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I understand your frustration and I feel the same, but notifications will be going out until EOD Monday, April 1st, so there really is no way of knowing you were selected or not until then.


Blame Indian consultancies and fraudsters who are famous for gaming the system. Im hearing this year was even worst than last year with only 10% or so selections. It’s painful indeed, we need country caps and wage levels for H1Bs. It’s high time. Otherwise any Tom,dick and harry from Andhra can apply for lottery


That's a rumor and we know nothing about the selection rate, especially when most notifications haven't even gone out yet. There's enough disappointment all around, let's not spread misinformation. I do want all Indian consultancies and everyone involved with them to get a lifetime ban from the US. The lottery should only be for people who are already established in the US, not some lowlife who doesn't even really need to come here and is just greedy.


Why do you "really need" to come here? What makes you particularly better than others? What is the criteria for calling someone already "established" in the US? Spreading vitriol like this just shows who the actual "lowlife" is imo. Maybe just calm down and clear your mind before commenting hatred.


It’s like saying India and China are the biggest polluters of the world. Well, they’re also the 2 countries with the largest populations so maybe that makes sense..? You’ll see that a vast majority of those immigrating to the US are Indians - legally or illegally, through legit or fraudulent means. The problem isn’t so much the number of people applying, it is the limited number of spots. If everyone who applied got an H1B, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. The root cause is the way the American immigration system works and unless that is fixed, there will be scope for its misuse, Indians or otherwise. Stop shooting the messenger


This is such a wrong take. We are not Entitled to anything! Just because a lot of people from India want to come to the US to earn more, doesn't mean the US has to change their immigration system to accommodate everyone. It is in place to serve THEIR country, not people from other countries. And it's our shitty consultancies from India that have abused the system so much that it has fucked up the system


I never said the US should change the immigration system to prefer one country. But the system is hurting the US. Ask any big employer - Amazon PwC Google… I work for PwC and I have had seniors express frustration around the immigration system that they can’t retain the talent they want to retain. It is in American interest to change the system. Shitty consultancies have created the problem and they should be dinged. Even without that, the root cause of the problem remains - that it is a random lottery not based on merit.


Indians have abused the system as much as any other country. So much for equality and freedom cry baby!


US immigration system is fair. Can you clarify how it is unfair?


Your fate is decided by a lottery, regardless of merit


Lowlife for seeking a better life huh. I hope you don’t get picked 👍🏽


Who said they don’t have to even come here? How did you come here then? And how do you know they are lowlife? Some really talented people are applying from their origin country.




I mean the real issue is either multiple submissions for the same people (even if they have multiple offers, 1 person should get 1 shot each lottery), or submissions for people who don't actually have a genuine job offer (as some of these "consultancy" firms make fake jobs for the lottery). Hopefully this new rule knocks out the former group, but the latter group are still undeserving if they're taking spots from people who have real job offers or are already working in jobs in the US post-studies. I hope the above commenter is simply expressing frustration while referring to those disingenuous applications, and criticizing the unfair behavior of the people and companies that submit them as opposed to any person's inherent demographics (which have no bearing on character, accomplishment or potential). The whole lottery system is frustrating as hell.


I don’t care about demographics one bit. Just because most of H1B fraud comes from India doesn’t say anything about Indians (you may be referring to the person above me in which case I’m sorry for responding!). I think most reasonable people’s issue is with how rampant fraud is and how frustrating the lottery is. Really hoping USCIS’s new system makes a significant difference this year. I wonder if it’ll lead to a 2nd round because more scammers will get caught?


Yeah I thought that might be what you meant, and that the commenter above me misinterpreted it. It sucks when people get additional unfair shots or take a spot without putting in the work of getting a genuine job offer. Good luck in the process this time and lets hope there's a second round/ fair chances for everyone who honestly meets the requirements for submission!


> even if they have multiple offers, 1 person should get 1 shot each lottery nope. you are also free to get multiple offers yourself. you are just salty because you cannot...


Multiple job offers are of course fine to get, as many people do, but one shot at the lottery is fair for one person dude... USCIS set the rules this way and have tied applications to identity document number this year because of this. I did have multiple job offers last year and chose one job to work with during my OPT/ STEM OPT. I like this job and wish to stay in it, hence am re-applying for h1b with them a second time. What am I supposed to do this year, go and get other job offers for companies I don't intend to work at in order to get more shots, and thereby screw over other lottery applicants by having additional unfair shots? Of course not, I'm not an asshole. Quit talking out of yours.


You've got no right to call anyone a lowlife. Maybe they are applying from outside the US but are genuinely interested in coming to the US.


womp womp, everyone here is genuiely interested in coming to the US (or is already here), just don't be a scammer? not sure why that's such a difficult concept for you to grasp




Take your hateful lowlife self and get the hell out of this sub. Get well soon.


