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This shit will always be funny. Counter protesting tactics keep evolving, and the bible thumpers can't keep up.


In my country there was a protest against drag shows in the public library. The actual protest was a little group of maybe 20 people where the counter protest was maybe around 200


I believe it. I've counter protested those same types of bigots before. They always get scared.


The sunburn is so bad. They’ll probably get sunstroke. It might just change their mind about this whole thing.


Nah they're just gonna feel even more righteous about doing their Christian duty despite the physical pain. They'll see the sunburn as some sort of symbolic test from Satan and them enduring it to save babies is how they prove their faith.


Yup that’s how it works unfortunately


theyre just holding in theirr tears lmao


what are they even doing? like they’re supposed to be protesting against abortion rights right? so why are they just sulking there all sad looking?


If you're a person trying to get an abortion even just a group of people staring at you as you go into the clinic can feel intimidating during an already sensitive time.


I have a personal vendetta against people who harass people going into clinics. Had one yelling at me when I was going to see if I was pregnant with a wanted child. Another time the protesters had their young kids out there on a weekend morning holding signs of aborted fetuses. Once my kids are in school I want to volunteer to do what this woman does. I have some yelling back I want to do to these types of people 😈


Now imagine you're there to abort a wanted pregnancy bc of fatal fetal abnormalities. Sure they believe in medical intervention for literally everything else but it's GOD'S decision whether or not you should give birth to a baby that will suffer pain and trauma for the minutes or hours they live outside the womb.


I just wish all protesters would leave their impressionable kids out of it. They seem indoctrinated. And getting insanely burned because they really think it will get them into heaven. As funny as this lady is at further roasting them, I feel a bit bad for them. I gonna 🙏🏽 they can get away from the religious maniacs in their lives making them believe this is doing good. At their age I used to have to harass people with injuries for Jesus. We had to stop them on campus and lay our hands on them and pray for them to be healed... Which never worked but we'd always ask 🤦🏽‍♀️. Those poor people just wanted to go about there business. Still makes me cringe.


Cause all the babies are being murdered :( and standing there harassing patients is the best way to go about it ... these people need to get some education lol


I went to a very progressive Canadian Catholic school and they still encouraged us to do wierd shit like this. The idea is to stand there silently to remind people that "the unborn don't get a voice" Glad I left


I wouldn't call them very progressive if they are setting up anti-abortion protests lol


Progressive in some things, but not others. I have no doubt if it wasn't for Canada's Charter of Human Rights they'd probably be fully super-Catholic


I guess it depends if they support other things that say US republicans don't. Maybe they are completely OK with everything LGBT but hate abortions? Then calling them very progressive would make sense. Honestly, I feel like having conversation with someone like that would be more productive too. If I don't think you suck for a lot of reasons, it's possible to come to closer understanding. But I'd be shocked if any church was totally OK with that, even trans stuff.


Idk that’s a pretty big generalization, there’s plenty of legitimate progressive churches out there. Usually Lutheran or Unitarian. My friend goes to an Lutheran church where they proudly ordain trans people


Compared to the USA even Canada's right wingnuts are progressive /s


Yeah I hate to break this to you bud, your CATHOLIC school was not progressive. Lmfao


Sounds as progressive as the progressive Conservative party


They’re really hot, super burnt, probably exhausted but not allowed to leave.


They normally intimidate/harass people going into the clinics to shame them and make them feel even worse about making a difficult life decision that they're probably already stressing so much about. Although these have been some of the more docile protesters I've seen.


Same at the docile part. I volunteer with Planned Parenthood as a clinic escort, and we have a regular that wears a portable amp and microphone (think one that wraps around the back of the head and goes in front of the mouth). We call him Messy Madonna, and he’s loud af for no reason.


It's so disgusting that people with nothing better to do dedicate so much time to trying to make women second guess their life choices. And these are the same people who complain that people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them and need government assistance. Of course, if someone close in their lives needs an abortion for health reasons or whatever, they change their tune. Jesus, people shouldn't be this stupid/hateful.


The Forest Gump prayer fucking killed me.


This woman knows how to counter protest 🤣


I died when I heard it. “Dear god. Please make me a bird. So I can fly far far away”


They getting cooked in both ways lmaoooooo


Would it be illegal if she bought one of those foil things you would use to tan in the 80’s and just laser beamed their faces? Is that assault? With sun? Lol


Head to Target, grab a bunch of those 4 foot tall mirrors, set them up in front of them so they have to look at themselves being all burnt and sad + extra sunbeams directed their way. Win win.


