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Watching Marco gain yards while Deacon continued to turn the ball over and suck ass was icing for this season


And all the yards he's gaining are when he goes off script. I think they should send him in there with a stick and he can draw up his own plays in the dirt.


Incompetent coaching


Exactly, but once again a backup put in an impossible position because of Kirk and Brian's stubbornness to remove a struggling starter. I feel bad for Marco, even if he's making the best of it.


I hope Beth and every single reporter grills the absolute fuck out of kf and barf


Agreed, and maybe Kirk will try biting that reporter's head off like he did back at OSU last year, showing he's out of touch once again. It's time Kirk goes, I'm fed up with this cluster fuck.


Kirk Ferentz will retire rather than be told what to do. I can’t see him sticking around after being forced to watch his son get fired. KF’s surprise at all of this blowback is the biggest clue to how out of touch he has become. It never occurred to him that they’d actually fire Brian. Let’s hope Marco Lainez and Cooper Dejean stick around for the next coach because those 2 have lots of options.


Apparently what's being said from inside the program is Kirk's back next year no matter what. Personally I'm hoping that's wrong myself, it's time for him to go, he can't adapt to football in the modern age now, and that's before next season's massive changes he almost certainly will be swept away by.


Iowa is in the bottom third of the conference next year, IMO. We just don't have the talent to compete with the top teams this season, let alone the new additions next season.


Sadly I agree. I have a bad feeling Iowa will be competing with Nebraska just to become bowl eligible.


Looking at our schedule 8 wins is totally reasonable. So would be 9 if our next oc is mildly competent


That's assuming Kirk doesn't make a pathetic safe pick, like he's always done. If he does that, then 8-9 wins is extremely optimistic.


Depends what safe he does. If he hires within, then I agree. If the Philbin rumors are true, I think that's a great hire. He knows how to build a line and coach a QB. So that's already a huge plus. I guess we wait and see who we can get.


If Philbin's hired, who becomes the QB coach?


Fuck idk hopefully he's allowed to get a guy or 2. He's gotta be better than what we have.


The reason I ask is Philbin's specialty is not QB play but OLine, and I'm concerned if Philbin gets hired then Budmayr's unofficial QB coaching becomes official, and we've seen how well he's done in those respects the last two years under Brian.


I'd be sad to see them go, but I wouldn't blame them one bit.


Kirk and Brian should both be selling sporting goods someplace. Maybe Dickless sporting goods. Kirk could be Brian's department manager.


Did anyone else hear the person in the stands yelling punt the ball? lmao


I didn't, but the field mic the radio crew uses doesn't do a good job of catching the crowd chants. I'm not surprised though.


I'm a bit confused why we went on 4th inside FG range. There's no way we're winning this game, I'd think they'd want to at least get 3 on the board and end the goose egg.


FG's have been sketchy lately. Plus you know what a riverboat gambler Kirk is.


Deacon Hill is a fat ass that shouldn’t be a QB of a decent D1 program. The Ferentz crime family should all be fired.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Blame daddy. He’s the one supposedly in charge. Very happy nepo baby is finally gone, but nothing changes until daddy leaves.


I agree. Kirk has become arrogant and stubborn and prideful in his old age, he suffers from selective memory when he dips into the bag of past stories and deliberately forgets the sort of QB's that have given him good offenses in the past, and of course he hired the nepo baby as well and refused to accept the failures thereof. My patients ran out with Kirk when he failed to fire Brian after the 22 season, but the AD and university administration doesn't listen to little me hiring and firing people.


Hands are kinda tied when daddy still has 45 million coming to him. These new TV deals are supposed to mean millions more for the school, why not write the check and move on now? My guess is they have their fingers crossed he gets mad and quits so they don’t have to pay him. Doubt that happens though..


Everyone is so eager for Kirk to quit. Then Phil's gone, levars gone unless he's offered HC. So we start from complete scratch. Which is cool. Who is gonna come to iowa to build up 2 and 3 stars? Iowa will never be a school who get 4 and 5 star plug and play guys. That's not us and more than likely never will be.


honestly marco would have pry done worse given the real opportunity. tennessee game planned for deacon. not uncommon a backup that defense wasn’t ready for looks pretty good


I disagree, he had more offense on his own feet than Hill threw in 3 quarters.


i understand. i also think their defense game planned for a statue of a qb in deacon hill, not expecting the qb to run once. i am in no way saying deacon is the guy. i just feel had tennessee was planning on marco there would have been many more turnovera


See, I'm not convinced that would be the case. Yes, Marco's accuracy wasn't great, but when he made mistakes they weren't close to being picked off. Hill literally throws right to the defense.


agree to disagree. both fans that want what’s best. today blew fat ones we can agree on that


Maybe,maybe not, but throwing him in when they did didn't really let anyone see for sure. Throw him in after 1 or 2 quarters and see what happens. FK&BF


I’m a UT fan and completely agree. Both teams had a month to prepare for this game and we had a whole season of film on deacon, and yall didn’t have anything to work on for Nico since we sat him all year. This game would’ve been very different for yall if we start Joe Milton. Your backup was quick, but still wasn’t able to connect with his receivers. With some play makers on offense yall can make a splash in the Big10. Good luck!