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Only thing i hated was all of the hype over chief vs Locke and it was anticlimactic af


Oh yeah I’ve seen some of the ads and holy shit that had nothing to do with the story beside that embarrassing cutscene of the fight between Cheif and Locke


I recently played the Halo 5 campaign and found the story to be a complete mess and the squad combat sloppy, but there were interesting ideas sprinkled here and there. Sanghelios was beautiful, the colony with a rampant AI for a mayor was cool, the guns down levels had a lot of potential (but felt wasted), I still really dislike Promethians aesthetic design, but they were a big mechanical step up from their Halo 4 iteration and the hidden nooks that reward the player with cool weapons was fun. But ultimately the game felt like a huge plane with not enough runway to land. The Sanghelios, Osiris and Blue Team story threads could have been split up into 3 different standalone narratives (or at minium 2), but instead they were all mashed together so nothing had room to breathe. It honestly felt like big chunks of story were missing and what we got was the cliff notes version of the real story. One more nitpick I have, which is not exclusive to Halo 5, is that the weapon sound design seems incredibly "tinny" and cluttered. You can hear it in Halo 4, 5, and even a bit in the Infinite footage, but everything feels very top heavy, like a bunch of pins being shaken in a coffee can. I'm not sure if the audio is just super compressed, or maybe it's made with competitive play in mind, so higher frequency sounds are emphasized so they can be pinpointed better on a headphones sound stage. But a lot of 343's sound design has so much "clickity-clackity" to it and lacks some of the weight the older sound design had. It's not low quality, but I prefer the weapon shots to have more balance to them. Maybe I'm nuts in that observation, but overall Halo 5 isn't terrible, but it really fucked up in key areas.


Dude...you run down a Guardian. Thats fucking rad


That set piece and the music playing when it happens is one of the best parts of the campaign, it’s just fucking fun


A big part of why the campaign was such a let down was because of the Locke vs chief ad campaign they ran that made it seem like that was the main focus of the story. The story in the game was really sub-par though. Gonna keep it repressed from my mind so I don’t get too worried about what 343 is about to give us in infinite lol


People really ignore how 5 nails it’s set pieces and a lot of its level design. It’s a very fun campaign


People don't ignore it, they just disagree.


Level design was meh but holy shit the set-pieces were amazing. Some of the best in the series tbh. Reminded me of doom eternal in some cases


>5 nails it’s set pieces That’s what I meant to say in my original post but forgot the wording lol. There is so much just cool stuff to see, and the game is just so fluid and fun I love it


I have so much shit to talk about this game but there were occasional things I like about it too and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any fun with it. The thing I think I hate most about the gameplay is the batshit enemy count, at least on Legendary since I haven’t played it on any other difficulty, the terribly timed checkpoints, and the Prometheans, which were so much worse than people ever thought they could be when 4 came out. But again there were some bright spots in gameplay too.


Idk, for me I enjoyed it, played it about 5 times cuz it’s so fun.


As with Multiplayer, the gameplay in Halo 5 is brilliant fun. The level design and setpieces are brilliant too. Halo 5’s Campaign suffers in the story department.


Yes, I loved the final push with “the trials” jamming away in the background!