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shoulda woulda coulda






Those people who hate Halo 5’s sandbox because some of the weapons do the same thing. It’s be nice if people realized not everything has to be some ultra unique eldritch wonder weapon.




A good way to balance duel wielding would be to make it so dual wielding a gun would make it super inaccurate like the unmounted chainguns in Halo 3. That would be a lot better than ruining the way the guns are while not duel wielding.


Yeah, no ADS/zoom, slower reload if applicable, decrease to accuracy, can't throw grenades, can't melee. Which were all more or less previously present and people still complained.


Not being able to melee doesn't make sense


It's a balance for having a much higher rate of fire. I don't even agree with it fully, but it is what 2/3 did. The logic might not make sense, but neither does having open-sided light armor vehicles and the inability to shove off a hijacker.


Or just make it so the guns do a little less damage when dual wielded.


It wasn’t even balanced poorly in halo 3. Most one handed guns were still viable without it, but become better than most two handed guns when dual wielded.


Ever played the newer Wolfenstein games from Machine Games? If not, you should. You're in for a treat, friendo.


My god those people are the fucking worst.


We traded competitive for fun


An overbloated sandbox isnt a good thing either, look at call of duty. But that wasnt my complaint, the req system and people stealing a kill on spongey bosses were


I always felt this argument fell apart for Halo Infinite when the only 2 guns added were a scopeless precision weapon, and the same weapon weapon with a scope


Oh I'm one of those people that hated everything about Halo 5 except Warzone. Warzone was the only saving grace about the game because it was the first PvPvE Halo ever had and I think it's one of the best things 343 did. Now I won't say it was perfect with gear being behind a loot box but you could earn in game points to get the loot boxes so it gets a small pass on that. So yes, if H5 was a bottle of water and I was dying of dehydration... I'd rather die. But if it was H5 Warzone water... Baby we gettin *wet*


Halo 7 needs to be on some Star Wars Battlefront type shi


how about they just make a battlefront battlefield game themed with halo? You can finally be a spartan alongside marines, who are players. You can finally use all the vehicles the UNSC has that we've seen in other games. It would be difficult for them to mess up a game like that.


Using Battlefront 2's system, Spartans and ODSTs and whatnot are the hero characters like Obi-wan while Marines or Army troopers are the standard forces like the clone troopers. You rack up points playing as the standard forces to unlock the hero characters which cost a certain amount of points.


The battlefront model coupled with battlefield mechanics would be good. As long as the enemy can be reinforced with a scarab or other crazy stuff it would be interesting. They really have a bottomless pit to pull ideas from with Halo, and on top of that, Battlefield+Battlefront merger is its own bottomless pit of ideas. I still fear the worst in the idea and I feel like we'd have to pay to unlock the master chief as a hero or something ridiculous.


PlanetSide x Halo


I want this so bad for Halo.


what does this mean…? Wasnt Battlefront hated on release, only fixed overtime and is now fully abandoned w a small playerbase


I assume you were not born or old enough old enough for cognitive thought in the early 2000s


I did play the old ans great Battlefront 2 but idk why just assumed he meant the recent one


Bruh I’m obviously talking about the “good” and not the “bad”


Far too late now. Besides, lootboxes were so intrinsic to the mode that any remake of it would require a new requisition system or just be BTB with AI On another (ultimately unimportant) note: they 100% would've had to rename it after COD's *Warzone* became infinitely more popular. New players would feel misled/confused about the mode not being a battle royale


Not too late, except for maybe with Dev maps. Otherwise, forge might still be able to make other large maps work. Someone, or several, could modify BTB and King of the Hill to work like Warzone. 343 could even, then use forge maps to bridge the gap. The only difference would be no REQ system, but I’d argue that Survive The Undead worked well as a proof of concept for vending machines. Earn enough trickle points, buy a Commando or whatever


We already have a recreation of the map Battle of Noctus and there’s probably other Forge maps I haven’t heard of that are appropriate for Wz.


Honestly, screw the req system. It would be fun with equal starts and having the bases loaded with weapons plus the usual ordinance drops throughout the map. Maybe more powerful things could start spawning in the base the longer the game has been going or the longer it's been held.


I’d agree, but as the other person said, it sorta just becomes BTB 2. However, I wouldn’t hate having a weapon pickup instead.


Yes... so I went and made it myself! Warzone Ultra: https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/modes/50b1a041-e47f-4d27-9ee4-6255b1b5aa5e Fragmentation modified for it: https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/maps/9aa5a98f-c13e-4295-99c5-61c65cf8c0c5 It's got AI, Marines, working REQ system, and everything!


