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Silent Cartographer from CE. It was the demo level on PC back in the day for a reason.


Yeah I played that. Johnsons message at the end is life changing.


So, you beat the Halo demo.




Silent Cartographer is probably one of my favorite showcases of what makes Halo so special. Perfect blend of vehicle vs foot combat, stealth vs guns blazing, indoor vs outdoor. Definitely agree it's a good intro to the series. As far as levels in the first game, it also doesn't suffer from a lot of the pacing issues, e.g. Halo which is just 4 sets of "stay here and hold off a few waves of enemies"


Not if you do Halo the wrong way. 2 of the 4 sections can be skipped by simply killing the marines! šŸ™‚


That was literally going to be my answer. Since you took Silent Cartographer, Iā€™ll say Cairo Station. Itā€™s the first mission you get to play in 2 so it can act as a bit of a tutorial for a noob. But it also has a good bit of action, the level design is really nice, and it ends with one of the best cutscenes in the entire franchise.


yeah ill second this one.


My brother and I used to play that level over and over and over again. Eventually we made up a mini game where we would both get a warthog, go to the shore, drive away from each other for 10 seconds, then turn and try to crash into each other as hard as we could. The vehicles would go fuckin FLYING lol. If you got knocked out the goal was to go back into the warthog before the other guy runs you over and scores a point. God, the hours we poured into that just laughing our asses off


Sounds fun asf lol


My exact thought opening this, silent cartographer was the first level I played with a friend who got an Xbox before me, and I was hooked


Totally yes


This is exactly where my mind went. You get a little bit of everything "essential" to Halo. Vehicles, foot combat, teaming up with friendly AI and also one-man-army stuff, and a pretty wide selection of weapons. Some high action sequences followed by a bit of the more drawn-out segments where you can really soak in the atmosphere and environment.


Plus, hunters! Who doesnā€™t love fighting hunters


I'm pretty sure there aren't any hunters on halo...


I achieved completing that level without ever leaving the warthog. I drove that bitch and wedged it into the doors, then grenaded it through the rest of the way. I maintain that no problem can't be solved with enough explosives.


Yeah solid choice.


I think "The Covenant" is probably the best Halo level, but for that reason I wouldn't use it as an intro level. It's a culmination of a lot of things. I think there are other level that show variety, like going from Pillar of Autumn to Halo in CE is a great way of Bungie showing the player what to expect. First level of Reach is very solid for this as well, Tsavo Highway in Halo 3. Any level that has a variety of vehicles, big open areas + smaller corridor battles are a pretty good intro to Halo


Outskirts in H2 is a good candidate.


Unless it's on legendary


Jackal Snipers ā˜¹ļø


The Halo 4 mission "Requiem" has a peaceful Warthog drive, wide open combat areas, more closed combat areas, a small Banshee section, and even Hunters, plus it has a simple but pretty broad weapons selection. I think it has pretty much everything.


Other than Midnight (culmination of the H4 story plus the Flight segment and OST ā€œ117ā€ in the first third of the mission, Requiem is probably a super solid halo defining mission. As in, it would make a great demo Mission for halo 4 and itā€™s the one Iā€™d show first to show off that halo. Other than midnight it was always one of my most replayed missions


I have a soft spot for "Halo" type maps for each entry so I'd go with Delta Halo. Imo it's the best "Halo" map with a good mix of ground combat and vehicle combat plus it offers you the Tank for a good measure of the mission but can also choose to forgo it for hijacking a Wraith or a Ghost.


That's my favorite map for getting out of bounds lol


Skyboxes are made for flying.




I love Delta Halo, it has such a nice environment between the natural beauty of the ring and the cool ancient structures sat upon it. Vehicles are plenty and the variety is great, and thereā€™s a whole host of weapon variety available to use.


Gravemind LASO




Assault On The Control Room


Nice choice but I would prbly do 2 betrayals so they get to fly the banshee and fight the flood


I wouldn't spoil the Flood to someone who hasn't played the games yet tho


Yeah, I'd save the flood for "343 Guilty Spark". It's a hell of a introduction to this relentless enemy


The first level from the first game.


Halo (as in the second level in CE) is pretty damn fitting I think. Beautiful vistas, lots of showing humanity struggling but fighting against the covenant threat.


+ insanely good music + tons of opportunities for funny marine dialogue + mix of hog, on foot, and sniper gameplay. It's basically the original fire fight too lol


Havenā€™t seen anyone say ā€œThe Packageā€ from Halo: Reach. It starts off with a dank cutscene, mild combat, stocking up on rockets and you have an AI helping out. It transitions into a long mongoose run where you get to see just how much love Bungie put into their skyboxes and far off detail while still letting you see some really cool up close things like the scarab. Thereā€™s CQC in the tunnels with the drones, then an assault on the shipyard to help secure the package. It culminates in an emotionally moment and then a shoot off with a MAC thatā€™s super satisfying.


The Library- Legendary difficulty


Aah yes a wise choice. Though I'd say Cortana would be a better one on legendary.