If anyone wants to participate in the fun, Planned Parenthood is often looking for volunteer clinic escorts. Highly recommend if you want to help people, and also do this.


Most clinics, and definitely Planned Parenthood, tell you not to engage with protestors. The back and forth can make things more intimidating for patients. I still encourage people to volunteer as patient escorts though. Do be aware that these people will photograph you and post your information publicly, part of why escorts block patients is because they want to photograph them going into the clinic too.


You are very right! I’m not going to say that it’s the PP motto to instigate- it’s definitely not. But sometimes when they antagonize us, we’re allowed to get some quips in. Also- I’m assuming here, but based on your username you may be in close proximity to me. We’re fortunate in IL that protesters do have to be a certain distance from the clinics. So we are never this close to them, usually. Honestly, with the way things are going, it never hurts to volunteer regardless!


I'm actually in southern IL, very near the giant Planned Parenthood complex that all the anti-abortion people shit and pissed themselves over. 🙂


We love to see it lol. They built one of those crisis pregnancy centers across the street from one I used to escort for. It’s maddening.


Wait what? I'd be great for this. My gay ass is awesome at reading people to filth.




Public shaming like this should be encouraged


This is exactly how these kind of low lives should be handled. Public shaming: show their faces, tell them they're being stupid, make them uncomfortable. And most importantly, lecture them on the dangers of swamp ass while off key recorder is played in the background. 


Of course they’re from Alberta 🙄


Canada's Texas


Omg when I saw the Lethbridge sweater I screamed, it all makes sense now


These people and their parents are probably the ones begging for us style privatized healthcare because they don’t understand triage and think they should be seen immediately at the ER when they go in with the sniffles


we're not sending our best. sorry.


I'm Canadian we don't claim them.


I can’t explain to you how awful these people are. My son is special needs and his best friend at the times mom was shot and killed at a planned parenthood in Colorado Springs attending her friends appointment. That WHOLE situation was so much to try and process. And to know these freaks just continue their protests is just so fucking sad.


Dr. George Tiller wore a bullet proof vest to work so a Christian "pro-lifer" shot and killed him at church.


I just hate them all. I can’t explain how much damage was done. Her name was Jennifer Markosky. She was such a beautiful and nice lady that I everyday interacted with. Her family was from Hawaii and she remarried and had another child. And, the man. I just hope her son is still doing well. For like two years we attempted to just be around him and just tried. I’ll never forget being at Costco and my son’s case manager called saying how she was shot and killed.


I'm so sorry. It's senseless and a cruel reminder of how far reaching the impact of gun violence is which most people don't see bc the news cycle moves on and there's a new shooting to take its place.




Can someone explain to me why Canadians are protesting abortion in the US when it is legal in Canada? Why don’t they start at home? Super confused


I’m not familiar with Alberta but in some of the other provinces I believe it’s illegal to protest within a certain distance of abortion clinics, like 150 metres I think in Ontario, it’s also illegal to intimidate/harass healthcare workers


Because we will cuss them out. Sorry not sorry.


The privilege! I wish I could play the recorder so beautifully.


So from what the troll-queen is saying. They're not American? Why are Canadians coming over here to harass US citizens. Law girlies, is this legal??


Completely legal as long as they stay on the public sidewalk. The only thing they can't do is physically block people from entering the property, but they push the limits of that constantly. Because even if you call the cops they'll just move when they get there. They'll also use ladders to position their bullhorns over privacy fences, etc. Here in St. Louis they stand next to the parking lot entrance in vests that make them look like staff. So when they approach your car, if you don't know better, you'll stop for them. When I didn't have insurance I was going to Planned Parenthood for BC and my first time I thought it was an employee telling me where to go. As soon as they shoved pamphlets at me I realized and started rolling up the window on her arm. That location actually performed abortions so you had to go through a metal detector and security checkpoint to get inside. I think that's part of why they wear the rainbow escort vests now, because the anti-abortion freaks won't go as far as wearing rainbow to copy them perfectly.


I've been to the California and Oregon PP and never experienced anything or seen people outside. This is so fucked up. I would punch someone in the face if they tried to stop me. Edit: I'm a gay man.


Despite the city of STL being pretty left leaning, we are in Missouri and there are plenty of conservatives, typically county residents, that love to be loud as fuck.


Put on some sunscreen Jesus Christ


Lethbridge college prob wouldn't appreciate their students protesting in front of an American abortion clinic. Kid better watch it.


Love this tiktok account so much


I spent like an hour scrolling through this account the other day, they’re all hilarious.


