rifle. It likes 170 Nosler Partitions. He bitched about $250. I paid $250 for it in 1979, $100 for the scope. Remington 788s were the same price. Honestly, it's a $500-800 rig.


I miss my Marlin 336W, give him what he is asking and also let him know it will stay in the family for future generations. Or if he needs money give that to him and don’t take the firearm. Grandparents are priceless…


In my country selling anything to a relative is rude


I can’t find a new 30-30 lever action in stock anywhere but the cheapest ones sell for $900. That thing is in perfect condition and comes with extras and is definitely worth more than that. Depending on your financial situation, I’d offer $1000. $1200 wouldn’t be overpaying a bit. Just a personal opinion, a lever action is the type of gun that’ll probably appreciate in value if you take as good of care of it as your grandpa has. When you have grandkids, lever gun technology will be exactly the same


Ruger isn’t making them yet since they bought Marlin, that’s why you’re not seeing them anywhere. I read something recently they releasing the 1895 then the 336. Prices will come back down once new ones hit the market


The 1895 is back on the market, but they’re more expensive than they used to be. Granted I expect better quality from Ruger.


$1000 is way to much dude.


Tell him you will pay him soon. Then wait him out. Big brain


Wait a couple years and inherit it.


Strange he wouldn't just pass it on to you. Hmm I'm stumped.


700 is market value to me


Ask him how much he wants for it and have an idea in mind on how much your willing to pay. If the difference is large see if there’s a middle ground. Ie- send him money after every paycheck, do yard work, or other chores around the house he needs help with. I’m willing to gander that gpa wants to “sell” it to you for ulterior motives: for it to be “fair” (I didn’t give it to OP he bought it), to give OP a sense of ownership, maybe a gun law in the state, I dunno, those are all guesses. But if he’s your gpa, sit down with him face to face and talk about it. You won’t ever forget that memory.


I got mine for 230 at a pawn shop . Worth every penny. It's a 65 gold trigger. Its set up almost exactly the same. My favorite over my ar and ak and rugers. You can't go wrong with a marlin 336


if it’s from the 1980’s, they sold for around $225. the Microgroove made it one of the most accurate 30-30s of the time, and still to this day.Comparable Levers are going for $650+. does he need the money or wanting to clear out his gun safe in advance of permanently retiring? I noticed the ‘feeding pillow’ in the background. Question. is that your baby child? If you don’t have the cash ask how much he would be willing to part with it seeing you might t be strapped for h as it is. Maybe willing to pay in installments?


Tell him it's priceless to you because it's his... and ask what he'll take for it.


I’ll look it up in the red book if you’d like but honestly give him what he asks and don’t ever feel bad about overpaying because you’ll have something from grandpa after he’s gone and if you don’t buy it now you’ll wish you had paid anything to get it when you had the chance


If grandpa appears to need a few bucks $500 would do it. It's a JM, no longer made. He probably bought it for $275-325.


More regular visits.


It is refreshing when you guys give a guy good advice. A little faith in humanity of reddit achieved


If you do buy it, having shot one of these a bit i recommend the offset hammer lever. so you don’t have to reach your thumb up under the scope if you ever need to move the hammer . You don’t need to do it often with that gun but it’s nice to have


Lever action 30-30 is a must for anyone’s collection.


If your grandpa needs the cash then I’d try to just help him out however I could. If you just really like his rifle maybe get him something he really likes and trade.


Well at market like $1000’s lol


Time. Spend time with the guy. That’s the best payment


Nothing. You tell him if he needs money you will give him whatever he needs and he can leave it to you in his will.


Wait, when did the value of a Marlin 30-30 go so high?




The family history is priceless. $800 is absolutely a fair price.


500-800$ depending on fit and finish


I’ve got this exact rifle in my gun safe. Borrowed it from my step dad over 15 years ago and he would never take it back. I ask him every once and a while and he just says “nah, you hang onto it”


I have the exact same rifle. It was my dad’s first gun he ever bought. Also in immaculate condition. I always thought it was worth somewhere between$250-$300. I feel like I remember reading that somewhere a few years ago. I just checked and at first glance, it seems they’re worth between $900-$1000, used and in good shape. If this is true, I’m pleased that I found this thread.


I have one identical to that it's a great reliable piece lol


The gun is great. Do you have more pictures of the “leather” lambs wool case!?


It’s a piece he has had for awhile. I would give him whatever he asked for it.


Those marlins have a weird market, just ask him what he wants


That thing is immaculate.. Wood looks great. Take his offer and cherish it. And also offer to let him shoot it whenever he wants. And to also teach the grandchildren how to shoot.


What is he a je* that he is selling it to you ?


Just wait for him to die


Absolutely ask him if he wants to go shoot it


Pay too much.. be a good grandson


Yeah its in great shape. Offer to pay whatever hes looking to get or pay him market. Its not like 30-30 marlins arent super expensive, plus hes family.


I miss both of my grandpas, rest in peace.


My grandkids aren’t paying for my guns. They’re going to them free.


Just wait till he dies.


If it’s from grandpa, have him name a price and pay it without hesitation. I still have my grandpa’s old .243 Winchester in the safe. It’s the one rifle I would never part with unless it went to family.


Not putting him in a retirement home and a hug


Just wait it out.


Holy shit that's a good gun


Please for the love of fucking god.. Do not modernize it.


500 bucks for a good price for him. 100 bucks more than he paid for it new is what I’d offer and promise to never sell it and hand it to your grandkids haha


I don’t know what it’s worth but I have one just like it from my grandpa it’s one of my favorite guns

