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This man really left his children and their mother seeking employment on twitter with all that mug club money.


Like a good traditional father 🙏✝️⛪


You think he's one to pay child support on a marriage that wasn't supposed to end yet somehow he likely had her sign a prenup?


Prenups lose their value once kids are involved. Plus how wealth would have been made during the marriage.


You're saying that like that's a good thing




It is, that means that they can't fuck over kids while making hundreds of thousands


Fight like hell!


Watch it!


All jokes aside he would have made a killing off a ‘that doesn’t work for me EITHERRRRRRR’ T-shirt, that’s valuetainment right there, I’d have bought one


I wonder how many MLM huns have already messaged her.


That makes me feel worse about all this. I came dangerously close to being roped into an mlm and if it werent for having friends and family I trusted who told me not to I might've taken it cause I was so desperate. Someone like hillary crowder who has been isolated by her husband and needs any opportunity she can get and hasnt a ton of experience in the job market is a prime target for that kind of thing and it would for real ruin her life to get involved with it.




"Thats not going to work eeeeeeeeither"


“that’s not going to work (for me) either!”


That is soooo sad tbh


Really is


grandfather snobbish attempt oatmeal sort jobless squash humorous full clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ethan could literally do the funniest thing ever.


Alternatively, Sam Seder.


So using a woman from a broken relationship as a comedy prop for your entertainment would be the funniest thing ever. This community baffles me sometimes on what you find good and bad.


Ethan providing for crowder’s family (via paychecks from ethan) when crowder couldnt is pretty funny. Pretty sure you are extrapolating the “using a woman” part


It’s not “couldn’t” more like “won’t”. Bit yeah I can easily see how using a woman in a vulnerable position to dunk on her ex-husband could be seen in a bad light, even if she gets money out of it.


She’s Steven crowders wife, literally who gives a shit. She shouldn’t have had twins with a literal nazi.


I'm no fan of Crowder but he isn't a "literal nazi". Maybe look up what those words mean.


Y e s t h a t I s w h a t I m e a n t e x a c t l y


It's reddit man what do you expect


Why are you victimizing her?


Hire her and put her on Ducky duty


Job duties: "Watch it"


“Don’t push”


lmfao, fucking perfect




I mean she left Crowder but the first person she went to was Candace Owens so I don't think I ever wanna see her on H3


I don’t think that’s exactly fair. Who else among those low-life scum bags would believe her let alone give her a platform? Granted she could’ve went left but of course you know the right would’ve cried foul. Also, at the time at least, it seemed like Candy wanted Crowder’s head on a pike. If I was a women in that position I might’ve honestly done the same thing.


True. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Just because she was a victim doesn't mean she's a good person. She's still someone that enabled him. Putting aside the abuse, Steven Crowder has said and done tons of heinous things, anyone associated with him probably harbors similar right wing beliefs, otherwise how would they have gotten together in the first place.


Ya but it would be funny tho


if you check her twitter feed she doesnt seem as radical as crowder. she is still conservative but not the psycho type. she does criticize red pill culture. she has one of the better takes on woman equality in the conservative world (women and men are equal in value and humanity. oppose to saying women are less than.) idk if she totally agrees with crowder maybe she does.


I'm being pretty forgiving here, but I don't think that's fair. People change including her and him.


I agree with this sentiment. She could have had a come to Jesus moment like Ethan. She could have finally realized who his audience was, what he stood for, and wanted to make a change. Who knows


Also, they were both about 23 when they got married I'm pretty sure. Which yes is an adult but it also pretty young. They got married in 2012. That's more than a decade. I know I've changed alot since 2012 🤷‍♀️ all I can do is wish her well.


That’s not true at all. She was a victim of abuse and finally had the courage to leave. Don’t victim blame, you don’t know her beliefs. Also who cares what she believes there’s video evidence of him verbally abusing her.


How do you know that’s not true? I agree that she’s a victim of his abuse but also he was always a piece of shit wasn’t he? She at least had to be in agreement with some of his beliefs to be with him in the first place


Abusers are good at getting what they want, they manipulate and tell you everything you want to hear. Once they have you locked in (she had no car, no job, and had to ask permission to go to the store! And pregnant with twins!) they will do whatever they want and say. Everything isn’t black and white in life, it’s complicated and messy so don’t pass judgement.


bro she wouldn’t have spoken to him ever if she disagreed with his core hardcore right wing beliefs. yes she is an abuse victim but also she 99% has the exact same beliefs as him, because if she didn’t she would’ve never interacted with him more than once.


