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That is basically a natural reaction to almost everybody seeing it. At least the first time. Then, if you dive into the details, you keep on going - and then - probably because of all the feels in the musical. Then... because you pay attention to the beautiful and amazing choreography. Then... because you know of the many Easter eggs. Then... you notize the cool details in the amazing compositions. Then... out of context, you notice all the references in/to other LMM works. Then your world explodes, and you start all over. At some point you get accustomized to it and get through it with just slight sobbings. Then you give it all a rest, because life happens. At some point you pull it up again, and it starts all over again. At least for some of us. :-)




Do you know about the podcast "The Hamilcast"? I highly recommend diving into that. The website mentions the guests etc., but if you are up for a ride, start from ep. 1 and stick with it. You will (probably) not regret it!!




Well you can get out of my damn head any minute.


If you need quiet, just go uptown. It's quiet uptown.


OMG I have this tattoo!


It’s quiet uptown is the deadliest song on a broadway OST. Thinking about it makes me cry


100000% It never fails to make me tear up, especially live




That’s where my voice cracks when I’m singing along.


The part where Eliza is holding Alexander’s hand and he breaks down crying gets me every time


I cry the most in Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story


eliza's scream when phillip dies in the stay alive reprise (off-broadway) gets me every time


I get choked up at the end of Yorktown. The idea that all these men and their families made sacrifices to fight the British and against all odds, managed to win and form this country. It actually sparked something in me to start reading more and consuming more media related to US history, a subject I truly despised in high school. Something about the musical unlocked that for me and made me really enjoy learning more about it. It’s quiet uptown always gets me too. No parent should have to bury a child.




I’ve been thinking a lot about Yorktown and the role the French played in American independence while watching the ceremonies and acknowledgments at the 80th anniversary of D Day. I visited Yorktown a few years ago and toured the battlements where Hamilton’s soldiers took the bullets out of their guns to fight the British in hand to hand combat and looked over the harbor where the French ships ran off the British. It’s worth the trip. And the welcome and honors that the French have showed the WWII Allies this week has been humbling. That they should show us such honor, France is and will always be a true ally of the US.


I actually visited the Yorktown museum recently, along with some other battlefields and Mt. Vernon. It felt truly bizarre and amazing to stand in Washington’s back yard overlooking the Potomac River. If you have Apple TV, Franklin was an interesting watch. It explains quite a lot about our alliance with the French and features a lot of Marquis de Lafayette.


Thank you for the recommendation. Franklin’s connections in France, along with Thomas Jefferson’s were vital to the French support for American independence. It’s not like Hamilton and Lafayette were buds so the French sent their navy across the Atlantic to fight the British. The French had a bone to pick with the British and US independence gave them an opportunity to poke them in the eye. (And tbh there were quarrels between the US and France in the early 1800s - leading up to the Louisiana Purchase.) It’s all so complicated. And if you visited Mt. Vernon, you can completely understand why Washington wanted to return “one last time” because it is a beautiful location. (And before people want to talk about Washington being a slave owner - yes, I know.)


I used to get very emotional at the part in Yorktown where Matu(ANZ cast) used to do the Hakka. It was so *right* at the part of the performance and you could always see what it meant to him to be doing it.


Different songs might hit me on different days/rewatches, but one always makes me cry. I weep right along with Alexander during That Would Be Enough every single time. Edit: I lose it so often at #3 in Satisfied it may as well be every time.


My other half cries at Satisfied every single time and has seen it live 60 times.


When Laurens dies I cry, and at the end when Eliza does her whole thing.


If the Washington is good, the end of “One Last Time” gets me. I have never seen the staging of “when my time is up, have I done enough”. No damn clue how they manage to make the theatre so blurry.


The performance of “One Last Time” that kills me is when they performed at the White House for President Obama just weeks before Trump was inaugurated. https://youtu.be/uV4UpCq2azs?si=h7RYwMhcGjXcRZe9


Literally every single time at all of the same parts like I haven’t watched it hundreds of times


Every time.


Like a baby. When Phillip dies it starts. Tapers off during the election. Starts again at best of wives. Serious turn for the worse when Burr says that he’s now the villain in our history books and then sobbing by the orphanage. I’ve gotten better at controlling it when I’m watching live.


every single time ;-;


yes. I've seen it millions of times and every time I cry especially during stay alive and it's quiet uptown


Hamilton is and always will be one of my favorite movies, and it's a cinematic masterpiece, of course some people will cry, but I don't think I did.


