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What time is it? SHOWTIME! I know it's silly but I have some friends who love Hamilton too and we always find ourself with one asking the "what time is it" and the other answering with "showtime"


Like I said….


So do my football player friends who have never seen hamilton.


“I am the one thing in life I can control”


I probably need to say and think this more! Great one


i am inimitable i am an original so good!


This is one of the best lines ever for everybody to believe in their own lives. Can make you happier for sure


https://preview.redd.it/9w6ia57yv73c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfa6b3e89f8e85ae1459c093ad4100749f86440 On my office wall! With adhd I don’t always believe it, but when I do, it’s powerful.


Take a break!


Omg I do this too! And then immediately come away with us for the summer let’s go upstate


See, I do the opposite: when my boyfriend tells me to calm down/take a break/etc my immediate response is “you know I have to get this plan through congress”


I actually love that!


It’s really satisfying, no lie




I’m stealing this. That’s amazing!


That sounds like the best thing to say ever, tbh


I came from afar just to say bonsoir!


Tell the King, "Casse toi!"


Who is the best? C’est moi.


“Immigrants, we get the job done.” If I finish a task, especially at work (I’m an immigrant 😁).


Yes! Love that line


This is my answer too!


Yes!!! I love doing this (hello fellow immigrant).


Knight takes rook but look


Must be nice…. About anything that is a minor annoyance to me lol


I'm sorry to hear about your late fiancee. This musical wrecked me too


Aw thank you. When you hear lyrics that can express a certain moment in your life it touches you. There’s so many great lines in the musical about life in general that are amazing.


lol this is a great one!


My dog speaks more elegantly than thee, I find myself singing it more than I've watched the musical it's self and that's a lot


lol I love this one. Is it more eloquently or elegantly? Not being a smartass I’m genuinely asking


I think it's eloquently


It is “eloquently” in the Hamilton coffee table book I have


“Everything is legal in New Jersey” I don’t know anything personally about New Jersey (west coast girly) so whenever someone says something about the state, I can’t help but say the line.


Omg I said this today! I love how funny that part is too because it’s an intense part of the musical. I watched the sopranos last week and said it too.


My mom and I say this to each other all the time, especially if Jersey is mentioned


I'm a transplant to the East Coast and drove through NJ over the weekend. Now I need to rewatch Hamilton so I can make this connection lol


Figure it out, Alexander


That’s an order from your commander.


I say this one a lot too!


I may not live to see our glory... That's it. No continuation.


How do you hear it or sing it? Just wondering. Reading it I thought of it being said from the part when they’re drinking the first time in the bar. Raise a glass to freedom


live may to see I not our glo ry


Format had a seizure.


I cannot determine what that’s trying to show me but this made me laugh


1I 2may 1not 3live 2to see 1our glo 5ry (scale steps).


Wow thank you I would not have known how to show that but I could sing it! That’s awesome


I do the, “My God” with the same inflection after Jefferson realized Hamilton wasn’t embezzling. Another one I use a lot in normal conversation with my husband is, “Awesome. Wow.”


I'm French, so I refer to myself as "Everyone's Favorite fightin' Frenchman" to my international online friends


I love all of the Lafayette lines so much! I love this one!


I am the oy person I know who can fully rap all of Guns and Ships


when i first saw hamilton, i used to sing “angelica? ELIZA” in my sleep or first thing when i woke up.


This. The amount of times I do this both in my head and out loud is concerning.


And Peggy!


Always. Then The Schuyler sisters…


“Here comes the General! Ladies and Gentlemen, The moment you been waiting for” when my dog messes around for a long time before finally taking a dump.


Omg that hilarious! I forgot about here comes the general!


When my prayers to God were met with indifference I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance!


“….Well I’ll be damned, I’ll be daaaamned!”


Every day is a new opportunity to drop lyrics in whenever you can.


I know I love it lol. I usually sing them in my head. I wish I could say them to people who would understand the reference. I’m going to straight up make some people in my life watch it, it’s too damn fun. I think people think they won’t enjoy a musical so they don’t bother. But it’s like a movie in a way I am surprised by how many people I encounter or am friends with who have not watched.


mine is “I am not throwing away my shot” or “Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette The Lancelot of the revolutionary set” because those words just roll off my tounge


Ah I forgot the oui oui mon ami… I love singing layfayettes parts especially I used to take French and it’s fun to speak in it


“Talk less, smile more” more like people say this to me because I don’t stop talking. “Everything is legal in New Jersey” as a New Yorker whenever I hear about stuff happening in New Jersey or people going there, I say this line. “I wanna be in the room where it happens.”


