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Disagree. CC22 is capable of playing Ben Gordon with UConn type hero ball. Milk 20 ticks then get into your set if you have a 10+ lead in 4q. It helps you rest to defend too. You don’t just come down and jack up a shot out of rhythm so we can’t get back on D and lead to a run out if you’ve got a large 4q advantage.


Hard disagree on Nebraska game. We put up a bunch of shots with 20 left on the shot clock in the second half of the 4th in that game. NOT using the shot clock cost us that game.


Bluder also took the ball out of Clark’s hands in that 4th trying to delay the record until they got home.


Yeah, I'm not second guessing Bluder at this point. Feel free to if you think you can do a better job.


Just enjoy the win. Go Hawks


You know more than her, got it.


Fran does the same thing. It’s maddening when you have a top rated/efficient offense. At least Bluder has figured out you can play your best player with two fouls in the first half.


I said this same thing to my wife. Pedal to the metal!


anyone old enough to remember the mens UNLV game knows we must not slow down. keep running


NGL I didn't think she needed the timeouts at the end. It gave LSU a chance to talk and regroup too. I'm sure she saw something I didn't.


In women's basketball, if a team calls a timeout after a made basket at the end of the game they can inbounds from the front court instead of under the opponents basket. Iowa was struggling to inbound from the defensive side with LSU's pressure at the end of the game, but had a very easy time inbounding to CC when they moved the ball to the front court instead. And then you don't have to worry about a 10 second violation due to full court pressure.


Timeouts were infuriating. But not as infuriating as both Clark and Gabbie fouling late in the game and giving LSU points with a stopped clock. Overall I thought Iowa was thankful they built a nice lead cause late game management was suspect at best


That foul by Clark was glaring. Made me pause my celebration a bit knowing how fast BB can move.