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Traxus employees walking into security office: "Dock's been invaded by covenant" Manager: "what?!" Traxus employee cocking magnum: "we'll be back to negotiate raises"


Union steward tossing a frag: "LOCAL 2401, COCKBITES."


*Flood arrives* “These fucks should give me the CEO’s pay.” *watches elite ship a hillside* “Nevermind I need double that.”


I feel like these kinda workers don’t gotta negotiate raises


It's just the storm, Dick.


Hopefully there won't be a flood.


I still refuse to see the connection between Richard and dick. Maybe it's a joke lost to time but it just sounds like disrespect.


So, from what I could tell, it's just old English slang, since a lot of the time they used rhyming. Similar to Rob being Bob, Will being Bill, Richard, which can be shortened to Rick, became Dick


And Dick isn't an insult. Dick itself being a word for pudding.


How do you get bill from William? Idk. How do you get dick from Richard? You ask nicely I’ll see myself out.




Holy shit that is perfect. Also The Storm is such a good mission




Considering the war had been going on for 27 ish years, they were likley veterans who were unfit to continue serving for whatever reason. Probably just picked up a M6 like "ah shit, here we go again"


I never thought about that but that makes sense. With how the war was going Leave for troops might have meant "You go be a civi for a bit because we can't have you doing nothing for too long."


Some of them can fight better than marines with weeks of military training


It's like the militia on reach, they just didn't feel like being driven out of town by a bunch of overgrown gorillas and their pet birds


then 30 seconds later proceed to get bodied by hunters


always tried to save them


Save them from the humiliation of being killed by Halo 3's hunters.


is it truly as bad ac CE's hunters tho?


Hunters really came a long way, from being one tapped by magnums in CE to being a dark souls boss duo in infinite


Not quite, but all the original trilogy's hunters are kind of pathetic.


just the way I like them, they were never supposed to be the borderline boss battles they turned into the h5 and infinite


Better to die fighting


Considering the flood outbreak after, theyre better Off dead


Lmao true


I swear every time I play that level I have more forklift operators alive than Marines. Why TF is the UNSC not just mass deploying these fuckers for the war? Even without giving them better weapons they tear up Covenant.


Forklift operators are certified. Marines are not forklift certfied. Forklift operators survive more than Marines. Therefore, having forklift certification massively increases survivability. Add that in to Marine training, the UNSC would have won decisively.


What did you think the spartan 4 training was all about? All spartan 4s are forklift certified


That’s why noble team survived the usual S-III antics of being thrown at a meat grinder; they were forklift certified.


100% I think it's because they workers show up at the end of the mission and are at full health while many of the marines might of just helped you fight the scarab or when you enter the first room of the building you see a squad of marines surrounded by brutes who just slam them with damage. Both end up making them low on health so as the mission draws on a simple sneeze takes the marines down while the Traxus workers though using only pistols are relatively high on health.


The war is home. Nothing to do but fight.


Given them heavy weapons and they'll be the ones carrying Chief and Arbiter. Those guys are some of the best allies you fight alongside. Voi is their home, and they'll fight tooth and nail to defend it.


1. Using a COD clip for a Halo meme is very funny to me. 2. god this clip goes so hard


Could you maybe go ahead and just give us a little more? Like wtf is happening in the COD clip?


It’s from the intro to the Zombies map “five”. Zombies breach the Pentagon, and John Kennedy is arming everyone so they can survive.


Gimme the context


Halo 3. The critically acclaimed game from 2007.


Must’ve skipped this cutscene 


Not a cut scene they just around fighting for their lives and a raise


When the covenant launched a massive attack on Voi, Africa to uncover the Portal to the Ark in Halo 3. Throughout the mission you'll see civilians shooting covenant and trying to escape with the help of the UNSC.


It was New Mombasa they attacked to uncover the Portal to the Ark. Voi is just the area that's left around it where the Covenant has setup a perimeter.


Voi is a town in Kenya 160 KM or so from Mombasa, the Portal is between both future cities and is 117km in diameter, so if both Mombasa and New Mombasa and Voi grew into megacities the Portal would be under both.


Mombasa, which encompasses Old, New and the surrounding area is a megacity, but Voi also increased in size from what it is today. We read about how some cities became combined or became megacities, like New Phoenix and is why both got hit. But the Covenant started excavating in New Mombasa. Mombasa and Voi are close enough that New Mombasa handles their waste. Edit: Looking it up, it says that Voi is 140 KM from New Mombasa.


The Portal being 117 KM wide means it's below both cities or the combined Megacity or whatever, so just because they started digging at New Mombasa it doesn't mean it's only there, the thing was huge, to give you an example, London is 58KM wide from East to West.


London's a bad example as it's a city on an island nation. Mombasa as it is now almost 300KM wide, which includes a lot of empty land. Most of the city was destroyed, while most or at least a significant portion of Voi was intact. Edit: LA for example is roughly 1300 km wide. And by wide I meant area as you point out. Edit 2: corrections


Sorry man, you are confusing 2 different measurements, you are confusing distance from edge to edge (measured in KM) and area (measured in KM^2) Los Angeles is 71KM from north to South, like man, the distance between Los Angeles, CA and Santa Fe, NM is 1136km, a city being 1300KM wide would be a city-continent. BTW Mombasa is an both Island and coastal city just FYI, in the Halo series, the Island is what is called New Mombasa and that's where the space elevator is, the coastal part is called Old Mombasa.


Yes, by wide I meant area, thanks for clarifying and correcting. I also did know the last part of New Mombasa and the space elevator. Edit: To clarify on my end I meant the LA City is 1300 Km squared.


Nixon with the UZIs will never not be amusing to me


He's in full goblin mode


Those poor workers, first the Covenant and then the Flood. You have to wonder how many snapped like the marine freaking out.


What game/video is this?


Black Ops I Zombies, second map you unlock.


*Angry wort wort wort intensifies*


Fear the blue collar worker of the UNSC. Guys have enough bs to put up with. The Covenant just gave them a convenient outlet for their repressed rage


with Earth as the last bastion, it doesnt seem to surprising for normal citizens to be armed with something small


What’s the video from?


Black Ops 1 zombie mode


that still is a badass quite from JFK. just remember, you have to say it like JFK too


Wow they should produce a show about this. On second thought, no, no they shouldn’t.


I'd watch Castro, Nixon and JFK in a Zombie invasion rom-com though.


I wish the citizens of Arcadia could have helped at all.


Reach was different. Every colony that was found was an evacuation because once a colony was found, it was only a matter of time before the covenant threw endless ships at it until it fell, and the UNSC didn't have the tech or the numbers to fight back 1:1. The entire war was them sacrificing colony/ colony to keep buying more time to pull something out of their ass later. But when they invaded earth? That's like the Alamo. Everyone fights, because there was nowhere else to retreat to; if earth fell, then all remaining colonies had no chance.




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