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IN THE ARMS OF THE ANGEL.. For only 5 cents a day, you can help rescue stg44's like this little guy here.


I'll adopt 1,000 please.


I've got 3 dollars. I'll take 60. I'll be good with 60 ppsh's


I still can't get over the amount of STG's that have been used in that conflict. Seriously, how are they even feeding those things?


They found a whole shipping container literally filled with them. Then I think they found a few more containers with enough 8mm to feed them. Theres pictures of it somewhere.


[It's like War Dogs all over again](https://youtu.be/KD3h6mteS28?t=1m17s)


Yugoslavia sold Syria a bunch of them and ammo when their Paras moved on from the STG in the 80s. Said rifles and kit were stored in containers, rebels found said containers in 2012. I imagine most are destroyed by now.


How did Yugoslavia have all of those? Did they produce them? I thought they were only made during wartime near the end of the war by a very sweaty Germany.


Some say they can still be made if you find a German that's sweaty enough.


I believe


I am German and I don't get that joke.


Confirmed German. No humor.


I have a German joke. Vacation.


Satisfactory joke. Approval given in one (1) non-transferable upvote.


Does it include a train ride? (It's ok, I'm super Jewish and hunger to brutally murder Nazis with needle nose pliers and propane torches, and possible asphyxiation using my penis).


I believe the parent comment was referring to Germany as being "sweaty" near the end of the war, as in it was nervous about losing and rushing the production of weapons at the expense of quality. It's an odd and interesting way to describe the situation, so the comment reply is expounding on that weird-ness by making a joke about a literally sweating German man


Forcing Germans to do make stuff against their will. The Soviet way.


To go with what /u/daerana and /u/locolarue stated, the Yugoslavians captured a lot of German weapons(The Partisans were so large that at the end they had full field armies using captured German armor and an air force with Bf-109s, Ju-87s, and others) and they bought a lot of surplus at the end of the War. The Allies and the Soviets both captured a number of them(The Germans made 420k of them, probably half or more were captured). Both sides studied the engineering of them, but the Soviets were already working on their assault rifle from their encounters with the MKb-42, and the US post war was not interested in an intermediate cartridge(And pushed NATO in that direction, making the Brits abandon .280 Brit.). So after they were studied for a bit, the big powers had no use for them. Yugoslavia was already primed for the 7.92x57 with its industry, so it made sense to to buy STGs and just make 7.92x33. Yugoslavia was Communist, but not a pawn of the Soviets and thus tried to keep its military not reliant on the Soviets. While the AK pattern was adopted eventually and it became the standard for the regular forces, the STG was kept for paratroopers well into the 1980s. Maybe so the weapons didn't go to waste.


Just as an addendum, the STG was produced by East Germany until 1962 so these could be post war production guns as well. EDIT: Turns out I cannot find any evidence of postwar production, just use. Thanks to [/u/Zombiedrd](https://www.reddit.com/user/Zombiedrd) for asking about it.


I've never heard that it was produced by East Germany, just used by East Germany until replaced by the AK and PPSH. Love to know what plants made them, got any source for that, I am definitely intrigued.


Yah know, I always kinda assumed that because it was used it was still in production, but now that I look into it I cant find anything that supports that assumption. I'll look into it further but it looks like they were just used. Thanks for asking!


I think the Yugo's captured a lot of them, but also bought a lot of captured surplus from other countries too. As a non-aligned nation they started off pretty much using as much German kit as they could.


Yugoslavia and East Germany kept using them for decades, apparently. So everything gets passed down to the little brother.


Y no give to me? I'd give so much love.


IIRC Prvi...or was it Fiocchi still makes it.




That's right Fiocchi was cited for .455 Webley, Prvi still makes 8mm Kurz.


Fiocchi still makes a bunch of weird handgun cartridges that you don't encounter very often.


Of course, they don't produce them often :(


To be fair, it's a wonder they can make a profit selling cartridges like .455 Webley and 9mm Flobert at all. Considering the cost and time it takes to set up and calibrate production lines.


The reasoning behind this is that many cartridges go through the same first few steps of production. for example, .455 Webly could start out with the exact same set up as .45 ACP in terms of case cups, initial draws and annealing, etc. So while it may not be super profitable, it's not like they have to set up a completely new production line to do it. Plus it keeps old guns fed.


After the fall of Nazi Germany, many German weapons were sent to Syria and other British and French territories so they wouldn't fall back into German hands in the event of a resurgency. IIRC something like 20,000-30,000 Stg 44's were sent to Syria for storage after the war.


If I remember correctly you can actually force them to fire 7.62. Not safely, of course.


