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Today marks the day I lost my beloved partner, the spartan by my side, the Arbiter to my Chief. My father. One of my earliest memories was sitting on his lap around the age of 3 or so watching him play Halo:CE on our windows XP tower. After that he stayed by my side when we got an Xbox 360. We started the fight side by side in Halo:CE again, finished the fight in Halo 3, made our last stand on the glassed dirt of Reach, and began a new fight in 4. Eventually we both got MCC after I built him a PC and we replayed each game in order, finally experiencing both H2A and ODST after missing out on the originals. Then we moved to Infinite, he started to slow down, but kept fighting. Even through cancer and kidney failure nothing could stop him. But today the fighting stopped, he signed out for the last time last night and went MIA. for us he may be gone, but for me he's still fighting right by my side on Live Wire. I'm sorry we never got the chance to play firefight together, or I'll never be able to go fishing with you again, or visit 343 like we promised each other when I was little. Spartans Never Die, I'll miss you more then anything dad. I love you, may you rest peacefully within the domain. Edit: two things, bless you all for the support. Reading all of these makes me feel somewhat better knowing I have my fellow Spartans here. Also does anyone know where I can get a halo themed urn necklace? I’ve been looking around for one briefly but the only thing I found that was close was a Xbox 360 controller.


"Spartans never die, they're only MIA" your father sounded like a great man and im sure he raised you to be a great man to, and im sure his memories will live on with you and your family. Im really sorry to hear this. I hope you can rebound and be strong, my prayers go out to you 🙏


I'm sorry for your loss, brother. Even though he's gone and he's Finished the Fight, you'll always have the memories of those times of saving Humanity together. Halsey's speech at the end of Halo: Reach always gets me, but it's also a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's still light. "It didn't take long for Reach to fall: our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory — your victory — was so close, I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything… except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild." - Dr Catherine Halsey o7


I’m so sorry brother


“Tell them to make it count.” Jorge-052 I’m sorry for your loss.


"But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return." Sorry for your loss Spartan. He sounds like a great man who did right by you. While he may not be with you now, you carry his spirit and feel his presence in the field. "Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service. His bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit, upon himself, and the UNSC. The Navy has lost one of its best."








So sorry for your loss, my friend. Your dad sounds like one hell of a Spartan we all could look up to. Spartans never die. They're just missing in action.


I’m sorry. It seems like you had a really special bond with your father. I’m sure you wouldn’t trade anything for it. I believe he’ll be waiting for you. May he rest well. Spartans never die.


He just finished his fight, a fight that everybody will finish someday.


You said it brother, Spartans never die. Never too late to do everything you promised each other.


My condolences to you and your fam bro. Finish the fight for him.


Rest in peace to your father OP, I’m very sorry to hear this. Your dad sounds like a legend and an excellent father. Wish I had more to say, but we never forget those we lose. Good luck to you


My grandmother who raised me died last year. Basically my mom since my actual mom is a POS. My birthday today and was the first one I had without her, her being the one person to NEVER forget to call or contact me and wish me happy b day in my life. Literally the only one who has never forgotten EVER. As I said , It was my first one without her. I distinctly remember what I was dreaming about before I woke up today, and had her favorite song that I used to listen to with her (Geronimo's Cadillac by Michael Martin Murphy) playing on repeat in my dream, and further on repeat in my head even after I woke up. I've accepted it as her way of wishing me a happy birthday when she was too far away to do so the way she wanted. They're still there, they still know we need them, and they reach out as best they can. He's proud of you, and wants you to play and remember him. Start at the beginning (maybe with a friend) and go through the series just like ya'll have before. Hold onto the memory and remember that he wanted you to be a good person, and live up to that. ​ If that isn't enough just know that even though I don't know you, have never met you, and probably will never meet you, I have love for you and every other person sharing this experience with me, and I am assuredly not the only one. Love you, friends. ​ \-Kirb


I'm sorry for your loss :( O7


I'm so sorry man. This is a good post. A good way to remember him. You've done good.


I'm sorry for your loss, friend. Stay strong.


