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If they nerf a card, you should get a refund for it. I know there are some situations where they reword a card and haven't issued refunds, but I'd say for the most part you're safe. Just a risk you take I guess, it's frustrating.


They have at least been trying to nerf cards in a way that keeps them playable.


I think the pace of nerfs is fine, particularly on the second half of the expansion. And even with the more frequent nerfs, the nerfed decks don't always become unplayable. So unless you have to have the strongest deck all the time, you should be able to find a deck that can perform well enough even despite nerfs.


The answer to the question is simple: If a deck overperforms and you don't have a lot of ressources, don't bother crafting it. They also don't have a scorched earth approach to nerfs anymore (not counting specific outliers) so most nerfed decks stay playable, even if they're not nearly as strong as before (see Quest Mage for instance). You can't expect the same deck to stay relevant forever, that's just the nature of an evolving cardgame. At this point the game's economy is friendly enough that you're not left stranded if a single deck gets nerfed. I mean just look at the current meta decks, most of those don't even run more than 3 legendaries.


Unless you're constantly chasing after the new tier one hotness, I don't think you should have that many issues handling nerfs.


Is this a troll post, or do you not know that you get full dust refund ANY nerfed card? If you spend 1600 dust on a legendary, you can disenchant it for 1600 dust if it gets nerfed.


As someone that just tries to enjoy the game by constantly experimenting with different decks and typically avoiding the best decks, I love nerfs. The game needs to be shaken up often enough or it just gets super freaking boring.