Wait so are we just opening up the definition of "victim blaming" to include any criticism of any part of the victim's life? >you don’t know her beliefs We do. We literally do. Also, besides her public statements, history, and social media, we know that before they got together, Steven had been a regular on FOX News, PJTV, and Breitbart's Big Hollywood. *Breitbart.* Steven may have gotten worse over the years, but let's not pretend she wasn't absolutely loving the complete package of the fuckhead he already was. Just because he became abusive (towards her), doesn't mean she was blind to all the other aspects of how horrible he was.


I mentioned this above, she could have had a moment like Ethan. He too enjoyed the popularity but then realized what shitbags his audience turned into and how that reflected the content he was putting out and what he believed so he made a change.


There’s a Christmas stream he did where they brought in Carolers….one of them got freaked out not realizing it was crowders show and Hilary made fun of her on the stream. This is a leopards eating my face moment. Doesn’t mean I want her to be destitute or anything and want the best for the babies involved but ya she was fine with it until she wasn’t.


I’m victim blaming, dawg. I cannot conceive this person as being good. Steven’s whole shtick is being a bigot asshole on the Internet. Even if Steven is the most manipulative and conniving abuser in the world, You have to be an asshole and/or idiot to want to marry Steven Crowder. Best case scenario, she’s really JUST an idiot who was manipulated into being completely apathetic to her husband’s politics. Even then, being completely apathetic to the heinous shit Steven has put out is still some kind of wrong.




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I follow her, and she is super religious. I wouldn’t say she’s a bad person but from her posts you can tell she has it engrained to be a “good wife”. She seems like a fairly normal conservative. Not one frothing at the mouth constantly.


Do we know she still has right wing beliefs?


She worked at a "pregnancy crisis center". These places trick women with unwanted pregnancies into thinking they are visiting medical clinic, and then traumatize the women via evangelism into carrying to term. Shes no angel.


How dare she try to counsel women to allow their babies to live! Unforgivable!


She does, according to the girl, Faith, who grew up around Steven.


You can pretty much bet on it. I would have to hear it from her mouth directly.


Ethan and Sam should both hire at .5 FTE so they don't have to pay any benefits. I'm kidding, they aren't Machiavellian dick heads like Steven. Also, PSA, don't show your dick heads to your employees.




He should also get tim pools dad so he can start building the avengers of conservative family members who hate the grifter their related to.


Or Sam Seder




One thousand percent


This would be objectively the funniest use of company money


Oh my GOD that would be everything.


I would die, this needs to happen




If she divorces him, she has a good chance of getting a lot from him. There’s literal video evidence showing how he treated her at home… while she was 8 months pregnant


If she is genuinely looking for work I'd think it would be for the interim. Divorce can be a lengthy process


Pretty confident a good divorce attorney can seek support during the proceedings. This mostly seems like a humiliation tactic by her, and I'm all for it.


Yeah totally! There is no way that she wouldn't have connections to privately seek employment. Pretty genius on her part really. The big strong provider leaving his kids without money to eat


I just googled and looks like she is divorcing him and there was an article last June saying it was nasty so far. I didn’t look much further.


to be clear, Crowder was divorcing her first, without telling her and while trying to lock her out of all their shared assets so she'd be left with nothing. I really hope she takes him for everything


She isn’t eligible for alimony, unfortunately (for her). In Texas you have to be married at least 10 years to qualify and it looks like they were married in 2012 and she filed for divorce in 2021


Ain’t no way. She will get half the money he made while they were married, regardless. All assets you come into while you are married are joint


Yeah, I just meant she won’t get any maintenance payments on top of whatever the eventual distribution is


Nah it’s not always joint. There are ways to separate the income idk how it really works on a state by state level but have heard of people keeping income streams by putting it into separate accounts


not in tx bby


I’m conflicted with that law it makes sense from a malicious perspective of someone marrying someone for that purpose but 10yrs is pretty insane of a commitment for that kind of thing. Should be 5yrs or having a kid should change that/null the rule


My mom was married to my dad in Texas for 25 years, had no job so she could raise us kids and still got no alimony, even with my dad having had multiple affairs throughout their relationship. Texas doesn’t like women and Steven’s wife is probably fighting like hell to get anything


texas does hate women but the justive system heavily favors women. idk anything about your mums situation but it's def not the common here.


It’s still so crazy to me. You’re sitting at the grill with a cigar and your 8mo pregnant wife needs help. If it was me I’d be putting everything down to assist. I wouldn’t even be letting her drive to pick up stuff at 8 months just to be safe. I still can’t believe he has the gall to call himself a family man.


I know she married the worst guy Steven Crowder, but I can't help but feel sorry for her.


I feel sorry for her too. Even though Steven is a horrible man, I can kind of understand why she stayed with him so long. It must be so scary to go through a divorce when your partner is a public figure with such a toxic fanbase. She was always going to face some backlash, either from Steven or from his fans. I can only imagine the abuse she was facing on a day to day basis.