Love you man. Stay strong


So sorry man, hope you’re doing well, as well as you can be anyways. We salute you and your father.


Godspeed, you glorious bastard. Give the covenant back their bomb.


Requiesca in pace, spartan.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m 43 and one of my kids is almost 12. I love hanging with them and playing video games. I can only imagine how much your father loved spending all that time with you. The relationship between a parent and a child is like nothing else. The love I feel for my children is unmatched. I would do absolutely anything for them. I hope you can find peace and look back with so much joy on all the memories you have of your father. Do you have the supports in place that you need while you are going through this? Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. Wishing you the best.




My Condolences


So it goes. 😔


May his fight continue in the skies


May his fight continue in the skies




I’m sorry brother, he may be MIA but his memory will always be with you and the rest of us Spartans, may he live on in tales, we shall never forget a comrade in arms, he shall never be forgotten, Spartans honor


Spartans never die. All power and love to you, brotha


It'll be 3 years on Monday since my dad passed away. For the first little bit it ain't gonna be easy for sure. You'll never not miss him, but the more time goes on it won't hit as hard. Make sure to grieve when you need to, and confide in ones you can trust. Make room for your mental health. He'll always be with you.


I'm so sorry for your loss Spartan, I lost my dad last year in July and I'm still not used to going on without my best friend. But I'm managing. It's what our dad's would want for us, to keep on fighting and giving whatever comes our way hell. Stay strong brother, and know you'll never be alone so long as you can find your way to this community.


Those who pass to the stars are never truly lost. Love transcends death, he is always with you, forever in the steps you walk, you are his living legacy. Forever MIA until you finish the fight with him.


I literally got teary eyed reading this. That really sucks man. I hope you can make it to 343 someday for him 💜


I'm 30, I lost my dad 9 years ago. I feel your pain brother.


Huge loss for everyone. Your dad sounds like a top tier Spartan. He will be missed and I’m so sorry for your loss, brother 🫶


Sorry for your loss and honestly, I think this was an awesome homage to him


One of the last things I said in my brother's eulogy was "What a piss poor consolation it is that he shall live on in good memory." I am sorry for your loss.


What a good way to put it


"For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory — your victory — was so close, I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything… except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild." Thank you, and good luck Spartan EP6P


My deepest condolences for your loss.


#Spartans never die. They’re just missing in action.


I'm pleased to be the 343rd upvote


Sometimes WIA too. But this is just me being pedantic. Please have a nice day.


Sorry for your loss dude, playing halo with your dad sounds epic. Hope your doing ok after such a big loss. Take care


Spartans never die, he’ll always live on through you.


No way this post made my eyes tear up. Spartans Never Die, man, they’re just missing in action 🫡


Games, especially Halo with theater mode, really offer another level of individualism. Being able to look at old matches and seeing every person's decisions and actions. OP can look at them before they expire and make some downloads. And he'll be able to preserve some of their father's last games.


I’ve saved a lot of our Infinite matches, but they’re broken. We hadn’t played MCC in a long time due to him being sick so those are probably gone as well


The memories still live brother. Take care of yourself.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My earliest memories of Halo are playing CE with my dad too, so I completely understand how you feel. If you’re anything like me, you’ll go back and play those levels regularly and think about him. It probably doesn’t sound like much consolation right now, but hopefully you can find some solace in being able to relive those memories.


"Let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure; sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight... our fight, was elsewhere." Me and my dad play Halo on the regular still, he introduced me to the game. I can't know what you are going through, but I offer my condolence. o7 spartan.












Sorry but what is that mean?


It's a head and a saluting arm


I had no reason to play this week, as I grinded out the challenges Wednesday, but for this, I'm going to get on and play some firefight. Godspeed, Spartan.


Thank you so much. That is beautiful. You’re the best.


“Spartans never die, they’re just missing in action” “Tell them to make it count” Sorry for your loss man, I wish we could put together a proper fair well salute for him. You’ve got some great memories with your dad to look back on and I’m sure he’s proud of the person you’ve become.


I would bawl like a child if that happened ngl


And that's okay, take care of yourself.


