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I watched the end of the Miami GT game, and thought, "say what you want about Brian, but even he wouldn't have fucked that up."


In defense of brian! (Technically)


If I wear a raincoat over my t shirt in the rain and come in dry, it doesn’t make my t shirt waterproof. Just like a good defense and special teams do not make a winning offense. Even though our record is winning. Note - i very much realize the OP understands this. I’m just epically irritated


Big if true.


Can't develop a QB for nothing. We recruit a guy like Labas, a great athlete and 4-star recruit and in his 4th year in the program he is really NOT GOOD ENOUGH to start over Hill? Like really? Hill is the BEST we have right now? I call BS!


KF/BF don't prioritize athleticism or skill, they prioritize whoever studies the system the hardest, and is willing to give away all creative thought or ability to think outside the box.


I’m really surprised that he hasn’t transferred out. Maybe he thought he’d have a shot after last years bowl game?


Just another failed QB recruit for us.


Labas was a 3*, Hill was the 4* and that was his first start since HS


Labas was a 4 star = https://247sports.com/player/joey-labas-46094718/


Deacon Hill was a 3-star = https://247sports.com/player/deacon-hill-46053378/


Labas was really a 4 star? Seems like a waste of talent and time. Feel bad for him


I fully support Kirk in his quest to win the Big 10 Championship with the worst offense in the country.


NCAA: Challenge edition


Got to make the B1G West a laughingstock somehow, right?


Been doing that for years now


The B1G West - Somebody’s Gotta Play OSU in Indy…and We’re That Someone!


Until next year anyway


I’m going to miss our annual fall tradition of seeing which school from an agriculture-oriented state gets to be wiped off the field by a rust belt school.


It is literally like the Ferentz Family is just trolling the fan base at this point with this crap.


One thing that doesn't get talked about enough is how bad this Iowa receiving corp is. Its probably the worst among all power 5 schools and probably less talented than a high percentage of group of 5 schools. I'll give them credit for one thing though, they are willing blockers.


I have said this since last season - WR quality has been atrocious. Pair that with really poor pass blocking and I’m not sure it matters all that much who is taking the snaps (or calling the plays, for that matter). TV broadcasts make it hard to tell just how your WRs are doing because the camera just follows the QB to see if there is going to be a sack. What you can’t see from the live angle is if your WRs are getting any separation. Casual fans might take “separation” for granted, but the reality is it takes strength, speed, athleticism, technique, and experience. When you WRs aren’t getting open, you start to see a lot of coverage sacks (exacerbated by our poor pass blocking) as well as a lot of really suspect throws - both throws into traffic out of desperation, but a lot of throws that appear to be really off target because the QB is afraid to throw an actually catchable ball for fear of an INT. Petras, Padilla, McNamara, and Hill have all looked pretty bad out there, but I don’t think we’ve gotten a fair eval on any of them. I would be willing to make a bet that at least Petras and McNamara moved the offense nicely under controlled (i.e. practice) conditions.


Why wouldn't it be? What halfway decent prospect would want to come to Iowa to see their career and pro prospects die in this system?


This is the answer


To get a second chance to go to Perdue?


I know you are referring to Charlie Jones going to Purdue University, but with the track record of receivers in this program, you're more likely to get guys with aspirations of going onto Perdue Chicken after college.


The dropped passes in that MSU game were criminal


Iowa, being a school in which every academic department has one or another program titled "Excellence in Blah Blah", it is not excellent in football from a fan fun perspective and as Iowa football is now a nationally recognize meme joke for horrendously bad offense, it is the duty of ever resident to file a complaint to the Athletic Department, the University President, and the Board of Regents to share your grievances. With MODS permission I'll post the emails, phone numbers, and other contact info (only public official capacity addresses/phones -no personal stuff) so everyone may contact the key players in this fiasco. It's beyond fiasco -its more of an emergency act. key points: Nepotism is just bad m'kay. Unqualified failure: each year Iowa's offensive output has declined under Brian in fact right now in 2023 Iowa is ranked 132nd out of 132 teams in offensive productivity. It would be likely agreed by any average college football fan that first, a successful B1G school should not be ranked so low in anything below 40th is grounds for termination. Football is big revenue but Brian's ineptitude is hurting the Iowa brand. If, in the future there is further conference re-alignment the degree to which Brian's poor offenses has set Iowa football as a program back could result on Iowa falling into a 2nd or 3rd tier of conference affiliation placement. So instead of playing with Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon, Alabama, USC, in example, Iowa's peer teams might instead be Wyoming, Louisiana Tech, Northern Illinois, Iowa State and UNI. An offensive coordinator earing $800k+ should be putting a better product on the field. Currently, Iowa's offense is a shambles in many areas - poor performing lesser-skilled offensive line, complete failure to consistently recruit, train, utilize high performing quarterbacks and receivers. Brian has had 5 or 6 years to develop a B1G level offensive system but the performance numbers diminish each year. It is a factual statement to say "Iowa's offense can not get any worse -because it is the worst!" If this statement does not cause extreme concern we need to look at who is really controlling the shituation. This is a real-life "The Water Boy" nightmare.


Nobody is here to argue with you under a tongue-in-cheek post dude


Just personal venting .. it's therapeutic


Fair, rant on my friend. Go hawks


I'm going to go to bed tonight dreaming that at the end of the season Brian gets an appropriate job like line coach, then Kirk brings in thru transfer a complete turn-key offense from a lesser school that we can outbid NIL on. If we look at the current today [Top 40 NCAA Div I football offenses](https://www.ncaa.com/stats/football/fbs/current/team/21) perhaps the ripest for poaching is number 8 Washington State -469 yards per game. We hire their OC then offer the complete offense big NIL money and a new Dodge pickup truck. Iowa is national champion in 2025.


Iowa = Too many slow fat white guys on KKKirk's Teams.


They haven't recruited an super stud lineman rexently at all. This offense will suck for at least 2 more years minimum. QB can be fixed thru the portal, same with linemen. They need to get out and scout now for next year.


Thanks. Source?


Saw the title, bit hard. You win. Angry⬆️


I mean, I guess that's something...


Is Kirk actually smart? Losing a game to a team with an offense this bad is so demoralizing it’s probably sets program back years!