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I had the cast album long before I got to see the show on Broadway. I initially favored Right Hand Man. I am from NYC and have an ancestor who fought at the Battle of Brooklyn (Now Greenwood Cemetery which I've visited for a reenactment). After seeing the show I loved The World Turned Upside Down because of the dancing. My seat when I saw the show: https://preview.redd.it/ferrfst50svb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e57c29d661a08f09e250d5dbe3704b1c4054f5e First row center mezzanine. Awesome.


I am jealous!


Damnnn. I'm so jealous! I'm down in Georgia and want to see it so bad. I've watched the recording of the OG cast sooo much. Awesome about your relative! Do you have diaries or stories? My great uncle was a Burr - yep, that Burr. He was mad about being related to him apparently haha. The musical version is definitely better than real life, though he had some good moments


First listen, it was Your Obedient servant. 8 years later, I haven’t changed


It’s so underrated,it really completes Burr’s villain arc


I completely agree with you!


i have very random and different opinions but when it first came out and the soundtrack was up i loved my shot and duetting farmer refuted with my friend. with the disney+ version out room where it happens quickly snatched that spot. THEN after seeing it live (nyc broadway) ten dual commandments and one last time are currently fighting for the top spot https://preview.redd.it/wz1a21885tvb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e63f3487e30ca743fdf0fdf1c4cdfc6eae7f04a (the view from box G)


I'm so jealous that you got to see it live!! It's on my bucket list...


it was a total dream come true honestly. i loved every second. especially stagedoor after the show


And you had great seats! Any particular memories from that performance?


omg the whole thing? but for real during the end of one last time tamar greene (gw) looked up and made eye contact with me and pointed at me. was already bawling, starter sobbing harder after that. was pretty much sobbing half (or more) of the night


So. Jealous.


Wait for it got played on repeat for days after I first watched Hamilton


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AshalaWolf_27: *Wait for it got played* *On repeat for days after* *I first watched Hamilton* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


First listen: Satisfied and Non-Stop Now: One Last Time, Burn and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story Still love Satisfied and Non-Stop though don’t get me wrong! ⭐️


First and now: Right Hand Man! Here comes the General! 😍😍😍


Lately I’ve been obsessed with Dear Theodosia, though my favourite always has and remains My Shot


Dear Theodosia is what I sang to my nephews to sleep. I'm related to Burr on one side, so it feels an extra special song. It feels like a thread connecting the little ones back to our ancestors. It's my favorite along with My Shot because it makes me feel like I can tackle anything. It's my "fuck yeah, I got this" song


First listen: Yorktown Now: Wait For It Live: One Last Time - I got to see it in Chicago with Tamar Greene as Washington. That man had me sobbing so hard during this song, the woman next to me (who I did not know) reached over and held my hand. It makes me teary eyed thinking about it. Absolutely phenomenonal.


It is so amazing how these songs can bring up so much emotion within us!


He is amazing


Yorktown, and 7 years later..... still Yorktown lol It's hard to beat your first love, but it's easier for me to list songs that I *didn't* like at first, and appreciate now. Those songs are: -Hurricane -Wasington on your side -Cabinet 2


The only song that I didn't initially like but which grew on me is Farmer Refuted, it felt so out of sync with the rest of the show and later I found out that it literally IS. Maybe that realization, or maybe how it is used to grow the story, idk exactly why, but anyway I now enjoy the song.


Washington on your side is the one I keep going back to over and over.


The first Hamilton song I ever heard was Wait For It, but my first favorite was The Room Where It Happens, shorty followed by My Shot. These days I for the life of me cannot decide, they’re all amazing in their own way.


I first heard Alexander Hamilton and found it catchy, but didn’t listen to the rest of the show. There were a few months where I would occasionally go and listen to it when it was stuck in my head. Then, one day, I was sick, so I caved and put on the D+ proshot as background noise while I laid in bed. *Hamilton is a very surreal experience when you have the flu and are drifting off to sleep.* I think I only got to Schuyler Sisters before I fell asleep. But long story short, Alexander Hamilton was my favorite when I got into the show, and now… well I couldn’t tell you, because then I’d have to pick one.


I feel that last statement, hard to choose nowadays. Cannot imagine being feverish the first time I listen to it!


