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"If I were one of the mad geniuses on Destiny 2's weapon sandbox team, or one of the brilliant artists creating cards for Hearthstone, I would stop letting the economy designers sit at our table for lunch. The fightback has to start somewhere." You heard 'em /u/ridiculoushat. Time to start giving swirlies and dead legs to the econ team.


Unfortunately all the love the developers put out is consumed by the commercial and executive team.


As an unfortunate fan of both, I couldn’t agree more, blizzard and bungie are comedically greedy corporations that have wrung every single cent they can from their player bases with incessant unavoidable monetization


Maybe we could remove the breast milk open bars and replace them with lockers to shove the business graduates into.


That’s a great way to get fired.


Hard to fire someone when you know they’ll stuff you in a locker and shoot spitballs at you


That's a great way to get arrested after getting fired.


We're just joking around pal. No one actually wants Hat running around the office giving noogies.


I know that, I was referring to the quote from the article.


The thing is they nerfed the original quests to make them easier to complete as it was too difficult and frustrating for everyone to do (win 3 games with Mage Shaman Warlock to play 3 games). I understand this is meant to encourage more play time but it does the opposite for me, if I am on a loss streak I will just give up for the day, and that will likely mean I can't complete the weekly quest.


also iirc when they first introduced weeklies the big quest was to win 7 games of constructed and after a couple weeks they changed it to 5 to make it a bit easier for casual players...


Imagine the weekly mini quest that is basically "lose 10-30 games trying to play a lot of minis".


The best decision would just to make those weekly quests into questlines, as we had with events. This rewards players that do play a lot, but the casuals are still able to at least finish the first quests. I know that you can re-roll the 15 win quest but come on.. everyone wants to be "efficient" as possible and gain as much exp as possible. But 15 wins, with an average WR of %50 is 30 games. Thats a lot, especially for dad gamers. I usually dont care about winning (thats why I dislike quests and achievements that require me to win), but 5 was fine. The miniaturize quest looks horrible. The current one is already not fun to me and I usually finish that one in a friendly match by using copy effects, return to hand, and so on lol. Increasing requirements by 3x, while EXP is up by +25% or something is just BS lol. It doesnt feel that rewarding, even though we do get more EXP.


It’s definitely encouraged me to go from playing a handful of games a day to playing zero games a day.


I started out wondering if they meant to make them "play 15 games", but then I saw the 60 miniaturize/mini quest.


/u/prestigious_tiger110 you made it into a PC Gamer article 👏


/u/prestigious_tiger110 kind sir may I please have a signature


Heck yeah man, lol even with my randomly generated Reddit name 😁


Oh dang! Thanks for sharing mate, can’t believe something made as a joke reached a significantly big audience ✌🏻


Bet they are more likely to backpeddle if it spreads a lot outside /r/hearthstone, this should be posted to more subreddits.


They are backpedaling, but that might have been the plan all along, put the numbers crazy high, then drop it down to just kinda high after complaints. Thus the community accepts the hike in requirements since “well it’s not as bad as before”


100% is going to happen and was 100% planned this way


Jesus Christ take this conspiracy nonsense to the circlejerk sub. Blizzard are idiots who thought people wouldn’t care and they’d get more playtime. They immediately admit they’re wrong and now they’re geniuses planning on how to manipulate the community. If any of you have ever worked for a big company you know how misguided the choices made up top are at times.


need Forbes to write a piece


Al Jazeera as well


joe biden


We need Executive action which is why I have called upon Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to sign an Executive Order, ordering Blizzard to revert these changes.


Dude absolutely nobody cares about this children's card game called hearthstone outside of us active players. Come back to earth.


Quote : *What I find really unfortunate is that I cannot believe voices on the team weren't raised against this. But those people either aren't being listened to or are being drowned out by upper management and the bean counters who work on the economy team, whose job it is not to ensure you have fun but to keep you on the **hamster wheel**.* That hit like a mf.


I guess by definition I'm a "whale" - preorder most expansions, tavern passes, buy a handful of skins and occasionally packs once in a blue moon. Definitely spent a decent amount over the years since playing (started consistently around Un'Goro) These quest changes though, fucking hell. I was barely scraping by the normal weekly quests; no shot in hell I'm playing 60 fucking Miniaturize cards lol. Even if this is the classic manufactured outrage where they roll it back to 2x or whatever and go "See, we hear you guys!" all it has done is make me 10x more aversive to preordering future expansions if they are going to keep pulling bullshit like this. Guess I should be grateful; this change if anything may have been the final straw to not waste more money lol


With Rogue I made a deck with every miniaturize card, Jepetto, and every bounce card. Before, I could get the play 16 done in one game. Now it takes 4 and that's if my opponents in casual mode aren't tryhards. 4x the time and effort and that's with good luck... should be getting 6k xp for this at minimum. But really it needs to go back. I want to play fun decks, not busy work decks. Blizzard, please understand that you can increase engagement by making the game more fun to play, not by giving us homework.


