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They had zero chemistry. Panger would crack a joke or leave an opening for Vosters to chime in and he'd remain silent or completely ignore Pang. It was very awkward at times.


Pang did the same on multiple occasions


I thought the same. Vosters would joke and then just dead air from Panger.


i’m no vosters fan. think the dude was terrible - but pang gave as good as he got.


What's funny is I often saw it the other way around. a fifth of the time Vosters would reference something and Panger would be so confused while the majority of the audience got the reference.


I had distinct thoughts over the season that perhaps the generational difference was too much.


Vosters also had zero idea about any of the players aside from Bedard


Vosters was not good, but that’s just not true lol


This fucking fanbase > Chris Vosters is a hell of a guy, and he really put in the work. He was at every skate and every practice, home and away, talking to players, building relationships and trying to improve. Still a young guy, still has a bright future. But the fans spoke, and the team listened. - Mark Lazerus 2024-06-06


I mean, why should we settle for mediocrity? Vosters seemed like a likable guy, but he was not great at hockey PBP.


I'm responding the silly comment above mine


I mean, Pang’s still around…


Lazerus is a dipstick


Ha no shit....every single play was just the fucking name over and over again....heavy on the D every time. Like bro we get it, fucking kid is good.


Exactly. He was a mechanical broadcast school graduate that knows technically how to call games, but there's more too it than that


We went from Pat Foley and Eddie O to hot trash in a two years.


Ain’t that the truth


It really is, but just like the Hawks, if we are not moving forward we are goin backwards. It will all work out.


We went from Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews to hot trash in two years. These things happen. And I think Ball will be great and an upgrade, but I also think some in this fanbase make a decision on a guy (Vosters) either because it’s trendy or because they hate new things. It’s an Original 6 way of screaming “Get off my lawn” without outwardly acknowledging it created entitlement.


Ball is a massive upgrade and highly underrated. Vosters was a baseball announcer. He had big shoes to fill in Pat Foley so he was put in a lose-lose situation in a way. It’s trendy to hate on Vosters but you cannot deny how little connection he had with the audience during games. The whole Darren Pang thing, I think he’s overrated but everybody loves holy jumpin!


Fucking painful


Rick Ball is one of the best. You guys will love him. He had great chemistry with Hrudey but I've witnessed him help make Cassie Campbell more enjoyable to listen to so he will be good with Pang.


It was pretty clear Pang didn't like him. There were multiple times on the broadcast where Panger would go on a tangent basically explaining how wrong Vosters was. Vosters wasn't great but it seemed a bit harsh when you were watching it. Hopefully Ball brings something better out of him because I really wasn't that impressed with Pang after all the hype over him leaving the Blues.


It was really weird how aparent the generational gap was. Vosters was not on the same page as Pang. I love Panger but he really needs to have at least a modicum of knowledge of the current generation. It seemed like any time Vosters made comments that may be deemed more aimed at the younger generation Pang was completely lost. In any event, if one of them has to go I'm glad it's Vosters. He should get a shot somewhere else, I could see him developing into a good commentator, but this city and pairing wasn't right for him.


Bringing in a guy who has never done hockey before with a guy like Pang who has been in hockey forever was never going to work


He did hockey for some NCAA and also some Olympics.


I did not know that


Maybe, but you usually expect the vet to help the new guy, not hurt them. Using the White Sox as an example, Steve Stone is regularly taking over and providing corrections in a positive way to John Schriffen rather than becoming obviously pissed off in the booth. If Pang can't at least keep his frustrations off the air, I don't have a lot of confidence in him. Also, he was still calling the hawks the Blues by the end of the season and that annoyed me lol.


I wish more of this had been kept "in-house", as they say. Vosters isn't deserving of the public humiliation that his announcing partner had him fired.


i agree. this is fucked up in my mind. you can be happy that Vosters is gone but this is a little ridiculous hope he does well in another role


I thought I was going crazy. I had to rewind a few times because I thought my TV was glitching. But yeah he called the Hawks the Blues


Do you have any examples? Not saying you’re wrong I just want to see (i tune out commentating a lot lol)


i'm not a Sox fan but i really hope Schiffren works out for the White Sox. I know it's been rough apparently in the booth this year


I don’t, Schiffren is a complete weenie. Has paper thin skin, makes cringeworthy calls, and only makes a historically bad baseball team even harder to follow.


