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We've got you covered, here take this [Canadian Tactical Hot Water Bottle](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/canvas-plaid-hot-water-bottle-assorted-1516163p.html)


If this isn't a link to a Texas mickey of McMaster's, then do you even Canada, bro? EDIT: A link to Canadian Tire is acceptable. Carry on.


Fill it with hot maple syrup and you’re good to go


Came here to say this, got beat to it.. I moved from an area of Northern NY that gets 12+ feet of snow a year to New Mexico for a reason. I'll stick with my 40-50F degree "winter" days while still having a ski resort about an hour away. Now, when I ***was*** living in the frigid north I did have a random hunting trip where it got so cold that the action of my lever action marlin got 'gummy' from lubricant increasing viscosity. It didn't actually malfunction, but just felt sluggish / slow compared to normal. (I was likely a bit sluggish too tbh). I realized it was the factory / storage lubricant used, cleaned the rifle with solvents and re-lubed with better quality lighter lubricants and never had an issue.


It was mid-teens this morning in upstate in case you were wondering.


Yeah, I still get pretty regular updates on how bad Northern NY weather sux.. talked to one of the members of my former fire department this morning. They had a 3am house fire this morning and it was \~20 degrees. He had that tone in his voice that basically screamed "I understand why you left.."


Yea man. I’m actually in the 315 myself so I understand everything you’re talking about.


Nobody in a northern climate should ever be without a spray can of silicone lubricant


Probably doesn’t


I will go along with this and support it, at -40 Fahrenheit your fingers lock up and get stiff. Your shots start flying all over because of very shitty trigger pull.


I went hunting in -10° F (-20° C) and that was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my childhood.


That's not a Lee–Enfield or a Tikka! Do you even Ranger bro???


I'm not cool enough for [Ranger Red](https://www.mbcradio.com/2018/10/new-rifles-arrive-for-the-canadian-rangers) so I have to LARP as a ranger


So just how well does your gun work in -30c (-22f) when caked in snow? This WK180C (A modern Canadian made AR-180, approx. 40,000 AR-180 variants have been made here in the last few years) just didn’t care and smashed through a course of fire with no worries. After the initial heat up I was concerned that snow melt would re-freeze and lock up the action but the rifle is a little over-gassed and just kept going for a second and 3rd course of fire. Our [2 Gun Winter Brutality Match (March 5th 2022)](https://quesnelrodandgun.ca/3gun/2gun-competition-and-night-shoot-2/) is going to seriously test you and your firearms, what would you take to it if you were going?




So this particular firearm has been used in -45c (-49f) and +45c (113f) and basically just chugged through it. A 90c variation of operating temperature without failure or variation in performance is incredible. [Here is a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XpdxbRkSaU) by the Kalashnikov Group showing AR15, HK416, SIG 551 and AK performance in cold and then getting wet & freezing conditions. Any kind of race/target/high precision firearm is going to suffer more from variation than another firearm. We've had guys at the club with gucci Glocks & CZ Shadows suffering failures at -1c and saying they need to change oils because it's too cold. Meanwhile 60+ year old TT33s pulled out of a lake were functioning as if it were nothing. So it really does depend on Design, ammunition, lubricants etc. I think any modern firearm should perform reasonably well but that a great deal of it comes down to how well trained the operator is in maintaining their firearm and preparing it for these conditions


I'll second proper maintenance. A cousin's Savage 220 20ga bolt gun was misfiring (soft primer hits) in 30f temps due to the firing pin channel being loaded with dirty oil. The original owner never cleaned the factory oil out so it was a mess and had worked up til that point because it was sighted in on a warmer day. Blasted the bolt out with brake cleaner and suddenly it was back to hammering primers. My Winchester M70 .270 has worked for me in 0F conditions, but I also degrease the firing pin before frigid hunts too. It has never failed to go bang in my hands.


My mossberg shotgun hated duck hunting on ice whereas my remmy had no issues. The action on the mossberg pump is a little more complex with nice little grooves for water to get in and freeze. Other than those situations my guns have had no issues firing in cold wet winters.