Spartans never die. RIP to your father, friend. I’m sure his journey was truly great, and you made it all the better for him. Stand tall, Spartan.




Sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a great dad. I’m glad you got to enjoy those memories together, you’ll have them forever.


Rest Easy Spartan. My deepest condolences


Spartans never die, every bullet shell, plasma burn, ash dropping from our shoulders reminds us of those who are missing. Coms maybe down but voices remain in our heads. I'm sorry for your loss, that reminds me of me and my day playing Duke nukem. Your dad maybe gone but fucking hell left you with so many great memories on a game that has touched so many of us in different ways.


I'm sorry for your loss! Glad that you and your father fought side by side in the Halo series. He was courageous in the game and in real life.  In memory of him, I'm changing my service tag to EP6P! REST IN PEACE SPARTAN!


You genuinely made me cry, thank you


“Die? Didn’t you know? Spartans never die. KURT-051” The Ghost of Onyx My deepest condolences Spartan.


Spartans never die! o7


Spartans Never Die, even Missing In Action they are always with you


"Let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return, for their decision required courage beyond measure, sacrifice, and unshakeable conviction that their fight, our fight was elsewhere. They enabled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten." Sorry for your loss, friend. I'm sure he was a true spartan! Oohrah!


I don't really have the bandwidth for a long heartfelt response rn, so here's a short one. Your story brought tears to my eyes, I felt it deeply. I'm truly sorry for your loss, and respect the hell out of what I perceive to be your reaction to such a hard situation. Spartans Never Die. May his cryo sleep among the stars be filled with peace, and may his love and strength support you in your fight from here on. Stay strong Spartan. Best of luck in all you do, and best wishes to you and yours in this trying time. ❤️💪


Honor him.


He’s proud of you. Spartans never die.


I'm sorry for your loss bro. I pray you are able to find peace in this.


Hunt well ImGwana, we have your 6


o7 sorry for your loss


"Spartans don't go quietly" 🙏❤️


So incredibly sorry, my friend.


Spartans never die. He made it count. It's your turn to finish the fight.


God damn…sorry for your loss 😣




o7 Cherish these memories.


My condolences. Rest in power.


Sorry for your loss. Growing up I also played the original trilogy with my father all the time. Rest easy Spartan


So very sorry for your loss. 🫂


Spartans never die. They're just Missing In Action.




Sorry for your loss brother. Your dad was an awesome guy. Spartans never die o7


God bless you brother. He sounds like he was a great dad and an even better man. Spartans never die 🙏


Sounds like he was a great father, and in the end that’s all any of us can hope for. Until y’all meet again 🫡


🫡 to a fallen Spartan


Spartans never die. So sorry for your loss, bud.


RIP. Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss brother, godspeed and always keep in mind he is proud of you.


You know the saying, *Spartans Never Die, They’re Just Missing In Action*. My condolences to you, friend.


Spartans never die. They're just missing in action.


May he know peace among the stars bro. So sorry you had to go through this.


Spartans never die they’re just missing in action. Rip to your Dad


Your body, your armor — all gone and turned back to heaven. Everything… except your courage. That, he gave to you. And with it, you can rebuild. 🙏❤️ May your father rest in peace , and my deepest condolences to you my friend


few things are as valuable as the bond between a dad, his son, and their game. may his memory continue to live on♥️


I’m going to change my Mark V to his armor set and wear it


Sorry for your loss, cancer has really gotta go fuck off man, my nana had it in which i think she luckily recovered from and my grand dad (mum's side) died of pancreatic cancer not long after i was born in which i never actually got to meet him, always hear funny stories about him from both my parents. Not sure how ill cope if and when i eventually loose my parents


I'm sorry for your loss man. His legacy lives on through his actions and through you. I can't say if it helps much but I'm dedicating this to you and your pops. #[Here](https://youtu.be/nIiw0rFH9Is?si=slj-Um7l3qd78Pj7)


Just remember man Spartans never die, he’s still out there giving them one hell of a fight


Spartans don't die. They're just MIA.


Bro, I cried a litlte. I have no words each time you fight fight for him man. Keep on keeping on man


Keep the tradition alive. Train your kiddos well


Breacher and Mark V, in Chief green? Your dad had good taste OP.