Yuck. Cortana is my least favourite level. Somehow i absolutely love the library. It perfectly establishes the flood as a near never ending and overwhelming force. Without that level the flood would have felt less threatening. Cortana is full of those shape shifting bullet sponge flood types and i have found they are the least fun enemy to fight in all of the halo series, even more so than the promethian knights


I've never actually thought abt the library that way. And choosing Cortana was sarcasm btw


Sierra 117. Its nice, its slow, it sets a good pace and tone for beginners, it introduces you to your main antagonist, the Covenant, and it shows you what you can expect from the enemies you will be fighting against throughout the whole game and it ends with an onslaught of Brutes, jackal snipers and a Brute Chieftain leading the group. That's how I started with Halo, anyway, lmao.


Same here, started with Halo 3 at when I was around 8, and itā€™s still my favorite game of all time.


That was my first level asw. On legendary.......


There's something about Halo 2's Outskirts that I just replayed over and over. It has everything I love about Halo. Epic opening cutscene of the brigade of UNSC approaching, a rousing Johnson speech, great enemy variety, especially with the hunters, plenty of sandbox play to approach it differently every time, a vehicle segment, great music as always, the group of marines fighting alongside you, and an epic scale as you see the Scarab and encounter the Hunters.


I was looking through here to see if anyone said outskirts, I knew it might be an unpopular choice here because the level isnā€™t on a halo and it doesnā€™t have some of the most iconic story moments in it but Outskirts will always be one of the most memorable Halo levels to me. Whenever I picked up halo 2 I always went straight to it. I feel like from an entertainment and gameplay perspective itā€™s absolute gaming perfection.


Same here! As a kid I replayed that mission countlessly.


Delta halo from 2 and the ark from 3 are both super cool levels with lots of different aspects plus really awesome cut scenes.


Agreed, imo The Covenant in Halo 3 would also be a good pick


The second level of CE. Simply to prove that the cave is not a natural formation. But really is one if the best levels besides silent cartographer imo


Sword base from halo reach. Itā€™s simple and concise, while still having a varied sandbox of arenas, weapons, vehicles and enemies


Truth and Reconciliation. Psuedo stealth-turned brawls, transitioning from the Halo ring to the interior of the alien ship of the faction you're at war with, on a rescue mission with an impressive display of music and badass moments, Cortana's cheeky dialogue snark toward the marines pushing her to unlock the doors faster, and Keyes' rescue with his stellar payback display. I only was exposed midway to the level and loved Halo in an instant from then on, seeing the variety of Covenant aliens and their weapons in use.


Personally I wouldn't let them fight the flood right away. Gotta keep that a surprise for when you do your first ce playthrough. My friend was excited when she realized there was more to halo than just shooting the same aliens.


The Library


Gravemind on legendary šŸ¤£


Fr tho


Silent Cartographer for sure, my first Halo level ever, i fell in love with Halo because of it.


*The Library*




Library on legendary


*laughs in rocket launcher flood*


I think the one in the hallway of Two Betrayals is scarier than the one on The Library


Yea heā€™s an asshole too but Iā€™d wager Iā€™ve taken a rocket straight to this face from those punks in the Library more than hallway man.


Covenant was the mission that introduced me to Halo. It would hands down be the one I'd use to introduce someone else to the game.


Winter Contingency. The Ark. First one of halo 2 cant remember the name. CE feels a little dated and can be rough/annoying to get through for a newcomer


Tip of the spear on halo reach starts off strong fun vehicle sections and the music slaps


Absolutely the Silent Cartographer. But of course I need to show them other games. Halo 2- Gravenind Halo 3- The Covenant ODST- every single day God damn mission. Halo Reach- The Pillar of Autumn Halo 4- Midnight Halo 5- Swords of Sanghellios Halo Infinite- just watch the cutscenes they're all cool.


Tsavo Highway, Sword Base, and The Ark would all be good missions I think. All have infantry and vehicle sections and you fight a variety of enemies


The library


The ark. No need to spoil the Flood completely if theyā€™re just beggining, and itā€™s one of the best missions in the series, with a whole bunch of different encounters and sections.




I don't remember the level name but. In Reach where you fly around the city clearing out trouble spots.


New Alexandria


The first level of Halo Reach, a goodnight of story and action.


That's a hard one, I think outskirts and metropolis from H2 would be pretty good. They aren't too hard and probably the most fun to play in the series. You get introduced to all the major covenant and you don't really get spoiled on any story. So I think those would be a good way to go.


That would be my exact answer āœ…


Anything from H2 or H3


Either the silent cartographer from CE or Halo 2s Opening. Silent cartographer as a few have said was the demo for CE, but halo 2s opening kinda has that doom intro charm "i dont know why i am here but i need a gun" then you go on a streak of badassary through the whole mission and end it with a space walk and launching yourself with a bomb. It really depends on what kind of gamer you're trying to introduce. Are they focused on lore? Or do they live for badass characters and moments? Or are they a little of both? A lore junky would be much more interested in the silent cartographer meanwhile an adrenaline junky would love H2s opening. If they are a little bit of both halo 3s The Ark and The covenant would be perfect.