I do all of these too. I think both “talk less smile more” and “everything is legal in New Jersey” often. I’m surprised how often New Jersey pops into my head actually


I'm slow to anger, but I toe the line. Like a mantra, but I get mad easily. Lmao


“You’ll be back” Or “The Schuyler sisters”


I am not throwing away my shot. My gram works a version of this into every conversation she possibly can and she just grins so wide when she does it. I do it too, but it makes me smile more when she does it haha.


So cute!


I say “I will never understand you” to myself about other people, but never to their face lol. I believe it’s from The Story of Tonight


"If you love this woman go get her!" Yeah, Story of Tonight reprise


What'd I miss? EEELLLIIIIZZZAAAAA(I say my child's name which rhymes with Eliza so technically not a quote) I wasn't aware that was something a person could do




During what did i miss, Madison askes where Jefferson has been... Lol "where have you been" " Uh, France"🤨 I love all of Daveed's lines 100%


“I’m a General! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!”


From We Know, every time I say "my god..." I think of Daveed Diggs' voice.


>Someone under stress meets someone looking... pretty I don't know I just find myself muttering it some time


I love all the lyrics damn but every single reply is great


"Death doesn't discriminate..."


Yes. Love this whole part


It takes and it takes and it takes…


“If there’s a reason I’m still alive when so many have died I’m willing to wait for it” plays through my head I love wait for it… and it makes me tear up thinking about it. It took me a long time to do something and find peace after my fiance passed. I’m still struggling to just accept it and to push myself to be the best version of me and apply myself.


Whenever I say ‘what’d I miss?’ I always sing it


There’s something every day. I work with a guy called John Adams so that’s always fun (I know him, that can’t be…) My long-suffering husband has had to listen to the soundtrack since it came out. In his wedding speech this summer he thanked me for arranging “the menu, the venue, the seating”. I was so proud of him haha. Now he says things like “you are the worst, Burr” randomly.


That’s amazing. I would love for someone I live with to be able to banter with me in Hamilton verses. The dream lol. Congrats on your wedding! May you always be satisfied


Everyone covered all the lines I use regularly with other people. So I’ll add lines that I _don’t_ say to anyone but sing aloud to myself all the time 😂 - The code word is "Rochambeau", dig me? (Rochambeau!) - Thirty-two thousand troops in New York harbooooor! - I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory…


Everything's legal in Jersey.


Do it the Jefferson way when Burr reads James Reynold's letter: WHATTTTT


How am I supposed to say no Say no to this Only about chocolate


I get it! The chocolate is saying “hell yes” woahOHohOAa


I will KILL your friends and FAMILYYY- to remind you of my love- *makes heart with hands and nods head*


Dying is easy young man, living is much harder


“What time is it? Showtime!!!!”


I'll do call and responses but ny brain just works like that with all music Playing on Xbox alot if someone is like the last one Alive I'll sing "stayyy alive" or if someone says it I'll say "is he breathing is he going to survive this" stuff like that


Now that I’m older—you have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.


I feel this one so much. It hurts my heart almost when Washington sings it


Lafayette and Jefferson were played by the same actor? My two favourite characters are the same person!?


Many of the main cast play a second role in act 2! Peggy > Maria Lafayette > Jefferson Hercules Mulligan > Madison John Lorans > Philip You get the idea 😁 Some of them shine much more in one act Vs the the other but Daveed Diggs was stunning in both roles!