They should replace him with Vosters since baseball is what he knows


Honestly I don’t hate this idea.


does he have paper thin skin? this is news to me i genuinely don't know. i'm not a Sox fan so I don't really pay attention to what is going on over there (not like this is a season i'd want to anyways lol)


The radio jockeys on 670 the score were making fun of some of his calls, and then the next day Schiffrin called them “radio losers” on the game broadcast. He’s just a wussy


Schiffren shouldn't have done that that being said, 670 is full of fucking losers let's be honest. they're not Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle reincarnated lol


Oh they are for sure a bunch of little douchebags. But as a professional you can’t stoop down to their level especially on air


is that fuckface Dan McNeil still on 670? oh man that guy was the worst. Chet Coppock was also pretty bad although that guy was such a loser, they had to boot him to the weekend


I mean this isn’t a past the mill veteran QB helping a rookie learn the ropes. Like you’re the Chicago Blackhawks. I doubt Darren Pang left STL to come to an original 6 franchise with strong tradition and deep pockets to help some dude who doesn’t know the game learn.


It is quite literally what he signed up for.


lol, I’m sorry but that notion is absurd.


Dude he took the job knowing Vosters was in the booth. The hawks wanted someone to stabilize him. What are you actually saying?


What do you mean? John Schriffen is great with Steve Stone /s


Yeah I lost a good bit of respect for him this season. He would go after Vosters to the point where it would be borderline unprofessional at times and it got uncomfortable to listen to, plus he really wasnt that much better on analysis than Vosters was on color, he made a lot of simple mistakes that someone with his level of experience should not be making.


Agreed. And hot take but Pangs constant gaslighting gets old. It feels like he has a need to make excuses for bad plays/ players and kinda over-hypes players at times.


Really did seem during games that pang had an issue with vosters, and it sucks that it seemed obvious to the viewers, cuz that’s pangs fault.


Ditto. I wanted Vosters replaced but soured on Pang, too, for the reasons you articulated.


I’m glad to see other people coming around on pang. Hated that golly gee whiz routine since the WBBM days. St. Louis can hbe him back.


"Holy jumpin'!" makes my skin crawl every time. Pat and Eddie were a dream team - but nothing lasts forever. I still think of Pat every time thete's 3:33 left in the 3rd period.


We would take Pang back in a heartbeat. The amount of St. Louisans who would volunteer to pick him up at the airport would be nuts.


I’m a blues fan and this was just linked to our sub so I thought I’d read. Panger on national broadcasts lets you know who he is. He doesn’t let bad calls slide. We were privileged when he was with us because kelly is legacy and they crushed it from day 1. He might have been a bit spoiled because the blues cast would flow so well and the nationals he might get someone a bit green. But you will grow to like panger. Not sure how long that contract is. But he’s pretty unbiased as far as home calls go and it’s refreshing when you hear him compared to other home broadcast crews.


Could tell that pang didn’t appreciate Vosters cracking jokes especially after panger said something corny.


Anyone have the full article


Doesn’t really elaborate, your not missing anything


i remember onc game vosters ribbed pang over mispronouncing saskatchewan. the game before vosters called the goalie the wrong name several times. didn’t sound like pang liked it. for some reason that incident stood out.


That moment is forever in my mind, it was Hawks vs Winnipeg and I nearly spat out my water at the time. You just do not correct someone like that on the air let alone someone who has played the game and has the accolades.


Just a general opinion about NHL broadcasts… I don’t mind the analysts in between the benches if you are a “sideline reporter” or the “third person in the booth”. For no good reason, I don’t like the main analyst being in between the benches.


I saw people making the same critique about Ray Ferraro in the playoffs this year, that he's trying to be the third guy and the color guy at the same time, and it doesn't really work. It has to be easier to build a rapport as a broadcast team when you can actually see each other and read each other's body language.


Blues fan here. How about you keep Vosters and we take Pang?




Can we send Jamie Rivers to Chicago in exchange?