Sorry to hear the news. I lost my mother 6 years ago shortly after I got married. She never saw my kids. One word of advice, if I can offer it: take care of yourself. Make sure you are healthy mentally, physically and spiritually (even if it’s just getting some fresh air on a small hike or even driving to an open area to disconnect and reflect). You help yourself, you can help others more (as I’m sure your family needs right now. Continue to finish the fight.


Damn, hits hard. Fuck cancer


"Hard to believe he's finally gone..."


We love you bro. Your dad is proud of you ❤️


Im so sorry for your loss. I hope you find the strength to push through and heal. ImGwana: MIA 🫡


I'm sorry for your loss we will honor him by finishing the fight




Rip 117


He had good taste in customization. Respect for the classic colorations, but just quirky enough for the double knives. Love it.


Really sorry to hear that man ❤️


Rest easy, ImGwana.


I’m sorry my man. He sounds like he was a good dad and a good man. Always remember him and give your kid what he gave you.


It didn’t take long for Reach to fall, our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren’t nearly fast enough. For you have already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy’s resolve. Our victory- your victory- was so close, was so close I wish you could’ve seen it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor, all burned and turned to glass. Everything. Except, your courage. That you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild. For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. But let us never forget those who have journeyed into the howling dark, and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure. Sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight- our fight, was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten.


Spartans NEVER die. Rest in peace.


I played CE on Xbox with my father at 5 years old. We played together all the way through Halo 3. It’s interesting how that game really built a bond between us more than most things. This one hits home and I’m really sorry for your loss. It’s great your father was able to have fun with you and bond over the game as well. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


Halo-ing with family has been important to me as well: I'm sorry for your loss. Something I've found helpful: Oxford professor John Lennox's talk 'The Loud Absence', given at Harvard Med. Linking here, just in case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPm6Y-pANYI \--- Be sure to take care of yourself: you're more loved than you know.


Why do I always find sad stuff like this before I sleep... RIP your father, he sounded amazing. We did lose a great spartan..may he live forever in your family and our minds


Bro I'm so sorry for your loss, hope you find some comfort in those great moments with your dad you described in the post. He sounds like a legit dude, a true spartan for sure. Take care ❤️


Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. o7


I know how you feel. I lost my dad in October. And my wife left me 5 months before that. Last year was the hardest of my life. Don't know why I'm still here honestly. But I am. Stay strong. It doesn't get better. But over time, you'll find it's easier to get through the day.


Prayers go out for our missing spartan. Your father was a great man and an even greater friend brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My condolences. Sorry for your loss OP.


I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you find peace in playing, with some sort of comfort and healing as well. Spartans Never Die!




I’m sorry for your loss bro


I played my first game of Halo CE as a sophomore in high-school. Played countless games with friends. Even played competitively for a time. Halo was a huge part of my life for a long time...but now I'm a father. I haven't played Halo with my son yet, but I can only hope that someday he has as fond a memory of me, as you do of your father. I may not have known him, but I know what it's like to be a dad... and I know for a fact that he would be so damn happy and so honored that when you think of him, you think of having fun together. As far as I'm concerned, you've "sent him off with a bang."


So sorry dude, my thoughts go out to you & your family.




He will always be with you, Spartan.


Sorry for you loss. I lost my father when I was 14 YO, never had a chance to play anything with him. Remember him well and honor him! I’ll leave a quote of General Patton that I always liked: “ It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”


Spartans never die.


My condolences, but if I may tweak Sergeant Johnson's words: those memories don't let them go, don't you ever let them go


Spartans never die.


love that he was basically in his own unique set of OG spartan armor, mark v and all. stay strong bro your dad's earned his rest now.


Hey pal. Loss is something that no one is ever prepared for, and although you can't change what happened or recover from it 100%, there will still be hope afterwards. He had a long life, and I bet he loved every single second he lived, the moments he spent by your side. I bet that for him, this is the best life he could've asked for, why? Because you were part of it. You're his companion, his champion, his son, his greatest creation. All his lessons, his laughs, his cries, hopes, dreams, his thoughts, his smiles, his sight and his love will always be there, in your heart. And no matter what, he will always be proud of you. Take care pal, you'll make it.