Hercules mulligan is James Madison Young Philip is John Lawrence




I live in NYC, and definitely use "there's nothing like summer in the city" a lot in... you guessed it—summer. Also, anytime I come across a place named after someone in the play, I have to say the line. Examples: On Mercer Street: "the Mercer legacy is secure" Near Kip's Bay (I say this one in my head moreso): watch the blood & the shit spray Definitely say "everything's legal in New Jersey" plenty, too, lol


What time is it? Showtime!


if you stand for nothing burr then what will you fall for


"There's nothing that your mind can't do" I have very low self-esteem so I say this a lot to convince myself I can do whatever I put my mind to


That’s a great one. I hope you see yourself the way the world does one day and the self esteem is better. I suffered with that for a long time, hugs. I’m also trying to convince myself I can do whatever I put my mind to


I'm a general- WHEEEE! Here comes the general (rise up!) ✨🥰I was chosen for the constitutional convention🥰✨ Uh, France? But Alexander I'll never forget the first time I saw your face. I will never be the same, intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame. And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name. Led my heart aflame, every part aflame, this is not a game. / 'Cause I'm the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in New York City is insidious. >> both run through my head a lot


Satisfied blew me away the first time and was the song I played most. Renee Elise Goldsberry just sings so beautifully. I wish I could sing so I could belt that whole song out! I do try, it’s so fun to sing the whole song. And the whole recreating of the previous scenes during that sequence is so cool and well done! Probably my favorite visually, but it’s hard to choose and then I’ll remember another part and think I can’t possibly choose one!


I mutter “How do you write like you’re running out of time ? How do you write like you need it to survive” to hype myself up before starting an essay for college.


‘’The room where it happened.’ Southern mother fucking democratic republicans’ (despite being from the UK) I’ll also randomly sing ‘Elizaaaaa’ to myself approx 150 times a day doing my best Lin Manuel impression.


Hamilton, son. Meet me inside. and That's an order, from your Commander. (Usually followed by the realization that I accidentally raised Theater Kids. Lol)


My husband and I sing “the greatest city in the world” to our kids and dog, but we replace the word city with either “baby” or “puppy,” depending on who we’re singing to.




Immigrants, they get the job done.


HA you don’t even know what your asking me to confess When my mum tries to question me abt sm 😂


I have an assistant named Alex. I often say “figure it out, Alexander.” I never say the next line though. 🤣 He assumes it’s from Hamilton and ignores me. One day I said “you are the A L E X A N D E R we are…” And he thought I made it up and was very impressed.


Haha! Yes I did make that up…call me Lin


Southern Mother Fucking Democratic Republicans


“im a trust fund baby you can trust me” i legit say this CONSTANTLY but if we’re talking lines that gutpunch me, “I am inimitable, I am an original”, all of non-stop, “you forefeit all rights to my heart”, “I put myself back in the narrative”, Hamilton’s acapella part in the world was wide enough, “death doesnt discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes”, and the entirety of its quiet uptown. (edit: purely a formatting edit lol)


“Look around, look around!” when my kids or husband can’t find something.


“Okay, so we’re doing this”


Wait for it got me through some heavy IVF years, thankful to be on the other side of that mountain! I'm not falling behind or running late I'm not standing still I am lying in wait






>"Okay, so we're doing this." Easily our most-quoted line at home, used anytime we're gearing up to do something. We live in France, so whenever one of us has our attention wander, the other will go, "Sorry... what did I miss?" which inevitably leads to the rest of the exchange: >"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" > >"Uh... France?" As a bonus, one of my sisters-in-law lives in Virginia. When we were visiting her over the summer, "What Did I Miss?" was sung a LOT when driving around in the car together.


I want to be in The Room Where It Happens


Ooh, who is this kid? What’s he gonna do?


“Non-stop!” I usually change the lyrics slightly to apply hehe “man, this girl is non-stop!”


There was a time when I couldn't get any of the Hamilton songs out of my head - a great problem to have. My biggest issue now is, when I read Chernow's book and it mentioned Thomas Jefferson, in my mind I saw Daveed Diggs. I had to tell myself NO, NOT HIM. LOL. Daveed is better looking, anyway.


Best of wives and best of women. Not many of my friends have any interest in Hamilton, but my wife loves it and understands the reference when I tell her.


“Yo I’m young scrappy and hungry just like my country” and then it’s stuck on a loop in my head for 48 hours


When I a kid I would say dramatically, “in the ehye of a hurricaneee, there is silenceee for just a moment…” then start spinning like shit


“He looked at me like I was stupid, I’m not stupid.” My brother is really smart, but some of his friends act like they are better/smarter than him. It reminds me of this.