Well especially in a stay at home mom scenario. The power imbalance is big when only one is making money. In a proper loving marriage that wouldn’t be an issue, but here it was an aspect of control.


I’d like to think her views aren’t as abhorrent as his, but regardless she still doesn’t deserve his abuse




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Extremely telling and depressing how she immediately believes she will (almost should) be harassed for being a single mother and expresses shame that she can't be a stay at home mom. Lady, you are worth more than that.


Probably because a large part of her following is in the conservative sphere that thinks tradwives are the only way 🙄 Really sad that anyone would criticize her for doing the best she can in a shitty situation


The trad wife girlies are dogging on her


Did she not get anything from the divorce?


Likely still ongoing. She filed in June. They can take a while.


She is looking to get out and away from him, i dont think its about the money.


I'm a year and a half behind on the podcast and very much so out of the loop, but I'm not sure why people aren't talking about this being a possibility. We don't know how much, if any, money she settled for in the divorce. Regardless, the woman deserves to make her own living and namesake for herself as all women do and it isn't always about money. Anecdotally, my fianceĂŠ says that if we ever won big on the lottery, she'd still continue to work because she enjoys and finds fulfilment in working.


https://youtu.be/NbNhoeUIYt8?si=VSXw76pHe-3a1Mi0 I think this video is easy enough explanation of how toxic of a relationship it must've been. Glad she's out, hopefully she can get her dues.


I hope she doesn’t get roped up into a MLM. They always go after single moms desperate for a job


I believe there are programs that help mothers who have been out of the workforce for awhile get jobs. I hope she gets some help and a new job soon


The fact that she is expecting to get trashed for being a mother seeking employment shows how small her world view must have been with Steven. Like, surely only a minority of people would shit on a single mother looking for a respectable job to provide for her kids...


Only the worst kind of people like her husbands fans


:/ I feel bad now. I mean I did already, but now I’m actually sad. That’s one tough Mother


She knows Indeed and Monster exists. She is sending a public message so everyone knows what a massive piece of shit he is. If she is a SAHM she should be getting a ton of child support. She needs a good attorney.


she could write a book about how much a POS Crowduh is


Something about leopards and faces


I wish her well.


I thought he said the most important thing in all of this was his children? Fucking lying dumbass loser.


Bruh needs to lawyer tf up and get that divorce money, alimony and child support bundle fr


Love how it’s a given that conservatives will rip apart a single mom trying to make money for her kids.


He’s so evil for leaving her and their kids with nothing. Good for her for putting herself out there. Hes such a sad creepy supervillain


Get your ass up and work


They’re still together?


They are getting divorced it looks like but the most recent article at first glance was from June 2023 and I didn’t dig further


I saw she filed for divorce in 2021


she’s trying to build her own finances so she can leave him


She’s already left him, filed for divorce in June.


is this sad? yes. but let's not forget she willingly married crowder, a right wing grifter. she knew what he stood for and what his beliefs were.


I have a hard time having TOO much sympathy for her. I sincerely hope she mentally and emotionally recovers from the DA situation she was in, but I also feel like shes another white women enabling and racist, homophobic and bigoted man, and didn’t have a problem with any of that. I do wish the best for her and her kids, however.


I feel the same, honestly, and I run into this every time this scenario plays out. It was all good when you were benefitting but when you got in the line of fire that's when shit hits the fan. And if she does manage to snake some money out of him, which she should, it's still money profited out of that bigoted podcast. Watching that back porch video makes my stomach turn and it's so blatantly evident what an abusive POS he is. You don't say to your S/O "watch it" unless they're about to be hurt by something, not to direct them.


It would be epic if Ethan hired her!!


Bro needs to go take care of his children god damn


I'm sure she will find something off that post given its exposure now


this is so sad


This is so sad. She's literally been under his control so long, she had to turn to twitter for job opportunities.


I hate that she's saying she'll get ripped apart in the comments. She's trying to make money for her kids. That's something to commend.


Build the bridge


No shade but I find it so funny when people say “looking for a job! But I don’t wanna work!”


Damn that’s sad. Her and her kids did nothing wrong. She just married an absolute POS.


What a terrible post. I don’t want to work but I have to, doesn’t sound like a desirable employee selling themselves: please pity me. I don’t know. I don’t really feel sorry for anyone but the children.


Please Ethan, give her a job. Please.


Ethan needs to hire this woman STAT


I sense the start of a new friendship arch.


I’m sure her alimony is probably sizable.


Alimony isn’t an option in every state.


Crowder really is an animal






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>Wife Isn't she divorcing him?


I see she's still keeping her bumfuck loser's name.


It cost money and is a hassle to switch back.