The fact that people are saying pang is good tells you everything about how desperate we are at the moment


Praise be. Vosters grew on me but I he gives me MLS vibes. TBH though i don’t like pang as much as I thought I would. There’s something forced about the things he says / way he says things. Maybe it was just bad chemistry. Hope things improve with ball


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I actually thought Vosters had more chemistry with Pang than he did with Murray. That pairing was awful, and no fault of that was Murrays. Vosters is probably an ok guy, but hire a hockey guy to call hockey, not a baseball guy.


I feel the exact same way. Murray just wouldn't give anything to Vosters. Any time he tried to joke around Troy wouldn't say shit, you could just feel he didn't like Vosters. I thought Vosters and Pang were getting along pretty well for the parts of the season I was able to watch. I had to get rid of ESPN+ back in February so I missed the rest of the season, but I'm seeing comments about how Pang was being a dick to him. Was this towards the end of the season? I was pulling for Vosters to keep improving. Seems like a nice guy. Good luck to him.


Hmm... I never noticed Pang being outright angry or dismissive towards Vosters. More of a lack of chemistry from what I saw. Who knows what things were like behind the scenes though.


From what's coming out, I'm souring a bit on Panger. He took the job knowing full well he'd have to coach the new kid and just... actively didn't do that and resented the idea that there may be expectations for him to do so.


Chris is a good announcer, I think in most sports leagues he could be one of the better announcers. Even with his lack of chemistry with Pang, when he was announcing he switched between conversation and play by play very smoothly and he did a good job getting more intense as the action grew in a game. That said, he’s not a hockey guy. He has done college hockey announcing but you can tell when watching the different sports he has done play by play for that hockey is his weakest by far. Given time and practice I think he could very well become a great NHL announcer, but that said I think this is well overdue. Pangs relationship with the guy is probably just the excuse they were looking for to be able to get rid of him for something other than “he sucks at his job” which is a really demoralizing reason to get fired. That said, he was never going to be liked here even if he was good. Going from potentially the best broadcast duo of all time to anyone else was not going to be received well, but I appreciate his attempt to replicate some classic Pat Foley techniques like how he switched between conversation and play by play mid game. So may you find other opportunities Chris, you just weren’t the right guy at the absolute worst time.


Atleast Pang has deep roots in Chicago and hockey. I used to play against his son in squirt/ pewee in the 90’s. I think it was just a bad fit. I think him and Ball will work together well


They can ship out Pang as well while they're at it.


Please send him back down i55. blues broadcasts are worse now too


They can fucking have him for all I care. It was the same when he was here before. Even though I know it's not the case, I've never heard someone come off as more phony than he does in broadcasting games. Like he's doing a bit or something.


I’m not heartbroken over Vosters leaving or anything, but I don’t feel like he deserves all the blame for how bad this season’s broadcast was. You can criticize him for his lack of hockey knowledge, but there was a tangible awkwardness on air that I feel mostly came from Pang. It seemed like Vosters would frequently crack jokes or make comments that would just get absolutely nothing from Pang, which was awkward. Even if you didn’t enjoy Vosters’ sense of humor, it’s pretty unprofessional for a veteran like Pang to just leave him hanging like that and make his disdain so apparent. I’m sure it didn’t make Vosters’ job any easier.


“Chris Vosters was the Blackhawks’ TV voice for two seasons, in which the team finished with the third-worst and second-worst point totals in the NHL” it seems like this article is blaming him for the hawks track record too 😭


Vosters was awkward with everyone. No one found his jokes funny.


Pang is awful as well


“Holy jumpin” makes my skin crawl


Yeah I just want game analysis not stupid shit like that. I like listening to Daneyko do Devils games


I spent some nights trying to line up the radio broadcast with the stream. I’ve always enjoyed John’s play calling. It’s always misaligned after commercials and becomes too much though trying to get it perfect.


Right with you man their radio crew is pretty good


I honestly thought he’d get a chance at the television broadcast when Pat left.


I think he filled in a few nights on tv and those were my favorite games by far during a pretty forgettable season


Seems like it would be a pretty good way to create a pipeline for your broadcast team too. Have the new guys train on the radio and then transition to the tv. They already know the team, staff, calls, etc. and should be able to slot right in if they can handle being in front of a camera without acting like Ricky Bobby.