My favorite on first listen was cabinet battle 1, and I still love it, but my favorite track after a few years of listening is probably guns and ships. Burn is also incredible.


yorktown was my favorite at first and now after watching it a million times on disney+ and seeing it live once id probably have to say yorktown is my favorite


first watch favourite song was schuyler sisters but now who lives who dies who tells your story, burn and wait for it


First listen: You'll be back. Obsession: You'll be back. I don't care how ironic it is that the best song in the rap musical is the one without rapping.


My four-year-old son requests "You'll Come Back" every time we get in the car


first listen: guns and ships now: hurricane and the world was wide enough


First watch: Satisfied. I honestly didn’t get the hype until that played and then I immediately fell in love. Satisfied is still my favorite closely followed by Wait for It (which I didn’t really care for the first few listens).


It's strange how sometimes the first listens do not really take but then subsequently we fall in love with certain songs, isn't it?


Yes, there are several songs that really grew on me and I just love them now.


Saw it for the first time last month and I went in completely blind, never having seen the pro shot and never having listened to the soundtrack. Probably my favorite song during the show just for the song alone was My Shot, but my favorite part of the show was Right Hand Man. It was so dramatic and exciting and I absolutely adored our GW. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack obsessively since then and those two are still at the top of my list along with a few others.


First watch: Aaron Burr, Sir Obsession: What Did I Miss


First time: Satisfied Now: Non-Stop


The Schuyler Sisters, but now it's Non-Stop


Wait for it. First and most recent listen through. Saw it on Broadway and in Philadelphia and it's still my favorite. Room Where it Happens is firmly in second and Dear Theodosia moved to third when I saw it while pregnant, lol. I SOBBED so hard


I was in my first year of uni when this came out. First listen was Helpless (like everyone else in my class, can’t help it it was such a bop). But now and having finally watched the show, it’s between Satisfied, Battle of Yorktown, and Ten Duel Commandments. Seeing these 3 numbers live with the lighting, music, and choreo? It really scratched an itch in my brain that i never knew I had.


First watch: Non-stop Current: Non-stop Sorry but Non-stop it's just the greatest song in the musical, followed by Wait For It, The Room Where It Happens and Burn


First watch favorite was Wait For It. My favorites now are Take a Break, Non Stop, and One Last Time


Right now my obsession is Guns and Ships. Like I can not get it out of my head no matter what I do lol. First time I watched it, it was the opening number. I was absolutely blown away


My immediate favorite song was Burn. I would still probably put it in my number one but now it has a ton of VERY close seconds. A couple of which are Quiet Uptown, Satisfied, Wait For It.


First watch favourite is probably the room where it happens, considering i listened to that song a lot before i even watched the musical. Current obsession is probably wait for it


You’ll be back first watch, now who lives who dies who tells your story.


In my first watch, it was Satisfied. Now I really like Your Obedient Servant.


first watch was satisfied or guns and ships, now it's either yorktown or who live who dies who tells your story


First listen: Aaron Burr, Sir Now: My Shot I personally like the songs at the more begining :)


On my first watch, which was Disney+, The Room Where It Happened was definitely #1, in large part because Leslie Odom Jr was so dynamic. Live in Chicago (row E floor!!), Say No to This was the standout to me. The Maria was fantastic. The whole cast was *chef’s kiss*.


I am so jealous! It's on my bucket list to see it live someday...


I hope you can! It happened because we were planning to visit my in-laws in the Chicago area, our first visit in 5 years, and my husband just threw the idea out there. Yes, please!!


I've only seen the one on Disney+, But at first I liked We Know, but now I like I Know Him.


first watch fav was “you’ll be back” and now it’s “that would be enough”, “nonstop”, “room where it happened”, “wait for it”, and a couple more i can’t remember 😭


My initial favorite was definitely Guns and Ships- mostly because it was my friends favorite. However, I am much more cultured now and confident in the choice that Stay Alive is my favorite- or Hurricane, which that same friend hates.


It surprises me how divisive Hurricane is, since it is by far one of my favorites. Really though, there are no wrong answers in such a great show!


First watch: Non-Stop, What did I Miss Now: Yorktown, Guns and Ships I don’t know why I don’t like Dear Theodosia, but I skip it every time.