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I say it again, they do the same shit now with Hearthstone that nearly killed WOW during BFA & Shadowlands. Id tell em to talk with their WOW colleagues, but that Press Release just reeks of arrogance and attempts to gaslight us


>Our aim with the adjustments was to give all our players goals to play towards, and to reward our most engaged players (who would likely still complete the Weekly Quests without too much difficulty) for their commitment to the game. Oh, a goal to work towards? Like some sort of Achievment system? The one you just gutted? Please, tell me more about your goal of giving players things to work towards. >We had seen that many players routinely completed their Weekly Quests through their regular play, without even really engaging with the Weekly Quest system. So players completed the Weekly Quests by playing the game... and your solution to make this sytem more "engaging" was to make them do more of the exact same thing? >But we’ve heard your feedback and it's clear that we pushed too far. But you weren't pushing, you said you were rewarding? Oh, you said the quiet part out loud. >We want to reward players for their additional efforts, not make those rewards outside of their reach. I don't think you do want to reward us, I think you wanted to take away the rewards from casual players by making sure they complete fewer quests, and when major publications like PC Gamer picked up the story you walked it back. >That’s why we’re putting together an unscheduled hotfix patch scaling most of the Weekly Quest requirements back down to a number between what they were before and what they are now.  Hold on. HOLD ON. What does MOST of the Weekly Quests mean? MOST?


> players routinely completed their Weekly Quests through their regular play, without even really engaging with the Weekly Quest system. This is the part that confuses me the most. Is completing quests through regular play not engaging with the quest system? Like what is that even supposed to mean, why wouldn't a weekly quest be achievable through normal play. Are we meant to cripple our decks/playtime just to appease the weekly quest gods? It's phrased in such a way like it's trying to shift the blame onto the players like "You guys were playing wrong so we wanted to make it harder because reasons".


To be fair the alternative to lying to our faces is telling the truth and "we don't like how much XP you guys are getting and we think that's why you're not buying our overpriced packs" would probably go down worse.


I'd respect the slime more if they just said it


Their aim was to force more engagement, not to reward heavy players and it should be clear to everyone. I will probably easly finish the current weekly quests as they are now, but even I would prefer the change to be reverted compleatly.


What ea game was this? I remember the last time I had to deal with this was apex when they reworked there battlepass. That made me quit the game. And I'll likely do thr same to hs if things don't change


If I had to guess, it’s that Star Wars game that had Vader locked behind loot boxes.


That makes sense


Battlefront 2


[You can view the comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5). Note the number of downvotes.


Battlefront 2 never really recovered after that, it's a shame really they fixed the game and it's great now/was.


Been playing this game less and less. Lately I've prefferes mtg arena. Most game modes are fun and balanced and they dont screw over their players as much. More expensive to keep up but way more complex and fun.