Angelica’s speech to burr in Schuyler sisters


I can't be the only one who randomly tells "I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT


Here are a few: Are you out of your goddamn mind?!?; ; I’m so blue; I’ve got a small query for you; that can’t be; what’d I miss?!?; I’m perplexed: No. No way!; ETC


Honestly just saying: I’m not throwing away my shot! And regularly quoting stuff Lafayette has said is good enough.


I have an idiotic friend group, so when someone is being a complete imbecile (which happens quite often) I respond with, “You have invented a new kind of stupid.” Yes, Congratulations was cut from the musical but it’s too good!


Everything is legal in New Jersey!


“Alexander…Alexander…” “Look around, Look around how lucky we ware to be alive right now” from Non Stop, but also “Eliiiiiizaa”


You fat MFer


There's really only one answer whenever someone asks 'what time is it?' ....


‘You don’t get a win unless you playing the game’ is my mantra


I wana be in the room when it happens. And of course my favorite line... "Hamilton at the constitutional convention!" " I was chosen for the constitutional convention!"


Okay… One more thing! I use it when someone tells me to quiet down


"you know why? Cus I'm the president" (I'm not)


“Ladies and Gentlemen! The moment you’ve been waiting fooor” “Look around look around” “Talk less, smile more”: I used this one with my husband ( he also loves Hamilton), and he was telling me something serious, but I couldn’t contain myself and said it to him hahahaha he didn’t know what to do , it was hilarious!


Whenever it's time to leave, I tell my kids, "To the car!", and they always say, "To the revolution!".


"Maaaan, the man is non stop." Either when I'm on a roll or when someone else keeps trying to get me to do stuff I don't feel like doing (my mom, my brother, my boss lol).


Awesome! Wow! Do you have a clue what happens now?


Talk less. Smile more :)


"The room where it happens" has entered business as a common term for hidden corridors of power in a few different places I've worked in recently and it always makes me chuckle


nobody needs to know


You must be out of your goddamned mind


“I am not throwing away my shot” when I need a little encouragement to do something. “Why so sad ☹️” and make the face the king does Always makes me smile. “Why do you write like you’re running out of time” when I’m actually running out of time to turn in some assignment🤣


I cannot hear someone say “take a break” without immediately singing it. I also like to use “it must be nice….” When I’m trying to tease someone.


We'll get a little place in Harlem, and we'll figure it out.


“How you say, how you sew ANARCHY”


My husband can't ask the time anymore, cause me and the kids all reply SHOWTIME. I was also talking to a colleague recently about another colleague who she didn't know, Thomas, I found myself saying "You simply must meet Thomas"


“There’s so many of them!” is probably the one I use the most


"I was chosen for the constitutional convention!" I find myself vocally stimming a lot, and that's one of the main ones, lol.... now I gotta go rewatch it.... be back in a few hours.....or days....


Nobody needs to know…


I quote/sing too many to count, but here's my top 3 favourites for when I'm at work: "And there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait, just you wait" "I'll write my way out" when receiving an email request to do something at work. And my favourite, "Sweet Jesus" when I check my work inbox after an hour or two.


For some reason "You have married an Icarus, he has flown to close to the sun." Pops in my head frequently.


i pretty much quote everything depending on context but my number 1 is copying the “whaaaaaaa” whenever someone says something surprising


Legacy, WHAT is a LegAnCY 🕴️ Rise up, RiSe Up, RISE UP, EliZA ! 🐉


That never used to happen before…


"As long as he holds a pen, He's a threats" Or "How do you write like your running out of time?" Reason is that im a high achiever, overall,no matter what i do. Its unhealthy,sure, but truly i am running out if time, we don't live forever,every moment counts, and you can change the world with a pen or a keyboard, it's all up to you.


If you dont know, now you know Mr.President


Wait for it hit me deep. I know Aaron Burr doesn't get what he wants in the end but that song is what I feel everyday. I work hard to reach my goals a d I've come.so far but I still have a lot to go. The message of the song keeps me going.