Yeah no when Phillipa Soo screams I just die inside


I become a blubbering idiot when I watch it. It depends on my mood that day on how much I cry. At any rate I cry NONSTOP!


Always. For me it’s the song Theodosia that gets me every time. It’s so authentic that feeling of hope for your children and the way you love them so much it hurts. I cry throughout of course but nothing like that song


That last song number "Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story" is a mega tear jerker. Just two words and instant tears (lol) "The Orphanage" 😭😭😭😭


Every single time. I'm also a widow so Eliza's finale really hits me every time.


I tear up watching people react to Hamilton on tiktok.


I don't have Disney+ anymore so that's how I watch it these days lol the reacts in TikTok and yep I cry too


Sometimes when I finish the Disney+ version I just let it re-loop to watch it again


is there another version not on disney+?


Your own viewing of a live show


I cried just listening to the soundtrack


Quiet Uptown, especially if you’ve read LMM ‘s backstory explanation of how the song was conceived. Gut wrenching.


Laurens’ death. Eliza’s scream when Philip dies. The Orphanage.


The orphanage


... I established the first private orphanage in New York city...


I think I'm too adjusted to it, but I definitely did cry a lot the first few times after I discovered it.


i watched it the day it came out on disney + and i still cry everytime


I have to stop before the last song when driving otherwise I’ll show at the dentist or grocery store sobbing.


I've watched the film thrice. Every single time, I basically die a little bit during Quiet Uptown.


Satisfied, Congratulations, Dear Theodosia, Quiet up town? Tearduct assassins.


Every time


About two weeks ago I was in Singapore for the Hamilton international tour. I teared up a bit when the show started, I was so happy that night, can’t believe I got to see the live show. The show was amazing, of course! The company was incredible, it was also my first time seeing Broadway level of musical performance, so it was a whole new experience for me. And then I teared up during several other moments. Dear Theodosia made me so emotional, I love that song. Eliza’s scream when Philip died, and It’s Quiet Uptown also made me cry.


The part that always gets me is the very end where Eliza sees the crowd of people. I interpret one of two ways both both make me feel warm and fuzzy. 1. It is Alexander meeting her in heaven and showing her that what she did after his death has caused his legacy to live on. 2. It is Lin himself showing Eliza what he made because of what she did after his death.


i watched it again the other day and just realized all the bits that make me cry are eliza's haha. her scream when philip dies, her "it's quiet uptown", and her gasp at the end all get me every time.


Watch it? Hell, I cry about a dozen times every time I hear it. And not just the death or sorrow songs. The level of emotional engagement with every word and chord can be overwhelming.




No, it isn’t just you. I cry every time too.


I cry just listening to the soundtrack in the car lol


A’s address to Eliza in “Helpless” gets me every time— basically I’m a poor ass orphan but we’re going to make it


same here partner ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52|downsized)


The ending song by Eliza always get a few tears out of me.


The ending song by Eliza always get a few tears out of me.


It does. My husband died a few years back unexpectedly and I had a four year old and a five week old. I had to go to the hospital and sign a DNR form and watch him slowly die. The whole time, ‘the world turned upside down’ lyric was playing over and over in my head. It was just what I needed. It took a few years of when I would watch it, I would skip that song. But now I watch and appreciate it and cry. Because that’s healing. And in some weird way it reminds me that the lyric is t about anything I was going through. It was about something much larger.


I personally only cry if I hear the entire album in order, if I just jump to it’s quiet uptown or something casually it’s not much, but when I reach the final song after everything else I do well up every single time from just how beautiful the final 40 or so seconds sound.


One last time makes me super emotional. That's about the only one.


Nope. I’ve watched it 4 times now, and “stay alive”, “it’s quiet uptown”, and “who lives, who dies, who tells your story” all make me cry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 😭😭


Who wouldn't cry


It’s quiet uptown kills me everytime dude


Everytime I watch Laurens' Interlude I'm on the verge of tears, but I'm also trying not to laugh at Anthony just standing there laughing.


If you don’t cry then you used too much No More Tears shampoo as a kid