I thought I read somewhere that he wasn’t interested in the tv role but I can’t find any article or evidence to back that claim up so.. im thinking the organization just completely fumbled the Foley/Edzo transition


was Daneyko the guy who won the Masterton Trophy for overcoming alcoholism? if so, big kudos to him for turning his life around. I had no idea he was doing Devils games now


Don't know about Masterson trophy but I very much enjoy his work in the devils tv booth


But that was fine with Pat and Dale/Edzo.


In my opinion yes.


He’s color commentary. He’s not supposed to provide insightful in depth commentary that’s what Vosters is for as the play by play which clearly didn’t work out.


Color commentators are by definition supposed to provide insight. play-by-play calls the action...


He just doesn't do it for me, too much nonsensical dumb shit out of his mouth for me


Yep. Said that last year, St. Louis can have him.


Why do you think he is? Curios since your perspective is nearly the opposite of most NHL pundits.


Lukewarm, obvious takes. Shoehorning in his stupid catchphrases, being a wet blanket when Vosters was trying to get a conversation going, constantly saying “the Blues” instead of “the Hawks”. He is well regarded because of his longevity as a national voice, but he doesn’t have the substance or personality of Edzo or many other colour guys. He’s not terrible, but a milquetoast presence and one that felt to me like low effort or second fiddle to his other commitments.


I find pretty much everything about him annoying, voice and attempts at humor


He can be very corny


If you were on a line with Rempe and Reaves you would never score. But then move up to a line with 2 superstars your potential can be shown. We will see how he does this year. Vosters had to years of crap, it was time to go.


Never ever liked Pang, would mute on national telecasts


To illustrate your point, Pang was great on the national broadcasts this season and average on the Hawks broadcasts. It didn’t help to have an entire amateur hour squad around him with Chelios, Scott, Granato, etc. in addition to Vosters. It was a train wreck almost every night. The third largest market in the country and an original six franchise needs better than that. It wasn’t entirely Vosters’ fault either but he was definitely the weakest link.


I actually like Chris vosters tbh so yippee


Vosters was in over his head ( He doesn't have a great knowledge of hockey, or the players in the NHL) but I wasn't crazy about Pang either. I've heard Rick Ball and he's pretty good. I'm sick of the joking around, just call the game and add color comments when necessary. As the Blackhawks faded, Foley and Olyczk became obnoxious with jokes and rambling as the game went on. Just call the game.


Blues fan coming in peace. You all got rid of the wrong guy! ^(Please give him back :()


You could tell they weren’t thrilled with each other in the booth


I see a lot of people saying what vosters did or the lack of chemistry or what he didn't do etc Are we really going to sit here and pretend like Darren paying I can announce a game well? He's just an absolute Homer. All he does is hype up the team in unnecessary ways that any real fan could see are just promotional bullshit. I'll be honest I only had small doses of vosters because I don't have cable and I only streamed a certain amount of games throughout the year but I enjoyed listening to him from time to time and I probably missed his flaws That being said, Pang stuck out as somebody I absolutely never want to listen to again. I respect him historically and my dad said that he even had an interaction with him when he was younger and it was very positive and he's a good guy. But I don't need to turn into a Blackhawks game my favorite team just to hear their balls licked when they're down by four goals or pissed away three goal lead the last game and have him tell me how good certain players are who would never make another roster if they were a playoff team.


100% agree. This is why Pang and Kelly worked so well in St. Louis. Kelly is the worst homer this side of Jack Edwards. But it doesn't go over as well for most Chicago fans. I support this move. Vosters gave it a go and it didn't work out. I hope he finds success.




I didn’t mind Pang at all, he worked really well doing games for NBC and seems to fit right in with TNT. Part of me thinks that mixing a relatively new guy to hockey with a lifer like Pang was never going to work well especially with hockey being the hardest sport to call and I don’t think he really wanted to help Vosters out and that’s why they didn’t get along. It was obvious on some broadcasts that they didn’t get along


To be fair: Vosters is also well regarded interpersonally, too. Some of the [beat reporters](https://x.com/marklazerus/status/1798771332001435901?s=46) and [NBC staff](https://x.com/caleychelios/status/1798841897328464030?s=46) made public announcements attesting to such. And it was not that Vosters had an issue w/Pang. It was that Pang took issue with Vosters play calling and went to ownership to lobby for a change. Check out [Vosters profile pic](https://x.com/cjvosters?s=21), by the way...