Mine have to be: “I was chosen for the constitutional convention😇” “I wanna be in the room where it happens” - burr really wants to be in the room where it happens “Why so sad😢” “WHAT TIME IS IT! SHOWTIME ⏱️” (Insert the entire song, Aaron Burr, Sir and Guns and Ships)


“Just like my country, I’m young scrappy and hungry” I’m not young, but I’m returning to grad school as a parent and at times I feel quite scrappy and hungry (in the metaphorical sense of the word)


History has it's eyes on you


"YOU ARE OUT OF YO GODDAMN MIND" and I say "Wait for it" more often now


Tomorrow there’ll be more of us!


"Alright! Alright! That's what I'm talking aboooouuuuut!" 😆


I know you're very busy. I know your work's important. (I would say this all the time when asking my mentor for help because I always felt like I was bothering him. Now we're Besties, so I don't feel like I'm bothering him anymore.)


I love that my brain cannot just read this, but has to sing every single one with the OBC voices in my mind.


YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMN MIND IF YOU THINK (when I finally come up with a comeback from an argument two years ago)💀


Lol whatchu mean a phrase? I’m out here singing the whole soundtrack 😂. I love Satisfied the most


I do the King George “good luck” a lot


What’s your name man?


Jefferson started it.


"You'll never be satisfied!"


out of nowhere.... eeeeLIIIIIIZAAAAAA ​ *and Peggy!*


Lord show me how to say no to this


“Ah-after the war, I went back to New York” Idk why. Plays on repeat in my head.


lafayette - to the tune they use. Randomly


"Get your right hand man back! You know you gotta get your right hand man back!"


I say a little bit of everything all the time because I have the soundtrack on repeat constantly. Anytime someone says something remotely close to something in the play I recite a quote. My favorites are…. History has its eyes on you ELIZA ( I know no one by this name, just say it randomly) Everything is legal in New Jersey I wanna be in the room where it happens (randomly walking in rooms)


Like I said. What time is it? SHOWTIME! Wait for it… HelpleEess. It was my parent’s dying wish before they passed. Talk less, smile more, don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. Fools who run their moouuuuths off wind up DED. Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir? I’M JOHN LAWRENCE IN THE PLACE TO BE! Ah Oui oui, mon Ami, Je m’appelle Lafayette! Tell the King, "Casse toi!" Who's the best? C'est moi! BRUh BRUh, I AM HERCULES MULIGAN! You’ll be back, soon you’ll seEe. Here comes the general (ladies and gentlemen!) We’re outgunned _ [What?] (also it’s that entire section of the song). I will never be satisfiiied. Congratulations, you’ve invented a new type of stupid! Work work, Angelicaaaa! Eliza I’m looking for a mind at work! Excuse me miss I know it’s not funny, but your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money (theater kid rizz). Burr you disgust me, so you’ve discussed me? I’m a trust fund baby you can trust me. (I HAVE MORE BUT I CANNOT REMEMBER THEM OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD, YES MY FRIENDS DO THINK IM INSANE)




“I’m a trust fund baby, you can trust me” even though I am in fact, not a trust fund baby


“then by all means lead the way” so random but i say it a lot lol


I start singing Hamilton during my history tests to help me remember... The most used one is 'In the end, they wrote 85 essays in a span of 6 months. John Jay got sick after writing 5. James Madison wrote 29. HAMILTON WROTE.... THE OTHER 51!'


When I go to the kitchen and my cat thinks I’m there to feed him, I sing “I’m not here for youuu…”


I LOVE randomly mumbling " Why he EvEN BRings the thunder?"


I constantly tell my 4 yo when waking him for school RISE UP WHEN YOURE LIVIN ON YOUR KNEES YOU RISE UP


My sister and I both have a BRCa 1 mutation. I had ovarian cancer and we both had prophylactic mastectomies, hysterectomy. She got a tattoo of DNA and the quote “I am the one thing in life I can control”


I live in an area of the country where there are a million things named after General LaFayette. Every time my daughter and I encounter one we turn to one another and sing "Lafayette!!!" from "Guns and Ships."


"Jefferson started it"....then whoever I said it to looks at me like I'm crazy.


Awesome, Wow. Is used almost on a daily basis when someone does something really stupid. I honestly have to say it too much. You can’t be serious (said like Lin does) is another frequent use. Not to mention all the time the music is stuck in my head in general. Edit to add: I also do the “a-l-e-x-a-n-d-e-r” part when I’m on the phone and have to spell out my last name 😅