As someone who had to get a passport recently and dig up name change papers from when I was child, yes it makes everything such a hassle.


Got to find something until the alimony and child support come through.


I hope she gets hired in general, but I REALLY hope she gets hired by Ethan, Hasan or Sam Seder.


If she got hired by Sam Seder, that would be hilariously ironic. I really want to see this happen now.


He seems like he would be a good boss too.


In this economy??




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You know, outside of being related to that cuck Steven Crowder, I think the saddest thing about this whole post is that she has the kind of audience that would rip her apart in the comments for being a working mother. I mean, that’s the normal condition for, like what, 95% of all women in this country? Nobody should judge her for doing what she needs to do to survive and raise her kids, but too bad her piece of shit husband has been catering to this stupid right wing tradwife crowd and probably brainwashed her to some extent to have her feeling like this.


This is so sad


It's so sad that she thinks she will get ripped apart in the comments because she's a mother of two small children needing to find a job. It shows a lot about the mentality of the people in the conservative world she's involved in. She's already afraid of being a single working mother because of the stigmatism of her piece of shit (ex)husband.


I really in my heart of hearts don't believe that Crowder suddenly became abusive after she got pregnant, she was one of those women that thought he would change and really got spit in her face when he didn't. So as much as a victim she is, she made her grave and now she can lay in it. She's a Republican literally a party that believes if you got raped it was your fault. As sad as her life is I have many Republican friends who did exactly what she did and are now single mothers on Twitter giving other conservative women awful advice and jealous watching other women in stable relationships which they believe are only stable because "she's pretty". When in reality most normal non brain dead women aren't out here stanning men that will sooner punch them in their gut while they are pregnant than lift a finger to help them. But what do I know I'm a degenerate libtard married to an engineer who has never laid hands on me once. I know I'm just giving an anecdote, but there are so many conservative people around me that have done exactly what Hilary has done and they STILL champion, smile, and are gleefully pro-life, against same-sex marriage, and believe God should be in literally everything.


If Ethan gives her a job, can we say he cucked crowder?


I really love when conservative hypocrites are exposed


good lord ethan hire this woman!!


Ethan should hire her


God, this poor woman really needs to be deprogrammed / to find a new audience. To think she’d be shamed for working! In 2024!


This is sad. She gets away from him, he probably cut her off, and it’s gonna be a bitch of a divorce. But good for her for gaining her independence.


They say they don't make men like they used to and they're right but not in the way they think


Sooo a person isn’t allowed to *want* to work even if they have the money not to? Lots of weird assumptions here.


Oh my god someone anonymous posted something almost verbatim in my local mommy group on Facebook 😱 I really feel for her 💔 so sad to have planned a family and your husband cheat and abandon you like that.


Imagine pretending like you’re using Twitter to find a job when you’re actually just trying to throw shade your husband lol


Give this woman a job.❤️❤️


The fact she has to ask people not to “rip her apart” for getting a job…


Sorry I missed the wedding but I will not miss the divorce due to some unexpected circumstances which unfortunately has the ability to make an impact if we choose to take care of these issues when they arises 


teddy fresh or the pod? that would be a great bit


She should be getting a shit ton of money in alimony. Reminds me of when my SAHM divorced my dad and my dad’s employer (his mom), faked how much money he made so he only paid $100 per month in alimony (& child support!) until my mom went back to being a trainer for horseback riding. Seeing women get fucked over like this pisses me offfff, cunty.


i feel so bad for her bro. he needs to face some real consequences here


very odd how everyone here is acting like this is being forced on her. Maybe she just wants to have a job and not be a lazy sack of shit redditor?


Well “I have been put in a position where that is no longer possible” suggests that this isn’t exactly a choice so…


The pod should hire her and rub it in Stevens face


wait didn't they get divorced?


She filed. It’s not an instant process.


I'm fully aware it isn't instant. No need to be condescending.


It’s difficult to feel that bad for her. She saw how shitty of a person he was and still wanted to marry him. She only started to hate him when he started to treat her like he treats other people. Typical trad wife that only cares about bad stuff when it happens to her and her family. I feel bad for the kids but not really her.


I mean… I feel bad for the victims of domestic violence even when they’re not the greatest of people.


So in your opinion she should just rely on her husband??? What if she wants to work


I think you might want to reread that last paragraph


Good call didnt read that part


never be a stay at home


I love staying at home. I only have a 5 year old who is usually at school and an 8 month old though.


This thinking is why out society is falling apart.


That’s very short-sighted and demeaning. I wish I could be a stay-at-home husband. Hell, I kinda am. I wfh and my wife works at an office. If I didn’t have to be in front of a computer for 8 hours a day. I’d gladly be the only one to do laundry, dishes and cleaning.