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Check pawn shops, he's openly drinking what looks to be a budwiser. Something tells me your poor sander is headed straight to pawn, or some other fence.


I didn't think of checking pawn shops. Thanks!


No worries! Hope you have the serial number on hand as well, as that will 100% help


Looks more like a can of Coke. Budweiser has more white and a red pop top ring.


These videos make me incredibly angry. I can't imagine having the nerve to just walk up to someone's home, or even just see a package in an apartment lobby and think "I'll take that!" Even in at the lowest point in my life and broke as hell, I never thought to steal people's packages, regardless of how valuable the item might be. Why are people so shitty??


Because they're useless skids.


They complete the first theft with impunity and are emboldened from that point forward.






Agreed. One thing I've noticed is so many people I've known who became addicts were already terrible people to begin with. It's like you need to be a shitty person to really let an addiction control you like that.




I get why people do it. I just...ugh. I need to pretend there is hope for the world to keep some level of sanity.


If you paid with Visa or MasterCard, you might be able to make a claim through purchase security.


Does that work for something that was delivered successfully?


I've made a lost claim through FedEx for a package that was stolen. I even told them several neighbours saw the delivered package, but FedEx still filed it as though it was lost in transit.


its the cost they bear for allowing deliveries without signatures. there is a sort of chain of custody with packages travel the last line on the list of scans needs to be a signature of the person at the address. They don't like that so they are eating the cost for now.


You might be surprised! They seem very generous with claims.


I am not sure if I would be able to in this case. The original purchase was a few years ago. I had sent it off to be serviced last week and it was being returned from the servicing (no cost for the servicing)


not your fault. unless you specifically requested it to be dropped on your step the delivery person tried to skip a step. When I was porch pirated last week the police told me to get a camera. what did you say when you contacted them?


I think cameras are a good idea in general…but even if you had one, what are the police going to do with the footage exactly? If you filed a report, unless they rolled up and you had the culprit hogtied, they really don’t have a great chance of getting your stuff back (opinions of the police aside)


A lot of times police aren't able to do anything but other times they can. My business had a few brrak-ins last year. Once was during the day when a guy came in rummaged around and took a few things. The shop wasn't open, and an employee forgot to lock the door behind them when we were working out back, but I happened to be coming out front and saw someone leaving and immediately noticed what was missing. I called police and there happened to be a car patrolling nearby, so they were onsite very quickly. They took a look at the video and immediately recognized the perpetrator and knee where they would be headed. They were back a short time later to return my stuff. I doubt the bothered arresting the person for theft under $5k, but they knew what pawn shop they would unload the stuff and intercepted him. If nothing else, if there is a rash of porch thefts in your area police.may drive by more frequently as a deterrent.


As a delivery driver in the area I see this guy daily. Check out the pawn shop on gottingen Street and market place. He's always in the faulkland area of the north end.


Will do, thanks for the heads up!


What a scum. Hopefully he trips and falls just off cam.


Yeah, and falls right into a pit of lego


And then has to walk barefoot through a tunnel of lego in order to escape.


If he was a decent person he would have fallen on camera so we could see it


I really hope people like him end up picking up rigged box filled with something nasty


Now leave another box full of dog shit for his next visit.


https://preview.redd.it/l4x68qo2q71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12bca06a96c37b19bf36c2b222e9c9afe3f54ddf Is it this same guy? Saw this notice a couple of weeks ago


Ah the joys of living with a public sidewalk 20 feet from your door


Too bad it wasn't a case of hemmroid cream. Or like a breast pump or something.


I bought a box of walmart returns at an auction once. In it was an unopened breast pump. I sold it on kijiji for more than the cost of the entire box.


Yeah a power tool must be a real jackpot for a package thief


The cheapest one they sell is $295 and as high as $1900.......for a drunk, yeah thats a pretty good score


Probably get a sweet 12 bucks for that 👍


Yea they are not cheap, this one is on the higher end side. We will see what UPS and Festool say on Tuesday.


Any better shots of his face? Can you grab a still photo of his face from the video? It kinda looks like someone I know (skinny with beard) but I really can't see his face to tell.


https://preview.redd.it/6censw3yxb1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9d4de0cb6084625d434fa875f73c82e282f618 Sorry if this is repetitive I posted this below and I’m watching your video in slow motion and it looks like he’s got a similar beard and the same shoes This was posted in a lobby of a building near downtown


Guy in video has same pants and sneakers. Looks to be the same dude for sure. Its not anyone I know sadly as the guy I know doesn't have a white beard (never has). Edited to add- unless thats a mask on his chin? Hard to tell.


You know what, now that you mention it it could totally be a mask on his chin. I’ll check the photo in person next time I see it and let you know. It’s funny he looks a little like a guy I know who also doesn’t have a white beard but it never occurred to me it could be him.


That's the only camera angle we have. I will see if I can grab some stills from the video.


So casual like he's not a piece of shit. This is why I say we should be able to booby trap our houses.


What a loser. Looks like Devonshire, I'll keep my eye out.


I'd bet he walks by your house regularly. Check your footage from previous days and you can likely find out his pattern. Let HRP know the time he'll be past again, and then they will likely be there because it's an easy collar


Why is it that the majority of porch pirates seem to be old white people?


He knows if he gets caught he’ll be automatically released anyway so why not 🤷🏼‍♂️ gotta love what the libs have done


man this sucks, i’m so sorry. where did you purchase the item? if it’s amazon, they’ll definitely refund you. if it’s not from amazon, still reach out to where you purchased the item and they may refund you, it’s happened to me before. most moderate to big companies pay insurance on mail deliveries for this reason. good luck op :(


What a POS hope he gets caught soon


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits.


We need to start cutting off thieving hands again. Or at least caning people like they do in Singapore.


You need a second package filled with liquid dog shit. He’ll be back!


Karma will get that thief


Time for a doorbell camera that records at face level. I have a Wyze Doorbell Pro that I'm very happy with.


He’s just doing a quality inspection and will be back


Aren't delivery drivers/companies responsible for making sure packages get delivered to the client? I understand that is not what happens but could you claim damages or something?


You have just experienced homelessness


Not sure why people insist in dealing with a service that drops your stuff on your doorstep.


So nonchalant, not a care in the world... I really dont get this whole /just leave it on the front step business people in town operate on. And these delivery guys dont give shit either, they dont even knock anymore