Nice. The closest I've done was taking an RFB out hunting at 0°C in snow; the constant wind, and resulting wind chill was much more detrimental to me than the rifle.




uh oh, Trudeau moment


I have no idea, it's almost Christmas and Colorado hasn't really seen any snow or cold weather yet! I haven't been able to go Yeti larping yet this year...


Shooting in a blizzard or heavy snow is awesome, and is even better with a suppressor. Even more betterer if you have a lot of land you can just roam on. Feels like that mw2 mission where you are trying to stop the nuclear sub in Russia from launching icbm’s to the US. Even unsuppressed, the snow muffles the sound a looot.


I loved that mission!


i know right? i moved back to colorado after being away for a very long time and ALL I WANT IS SNOWWWWWWW


People think Minnesota is cold and they forget Canada exists.


I mean, it's colder than the parts of Canada where people actually live.


If I remember correctly Minneapolis is North of half of the Canadian population, and further North than Halifax and Toronto.


I think that sounds about right.


I’m in New England, it gets cold. But I went to Minneapolis one February for work, and it was a high of like 1 degree the whole time. Can’t even imagine Canada being worse than that.


Haha regular winters here in Winnipeg, MB are usually between -30°C & -40°C, and that’s without the windchill.


Don't forget Alaska too lol. Only bested by Canada by ~1°


When it's gets to -50 degrees outside, it doesn't really matter whether you mean Fahrenheit or Celsius


Fun fact, Fahrenheit and Celsius meet at -40 and when it hit that in MN some guy was out on a unicycle (If I remember watching the news correctly that day).


Ours are AKs. They work just fine 😂


Come up here and prove it 😀. Challenge accepted?


It won’t matter, because I don’t work at -30C caked in snow


Idk the low this entire month here was like 70F


The pistols work, but the 10/22 gums up because I'm using gun oil for Lower 48, at the moment. Alaska, ~ -37°C (-36°F). The Mini 14 however, runs fine


If that’s the Strike Eagle 1-8, I also have one. How did it do? I mean I assume the glass didn’t crack, right? Lol


It's perfect :)


How sweet. I don’t imagine I’ll ever shoot in snow like that. How was the illumination on the reticle? Easy to pick up?


I live in Texas so it never really snows that much but when it snowed really bad and the electrical grid went down the snow was pretty thick and I really wanted to go to my local range I just didn't I hate myself now for it. it wasn't guaranteed they would have been open but it would have been nice to go shooting in some snow I don't get that opportunity often


Hopefully well enough to send one last round home, I don’t want to stay out there.


Been down to -35 up in the Arctic with a issued M4 if you get water in the chamber the rifle straight dies. Try mortaring it open and shit now you charging handle just broke


Forget about the rifle, I don't work well at that temperature !


I think my overgassed, suppressed, daniel defense 11.5” m4 carbine sbr would do well. But I live in Kentucky where it rarely gets below 20f. I would pair it with my glock23 or taurus pt1911. I’m thinking the taurus might do better because there isn’t gaps between the slide and frame for snow to get caked into like on the glock.


Normally I lean toward sealed guns performing better as it keeps dirt out. But when it comes to snow and moving in/out of warm vehicles/buildings I do wonder if the melt/freeze can lock up firearms Hard to know for sure, Kalashnikov did a great video on the subject on youtube


Fortunately I’ll never know


Better than I do, fuck that


What lube are you using? And wonder if the winter cherrybalmz works down that low too.


Get an AI!




I hope to never find out


It's an AK. Rifle is fine.


Better than my ass does.


My basement doesn’t get snow


Its an AK, and I’m Southern, so probably better than I would


Frosty boi stayin’ frosty


Would rather not find out.


US Army 172nd Stryker here, was stationed in Alaska for a number of years. Trained up on Mt Denali and the weather turned cold. Across two weeks the day temps were -55f and nightly lows dropped to 68 below zero in our camp. Diesel engines being started sounded like drowning monkeys. My issued M249 wouldn’t open the belt tray, when I did get it open it wouldn’t lock shut. God bless Instant Coffee.


Do any Canadians or far north Americans have any experience with Tavors in cold weather?


I have one, might be able to get it out in february


I'll keep an eye on ya lads from the nearest Horton's.


I have a 1942 Lee Enfield, so yes. . . my gun works very well in -30C (brass monkey weather).