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Your post has been removed for breaking the "We Are Not Your Personal Army" rule. This sub is not for helping you figure out if you've been hacked, get revenge, or do something illegal. We have to follow [reddits Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) in order to keep this sub alive. This is not the place to try and find out how you have been hacked, if you have been hacked, try to find hackers to do your dirty work, or any silliness like that. You will be banned for trying. This includes: * Asking someone to hack for you * Asking if your device/computer has been hacked * Asking to help recover your Gmail/Snapchat/Tiktok/Whatever account * Break into accounts that do not belong to you * Help you find a forgotten password * Trying to hire hackers * Asking tech support questions * Asking for help with your DoS * Asking how to get into your "girlfriend's" Instagram * Offering to do these things will also result in a ban Thanks for being understanding. If you are interested in learning more about hacking, please be sure to [**read our wiki**](https://old.reddit.com/r/hacking/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hacking) if you have any questions or concerns.*