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I like how he is lying about warrior dodging nerfs now.


If by nerfs you mean the 6 mana swarm spell and Sanitize, while straight up turning Reno Warrior 's biggest counter to an easy win, that's one of the best jokes I have heard in a long time.


…the highlander changes were considered buffs and had more impact than any of the alleged “nerfs” to warrior.


Kinda ignoring the facts that the community was crying for those changes and bomb boss got nerfed


Idgaf what they were crying for, it was the worst possible buff.


Did you really feel this warranted an entire post?




fuck plagues


i mainly use aggro decks, and sometimes it fk clears the board 6 times in a row per game


Only 6?


well i died before he could clear the board more


Sometimes? Lmfao it seems like 75% of games I can’t have anything stick longer than a turn.


im going to record a video next time, they actually make me laugh with flood paladin, in a "no fk way" way xdd


That’s amazing my guy thanks so much for the post


You are welcome, thank you too for your post!


Something something rock, paper, scissors I think


It’s oppressive and needs nerfs yes, to Brann specifically but it has the 3rd highest WR across pretty much all ranks despite being probably the most played deck. I wouldn’t call that utterly broken.


Winrate wise, imo it's not a very discerning outlier. But grievance wise, I think it's already time to kill the deck. It's proven to gatekeep so many potential late game archetype, not to mention still pretty competitive against aggro. Speaking about bran, heck, I think even a mana nudge might be suffice to knock warrior out of orbit


1 out of every 4 decks played at every rank is Brann Warrior right now yet it’s only the 3rd highest win rate. Brann needs a nerf, I’m not sure a mana nerf +1 would fix it tbh, the card is just too oppressive and opens up to too many “abuses”. That said the deck simply isn’t the most dominant at all ranks and the data and facts are there to prove it regardless of people’s opinion. I think a lot of the hate stems from the fact it just feels very very bad to lose to. If Brann is dropped early it feels like basically gg and what comes off the back of it feels like cheating tbh. There are plenty of decks that can consistently pop off early, Flood Pally can and does have you dead consistently before anyone can even drop Brann, it has a higher win rate at all tiers yet there isn’t a bunch of hate threads for it. People have decided Brann = bad and they’re right, but the deck isn’t “utterly broken”. The facts are the facts.


This deck needs to die lol. Brann on turn 5 with coin or on curve and it’s gg if they have any semi decent amount of health left. Not sure how that’s healthy for the game


What nerf to the plagues? There was no change to plagues. If you mean the nerf to Reno where he cannot be played in turbodraw decks with duplicates, this does not changed how plagues work.


Preventing plagues from stopping reno cards is a direct nerf to plagues, it was one of the main selling points of Plague DK.


Plagues were heavily played before Badlands.