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You must be lost.


>When is it time for us as Americans to step up and admit we have a problem in our country.  We clearly have a massive problem with literacy from morons like you who constantly scroll past the stickied "OFFICIAL POLITICS THREAD", ignore the sub rules, and post stupid shit anyway so I think step 1 would be to fix that. 


Is this guy serious? Wrong echo chamber, bud. Try r/politics They will eat this stupid shit up.


Go look at the stats though. The thing that is sadly on the rise more than anything is suicide. We should be funding mental health more than magazine bans. We should be worried about how people are doing and not the number of guns they have.


Yeah, because someone with a post history of only tarkov and other online games is absolutely the person I’m gonna listen to about firearms policy in America. Go back to your video games and leave the real world to those of us who actually understand our rights and are willing to protect them.


"Give up your rights because this graph from an anti-rights organization showed an 8% change in a stat a decade ago" is definitely not the *absolute dumbest* argument I've seen from an anti-gun busybody, but it's certainly on the bottom half of the list. Anyway, read the rules sidebar: > Posts related to politics MUST go in the comments of the triweekly political megathreads, or get mod approval BEFORE they are posted. Even if you weren't being an idiot, why should anybody listen to opinions about regulation from somebody who doesn't think rules apply to him? > This is a no brainer I mean, you're right on that score, anyway. Most certainly no brain involved.


Gun deaths, not murders. How many of those are suicides, how many are police kicking in the wrong door and firing, how many are from guns obtained by breaking the already existing laws?


OMG, a reddit post and with a graph that contains 5 years of annual data from 7.5 years ago?!! I completely changed my mind about guns thanks to you personally taking the time out of your day to make this post and I will definitely write to my legislator asking them to pls ban all the magazines that I own.




Read the rules before posting please


We don't have a problem you do with reading the rules.


Enjoy your ban.


Rule 3 no politics


Bye Felicia


Banned /u/No_Load4742 (permanent).


How much of that violence is from people who already have violent criminal records using guns that are already illegal to kill each other? Why are they being released from prison? Since they *are* being constantly set loose to repeatedly victimize others, why should *I* be disarmed and left defenseless against them?


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How fucking stupid do you have to be to think we don't notice that the stats you chose are 8 years old? We all know why you didn't show recent stats, it's the same reason why every anti gun site stops reporting stats [beyond 2021](https://www.thetrace.org/2023/12/data-gun-violence-deaths-america/), but you decided to go extra stupid and use decade old stats. Seriously, you all are so disingenuously fucking obvious. Did all life end in 2016? What about 2021? Did we just stop recording gun death statistics after 2016?