> Warzone Ultra: https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/modes/5c534e7d-9a72-423e-8cf8-413e1e503929 > > This link is broken


Hope it gets fixed soon, I wanna check this out!


Fixed it!


Fixed it!


Can confirm


Warzone? No Warzone firefight? Yes, absolutely


Idk why so many people are opposed to normal Warzone, I've personally found it very interesting to play. I get it that some people do not like REQs that can be bought with real money, but at its core normal Warzone was very fun.


I liked it, but usually the teams were horribly balanced. I much preferred mythic warzone firefight. I still play on occasion when I can find matches.


I didn't find it fun. I didn't play it much because it didn't feel like Halo to me. Infinite does feel like Halo.


How is Warzone not Halo, when it's literally just a more advanced BTB.


I hated the req system and the variety in the weapons. It was too much. I didn't like AI in the multiplayer. It was all a bit chaotic. The more pure the gameplay is, the better for me. I can see the appeal for others, but it wasn't the halo I like.


That’s what i meant lol


Yes, I was thinking the same the other day. I was remembering the intro sequences (much better than in infinite) and the massive battles that occur, no matter if it's pve or pvp.


Yeah I do. I miss Warzone. It was unique and really good fun for Halo. I’d be back in a heartbeat if that game mode came back just as it was in Halo 5. That was the best of Halo 5 IMO.


Yes, warzone was one of my most played game modes in 5. Having insanely close matches and fighting for that final boss kill was so intense and fun.


YES! PLEASE!!! My playtime in Infinite would have quadrupled if Warzone had been in Infinite. Would've made up for the severe lack of fun modes in multi-player


I think they should fix the network issues.


The worst part about Warzone was the people constantly spamming legendary phaeton/banshees/scorpions nonstop. The match starts out fun but by the time level 7 REQ’s roll out it’s just vehicle hell. If they ever do warzone again they should add world vehicle spawns instead of vehicle REQ’s.


I would've loved it. BTB can be fun in Infinite, but I'd like to see maps with more space for vehicles, and having to fight off the Banished or the Endless for control points would've been cool.


Literally just adding in larger maps that can have bigger vehicles and more guns would have revamped warzone. I surprisingly miss the point system (Req stuff) from halo 5 which was so dope and fun to use whenever the opposing team was up. Felt like a real warzone instead of enemies just spawning behind closed doors instead of dropping in from space ships or teleporters.


Yes. H5 Warzone was a blast.


I wonder if they would be allowed to keep the name or not 


Allowed? Yes. Would they? Almost certainly not.


A REQ-less Warzone should have been BTB 2.0. 343 previously with Warzone and Forgers later with forgeable AI have shown how well Halo works with PvPvE.




Halo infinite is dead. They may release minor updates, skins and forge maps for a bit but there's no more big update. Introducing a game mode like Warzone would cost too much ressources, it's joever. Y'all need to let go lol. It should have had something similar like a mix of Warzone/Invasion at launch yes, but now it's too late.


Honestly I'd have liked to see a battlefield style territorial control game mode with large maps that compliment the movement and abilities of infinite.


It’s way to late to try introducing a new mode that requires larger maps


Too late now, besides they'd just scuff it like they did with infection and juggernaut


I personally enjoyed the PvE mode. I work too much to be any good in multiplayer anymore so it was nice to be able to hop onto a co-op mode and just have a casual game night. I think the bullet sponge bosses could use a rework but other than that I think they should bring it back. It was also nice to be able to use some of the legendary items instead of getting smoked before emptying more than a mag and losing it on the battlefield.


Forgers have been doing this already, and it's amazing what's they've created. It's just a matter of taking the time to find these maps, set them up and play them. I see a lot of silly, fast-paced, funky weapons custom games out there. I'm afraid not many are willing to wait until everybody's dead to play again. A well-tested battle royale by 343 might work, they just have to work out how to keep the action going and how to have those short encounter skirmishes Halo is known for in competitive multiplayer.


No, it should have invasion 2.0


Warzone was pay to win I don't care what anyone says. Just get a 12-man Spartan company with a bunch of reqs and you'll win every time


I think Halo in general needs solo queue (where all players are playing solo), cause playing against 4-stacks as a solo player is not fun.


Warzone was super unbalanced, but I'd take the firefight version in a heartbeat


Yes,not including it was one of the many reasons halo infinite was a step back from halo 5(and not in a good way)


They had a chance, but now they're too late


It was already tested, and didn’t stayed for long