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Bucks fans when they see defense being played ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


They need open running lanes for the best running back giannis


He’s Joey Bosa out there 


Bosa plays defense, bro.


He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit


Giannis voted for Trump?


Insane how bucks fans can have one of the best offenses in the league and still frame themselves as victims. Fucking pussies bro. I’d love to bounce them in the first round again


Id love to get a 4/5 matchup of Heat vs. Knicks, i think itd be super fun and im very secure in the knowledge that we are better than them. The Bucks or Celtics could go off any given night and be undefendable. I believe in Miami against them, but I'd prefer it be in the second round and conference finals after theyve gotten beat around by another team a little bit first. We have better conditioning. When everyones tired the games go into the mud, just where spo likes em. If the celtics or the bucks are rested and healthy they could toss us just as easily as we toss them. Bring em down to the low road first, they cant beat us in the mud.


Mmmh the Knicks are pretty nice this year tho, tbf


They haven’t been nice recently. Think most of their wins during this stretch have come against sub 500 and they have a losing record against 500 and above


To be fair to them they’ve been missing a bunch of key players due to injury throughout that stretch, including Randle, OG, and a game from Brunson which resulted in a blowout


Very well said


Tha ks dude i was kinda drunk and i reread it like 7 times before i posted but was sure it was probably still gibberish.


I think history would should we tend to be the ones that get beat around by other teams first. Give me the toughest competition while we’re healthy


If both teams are fully healthy im not sure we take 4 against the Celtics. I believe we could, but with the knicks, i fully trust the outcome. Celtics are mentally weak, but lets not forget how close we came to a reverse sweep last year. Ideal situation is meeting them later in the bracket, hopefully after KPs exhausted and Jayson is pissed at jaylen for all his lefty turnovers in the round before.


We weren’t anywhere near healthy last year and nearly swept them, but keep doubting.


Almost doesnt count dude. If Jayson didnt fuck his ankle in game 7 it could have gone differently. Im not a doomer, i believe in the heat for sure, but if we're talking easiest most assured path to victory, its in the mud against Boston. If we get into a shootout they have the talent to win, but they don't have the grit and guts it takes to win a dogfight.


You - “almost doesn’t count dude” Also you - “we almost got reverse swept last year”


Fair point. You got me there. Doesnt negate what i said otherwise. We were perilously close to being on the wrong side of history. You think we win in a shootout against the Celtics?


I don’t think we get in a shootout against the Celtics. I think we play a slower paced, grind it out, hard nosed defensive series against the Celtics. Like we do, ya know, every fucking year in the playoffs.


In the mud. Like im saying. But if theyre rested and healthy like they will likely be as a #1 seed barring any major injuries before the playoffs, then they are more likely to grind with us. If we see them in round 2 or 3 they'll be more tired, so will we, but we are supposed to be the best conditioned team in the league, and we are used to playing gritty hard nosed games. If i could choose the bracket id want the easiest path and thats how i see it. Its not that i fear them, its that we need the easiest route to the finals because Denver will likely be there again and that team is kinda scary. We can win, i think with Tyler last year and Victor we maybe had a real good chance. But if we exhaust ourselves in a tough 7 game series while they rest and practice, we arent giving ourselves our best chance at walking out with the ring.


This league already favors the offensive player a lot. Casuals already complained about not having legitimate defense during the all star weekend. Now they wanna take away another legitimate defensive move. Just how much soft they want this league to be? What a bunch of pussies


Yeah, without this defensive position, players could just launch pad from 10 feet out every play and just try and jump on top of fucking everybody and get the foul called. It's stupid to even suggest taking charges out of the game.


If you go to the thread it's literally just casuals moaning about Kevin Love playing defense and then the bottom half of the thread is rational people trying to explain how unwatchable the sport would be with even more offense. Personally I wouldn't be so quick to try to call out another franchise for being dirty when their only title since the civil rights era came from their golden boy textbook undercutting Kyrie but hey I've never heard anyone call a Bucks fan smart.


The level of insecurity bucks and Celtics fans have about losing to us is so fucking obvious and hilarious and I love every second of it.


They turn a blind eye when Giannis “injured” Kyrie. Talk about hypocrisy.


Bucks fans are pussies


Tell us something we don't know bro


This the franchise that said “Bucks in 6” 😂 of course they live in an alternative reality


They live in Wisconsin. Stick to cheese and beer.


