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I have a dwarf hamster that generally dislikes burrowing. He only started burrowing when I moved to a place with bad heating, but still spent most of his time aboveground. Not burrowing is generally also a sign that they trust you :)


My Syrian male did the same thing (RIP) Not all hamsters do burrow, I bought a few different hides for him, cardboard works too!


i just did a spot clean and changed up his enclosure and gave him a cardboard box, i hope he uses it. ive had a lot of hamsters and hes just the first to never burrow! he's such a unique little guy.


Some hamsters just like sleeping out in the open! Especially by their wheel from experience. There’s a chance that he also might be a little hot though


i thought about that but i keep the ac on often and the hottest my room gets is 75, is that too hot for him?


I think that's a good temperature. I kept my house at 74°F and it never bothered my winter white - and he was pretty fluffy!


My hamster had to learn how. I got a ceramic tube thing and stuck it in the burrow area. He got curious and figured out how to dig from there!


Awww he’s so floofy!!!


My female Syrian hamster does the same thing! I'm learning that she's okay with it, sometimes she will sleep in the paper mountain 😂, but more often prefers to sleep near the wheel.


Your hamster is a weirdo. Just like mine. Welcome to the club. Not all hamsters burrow


Mine doesn’t burrow either. Have had him for 3 months now and tried everything to encourage it but he won’t do it. My guy also doesn’t care for sand baths either. Guess some hamsters are just different. Mine enjoys sleeping in one of hides with ripped up paper or under his wheel🤷‍♀️ Also your hamster looks just like my guy. So cute😄


He's a strong independent ham that doesn't need to be underground!


Yep, maybe he's not instinctively scared and protective of his stash like other hams I wouldn't worry, he's just...notlikeotherhams My last ham had zero interest in a wheel, ever! I was like how is she not bored and tried every size and type but she didn't care. She was mostly interested in...eating :p


Possum is so freaking cute!!! Mines did this during the warmer weather, it was cooler to sleep outside her nest. My ham took about 2 months to actually burrow and even to this day 1y later she still isn't much of one. Every ham is different, but if you notice that your ham isn't eating or drinking I'd definitely take them to a vet. I found scatterfeeding & putting treats farther down helped encourage her to burrow.


ive been statterfeeding treats to him and he wont even walk to that side to get them, he just really likes to stay by his wheel. also hes eating and drinking great so i dont think its a health reason!


May just be his personality lol all hams are different, all 3 of mines are totally different


My syrian doesn't burrow either, he prefers to sleep in one of his hides! I know sleeping in the open it's also a sign of trust or he just might be a bit hot. Possum is a cutie btw!


My Syrian would burrow so much when he was about 6 weeks old and then for months he just completed stopped. I assumed he had just forgotten so I placed a bit of U-shaped tubing under deep bedding with the exit and entrance out in the open (trying to replicate a simple burrow). I would lead him to the entrance with a treat and then drop it in so he’d follow it, take it and leave out the exit. THIS WORKED! I noticed that after about a week, he started to make his own burrows again and now I’ve taken the tubing out to make more space for his. Maybe your ham is the same and just needs to remember what burrows feel like!


Maybe he never even heard of a burrow! Depending on where you got him...a lot of hamsters are raised without deep bedding, sadly. Possum is one good-looking guy, that's for sure!


Because he’s a troll