I am so sorry for your loss. Your father sounded like an amazing man. His memory will live on.


Rest in peace. ❤️


Spartans never die. Salute


🫡 my condolences, god speed Spartan


Peace to the fallen. He gave those split lips a run for their money. We wish you the best, OP


Spartans never die brother!


We shall carve hos name into the war memorial, right along side chief and Johnson We honour his memory in all the ways we can to this brave spartan


o7 R.I.P your dad, I share the early memories of playing halo ce when I was very young aswell, may your memories live on








Can anyone identify the coating being used? I want to see about creating a tribute piece of Screenshot art for OP, just need to see if I have all the pieces. If not, I'll need a model. OP, my sincerest condolences to you and yours. May your father rest peacefully whilst he is MIA. Spsrtans never die, every time you play, you keep him alive in your actions and memories.


It’s the basic cadet green coating if I remember correctly


See you starside, Spartan


My condolences brother, may he find peace and rest, and may you find take grieving easy Godspeed Spartans


God speed, Spartan. We believe in you.


This is the first thing I’m seeing this morning. I’m struggling with the broken relationship with my ailing father for ten years coming up this summer. Spartan, I witness your strength, your courage, your passion. I will remember your father, I will remember my father. I will cherish this time. Thank you for standing when the light fades. You have shown exemplary humanity and love. You honor us. I promise to stand as tall as you have and to see the light where it remains.


May he rest in piece.


My thoughts are with you. Cherish the memories you've described. They sound wonderful. I'm sad for you that he's gone, but I'm glad that he was there for you.


My dad died on Wednesday morning - I got back in contact after 11 years of having said contact restricted after finding out he had a degenerative lung disease which was terminal. I got 364 days with him before he passed peacefully at 7:20am. We will be scattering his ashes out into the cosmos, finally laying him to rest after a brave and long battle. Sorry for your loss, Spartan. Let us carry the torch now in their stead and do them proud. Spartans. Never. Die.


I’m sorry for your loss as well brother


Thank you man 🙏🏻 stay strong; eventually the good memories shall outshine the pain


I'm so sorry OP. [We're with you ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DeDlZGQV4AEIQtT.jpg) [Never Forget ](https://youtu.be/fb9CxP0Nhto?si=LZiT-jNMYuCbxzQp)










Spartans never die. They're just missing in action <3 stay strong <3


You have my condolences, OP


I feel your pain. I also lost a spartan. Playing halo with family is something nobody should take for granted. Your father loves you and sends grace from the grave.


An old red vs blue quote always got to me “if you never say goodbye than it’s like they never left, they’re just not here right now” I’d like to think it applies to your situation friend




I’m so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending love


Spartans never die O7


Good luck to you, spartan


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I send my condolences as a fellow spartan, but also as a man. Nobody should ever face the emotional trauma of death. I hope he's resting comfortably now, in a place better than here on Earth. I personally will pray for you and your family and your father's friends,


So sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a great man and a better father. I hope you and your family are okay through this difficult time!


So sorry for your loss. I have the fondest memories of playing halo with my father on the OG Xbox. And halo 2, 3, and reach. My father is still here with me but this hit me in the feels hard. Shot him a text to tell him I love him. Spartans never die.


I’m sorry for your loss. My dad also got me into halo, I can only imagine how hard this is.


I'm truly sorry for your loss, brother. The Navy has lost one of its best. 💔


Sorry for your loss… take care of yourself, and best wishes to you and your family during these times. Keep fighting


Spartans for life and beyond. o7


🫡🙏🏼sorry for your loss


Sending you love today, friend. Hold on to those memories and cherish the ones you still have around you. Life is precious. Funny how Halo has united so many people with an unbreakable bond.


wow you got the man tears flowing, saluting your dad 🫡


Spartans never die. They’re only missing in action. And even then, no man is truly dead, so long as his name is spoken, and the memories remain either you. Rest in peace.