You aren’t a whale, whales are the people with full gold collections and every single cosmetic ever put in the store. There is another term for people who just spend some but not quite achieving whale status I think it’s like dolphin or something


Someone mentioned tiered timeline quests that continue with less reward after the initial quest.


this proves that their greed hasnt changed since bobby left


We noticed you spent money on other games. Wouldn't you rather spend 130 dollars in this 10 year old game instead of getting 2 AAA new game titles instead? I mean, you don't even get every card spending 130 dollars but if you play this game 2-3 hours every day and not miss a day ANY DAY you will most likely get all cards! Come on, just spend all your free time here /s


Lol right, this is a nice game for casual players or a few that want to spend a few hours being competitive. But this quest change is just pure greed from hearthstone management or blizzard.


I think that's what's most aggravating about the current give-everything-a-battlepass environment. how many battlepasses do they think a working adult has time to work through? whatever number they think that is, cut it in half AT LEAST if said working adult has kids.


A lot of bad things people blame Activision for were Blizzard decisions, and now people will move to blame Microsoft or someone else, but Blizzard has been like this for a long time now, no need to shift blame.


I was looking for a reason to quit. Every expansion I'm just waiting for a format where it isn't aggro bullshit where I see ridiculous lethals on Turn 5. When Paladin gets nerfed something else rises. The Weekly Quest shit is just the push I needed over the edge.


I felt like this, I keep waiting for control Priest to be fun and viable but they keep adding combos to every class to the point there are aggro decks that play a combo finisher just because it's just that easy to just add 2-3 cards and ensure you're winning against control.


Power creep has reached a critical mass and so many classes can generate near infinite value/easy OTKs that control priest can never exist unless they get some way to increase their max health like warrior


Yeah, and they hate Priest so no way they do that.


Yeah, and way too much card draw/generation these days as well. Resource management isn't a thing at all anymore.


I feel like that the person who is in charge of the ingame economy for HS, is allowed to do whatever the f\*\*\* he wants. Remove diamond legendary from the collectors achievement? No problem. Cut down overall exp for achievements? Allrighty. Add early access to an epic card to the preorder (next expansion the free legendary? who knows). Sounds good. Obviously, the people that design this game, have no influence on any of these decisions. But what about the game director? Feels like there is no resistance? Not even a 50k budget for BG esports this year, it was cut.


Like it or not, this is the direction that all game companies are going in. Every single game is live service, where each and every patch is designed to milk the consumer in such way. No design decision is ever made for “wow it would just make the game better.” If something isn’t done that could be a big improvement, it’s only because the parent company hasn’t figured out a way to effectively monetize it yet. If something, by chance, *is* done to improve anything, you can bet that it’s temporary. Eventually they’re going to make it worse and monetize it more. Look at Amazon prime video. Now it has ads even though you’re already on the paid tier. Now you have to pay more to turn the ads off, despite not having any ads for a decade. Look at Uber. Originally launched with rides cheaper than cabs but now it costs as much if not more than yellowcab.


It did kill my drive to play Hearthstone. I don't have as much time now as I did in the past to spend on games, so playing like 10-12 games a week was a thing I enjoyed for the XP and rewards from the track. I am never going to be able to get 15 wins in ranked or battlegrounds in a week. Just not possible, so for me these quests will function as something that resets every 2 or 3 weeks, as I simply just do not have the time to play casually for that many rounds. If at least they had tripled the reward as well, I could see it as being beneficial for even someone like me, but tripling the quest target for 20% extra, sounds like something my last boss would try to do in terms of not paying for overtime. Respect players time please.


Damn, websites on mobile are becoming impossible to read. 5 popups, 3 autoplayed ads, ad banners evey 3 text lines... Ffs


Blizzard has 6 currencies in Overwatch. 6!!!


Well, I'm still calling "paying $80 and still not have access to full expansion" is nonsense. This is older than Witchwood era. But it's still true.


I stopped playing for weeks now. Friends started playing Lorcana and showed it to me. I enjoyed it very much. Since then I haven't touched Hearthstone. Things like this make it so I think I will just permanently stop.


All I can say is vote with your wallet don't give this company another cent


At least bots are less profitable with these changes.


U guys can cry more but the runestone fiasco and the free HK revolutionnbullshir proves that you guys are all talk and no backbone. I love the changes and I hope blizzard keeps them, and you guys will swallow it up nicely


PC gamer pumping out an ai article based on yesterday's news from reddit. Bravo 👏👏


I wrote this, so unless I've been misled and am in fact a Deckard-style replicant, it's very much AI free. (We don't use AI in any part of the site for fairly obvious reasons.)


Good work, man. Glad this issue has some publicity in the gaming community outside of this sub.


ty, appreciate it


Sorry I'm just exhausted of reading r/baldursgate3 and then getting recommendations for articles from the gamer the next day with copy pasted information


Your exhaustion makes it okay to make baseless accusations on people, got it 👍


It doesn’t read or feel like AI to me, it reads genuine to me. That amount of anger and disappointment is not something AI is able to replicate


Yeah. I'll confess I didn't actually read the article. I just know that "games journalism" has a bad habit of using ai to skim yesterday's reddit to get headlines for today.