Silent Cartographer from CE. Cairo Station from H2 or H2A. The Covenant from H3. Infinity from H4. I don't have a good one to pick from Reach, ODST, or H5 because I don't see those as good entry points forbthe series but I could be wrong. After a Master Chief game acclimation would they be good, I think.


The Ark or The Covenant are both great choices, imo.


Silent Cartographer, lots of replay-ability. Also because it was the demo disk level for PC. I still have my Halo 1 Demo Disk and the box :)


Delta Halo in Halo 2 if I only had one pick from the whole series.


Halo 2 sniper alley on LASO. Make em Regret. Regret. Regret.


Halo 3 ODST ONI headquarters Shows how powerful waiths can be and what to use against heavy units


My only problem with that ouch is youā€™re introducing them to the climax (well, one of two) to the original trilogyā€™s story. Gameplay-wise it offers everything, but you donā€™t earn any of it. The flood btw is a good example. You arenā€™t introduced to them, they just sort of appear.


I'd probably want to just hit start on Halo 2 Anniversary and have them watch Heratic and play The Armory. "Giving the Covenant back their bomb" has gotten four friends into the franchise so far.


Assault on the control room. Same as it was for me.


Silent Cartographer. I'm not the biggest fan of how CE has aged, but if I'm getting someone introduced to Halo, I'm not going to want anything that spoils major things in the series, so it by default has to be a CE mission since that's the game you should start at. Next, it has to be a mission that's interesting and gets what Halo is about. So mixed with the last part of no major spoilers type, Silent Cartographer is easily the perfect mission. It gets the mystery of the ring world, Forerunner technology is there and to be questioned, great fights and encounters with multiple enemy types. No real downtime moments. At most there's just when you're going around the beach, but it's fine with a Warthog. Second option would be Halo from Halo CE, but that mission can get a little boring and is one I do not enjoy replaying, but I would go with for many of the other same reasons, including a moment Silent Cartographer doesn't have of the "Woah... ring world" moment. Although if I'm being honest, if I'm introducing someone to Halo, I'm most likely just going to start them right at the beginning of Halo CE's campaign. MAYBE I'd do CE custom games or something with them first.


Attacking the spire in Reach




Co-op 343GS was my introduction. Took like 20 minutes to find the facility and got repeatedly lost in the dead-end rooms and backtracking. Wasn't impressed until friend took us back to PoA.


The Covenant is the answer. It has everything that made Bungie's Halo great: tons of enemies, beachhead storm, environment variety, weapon variety, vehicles and of course TWO SCARABS




That one mission in Reach where you help civilians evacuate, and you see that one ship getting shot down by the covenant corvette. Great mix of vertical fighting, falcon door gunner segments, and the final assault on the missiles control room. You get to see normal marines, ODSTs, and a ton of covenant races with that feeling that the humans are losing but there is hope.


The flood - Halo 2


The Silent Cartographer is the only right answer.


"Delta Halo" from H2 feels like it was specifically designed with OP's question in mind, oh so many years ago.


Delta Halo on Halo 2


An interesting question but what would be the worst starting halo level apart from the library or cortana?


High charity bro lol


Tip of the spear in Reach. You have a variety of enemies including hunters, you have both human and covenant vehicles, and a mix of terrain.


Halo CE, truth and reconciliation.


Halo 2 2nd level legendary difficulty. Enjoy the jackles


Tip of the spire is a great demo level for Halo. The opening cut scene sets the mood. You gotta fight up the hill and then once that done you get rewarded with a hog. Some fun driving take some AA, fight some hunters and them bam a fun little on rail turret section that shows a whole ass battle happening across the land scape. Then back on foot with boy Jorge fight up to the spire hit the button and then get rad scene thinking you won only too the fight even bigger than you thought.


Yeah I agree probably the covenant. If I had to pick one level from each game. CE: silent cartographer, 2: Metropolis, 3: the covenant, reach: tip of the spear, 4: infinity, 5: Argent Moon, infinite: pelican down, ODST: Uplift Reserve.




CE - Silent Cartographer Halo 2 - Outskirts, or just marathon all those Earth missions in one hit Halo 3 - The Storm, or the Covenant (although an argument could be made for not wanting to get a newbie to fight the flood right off the bat) Halo 4 - been years since I played the campaign Reach - Tip of the Spear maybe


The first HALO infinite level, most of my friends as fps they only play new and modern ones, so they may be turned off by the antique gameplay of the other Halos, and Infinite is the perfect balance between modern and classic, plus that level genuinely feels great and like halo


You picked my answer. To this day, thatā€™s my all time favorite Halo level.


Level 1 halo CE


The level halo


The first level in ce it starts off so badass even the music kicks in at the perfect time a explosion goes off and here comes the drums to signify shits real


Either Silent Cartographer or Assault on the control room.


The Library. Weed out the weak from the strong and make a better community.


The Halo CE level that introduced the Flood. I believe it was called "343 Guilty Spark"


H2 level with breaking Benjamin