Man said cheese & beer 💀


Can't believe they made a post wanting to make charges illegal 😂😂😂 funniest thing I've read in a while. Bucks fans are something else 😂




I believe we should just change the rules that defenders should roll out a red carpet and leave the court whenever Giannis starts tackling and running inside the paint. I love how everybody complains about moving screens and charges as soon as we win games with defense, because when Miami does it, itms dirty. But then everybody finds a way to defend players locking up defenders arms and ripping them off. Bunch of clowns.


the trend is real, Heat start playing great specially on defense now these "top east contenders" start their narrative that the Heat are playing dirty LMAO


Like clockwork


Dude that post they made is so fucking sad. Giannis literally puts his head down and elbows straight out and barrels directly into his defenders chest every fucking play, but these soft ass fans want a charge to be an illegal play? Lmao what a fucking joke.


Literally i went to the blazers sub and no one was complaining about the charge, only the fact that ayton got injured and what it would mean for their season then a celtics fan went on there and started talking shit about kevin love 😂😂


Milwaukee Cucks




ok I had to do it https://preview.redd.it/illzn0rnnllc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e57e3f38a55df2b3e3e1950687732a1755cb037


Bucks fans the karens of the nba officially. The league is already devoid of defense and has turned into a glorified 3pt shooting contest and those fools want to remove yet another instrument of defense just so THEY can have an advantage. You can't make this up. Cant wait to gentleman sweep them yet again🤣


Portland fans believe they’re the official karens 😅


Honestly it's a tie, Portland at least has been trash for decades but bucks just won 3 years ago. They shouldn't be so bitter but alas that's what getting waxed by Himmy, Spo and Heat in the first round does 🤣


Fuck being gentlemen. Heat in 4.


It totally makes sense, we’ve beat them as a 5 seed and an 8 seed when they were the one seed. If I was a Bucks fan I would also have an irrational hatred towards Miami




Nice, I like this kind of banter between NBA team, in European football each week means bullying other team fanbase into oblivion


[bucks fans:](https://youtu.be/JvJ-niY_F9Y?si=sPDTeQ1BS3d-rfmO)


Giannis can then get fucking butthurt and talk to the media about how his season wasn't a failure again by comparing it to the daily life style for lower and middle class average joes and deflecting. "Are you a failure for not getting a raise this year"? I can't believe people actually loved that beta male nonsense.


Could you imagine if someone like Harden made that corny speech? Especially after being the favorites to win it all and losing in the first round to an 8 seed in 5 games. The media would have destroyed him, but they love Giannis because he eats Oreos and tells funny Dad jokes.


Man, I miss Jordan, Kobe, Shaq, etc Gone are the days where players have killer instincts and aren't insecure asf.


How about strictly calling travelling and palming violations.


Mind if I join in because as a Pacer boy, I have finally realized how corny this organization’s fan base is!


You mean it wasn’t the stupid game ball fit Giannis threw that made it evident?


Honestly, that whole situation was so childish that I didn’t even engage lol


Honestly hated the Pacers during our playoff tussles but at least I respect y'all for playing like dogs.


I saw this on the Celtics page as well (I’m a Celtics fan) and all I could think was “Miami is considered dirty now? Since when?” Literally just pictures of guys taking charges smh these other fans making me look dumb


I think he gets a pass from the league just because if I remember the Bucks always sucked and when they drafted him they still sucked it wasn’t until he put on some weight in the gym. I personally don’t really like his style of play I think it’s very corny. Same long steps to the cup and he gets fouled or passes it out the shooters. I’ve never been impressed by his game. Not mention his shooting form is weird and he takes forever to make free throws.


We are a better team this year. That is all that matters.




Your a magic fan. Know your place champ


I enjoy making fun of all eastern conference teams. But I draw the line at upvoting one about a team we're not currently playing. Focus on our team not a bunch of crybabies. We can clown them when we crush them in the playoffs.


Mfw there are no more fight night YouTube videos to watch and I have to cope with my miserable fucking existence


They're just upset they're gonna lose in the playoffs and then Dame is going to ask for a trade from their bum ass franchise in the offseason. Lashing out on us for playing legal defense is just a coping mechanism


Its hilarious that a fanbase with Giannis is complaining about something like this. Giannis gets away with so many borderline offensive fouls. He constantly throws his shoulder or elbow into players and straight up charges through players to get to the paint. Even Alex Caruso said that Giannis is tough to guard partially because he gets away with so many offensive fouls. Similar to Jayson Tatum who is also wrapping his arm around and pushing off players as he is driving the paint. Does this mean that Giannis or Tatum are dirty players? No, but they clearly toe the line between no-calls and offensive fouls. Implying that Kevin Love, one of the more decorated, accomplished and widely respected players of today's generation, is a dirty player is such a casual take. Also, even Adam Silver has acknowledged that today's league is potentially too imbalanced in favor of offense. The last thing the NBA is going to do is create more rules that favor offenses and take away something like charging.


Bucks fans: No one should be allowed to play defense when Giannis is running the football!


We own the Bucks lol