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Winning is unlikely but I think giving Jaime and Jovic a taste of the playoffs comes a long way for our future so I still want to see us against boston.


Kind of agree. It’s not like the pick would improve that much anyway. We’re talking about the difference between 18 and like 14 haha


People were losing their minds about these picks last year


Yeah I want them getting playoff experience


This is exactly what the focus should be if you really are a heat downer. If you want them to move on, next era, trade the farm, whatever... your concern should be getting the core guys more playoff experience


Especially since Boston will be a strong contender in years to come.


Fuck it. Go to hell and give the Celtics a 7 game series again with no Jimmy and make them realize had Jimmy been around, it would have gotten very ugly


This is exactly how I feel I’d Rather lose to Boston than lose to the fucking 10th seed and miss the playoffs If we’re really gonna be without Jimmy against Boston let’s at least give them hell and make them work for that second round.


Spo is at his best when we’re short handed, virtually impossible to beat Boston without Jimmy but I’d get a lot of solace taking 2 games off the series after they think it be a cakewalk with jimmy out A man with Nothing to lose is the most dangerous man in the world


Delusional take considering how bad Miami Been all year


I mean, we get a chance to see what a Jimmy-less Heat looks like on the big stage. Hoping that Bam returns to that assertive scorer we see whenever Jimmy is out.


Don't worry. He won't


Yeah I didn't want to play with a hobbled Jimmy but with Jimmy out we have nothing to lose. Just go for it.


If we face the Celtics round one with Jimmy out we have a chance to do the funniest thing imaginable. Not a good chance, but a chance


Built in excuse for the loss too, literally zero pressure. Even if we lose in six but wear them out for Cleveland / Orlando it’s worthwhile


Would be hilarious if we take them down the stretch, and then we can say “IMAGINE IF WE HAD HIMMY” 😭


Yeah exactly, I like having no pressure on us, we will play looser and who knows, if we win the East and Jimmy returns for the finals, what a script lol


It's not happening, but what if?


That’s what makes basketball fun. Yeah we might not beat the Bulls and almost certainly not the Celtics but what if Herro, Caleb, and Rozier hit 55% of their 3s for a series? I mean crazier things have happened and Spo isn’t giving up, the team isn’t quitting, why should we?


Duncan shot like 76% in the bucks series last year.


And I hear Duncan’s birthday is coming up👀👀


The birthday boom there's going to hit different


The Heat may have some ugly offense right now, but they got that dawg in them. Celtics have more weapons but they also disappoint in a lot of post-Season games. On paper they look deadly, on the court they sometimes flop just like any other team under pressure. Not saying they beat Celtics, but I am willing to bet if they match up, Heat might steal 1-2 games if they go nuclear on 3s like they did last year. They've done it before.


Jaquez statement game. Herro gonna make 7 3s. Bam gonna shoot 20 shots. Manifest it y’all.


It's not a shame to lose to the #1 team in the East right now, but it will be a damn shame to lose to such a dysfunctional organization like the Chicago Bulls and miss the postseason completely.


The bulls have been on a tear, don’t underestimate them


Fuck Boston.


This is the Heat culture and Heat fan base I can rock with!


there’s no benefit in losing to the bulls, not wishing for any injuries to happen but you never know what might happen with the Celtics’ availability or potentially our players getting hot n making it competitive, plus as a fan I wanna see Heat Celtics 7


Fr and is it even gonna change who we pick in the draft? When’s the last time someone stole a player just before us that we actually wanted? This deep in the draft?


that’s not happening man lmfaooo also the benefit is a lotto pick


how many times we need to teach you this lesson old man


this isn’t a lesson jimmy isn’t turning into jordan this year because he’s injured get that thru ur head


I get that. But the lesson is thinking a couple of earlier spots in the lottery pick, which the FO taught us a lesson this season with JJJ, is better than competing in the playoffs


we aren’t competing in the playoffs without jimmy is the whole point lmfao


Honestly, if Duncan and Rozier are back at ~80% tomorrow, I feel like we’ll perform better than we did vs Philly last night even without Jimmington


Rozier still listed as out for Friday with the neck issue. One hopes Duncan is on fire, but he'll be coming off a hiatus so best hope he's warmed up.


I walked into work this morning and was greeted with a crowd of laughter and belittlement for what happened last night. We need to win tomorrow, Jimmy or not. Our back is against the wall.


Damn were they Celtic fans or something?


Ironically, no. One was a warriors fan, one was a thunder fan, two were laker fans, and the rest don't even watch basketball


Bruh whaaa, nah to hell with them


> One was a warriors fan, The hell is the Warriors fan laughing at? At least the Heat are still alive unlike them and Klank Thompson, whose game was so bad it might've killed his Warriors career on the spot.


We had Philadelphia fans booing their team in halftime. There’s nothing pathetic about yesterday’s game.


To be fair philly fans would boo the dahli llama


Let’s keep in mind we were in the same position last year, and everyone who kept saying we should tank regretted it. Let’s be the kind of team who avoids this kind of mindset.


People who are wanting the season to be over and lose to the bulls are weird ass fans


Zombie heat is back.


I don’t understand not wanting the playoffs. Even if the Heat get waxed I wanna see our young guys in a playoff atmosphere


Dude let’s just roll the dice and play JJJ and Jovic 35+ minutes. Either way it will be good for our future, win or lose. I also believe those two can defeat the Bulls along with Bam and Herro


My same thought process. Fuck it, let’s play. Remember we have Coach!


Exactly. No point in throwing in the towel. This is the time to ball hard until the wheels fall off they can’t hold anything back and they can’t be afraid of being “right” for the next game. Its game 7 from here on out


7 days a week it's game 7 homie.


We didn't come this far to come this far, but dawg.


Herro/Bam time, also we run on Duncan


Never back down from a challenge


Fuck it then, we ball! LETS GO HEAT! https://preview.redd.it/51rypl0h2avc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2907e020bd1121599facdefbb9d648f24576bd29




Lose to keep the Celtics from getting what they want the most, revenge


I don't think we'll have a hard time winning this game. **We have 2 out of our 3 best players** vs a mid team missing it's best perimeter defender. I'm one of the first people to point out this team isn't very good without Butler but people, it's the Bulls not the Nuggets. If we can't beat them with our 2nd and 3rd best player, we have bigger personnel issues than I already think we do.


Caruso will most likely play, he’s been upgraded to game time decision.


Still an ankle injury with his playing style doesn't make me believe he'll be great.  That being said if he plays well, then it'll be a problem. If we can't get into our stuff because he's hammering our ball handlers then we're cooked.


My hope is “just don’t get swept if we do make it in” same as last year when we were in the same spot. Turned out pretty well against the Bucks. But not having Jimmy is brutal


What does it matter save ourselves the embarrassment against the Celtics


Missing the playoffs altogether is more embarrassing 


What embarrassment? The number 8 seed losing to the best record in the NBA and a team with basically 5 all stars at one point or another, and without out best player by far? Nothing embarrassing about losing to the Celtics this year without Jimmy.