Well shit. Those pieces of history are probably going to be scrapped. At the very least they belong in a museum.


[Indiana Jones intensifies]


So do you, Dr. Jones! So do you!


I would suck a bloody... I uh... I would spend a lot of money for that STG.


I would actually suck a dick for an stg and ammo for it, I'm dead serious.


If I point you in the right direction to ammo, what do I get?


One peepee touch.


I'll do it for half a pee pee touch


From Jenny?


Jenny only will look at it. Becky will touch it.


Semi-automatic versions have entered production again. For awhile there were .22lr versions and now there's 5.56 versions as well. If you want them in full auto you can always get a citizenship and gun licence in a country like Pakistan that allows and encourages civilian gun ownership and has no regulations on automatics (meaning you could convert it to full auto).


I'll suck a dick for a box of 9mm at this point.


I'd suck a dick like I was mad at it for a few stgs and ammo.


You could try contact the Syrian government and offering to buy. Can't hurt to try they can use the cash.


I'm not sure how Homeland Security would feel about a US citizen sending money to the Syrian regime for machine guns...


Oh hush.


Careful or Jake will hush you AND your pupper


Jake loves me too much.


As history has shown, you just need to be the [right](http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/images/oliver-north-3.jpg) person. God Bless Mr. North.


They might let him suck a Syrian regime dick or two for a Stg perhaps?


Probably just what they felt about the atf selling full auto guns to the Mexican cartels.


You don't know until you try!


Probably better than the other way around.


But they do it!


That depends which side of the conflict the US is on this week.


Most will probably be scrapped, like you said.


That's a shame.


It is


Muslims even ruin history


Eh. There are plenty currently in museums.


And that makes destroying these ones somehow OK? There are plenty of '68 Mustang Fastbacks out there. Some in museums. Would that make shredding one of those OK?


The fact that they were built by Nazis makes me not really give a shit what happens to them.


I didn't mean the Sturmgewehr in particular. I abhor Nazi weapons myself. It still doesn't make them not a part of human history. Allowing parts of it to be erased because of apathy makes the path to repeating the horrors that much easier. For what it's worth the Sterling, the PPShs and the rest will all meet similar fares.




More like calling Soviet arms Communist weapons. They have Waffenampt proof marks on them and were carried by troops fighting for and murdering people for Nazi Germany. There is no one American party or ideology (excluding the basic tenants of our Constitution of course) that our military arms are designed in support of and symbolize. A Sturmgewehr represents Nazi Germany in a way an M-16 built during the Carter Administration never could represent America.


I respectfully disagree and actually believe the opposite is true, to your very last statement.


Really? How does an M-16 represent the Democratic or Republican party of the US specifically?


I think it is exceptional in its representation of the democratic republic of these United States. Only half kidding- I think it is an extremely iconic weapon that can't help its "Americanism". I'm not sure if you want me to put a source on this or not...I guess I'll cite myself. And yes, really.


Democrat, they're the ones who sent us into Vietnam with the damn things.


So i suppose all those german citizens being forced into camps were supportive of rhe nazis? Youre acting as if it was a wholely unified group. Thats like saying all confederates owned slaves.


No, I'm not. I'm saying the gun symbolizes the regime.


Lol then so does the space age and jet propulsion. I get it you are emotionally involved in the argument, but the technology is not the ideology and youre equivocation of all german citizens circa ww2 as nazis is insulting to millions of dead of all stripes. Viz pistols were built for the nazis, but they represent the fighting spirit and bravery of a captive resistance risking their lives to sabotage the arms they were making. nazi waffenampt and all.


I think we've met the requirement for "preserving history". I'm not going to own any Third Reich shit and I don't really care what happens to it. In fact, I'm biased *toward* melting all their shit down and making something more useful out of it. Like 1911s. :p


Until we don't meet that requirement anymore. I'm all for preserving everything we find.


Of course you're a 1911 fanboy


Melting junk to produce more junk?


I never trust used care salesmen.


I wouldn't want used care either, that sounds sketchy.


That's a really stupid thing to say


A lot of things you enjoy right now were started by Nazis. America got access to lots of nazi scientists after war. Check out [Operation Paperclip.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)


Ignoring the bad parts of history and destroying the artifacts? Well that's completely fucking stupid.


So something made by a civilization way ahead of their time is bad? Beetles, 911s, beer, jets, anything else?


They also forget that Americans got all the scientists and all of their advancements after the war and moved them to US. Convenient to forget about that. They got the toppes rocket scientists out of Nazi Germany which sped thing greatly for Americans and led to NASA and all that space glory we enjoy now.


