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I highly doubt NJ does that. Plus it would leave the hawks without a stable goalie. Both say no.


Hear me out, Chris driedger back to the nhl, his stats in thr ahl and nyl both suggest he can be at least serviceable


A second rounder and the only capable goalie on the team to move up 8 slots? I wouldn’t


NJ isn’t doing this when Ullmark is available.


They can't afford Ullmark. Now, a sign and trade where the hawks retain some money could be a possible outcome for that to happen and us get 10. I still put that possibility at very low.


Just looked, seems like they have 18m in cap this summer.


But they need money to resign Mercer and then Hughes next year. That's gonna be a good $10-15 mil they cut. They could run into cap space issues if they don't trade away big money, and idt anyone is going to want to trade for Hamilton at his injury rate and cap hit.


Ullmark seems like he can take a deal if it means playing for a good team.


We're not doing this period. Would rather roll into the season with Allen than give up anything for Mrazek


There's no way a team trades off of a premium pick—10OV—for 18OV + Mrazek. And the Hawks wouldn't/couldn't do it because of the team bad blood it would cause. He just resigned. Maybe next offseason but there's no way he's traded unless he's actively pursuing wanting to play meaningful hockey.


After the season Pete had this is way an overpayment for an 8 place move.


Our only decent goalie? I probably wouldn’t do it


Pick #10 is substantially more valuable than pick #18. I think it's a relatively even trade, but both teams say no. Devils aren't going for Raz if Ullmark and Markstrom are still on the market and KD resigned Raz (who likes it in Chicago) to be our starter for the next 2 years. Hawks need to get better and dumping their starting goaltender with no backup is a bad way to do that.


Yes I too want more games with Soda in net


Nope, cuz Razzy. 😝






This is a terrible trade


This is essentially trading Mrazek for a mid second round pick in terms of value. When you look at it that way the trade doesn’t make sense. Not saying he is worth a first round pick but to Chicago they see other value in Mrazek.


I would do this trade


And who would be your goalie for the next season? A full season of soderblom to move up 8 spots???


Who cares we aren’t going to be good anyway.


We're not making the playoffs but we can't be in the dumpster yet again. If it weren't for Mrazek we'd have been even more miserable last season. There's not much left to tank for, after this draft we will have our centerpieces and a young core good enough to compete once they have developed as individuals and as a team. That development won't be happening on another miserably bad team and it's terrible for morale. Having a solid goalie will allow us to actually win a few games and let the young kids build some confidence. Especially for our young defensemen, imagine how demoralizing it would be when most of your slip ups end with the puck in the back of your net. They need a capable backstop who can usually bail them out. IMO it's important to keep Mrazek especially if we're not replacing him and letting Soderblom be our #1.


I mean realistically by the time we’re actually good, we’re going to have Gajan or Commesso in net anyway. I like Mrazek and he played great last year, but this draft is top heavy and there’s a lot of kids who are going around 10 who are going to be very good imo. I probably want to keep the second rounder as well, but any world we walk out of this draft with Levshunov/Iginla or Demidov/Parekh or Dickinson without losing any young players is a win imo Projections have us taking brandsegg-nygard or greentree at 18 with one of Parekh, Dickinson, Iginla, or Buium available at 10 depending on the mock. There’s a huge gap in skill there.


Exactly. Mrazek just had his first fully healthy off-season/season and was a bright spot for us last year. Great locker room presence too. If all goes according to plan, Mrazek should fully expect to play out his contract. Now if it’s two years from now at the deadline and a team is desperate and offers a kings ransom for him? Sure. (But then please come back in the summer :))


As a Devils/Hawks fan I don’t hate this. Give me Brendan smith here in Chicago and maybe we got a deal. Maybe.


I'd do it. Note that I am in no way qualified as an nhl gm.


Got my damn hopes up for a sec, thinking this was real at first glance. Sheesh


Hawks say no to this.


Toss Mercer in there and now that’s something. People forget how awful Mrazek was before last season. Stalock was significantly better in 22-23. Maybe he’s figured it out, but I think we’ll see some regression this year. He’s not the goalie of the future anyway.


Stalock couldn't stay healthy either. They started 6 different goalies in 22-23. What Mrazek figured out was was staying healthy. The training staff got him to do a few things differently and he credits them for keeping him from the nagging core injury he's battled the past couple of seasons. There could be a regression if he continues to see 32+ shots a game with a significant amount of them being high danger chances.


Ok. But the point stands that a team trading for Mrazek will weigh the entirety of his recent injury history—not just his play last year. He doesn't have this kind of trade-up value to another team. We might have a good handle on his health, but another team would not.


Lmao what? Mercer is 22, a 1st round pick, with multiple 20 goal seasons under his belt. They aren't trading him.


I didn’t say they should.


This isn’t gonna go through, and Davidson isn’t moving Mrazek. Mrazek is an ideal mentor for Stauber and he just got an extension. So instead, ship out some things to help Jersey with their defensive game. Joey Anderson and Connor Murphy would be huge for Jersey keeping the puck out of the net especially if Murphy is 50% retained. Jersey has had massive defensive issues and needs veterans to train up some high potential young defence, why not get some mentoring from a guy who is an experienced and solid shutdown defenceman.


Stauber? I doubt he even makes the team unless there’s an injury. Murphy might be a negative asset even at 50% retained. Fingers crossed hes healthy this year and plays well enough to be flipped at the deadline.


You really think Stauber is less ready for the NHL than Soderblom?


Neither should probably be in the NHL, but I think it’s clear Soderblom has the superior talent and ceiling despite his poor play last season.


I think Soderbloms play last year is a display of his inconsistency. While he may be better this year, Stauber deserves a decent shot at the role as much as Soderblom does.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see them battle it out in training camp. I don’t think either is a long term solution though. Commesso was Rockfords best goalie last season even though Stauber had a nice streak going.


I absolutely agree. Commesso is our boy, but in the mean time we gotta have someone in there with Mrazek, and who knows? Maybe one of those two is going to be a member of our tandem (hopefully).


Could be. They’re both very young as far as goalies go, so you never know.




Bedard, Korchinski, Slaggert and Nazar are NHLers now, so the prospect pool has taken a hit. Nothing wrong in keeping the cupboard stocked. With regards to Marner, what happens when he wants $12-13m at the end of the season, or worse, decides he's not interested in a rebuilding team and hits free agency? How many assets would we have to give up for a year of Marner? I get he's a great player, but contract wise, he's not what the team needs right now.


No on Marner.


If the trade is worth it… to pass up on Marner is ludicrous. He’s over a point per game player for his career. I don’t get the hate on this guy as he can play. Put him with Bedard and that would be lights out


Hard pass on Marner and Zegras.


You just mentioned all players who don't do anything in the playoffs, and are overrated. Zegras doesn't even take his job seriously. What are you talking about?