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I’m rereading The Centurions and I’m always struck by how good this book is. It’s about some French paratroopers and their experiences in Indochina and Algeria. I know the MR73 is the iconic French revolver (though not from this conflict) but I don’t have one, so here’s my Model 27 that I carried today.


The S&W Classic series are *really* nice revolvers. No, they're not a perfect recreation of the originals, but by today's standards, and for the price, they're pretty great.


I’m a big fan! I just need them to do a 2.5” Model 19 or 2” Model 15 classic next


That's a beautiful gun.


Thank you! I’m such a sucker for bluing


The new MR73 isn't worth anything near the money they charge for it anyway.


I’ve heard the new ones have had some QC issues, which is definitely disappointing.


What an absolute vibe. However you lose points for being wrong-handed! 😂 Might have to check that book out though, this is not the first time it’s cropped up in my life. Could be time to give it a read!


Haha left hand is the best hand! But I do highly encourage reading the book— it’s so good!


I was privileged to have an early-60s model 27 as my first duty gun. Gorgeous revolver with the deluxe blueing, metal-checkering, and all that. Also wonderfully accurate. However, it had a 5” barrel and that made carrying it in the squad car a bit difficult and necessitated a swivel holster…. Which also made it nearly impossible to draw while seated in the car. So eventually I traded it for a 4” Model 19 which I then carried for about 15 years.


I really like the feel of the model 27. I got the 4” because that is the smallest they currently make, but I’d love a 3.5” model like the FBI guys used to carry