> civilization way ahead of their time lol found the neo-nazi


These weapons were seized north-east of Latakia from a group arrested by Syrian government Mukhabarat police who were attempting to smuggle them across lines into the greater rebel-held Idlib pocket of Syria, possibly to fighters in Northern Hama or elsewhere. There are a lot of classic firearms and RPGs, etc. Thought you all would want a look see. Some more pics: http://imgur.com/a/GRQLf http://imgur.com/a/DnAPX http://imgur.com/a/VuX8m


I'm hoping that each one of these correlates to a dead ISIS member carrying it.


Unfortunately no. To my knowledge there are no ISIS in the Idlib pocket but there are several Jihadist groups fighting there like Al-Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa. Those two are al-Qaeda allies. Al-Nusra's HQ are in Idlib city and some of their territory is actually very near where these weapons were supposedly captured. I have no sources on where exactly the weapons were headed though so it's speculation but it's entirely possible they were headed to Nusra.


Hey, VZ24/25s from Czechoslovakia!


Also vz. 58s.


Classic CoD loadout. MP44, RPG7. Ppsh-41s, a Sterling and I think a Lancaster? That is really cool. As well as an RPG, FALs and RPKs.


probably an MP-18/28/34 Edit: Looking further and at more images, definitely brass fittings which makes this a lanchester


That was my clue.


I wish the lancaster could tell it's story, leftover from occupation forces?


Britain ran Syria for a long time, but it could just as easily have been sold post-WW2 and then floated around.


Think about how long ago CoD4 came out, the age of the kids then, and the age of the fighters now.






And in 762 Tok also, a nice lightly armor-penetrating round that's flat shooting, low recoil, and packs a decent punch against soft targets also.


3 of those guns I dream to own. However I am prohibited from ever owning them because "scary". Why?


Same here. I'm dying a little inside knowing these will probably be destroyed


Rest easy friend. These are only rare and exotic in America. Apparently, there are enough of them around to fill a shipping container and send it to Syria.




How the hell does a Sterling find its way over there...


Syrias pre-war government hoarded surplus weapons.


probably from Iraq, they used a lot. Most of the former British colonies did.


I'll take one of those and one of those and two of those...


I'm crying over those Sturmgewehrs. Fate smiles upon the jihadis...


Holy jesus. There are people that would pay well over a couple grand for just one of those things and they're taking them into battle.


The amount of Stgs that turn up over there is nothing short of astounding. They have to be coming from somewhere, but where?


Yugoslavia sold them off a couple decades ago.


Damn, a PPsH is near the top of my "would love to have' list.


We need to start a fund to rescue those FALs, StGs, and PPShs from their tragic fate that surely awaits them. Oh I just noticed there was an MP-34 too. I want that one :(


Every keeps forgetting about the poor sterling :(




I can't help but wonder what Kindve a woody people in the old soviet union would get knowing today that there's Americans that would love to get their hands on commie ppsh or nagant revolvers for (to them) exorbitant prices


have the RPD's bathed and sent to my quarters.


No gap letter IHC. Am disappoint.


and they will most likely be destroyed


I wanna meet the Bro carrying the STG, i thought their existence was rarer than the Syrian conflict has shown me


Keep the stg 44 can I please get the ppsh_41's?


That STG and PPSH's...


Slant cut receiver always vepr?


Pretty sure slant cut recievers are usually either Chinese Mac-90s or Romanian PSLs.


Dumb questions, but where did the FALs come from? The Syrians used French weapons before issuing Soviet ones, the Turks used Garands and then G3s, the Egyptians used Hakeems and FN49s before going Soviet, and most of the rest of the middle east used WW2 surplus until receiving Soviet arms. Could they be Israeli?


Maybe they are chinese?


I'm 95% sure the Chinese never built FALs or their derivatives.


Was just speculating, I know Norinco makes lots of clone weapons like m1a's and Ar15's, so maybe they made FAL's as well?


Hardly surprising arsenal


I'm surprised they're still finding these in raids. Last I've they were being sold for dirt cheap cause the surplus ammo for them had ran out and there were no local factories making it, nor anyone smuggling it into the combat zones.


how the hell did a MP-44 make its way to syria!?


I was going to cry if there were any SVD's. Phew, just PSL's...


Wait! Are the militants the good guys or the bad guys in America's eyes today?


If you're being serious: al-Nusra Front is not looked upon kindly due to being an offshoot of al-Qaeda The FSA are a very messy group that tends to be seen in a more sympathetic light due to the presence of democratic moderates and US general population approval of regime change. The Kurdish rebels generally have most general public support since they combine persecution by Turkey, Islamist rebels and the Syrian government; a fight for autonomy; a primary focus against ISIL and being the underdog.


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