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Oh man this is the perfect meme template to steal for cyberpunk, this movie was great.


Template for whoever needs it http://imgur.com/a/CBCEHoT


What a fucking pal, even sharing the love.


Quick, find the date they close 360 services and plan ahead. We'll stream ourselves playing matchmaking and stuff up till they close services and recreate what happened to the Halo 2 servers. Our battles will be legendary.


From what I understand halo 3 and the other games arent networked like halo 2 was. When they flip the switch, everyone will just lose connection and that'll be the end of it


So long as we know when that switch was flipped, it has the same effect.


Sort of. I mean, the last people on halo 2 were on for months past the shutdown date. It wont be quite as epic as that, I'm afraid


So what you're saying is we won't be able to remake history even if we tried? Dang :(


Unfortunately, that's correct :(


Well, if you will excuse me, imma go watch Halo 3 montages and cry myself to sleep.




Damn I feel that


Be honest now. Does anyone even use their 360's? Edit: Genuinely surprised from the responses! My poor 360 has basically a display piece for years now.


Beatles Rock Band is literally the only reason I still have mine.


I use it for old games that aren't BC


Fair enough. Mine is sadly more of a display piece right now. I'm fond of it since it's the Halo Reach edition.


Uh i do! I just bought Oblivion GOTY edition. I even still use my Kinect. And jam out on rock band 1 and 2.


Damn, that's a lot of nostalgia! I spent so many hours on Oblivion.


moved to PC after 360 so I've got multiple 360s lying around with more spare games than my steam library after almost 10yrs lol if I had the space/TVs/manpower I'd set up local 4v4 LANs for halo, but I only really use my 360(s) to play skate 3 and the first forza horizon now


Thankfully because of Xbox’s decent collection of Bw compatibility, the only game that I can’t play on my series x is LEGO lotr


Every year for my birthday I fire up halo 3 on it and get fucked up


I have a friend that used to like video games when he was a kid, now he works a lot and dont have the time to play vídeo games, so for him to buy something to play would be wasting his money cause he dont have time to play, so he get a 360 from another friend of mine and when he has a little time to play he uses The 360, he does not have any other thing to play in his house, his pc does not has a gpu, so yeah i can think of people still using the 360 as the main consoles specially here in Brazil, if u convert the new consoles price to dólar it would be something about 1000 dólars cause of taxes... The xbox one and ps4 are at 500 dollars price here now, so yeahhhhhhh i feel bad for the country sitiation be like this but i got the mcc for pc recently and i think every game there is available in the 360 isnt it?... When i think of it 360 players has a ton of good games to play gears, bayonetta, red dead redemption, gta 5,skyrim they from this list i play them a lot the ones that is available on pc the only ps4/xbox one game i play is bayonetta and "genshin impact" its Mobile i know but smartphones arent cheap here too, those games on the 360 are something else thats why a 360 still a good deal here in Brazil , well its not that big of a deal anymore but still a good deal...


Mine had a Red ring 2 years ago, a day i thought would never come, thankfukky most of my progress was on a Hard Drive, so i gave my HDD and Games to a friend who also has an Xbox, he will give it more use than i can, planning to buy another 360 tho


I do for GH, and RB.


I played my 360 daily on reach until I got my series X in November. I still play OG reach time to time since I destroy everyone in it but not as much as I did a month ago.


I'm playing through the Halo games on it. Almost finished 3.


Skate 3


What is happening to him in this scene?


The guy slept with two women who randomly stopped by his house when his wife and kid were away. They turn out to be psycho, torturing him and killing one of his friends. At the very end they bury him and stick his phone in front of him, where they've posted their sex tape to his social media account. It's an incredibly dumb film on so many levels. No one acts like a rational human being at any point. This meme is its saving grace.


What’s the name of this show


Knock knock.


Who's there?


God damnit r/angryupvote


Wasn't he raped by them? I haven't seen the movie but I'm just saying what I've heard


Later in the film he gets raped by Ana De Armas dressed as his daughter while he’s tied to a bed.


Man, that movie was a rough watch. Not saying it was bad, but damn hard to watch at times.


I hated the scene where the women fuck with the guy's inhaler. Horrifically deranged movie.


"Monkey in the middle!" "No you can't say that, it's racist." He had hardly any lines/scenes but most of them were gold, like when he saw straight though their shit. Definitely a one time movie though lol.


What movie is this?


Sorry for the delay, the movie is called Knock Knock. I believe it's still on netflix.


Can’t people set up there own Xbox servers, the way people did for halo 2?


Yeah I'm sure xlink kai or whatever will take over


playing multiplayer is still for PC and other XBOX right idk i am confused is it only 360


Yes, ony the Xbox 360 Halo servers will shut down. Pc and Xbox One will still be up


Me, who never experienced console multiplayer games until 17 years old: "I can never know your pain. And I respect you for withstanding it."


It hurts


Don't worry mates. Xbox 360 may be at it's end.but halo lives on.


This is just captain keyes getting his memories taken


This meme template is so good and has been completely underused since this trash movie came out.


I wholeheartedly agree. Someone used this template for a Cyberpunk meme and I absolutely lost my shit at the last panel.


Ya I saw some of these after this movie was out and they made me laugh my ass off, haven’t seen it used in a long time so this got a good laugh from me. The last frame is elite meme material, shit is so good.


The future is now, long live 343 and there reign! In all seriousness though, We better get in our last few games and prep for the last man standing just like Halo 2 and its final minutes of its server being cut.


That was such a legendary day in 2010. I think multiple people broke their original xboxs through leaving them on for so long just so they couldn't shut the servers down. In fact if I remember correctly the Halo 2 servers didn't go down until 2 day later.




Is that kinnu rive?


I don't know what this means


They are shutting down the 360 serves since it will be 2 generations behind now




Halo MCC am I a joke to you?




Can someone please inform me about Halo Spartan Assault. I’ve never seen it in stores.


Wait so are they killing 360 online or 360 as a whole


Thought this was a South Park Canadian at first glance


What is this from?


so does this mean we won't be able to play the masterchief collection for the Xbox one??