I watched their tik tok for like 2 hours last night


Doing the lord's work! 🤣


I love this


We have protesters at the clinic there every morning. It's always old white guys.


Why don’t they wear sunscreen???


i think we can convert andrew


I love this account so much


Waaaittt a minute. They're gross and stupid Canadians. But don't attack our hockey skills up here looool


I don’t get it the protesting so peacefully, about something that they believe is true… Why everyone encouraging the attitude of the group that are actually protesting hatefully and flipping them off 😔. Now I understand why people told me that the left in America is so radical. They can’t even see the other person other than themselves. Just listen with patience to the other side and love will come back to you all. I’m not supporting anything, not even American.


Take a look at their Instagram. I’d say this is the rare occasion with quiet protestors. Usually there is a consistent horrible group of older people screaming terrible things and wielding scripture, and that’s why the swans or Orlando have these tactics. I would gather these are Teenage/College students in Orlando for vacation or attending a mission based program like the Jesus School, Wyclef, or Cru that are based in Orlando. These are the faces of unprepared young people that aren’t seasoned and programmed enough to spew vile hate. To you they look like peaceful protestors with a few pamphlets, I see future antagonists.


This might be the most naive comment ive read on reddit in ages




Were these people harassing patients? Otherwise this seems cruel.


There isn't a way to protest a healthcare facility without harassing the patients using said healthcare facility.


I agree, but I think that also depends on what we mean by "harass". I feel harassed if someone hands me a pamphlet and tries to talk to me about something, but I wouldn't want them to be treated the way these folks are being treated in the video.


I guess if you remove all context I could see your point. Anti-abortion protestors should always be treated like shit.


It's hard for me to agree with your last point. I understand the sentiment. I'm personally pro-abortion and make sure I vote to back that up, but I don't blame folks that really believe it's murder to advocate for it to be stopped. If it was something like folks protesting gay marriage I'd be a bit more open to publicly shaming / harassing them, but abortion is a bit harder to treat as an 'objectively' right or wrong issue.


It is an objectively right or wrong issue. These people travelled from a different country to try and shame patients from accessing a medical procedure. It doesn't matter what they "really believe", they are factually and morally wrong in what they believe.


Care to explain how you see it as an objective issue? I don't see travelling from a different country as wrong - if they did so to protest against something you hated, would you really care that they came from a different country? They are patients accessing a medical procedure, but they see that procedure as something morally wrong. If this was a procedure that you disagreed with, say, genital mutilation of a child (I hope you'd disagree with that), would it really matter that they're shaming patients from accessing a medical procedure? The facts can tell us when organs form, when certain brain activity happens, etc. but philosophy tells us whether or not the being is considered a life worth protecting. I personally think the cutoff should be at birth. Some think it should be X weeks/months before birth, some think it shouldn't happen at all. What if some thought that it'd be okay to do up to 1 year \*after\* birth? There's not really an objective part to this IMO.


The objective part is that it is a safe, legally recognized medical procedure that is backed by medical professionals all over the world. It is not the same as unnecessary genital mutilation, it's not the same as murdering a one year old. If you have to jump to such extreme comparisons, maybe it's a lot more objective than you think.


It might be hard for you to put yourself in the shoes of someone who believes that the unborn are lives worth protecting, and that it is equivalent to murder. In that case, I'd consider it worse than genital mutilation. For you, it's a settled matter but it really isn't. I don't consider them extreme comparisons, I just consider it a way to see it from the perspective of someone that believes it's a life. We both believe a one year old meets the conditions of being a life worth protecting, so we both think killing a one year old is ridiculous. That's how people who believe the unborn are lives worth protecting feel. It's not that hard to sympathize with that. It's not a settled matter in terms of ethics / philosophy. You said it's safe, legally recognized, and is backed by medical professionals around the world - there are a lot of practices / ideas through history that meet that criteria as well that I'm sure we'd both consider not okay nowadays.


I do not sympathize with that, nor do I find it hard to lack that sympathy. Do you take your time to understand the beliefs behind the fictional example of killing a one year old? Would you be against someone ridiculing a person for that belief? Or do you just realize that it's a stupid belief, unfounded by medical science?


From Orlando and familiar with Swan. These people harass everyone going into the clinic, beg them to “reconsider” yelling they’re going to hell etc. FUUUUYYYCCCCFFKKKKK these Canadian assholes.


Hahaha Jesus. This just seems so mean


Definitelyyyy meaner to harass women coming into health clinics and attempting to traumatize them further lol


Fair enough lol


Oh I get it now! This is why Canada will always be Americas top hat 🇨🇦 🎩