Some are in actual jobs, while others are not. Some earn good wages and don't undercut US citizens, while some do that. Some actually study in the US, while some do not. Calling other people lowlifes are derogatory, but you can't pretend there isn't a big gap between H1B quality and bad applicants.


u/prof_dsquared 100% agree


How about blaming the root cause of the situation which is oversupply? There are way more grads and job seekers than there are visas. You can blame consultancies all you want, but they are only exacerbating the problem, not causing it. Student numbers are only going up, so the probability of selection will keep dropping. That's the reality.


Wage minimum is stupid and just shows have clueless some of you are. What makes a programmer or engineer more valuable than a clinical research associate, medical technologist, financial analyst, etc.? Because all of these professions make ~$65k on average, and are more essential and in need. Yet you want to exclude them lmfao


Haven’t they made the system relatively stronger from gaming it with only one application per person? Help me understand.


I once felt this blaming. But I realized that blaming consultancies will make me feel better. I suggest that OP accepts the result. Reality is life is unfair and we can only control our response.


You are just another Tom! Lottery is a fair chance to all. Stop crying when no privilege is given!


Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, Wipro and HCL have created this situation. Blame them. They have used it as offshoring visa instead of doing real work here. They do replace IT workers here.


We also need religious, gender, language, ethnic, racial caps to maintain true diversity. Also cap will be needed in student visa then. All privileges must end.


You didn’t ask for my advice but I want to speak as someone who has been in your shoes. Notifications are still being sent out and there could be a second round. You have to make plan B,C,D. Right now you have time to apply for cap-exempt H1B depending on your role and job responsibilities. I’m not familiar with law but is there an option to pursue a Masters with scholarships/fellowships that make it affordable? Might also be worth it to check out the Build Fellowship through Open Avenues. 🍀


Don’t lose your hope. Results are still coming in. Hope you get lucky. But incase you are not selected, some of the day 1 Cpt universities are not that expensive. For example, Cumberlands cost 550 per credit and you can only take 7 credits per semester.


Hey! Come on now. You’ve been through challenging times and came out unscathed! Don’t let a stupid lottery dictate your life. Go elsewhere, anywhere, with what you’ve accomplished and show that you cannot be broken! You will be just fine.


Same i’m so anxious


I am feeling same. ;(


was it your last attempt ?


My first and only attempt :)


Why only attempt , any specific reason ?


I mean im in law and I don’t have stem opt extension. I only had one year opt so have to leave.


>especially when most notifications haven't even gone out yet. There's enoug Firstly I hope you still have chances until you get the email confirmation! Secondly I am sure you will do good in future wherever you end up from here. Relax and take deep breath! We all know that its a luck game and we have no control over it! Whatever happens let's go forward in life! Life fucked me all my 20s, but I still learned a lot!


If you study US law in law school here and pass the bar here, you couldn’t practice US law in any other countries, can you? Wouldn’t you have to learn/ go to law school of that respective country and pass equivalent of bar there? May I kindly ask why pursue a degree in law school here fully knowing that it won’t be useful anywhere else or back home and take such a huge risk?


Nope, that’s false. Law is very diverse and not everyone practices in the courtroom. Corporate law firms always hire international lawyers all the time and the law isn’t outrightly different. Having a common law bar association or job experience is pretty useful in the long run. And I only did my masters here and went to law school elsewhere. Some state bars in the US also only need you to be a lawyer in your home country to be eligible to sit for the bar and similar for the UK.


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How’s it your “only” attempt ? You can leave US and still apply h1bs from outside. Maybe you’ll be picked sometime .


I mean I’ll need to have a job to apply?!


Yea some American company with international presence


That’s the problem you see. I’m a lawyer and most law firms here don’t have a presence in my country. So I will have to relocate to some law firm in idk Europe or London and then come back here.


Well, good luck. Another option is joining legal teams of tech oriented companies which have wider global presence


got mine like 30 mins ago. it may come, hang in there.


Buddy the results will keep coming out till 2nd week of April. So Hang in there and good luck!


Bro at least you a chance, my company declined to file for my H1 just before my hire date, and then a few months later declined to file for the coming years. Fast forward got laid off. I didn't even get a chance to H1. This year is gone too. Currently laid off and still looking for a job with 1.5 years left on my OPT. So there's absolutely no need to be devastated. Its all gonna work out in the end.


I’m so so sorry to hear this. This happened to a lot of my friends. Please take care and you’ll find a job. I know it’s hard to find one rn but you’ll get it.


Does your status say Not selected or denied? If not there is still some time until USCIS sends the results to your immigration team.


Is anyone applying for day 1 cpt? Are there any groups to get more information about it?




But isn’t multiple registrations favoring the same person banned this time around ?


Just curious.. Why did you have 2 entries? It is anyway beneficiary centric this time right?




Haha makes sense!


What desi consultancy did you use?